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  • Stolen! Frameworks Racing’s Van Full of Gear and Bikes
  • jahwomble
    Free Member

    "Now, I wonder how many of you now need to look this one up: antediluvian."

    Errrrr, not many I would imagine?

    Free Member

    That's it, that corner of the spare room. sometimes I put them the other way up. When I get really giddy, I might turn them around. If I really really have to…… I might buy a new tool.:) The disgusting carpet also masks oil related accidents.

    Free Member

    I "careen" more than "attack"

    Free Member

    Does that mean when it always lands on it's feet it will bounce through the ceiling on the rebound?

    Free Member

    Er probably Das Kapital, Catch 22, Brave New World, Fear and Loathing, The Road to Wigan pier,Dispatches by Mike Herr,On The Origin of Species.

    My folks always had piles of books everywhere and I read voraciously, still do really, even walking around town I'll take a book to read whilst I'm walking.

    I'd say that the ones I've mentioned were probably the ones, for right or wrong that helped form my opinions and biases the most anyway.

    Free Member

    Wrong forum, this one is

    "It's not how you ride it's what you ride!"

    try and keep up 😉

    Free Member

    LOL, ROFL, LMAO, ROFLMAO,!!!! etc.

    Pedant(ic/ism /ary) consistently being used improperly, and being considered a virtue as opposed to a flaw.

    Free Member

    Fracas, especially in "In the ensuing fracas"

    Free Member

    I'm a luthier, I primarily make custom guitars for people, and spend about 20% of my time doing maintenance and setups for people and I love it lots. I get to play with loads of different guitars every week and get paid quite well for it,which is nice. 🙂

    Free Member

    Yup, I used a rubber hammer and a wooden spatula I ws convinced my wife would not miss:(

    Free Member

    ah suddenly became clear, sorry was having a blond day 🙂 ta very much

    Free Member

    Sorry, yeah pressure the wrong way round;)that was my point, if the bird flying has no interaction with the truck itself,assuming the volume of air within the truck stays constant…. how can the truck weigh less?

    Free Member

    Fair do's, there are a few other organisations about though, all though it's a few years since I was involved now 🙂

    Free Member

    But surely as the birds wings flapping creates lift using the bernoulli effect,to produce an area of low pressure beneath the wing, as opposed to a down force from the wings to provide lift/bouyancy, the overall weight would remain constant,the flying pigeons are stil being supported partly by the column of air beneath them.

    That's how it looks to me anyway 🙂

    Free Member

    "hat part could be preserved and maybe handed to a museum if no future coffeekings were interested in it as I am. "

    Tbf there are plenty of aviation archeology groups that do this sort of stuff, and show recovered items in museums around the country. They also log and record sites of downed aircraft around the country, unfortunately by the time they have the resources,time manpower, funding etc, to recover the next craft on the list it has quite often already been stripped of anything useful or interesting.

    If you really want get involved, try here :)[/url]

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Free Member

    I'm really not bothered about him as a song writer or performer, but he really needs to get a driver or use taxis more often.

    Free Member

    Hmm, always been the case for me, bikes tend to be cheapish and functional, guitars get much more of my focus and money. Having said that I do guitars for a living so that seems reasonable:)

    Free Member

    Ah now, If you take my theoretical scales and weigh a flying aircraft, that has left the conveyoer belt…………

    Free Member

    "Rest it on a set of scales the scales read zero."

    yup, but if you have scales accurate enough and weigh a liter bottle of air, you will get the weight of the bottle plus the weight of the air shown on the scales.

    If you then measure exactly the same bottle with a liter of helium in it, the helium will weigh less than the air, so you'll get a different reading.

    Free Member

    I was just thinking that,positive bouyancy rather than no weight,Helium weighs 0.1785 grams per liter, so a ballon full of helium can't have no weight.

    Free Member

    Nice:) Skip biking is brilliant.

    Free Member

    Janeane Garofolo 🙂

    Free Member

    "A man's common sense is nothing more than the collection of prejudices he has acquired by age of eighteen."

    Attrib. Albert Einstein.

    Free Member

    "Don't go to Birkenhead now that is a real shat hole. And yes I can judge it as i was born and raised there. "

    I was as well, I think you were too nice about it, it's nowhere near as lovely as you describe it 🙂

    Free Member

    As The Hustler said, I've not tried them but everything else I've ever bought there has been pretty good.

    Free Member


    don't think of instant coffee as an inferior coffee drink…

    but a drink in its own right. It tastes better then. "


    Not always practical to put a pot of coffee on when you're trying to pull a 3 year old out of the dishwasher by his ankle,get a 7 year old dressed, and an 11 year old to just "Eat the toast!!!, it's all there is till I've been shopping", and you needed to leave for school exactly seven minutes ago.

    Free Member

    That's just for getting to and from the shops:)

    Free Member

    It's ok Elaine Anne,was not you I was answering to 🙂

    Free Member

    Superglue,space blanket,surgical tape,diazepam,chlorpromazine,sertraline, depakote, that's it really.

    Free Member

    Hazeldene, "how bees fly"

    Free Member

    Yes, actually my son is autistic, and my neice has cerebral palsy, which used to be known as spasticity. There is quite a clear diference in their disabilities and the way that they show them.

    Free Member

    "He sounded like a spaz"

    I think that you have autism and cerebral palsy confused.

    Free Member

    Americans can't do irony, we know that, so if they give the impression that they are being ironic, they can't be, it must be some fluke of light and language. Because of our innate cultural sophistication, only the English can do or in fact understand irony. Fact.:)

    Free Member

    "I have no sympathy for the fireman.

    But there again, my single-glazed bedroom window overlooks traffic lights on a main road, so we get sirens bursting into action (no gentle build up first) all times of night."

    I have no sympathy for you, for getting a place with single glazing next to traffic lights on a main road 🙂

    Free Member

    Terrier jump jet…….

    Free Member

    It did for me about three mins ago……..

    Free Member

    Looks vaguely familiar to me 🙂

    Free Member

    "perhaps we should post a sign on the M1 somewhere around Nottingham:
    "The North. Nowt here but cows & jet fighters"

    There used to be one at Watford Gap that said "last salad before Greenland"

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