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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • jahwomble
    Free Member

    ” Hagstrom Viking

    What are these like for ska type stuff? Nice clean sound? “

    Yup, the humbuckers are fairly underwound compared to something like a PAF, so you get all the noise cancelling properties, but because they’re fairly underwound, you get a really clear ringing tone out of them, without all that loss of detail and clarity that humbuckers normally have. Very Rickenbacker 300 series with toaster pickups sort of sound. Sounds quite a lot like my telecaster thinline as well.

    Free Member

    “I think you will need to go to a 180 disc – the is caliper to post mount fork adds 20 mm – I think”

    That deffo works, it’s what I’ve done but I was fitting a 180 disk anyway. There may be another way of doing it with a 160, I dont know to be honest, but with a 180 disk I’ve had no problems at all, it all just bolted together and lined up without any fuss.

    Free Member

    Hagstrom Viking, better built,sounding and equipped than an epi.

    I’ve just finished setting one up for a customer and for a finger stylee, it’s lovely. I’d say through or set neck is better, it is to a degree a matter of taste but it wil definitely give more sustain in an otherwise identical guitar.

    I’d consider anything from Hagstrom,Vintage,Hamer,Jay Turser,Tokai,Chase and Fender vinatge vibe stuff is pretty good.

    Epiphone and Fender Squire stuff is ok, but you are paying a premium for the branding.

    Yamaha solids keep getting reasonable reviews, but mostly from magazines they place a lot of advertising with. Cheap componentry, hardware and electronics even on the high end models though.The necks are usually ok though.

    Free Member

    Shiny Cattle by Scott 4 and magic car.

    Everybody wants to go to Japan by Cocorosie.

    Flower by Liz Phair.

    Son of Mustang Ford by Swervedriver.

    Free Member

    Are you there yet?

    Free Member

    You are a bison extra?

    Free Member

    “Would you buy a garage for the Batmobile as well? “

    ‘kin great cave surely ?

    They had one of those George Barris designed batmobiles on display at Fort perch Rock in New Brighton years ago but they used to get quite pis*y if you climbed over the wire and sat in it.

    Free Member

    I didn’t say emergency I said “duty” they will simply arrange for you to see who they feel is most appropriate to talk to once they’ve talked to you, that may be y’ GP, it may be one of the community mental health team. It’s simply an initial point of contact., it may simply be a visit to or from the community psyche nurse.

    After years of experience of the mental health system as a patient, most GPs, with the best will in the world aren’t great with mental health and will just bang you on Citolopram and hope for the best.

    Oh yeah and soryy, maybe freak is a bit strong, but you’ve got to admit it’s not normal by any stretch of the imagination, and I’m bipolar and can get pretty ‘kin strange sometimes 🙂

    Free Member

    Call a+e and ask to speak to the duty psychiatrist, there’s no stigma, I do it fairly regularly, but this behaviour is just plain wrong. You may well still like each other, but really it’s just plain wrong pretending to be somebody else to get to talk to her. Really, restraining orders are the last thing you need now which is whats gonna happen if you carry on this path. 🙁

    Free Member

    you are a freak and the sort of person who slips through the care in the community net and becomes a fully fledged sociopath whilst not really paying attention. Either get a grip and walk away or be prepared for the restraining orders and being sectioned if you are really lucky.

    Free Member

    They’re not really sore until you have blood on the fretboard.Even then, that just helps damp string noise down. There are no real shortcuts.

    Free Member

    You may be a non Labour liberal / conservative voter but if you are a Union member tax payer,you are supporting labour the con/dem pact with your subs taxes whether you like it or not.

    There you go. sorted 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah, fair do’s 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s not a war it’s a “policing” action.:)

    Free Member

    If you don’t buy it, then you won’t have to do anything with it surely?

    Free Member

    Interceptors are lovely, I had an ff, thirsty as a ba*tard though, every garage you went past you had to go in and fill up in case you didn’t see another for 500 yards.Even with 4wd it still handled like a barge towing an oil tanker, bloody lovely though if you can get a sorted one.

    Free Member

    Personally I can’t be ar*ed with remembering to feed a dog or the paranoia, so I always have insurance which covers us new for old. The one time I was burgled, they stole a load of old crap and we got a load of new good stuff, did us a favour really.:)

    Free Member

    One of my “fun” cars,’69 GT390,like what Steve McQueen drove in “Bullitt” but red not might struggle to get one for 10k now though, it is fun though……….

    Free Member

    There was an election, some people voted against him and some voted for him, once all the votes had been counted, apparently he had the most votes.

    It’s somewhat like having, well….. an election in many ways.

    Free Member

    Sorry, I had no choice in it 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d go for Don McCullin as well, but I’m biased cos he’s my Godfather and we’ve just spent all weekend on his boat drinking his beer.

    Free Member

    “Lego’s great until you tread on it with bare feet at 2 in the morning in your kid’s bedroom! “

    Right on the back of your heel as you shift your weight onto it. Marbles are pretty damn lethal in that respect also.

    You can still buy the big boxes of random lego, but usually only from the website and from the various lego theme places, the one at Trafford park has tons of plain non-themed lego to buy, from boxes right down to individual bricks.

    Free Member

    “Shouldn’t laugh at him,”

    Yes, yes you should………..He’s a shi*ehawk.

    Free Member

    You can certainly record to dvd watch through the scart out on them on another tv. I have a freeview pvr connected to my humax,which in turn connects to a dvd recorder and then on to the tv.

    So, I dont see why you can’t.Might need a bloody long scart though if networking won’t work. I know on mine, the network connection will pick up my broadband for Iplayer but I don’t know if you can network it to another hummy box.

    Free Member

    No, they were f**king awful,watered down lowest common denominator jazz funk pop shite of the worst possible quality.

    And in person Mick Hucknall is a complete cockweasel.

    Free Member

    Ours went missing for about two weeks, once we’d accepted that she was probably dead, she sauntered in looking perfectly well, demanded to be fed,had a wash then went to sleep on the bed and never did it again in the next eight years.

    Free Member

    I read the title as “Dogs on cycle racks”

    Free Member

    “I don’t know, may be a few speeders hanging, from lamp posts might finally get the message across, that speeding is anti social.”

    I’m actually with you there, I was just hoping somone else would say it first 🙂

    Free Member

    “u forfeit your human rights the moment you intentionally take a life.”

    How about taking a life through incompetence or negligence? How does that work then if you are the executioner? At what point do you differentiate between a state sanctioned murder being right/legal and a vigilante killer murdering somebody for exactly the same crime being right/legal?

    How about if you drink drive or speed? that has the potential to take a life through negligence, should speeders forfeit their human rights? or if you cause a death through negligence does that not count? How about executing or gaoling drink drivers/speeders and anybody who endangers the life of another as attempted murder?

    Free Member

    I grew up in a house overlooking the prom at Seacombe/Egremont, Dogs and the prom were always a nightmare. You could be all day day watching a procession of s**t for brains dogs and their owners doing all kinds of strange stuff. Dogs getting washed into the sea during bad weather was quite common

    Free Member

    I bought mine from from here……..[/url]

    Free Member

    It’s a “word” not unlike many others. I like listening to radio 4 because quite often they use “words”. Which I think is better than not using “words” since radio programming would be quite poor then.

    Free Member

    I think for 2012 what we should do is for example, for the 100 mtrs, everybody run it viewed via webcam and at the same time in their own country, there could then be no moaning about the conditions being unfamiliar. Anybody who wants to see their country run could then just watch the one they are interested in on youtube, rather than have to watch some drunken mitmot from saskatchewan fall over in slow motion three times and miss the finish.

    Rather than building a huge **** off complex of stadii, you could just launch a pile of officials to each participating country via Easyjet and save a s**tload of cash.

    it’s just an idea

    Free Member

    Yes, but I don’t ride the same bikes in snow/sleet/slush torrential rain that I would on a better day.

    I have an old winter hack/ratbike covered in water repellant and grease, and three others for playing on, but yeah commuting all year round is fine.:)

    Free Member

    I wasn’t going anyway so I doubt anybody will notice I’m not there. In fact I didn’t even realise they were on till a bridge or roof or something collapsing made the news, if not for that, I may have missed them completely.

    Free Member

    Really, before people post “comedic” videos of any kind, please for the sake of the children stop and have a long hard think about what you are doing and if anybody cares, please?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    “But you ain’t a newb jahwomble are you? I bet you didn’t have a bike like that to learn on”

    Well no…… I passed my test about a week after my seventeenth and that was thirty years ago now, and I ride every day all year round, I’m still a f**king idiot sometimes though, and did point out in my earlier post that I still make mistakes sometimes as well, and afterwards I can’t always tell whether it was experience or luck or a combination of the two that got ne through.

    I was trying to agree with you but I had a mouthful of crisps and I’d had a few cans and I was distracted by something shiny on the other side of the room and it came out all glib & wrong, as it so often does in my case 🙂

    Free Member

    “|But I’m with TJ. Hving a big bike ‘just becasue’ isn’t the way to go IMO.”

    I’ve got a balanced, blue printed, gasflowed and nitrous’d Vmax “just because” mind you, I’m a fuc*ing Idiot and don’t expect to live much longer.I ride more than 16,000 pa and have done for 20/30 years now & I still do stupid things that I dont reaise I’ve done till afterwards sometimes.

    Free Member

    “wouldn’t dissolve into pedantic childish bickering. Its getting like a primary school playground round here nowadays.”

    I assume that someone has already said or will soon, “it’s always like this at this time of year…blah,blah..blah….”

    I’m pretty sure it’s worse this year, much more than over the previous five or six years and so much so I don’t even really bother coming on here very much anymore. Well apart from to laugh at Sfb’s delusions of intellectual adequacy, and Stoner’s rabid right rants.

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