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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • jambalaya
    Free Member

    Disgraceful post @perditus. Truly disgraceful.

    Just so you understand my point of view my father in laws twin brothers were sent to Dr Mengele

    Free Member

    Will check, that may well work

    Free Member

    Plenty of Red (alert) corduroy trousers in Salisbury.

    As for Russian money I think you’ll find the majority given to the Tories comes from those opposed to Putin. If you are a Putin supporter you are living in Russia and doing very nicely.

    Corbyn got it wrong today, plenty of Labour critism of his responce pkus the obvious history of him cosying up to Russia and the “communists”

    Free Member

    Carriger: strikes me he must have been drinking given his over reaction. Did he not think he might be being filmed ? Hardly “news” that Liverpool/Man U players/fans are winding each other up is it ? He must have been on the dishing out / receiving many many times. Very odd. Anyway he should be sacked.

    West Ham. In a bizarre coincidence Lille fans invaded the pitch this weekend to berate their own team. Whilst in Greece where the owner came on with a gun !!!

    Free Member

    Never mind snowflakes France describing itself as business friendly is an offence under the Trades Description Act :) At least Macron has got the joke on deficit reduction etc and is planning €10bn in privatisations. France does plenty of global trade, they sell Saudi 4 times as much military hardware as do we.

    A reminder on the NI border from the head of UK customs, no need for anything on the border in any circumstances

    Free Member

    Let’s face it England where never going to win with a bonus point. Ireland only beat them with a drop goal at the death.

    I posted up a while ago that the first two 6N post RWC where fairly meaningless. The real stuff started this tournament in terms of the build up to NZ and sadly we’ve been found wanting and rather directionless. Jones has had a great run but the pressure is really on now.

    Hopefully we will turn up to spoil Ireland’s St Patricks Day party but I wouldn’t bet on it.

    Free Member

    OP definitely get some test drives on rougher roads. Some of the SUVs we have driven recently have been setup like “sports cars” with low profile tyres and firm suspension. We have asked for test drives on rougher roads and some have been very harsh (Q2 the worst for that on model we tested)

    Free Member

    Watching with interest. Have been car shopping and have been checking all season availability for wheels as a key purchase decision factor.

    This review was excellent I thought.Cross Climate’s will be first choice but open to alternatives especially if Michelins work out much more expensive.

    Free Member

    Diners at Zizi advised to “wash their clothes”, well that’s alright then. Everything will be hunky dory after a good wash. 40 or 60 degree programme ?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    @Kelvin well I hope you are right. Bring on WTO as of April 2019 (inc total withdrawl from Common Fisheries Policy) and zero payment to the EU too. Win win.

    Free Member

    (Edit: as @kelvin noted yesterday) Comrade Corbyn has been on message in Scotland these past few days pointing out how EU rules on state aid prevent him running the economic policy he wishes including nationalisations (hence May should not sign up to them *) and how freedom of movement allows immigrant workers to be used by “unscrupulous” bosses to undermine workers wages. Now Dugdale is comparing Corbyn to Farage :)

    * Corbyn neglects to mention that Labour’s Customs Union plan would absolutely require the UK to sign up to these rules as the EU regards them as part of the “level playing field” requirement

    80% of the vote at the snap 2017 General Election was for parties supporting Brexit & ending freedom of movement (explicitly in manifestos) and leaving customs unions (statements by ministers/shadow minsters). It was only the Lib Dems, Green’s and SNP that where suggesting otherwise. Pretty clear democratic mandate to just get the F on with it.

    Free Member

    There is a car park just behind Victoria (1 Winchester St ?) which is about £25 a day (allegedly if you lose your ticket you are charged for 1 day which is handy if you park there for a week ;) ). Its outside the C-charge zone and a shortish walk / easy bus ride into Westminster.

    Out of holiday season you can find simple (ie a bit crap) hotels for £45-50 a night in that area.

    Free Member

    The OP asked for hybrid SUVs !!! Plus he pointed out Hybrids are appealing from a BIK tax perspective.

    IMO the Japanese are far ahead here, so I would look at Toyota first and about the quirky new C-HR.  Maybe Lexus (Toyota’s premium brand). I would second the CarWow youtube reviews and also their service, mate saved 12% on a Q7

    Free Member

    As above if its road biking go to Majorca or Corsica,  better swimming too of course,

    if you want MTB the lifts in Verbier run into late (?) October, weather of course can be all over the place from beautiful sunny autumn days to heavy rain. Swimming in Lake Geneva or at sports centre (Verbier or Martigny – outdoor pool closes 10 Sep)

    Free Member

    Sadly the Indy appears to be the only paper running that Tusk story. To good to be true I suppose

    i see the UK will ask US for exemption on the steel tariffs. Has certainly put the EU’s nose out of joint saying that would threaten the integrety of the EU. Welcome to the real world eh ?

    Free Member

    Extraordinary development. Calls him “rocket man” and gets the meeting others haven’t had the balls to take. He may not be everyone’s cup of tea but he is shaking things up and getting things done.

    Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize just for being elected. The Donald is a man of action

    I wonder if we will hear anything from Hillary ?

    I saw also Elon Musk of Tesla backed Trump’s steel tariffs and as per EU pointed out that China has 25% taiffs on cars (EU 10) yet can export to US for 2.5% Trump has to fix that and even things up.

    Free Member

    @welsh I take your point but China now buys more Ferraris and BMWs than any other country. The future really does lie elsewhere. Over my career the growth in asset management has been spectacular outside developed markets like the EU. Aside from the UK businesses I have run have seen very little investment from Europe vs huge flows from Middle East and Asia.

    Free Member

    Excellent development. No deal, no money. WTO let’s get on with it.

    BTW despite EU asking David Davies said there was no point him attending the “negotiations” this week. AFAIK the transition negotiations have been completed.

    Free Member

    You used to be able to do that but they stopped it.

    AFAIK if you draw a pension eg under the pension freedoms which is possible after 55 your future pension contribution limits are REDUCED but not to zero. The numbers are something like £40k pa normally reduced to £4k pa after a pension drawdown.

    As for pensions drawn normally, ie not earlier than scheme early afaik they do not affect yoir allowances but HMRC want to see you have sufficient salary to make the new contributions and are not recycling. I have one scheme drawable at 50 and have asked the question before but rules do change.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    @zippy standards, trade dispute resolution etc

    @moly yes that does include trade with South Korea etc which is subject to EU negotiated agreements but those will be “photocopied”. Our largest trade counterpary is the US (ignoring EU as being one country). Interesting stat from Ozzy diplomat – we used to do 7% of their trade now its 2% as stuff was diverted to EU. Australia is looking forward to getting that trade back. As I said every new trade deal means less business for the EU in the future.

    Free Member

    The HMRC portal is excellent. You run through the steps / stages and it does the calc. You can do a few dry runs, change figures, add and remove stuff and then submit when you are ready. They have an app too now although thats pretty simplistic for paye calcs.

    Before paying for any third party software I would give the HMRC site a go. You need to register and when I did it they have to post you various things to allow you to login. That may have changed.

    Free Member

    Well its a bit like testing the depth calibration by gently touching the sand :)

    Nearly did the same in a new car maybe 25 years ago, relied on trip computer – doh ? Have to say being a geek I have run car to “zero” on trip computer locally then filled to brim at first petrol station and calibrated how much is left. Estimate is roughly 3l based on tank size.

    You’ve outed yourself on the brand btw, you where a bit vague before ;)

    Free Member

    @mike noted you are now in Manchester

    the Labour party fought the 2017 GE on no freedom of movement, no single market and no customs union. I imagine some the left leaning / remain papers mentioned it. The first two they put in the manifesto the last one the shadow minister confirmed it in an interview.

    Northern Rock was bust. It was taken over by the government to stop people losing their money, businesses their loans/overdrafts and staff being out of a job all pretty much overnight.

    Interesting comment from Newsnight panel discussion (available on youtube) that now leaving the single market and customs union isn’t “hard brexit” for remainers. Shows they have come to terms with reality, now “hard brexit” means WTO.

    WTO Brexit is the simplest and cleanest form, certainly needs time to prepare but we do 60% of our trade outside the EU (IMO real number is higher for RoW and lower for EU, Rotterdamn effect and trade diversion caused by EU protectionism = higher prices paid by uk consumers). As I posted before we have a £30 trade surplus in services with the EU and £60bn with the rest of the world.

    Free Member

    ^^ this.

    Thoughts with one of the emergency services who is still in hospital. Scary stuff.

    Free Member


    Still think Audi RS wins the battle of the green cars colour wise. New V70 looks great (yes I know I know … )

    Toyota announced they will end all diesel sales by end of 2018

    Its a crime I have only been to the show once :| Cars and spring skiing

    Free Member

    When I lived in the US (East Coast) I had to buy all new kit to ski in. Conditions there are very different.

    Free Member

    Private companies must be allowed to quote for any government contracts

    EU rules on state aid have developed and tightened over time, what the Tories may or may not have done in the past is very old news.

    Having state as existing shareholder very different than nationalising something

    EU just rejected a French railway reorganisation saying it was state aid

    If you can realistically nationalise things under EU rules why is Corbyn so upset by May’s announcement in her Mansion House speech and why has he been a lifelong Eurosceptic ?

    Corbyn has zero chance of nationalising water, post and railways if we are in the EU or subject to state aid rules. Remember he and McDonnell don’t even want to pay current market value but some sort of historical privitisation cost.

    Free Member

    Forget my post above, have had same rendering problem on other websites

    Free Member

    Unable to expand text to make it easier to read on iPad, screen forced to re-render to original size imcluding all the stuff down the right I don’t want to see.

    Free Member

    In a world with so much information and facts available it’s actually quite hard or blinkered to miss everything that contradicts your position.

    Says the man who has chosen to live in (and apply for permanent reisdence/citizenship ?) of a country with one of the most tightly controlled visa based immigration systems in the world. A country with a long track record of being far less liberal than most of Western Europe. Whoops.

    Free Member

    @aracer I read everything from thecanary via Huffington Post to Breitbart. Those two pieces from Brexit Central are spot on. So the onky source of remainer “trith” is what, The Guardian ? The paper that was given and declined to run fhe Oxfam abuse scandal ?

    In relation To Corbyn’s / Labour’s new Brexit stance he took a pot shot at May today in Parliament for saying she would copy over the EU’s rules on state aid. As per the Brexit Central piece there is simply no way the EU will agree any trade deal or customs union without a counterparty agreeing to those. It was a key part of the Canada Deal that EU companies are able to bid for Canadian Government contracts.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    BioDiesel has negative side effects, not quite cutting down the Borneo rainforest to grow for Palm Oil but negative none the less

    All a nightmare really, I have only ever bought 1 diesel car but its quite hard to buy some used car models and nkt go diesel as petrol varients are rare or non-existant.

    Friends have a very nice A5 with “that” VW 2tdi engine and they have had zero interest on Autotrader despite a decent price. How VW have got off the hook in UK/Europe is a disgrace

    Free Member

    As above looks like Russians tracking down a former spy who had given info to the UK !

    Free Member

    @aracer obviously I forgot this is the Remainer thread :)

    Free Member

    @kelvin the EU is offering its support as its very much in their interests. If UK doesn’t share those tariff free allowances then they are stuck with products they don’t want. We can always negotiate our own new ones. We are trying to be helpful to the EU. I believe we take 75% of the New Zealand lamb.

    Free Member

    Two excellent pieces from Brexit Central

    Realities of a customs union

    Customs union membership means surrendering all control of our international trade policy

    As I said EU are looking to try and leverage Ireland to prevent us freely signing global trade deals

    If we are members of a customs union it will likely prevent Corbyn nationalising anything. You must have a competive tender for all “nationalisations”

    Labour would be unable to nationalise the railways under new EU rules

    Free Member


    Staggered that a 7yo car may be at its end of life. Makes you realise how countries like Framce which only test every two years have it much more easily

    @ply hard to see how they could ban all diesels – my wifes 11yo micra has same emissions rating as a new 2tdi Euro 6 (using French “CritAir” stickers)

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