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  • Rachel Atherton Qualifies (Despite Dislocating Shoulder At Fort Bill)
  • jahwomble
    Free Member

    some do some dont, the smaller ones usually dont.

    Free Member

    P-51, P-38, F86 sabre dog, F-4, FW 190 again,A-10 again (love them), and the spruce goose, ME 163 Komet(300 built for 9 allied kills, bloody rubbish really but i'd like to see one airborne) and a De Havilland sea venom and mossie might be nice an oh and an FW condor would do nicely.

    Free Member

    blimey is one of my favorite words, and I feel that that justified it's use quite well. I cant see now and am typing blind.

    Free Member

    "look who's talking :o)"

    fair point:)

    Free Member

    "Do the books have more plot and depth?"

    Only if you consider interminable descriptions of imaginary folk with ludicrous made up names walking about and propounding absurd dialogue to be plot and or depth. I consider it padding and suspect he may have been paid by the word. 🙂

    Free Member

    R.T.F.M. please.

    Free Member

    I thank you 🙂

    Free Member

    Not this old chestnut again….

    john wilkes booth was born in 1938, not 39

    kennedy was elected to Congress January 3, 1947 (not 1946 at all)

    shall I go on?

    Free Member

    "They might be an Atheist Quaker or an Atheist Christian "

    they might well be, but the beliefs and ethos of both gel quite well with our ethos, so we may well let them play:)

    anyway I'm off to work to proselytize my day away 🙂

    Free Member

    yup, I could be wrong here, but I think some Catholic schools still insist on the Catholic teaching certificate as well, which is fair enough in context….

    From our point of view, in an organization which actively promotes atheism and humanism, we'd have to seriously wonder why a committed Christian would want to work for us.:)

    Free Member

    "Where you works, it sounds reasonable to 'discriminate' on religious grounds. However, at a guess, most workplaces are probably not founded on atheist and humanist principles with anti-theism is in their charter. "

    you can get an exemption, but it's quite hard work, but any organization can in theory do it, but you need to prove a definite need to

    from the European equality and human rights commission…..

    "Where there is a Genuine Occupational Requirement (GOR) to employ a person of a particular race, ethnic or national origin, certain exceptions from the regulations are permitted covering selection, promotion and training, but the employer must be able to show that there is a genuine need taking account of the type of work, or the context in which the work is carried out.

    Essentially, the same principles apply to religious discrimination, but in limited circumstances, exemptions from the Regulations may apply where an employer needs to employ a person of a particular religion. There is also an exemption for 'employers with an ethos based on a religion or belief'. This allows employers to place advertisements for jobs requiring a person to be of specific religion as long as it can be justified, which is difficult. The religious requirement must be crucial to the post. Exemptions also apply for acts done in the interest of national security. "

    There's also some stuff about similiar philosophical ethos and discrimination

    but I can't find it right now…..:)

    Free Member

    "Unless you work in a mosque, isn't it illegal to disciminate on religious grounds? "

    No actually, there are plenty of places where it's not illegal.I work in a place founded on atheist and humanist principles. anti-theism is in our charter and everything.It's really no different than a Christian faith based organization having a policy of not employing satanists to talk to their clients.

    Free Member

    yup, you'll need a big boot though……….

    Free Member

    laser all the way, faster, quieter. Toner carts go on seemingly for ever.

    Free Member

    more of a ghostburster really 🙂

    Free Member

    "Do you know anyone who has done a Theology degree and do you know what's involved?"

    yes and it was a joke, he even states that himself and he's a vicar, well ex vicar anyway…gave it up to be a technical author.

    I work in an environment, where not only is christianity discouraged, but we now actively try to avoid employing avid christians on the grounds that their judgement is fundamentally flawed, and good intentions or not….they are more trouble than they are worth in the environment I work in. A few years back one was even been disciplined for trying to persuade one of our clients to attend the alpha course.

    I'm an atheist and will stay one, and don't bother telling me to go on an alpha course cos it might open my eyes, that's on a par with telling me to believe that the earth is flat or the moon is made of cheese and there's a course I could go on which will explain it all to me, just plain stupid.

    So, in answer to the original op's question. no I haven't and I wont be doing either.

    Free Member

    i've just corrected myself on that it was the wrong one i was looking at and have already corrected myself 🙂

    Free Member

    whoops my mistake, its apparently still over 200 quid forget that plan

    Free Member

    you can get the foxsat freesat box for about 120/130 quid and that has a hd and an hdmi out, but you'd still need a dish, which I think you can get fitted for about 40/50 quid, little over budget but I've got one and it's brill.

    Free Member

    Scott 4 and magic car, shiny cattle, makes me go all funny

    Patti Smith group, So you wanna be a rock and roll star does pretty much the same as well….

    Free Member

    bedwetter friendly & pretentious,effects heavy godawful tosh which is almost entirely unwatchable in my opinion, the books were mind numbingly crap as well. mind you I do seem to be in the minority, so I could be wrong,

    er……….. does that answer your question?

    Free Member

    "with the mustang first (in the wet, driving sidesways most of the way!)"

    Mine have all done that in the dry as well tbf 🙂

    Free Member

    Every time somebody says "political correctness gone mad" I hear it come out as " I am a thwarted bigot with no usable deductive faculties of my own and believe everything I read at face value, without bothering to think or reason any deeper into the issue, and am probably at least a closet conservative anyway" dunno why, just do…..:)

    Free Member

    I'll be In Marrakesh ignoring the whole farrago, feel free to rant all you like.

    Free Member

    love that alfa lots….

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I thought this was going to about someone getting tw***ed for buying a Megane.

    Free Member

    bald sloth

    Free Member

    I always use the Hotel du vin, it's very good indeed.

    Free Member

    buell xb12scg here, would love to see some numpty on a push bike keep up with it……0-60 in 3.4 seconds even with my 13 stone on board, a bog standard 800 sporty or fat blob with a rubber frame and cast iron brakes should do 60 in less than six or seven I would think and…………

    Oh I really can't be bothered anymore…… I don't believe it anyway

    Free Member

    With an acoustic, there's really very little you can do with it other than restring and have the action reset, and even then it'll probably make very little difference, sorry……almost every factor in how an acoustic plays and sounds is down to how it's built unfortunately, though re-stringing could make a very minor difference.:)

    Free Member

    If you download Open office free, that will let you write docs as a .pdf file….:)

    Free Member

    Diahatsu Fourtrak with a four inch lift kit

    Big boot,and it's cheap,fun,slow,it has g force indicator(though god only knows why) and a lean over and take off/ramp over angle indicator and goes anywhere except motorways.

    that's it really

    Free Member

    quite possibly but it was still really, really pish, even for half price it was still pish, and a lot of the pricier yams I get my hands on are still fairly pants out of the box(well I say box, it's actually a plastic bag they ship to stores in)and need a lot of setup. oh and it was a 112j, for a starter instrument, they're kind of ,but they reach the limits of their playability pretty quick and they hang and feel really cheaply, ……you can do a lot better for the money. i reckon anyway, mind you….it might just be that I was comparing it to the guitars I already own, and it just didn't match up to them 🙂

    Free Member

    Dont buy a pacifica, they are really shit…god only knows how they get decent reviews, but the one I had brand new for thirty quid, and I still felt cheated, the hardware is poor and badly fitted and aligned, the neck is at best mediocre, the finish on the body was pitted and uneven, the tuners were ok, the electronics were very cheap and poorly soldered and the whole thing needed me to rewire it within a few weeks and that was about it. really don't get one,it was really uninspiring to play so I got rid of mine after about three months…….. Fender tele Squires are lovely if you get a well set up one or have it set up properly (I charge thirty to forty quid for a setup (action, pickup height and pole piece adjustment, intonation, dressing the frets) etc which is about the going rate), but that can be rare. Epiphones are kind of ok but massively over priced considering the quality of the hardware, finish, materials….

    Take somebody with you who can play, then buy whatever the hell you like the look and feel of regardless of the name and get it set up properly. that's just my opinion anyway…….

    Free Member

    mullet headed dullard with to much 'verb, technically competent but incredibly dull. imo

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You asked for something they could not provide, the assistant told you could not have it and then proceeded to tell you what your options were, I can see no problem there, barely even worth posting at all.

    I spent many years in retail, and frankly the intelligence,arrogance and general lack of courtesy of a very high proportion of customers, leaves a great deal of room for improvement. It's the main reason that I got out, as it convinced me, that by and large, the general public are poorly informed idiots at best, congenital morons at worst.

    Mind you that's just my opinion, but I'm right:)

    Free Member

    get one, I've had three and if you get a good one, they are cracking cars foe the money, regardless of the badging, the only problem is that you will have a constant stream of image conscious cockweasels whining " it's not a proper Porsche blah blah blah" well **** 'em. they are probably driving some diesel engined company shopping trolley and listening to coldplay. And consequently, their opinion doesnt count. Tha's my opinion anyway,which probably doesnt count either. so there.

    Free Member

    should have read and re-edited that first before pressing the post doodad

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