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  • jahwomble
    Free Member

    I'd rather be English and un-patriotic than be South African and patriotic, put it that way.

    Free Member

    "a bit like the ones in Star Trek that wear the red shirts so that you know that there going to meet a sticky end"

    it's on the radio you know:)

    Free Member

    Bhristol fighter s

    Free Member

    M&S..trouble free claim when we did have a problem as well, new bikes within about three or four says.

    Free Member

    Formation extreme yoghurt weaving

    Free Member

    On my medication, they are cagey about even letting me ride a bike,mind you with the performance limitations of a hybrid i could just about crawl around frightening rabbits and sliding decorously off dustbins.

    No, no i've had time to think about.

    Free Member

    would mormally be the gauge of the strings, but if i remember rightly, those are phosphor bronze and I think you need nylon, not metal.)

    Free Member

    fair do's:) dont have much to do with nylon strings sorry…….

    Free Member

    Right they will alomost certainly need to be nylon again then or it will pull itself apart with the tension from steel strings.

    I would say your best bet is take it to a local guitar shop, ask them what they've got and to string it for you and show you how to do it yourself next time, but there are quite a few people on here who play nylon strings who can probably recommend some but they can be tricky to fit the first time depending on the guitar. hope that helps.

    Free Member

    I've got one of those azors and it's rubbish for me personally, but I have a quite "craggy" face, shall we say.

    Free Member

    Has it got steel or nylon strings on it already?

    Free Member

    Till I scrolled down, I wondered why that eb3 was bloted toa chimney stack, whoops

    Free Member

    some old 'capgun cowboys' bootleg

    Free Member

    Hmmm, that tele hot rod is gorgeous 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh and these as well….

    '69 thinline

    2008 Hamer standard and japanese Les Paul copy that I've had since about 1973

    Free Member

    What I currently have lounging about the front room, got a few more in the workshop but dont have pics, the two gibsons I've had for about ten years, the blonde tele is a US custom shop build and the thinline sunburst tele, I built for a customer and they never paid for it, I liked it and kept it rather than sell it on.

    Free Member

    Personally I would, if you don't and you need to claim they won't pay out if they find out and technically you may be uninsured I suspect, and the bastards will worm out of paying anyway they can.. might just be me that thinks that though.

    Free Member

    And I repeat for those of you who simply don't,won't or can't understand the process:-

    "Whether you like it or not…it does, so there"

    Free Member

    When light enters materials, its energy is absorbed. In the case of transparent materials, this energy is quickly re-radiated. However, this absorption and re-radiation introduces a delay. As light propagates through dielectric (for example)material it undergoes continuous absorption and re-radiation. Therefore when the speed of light in a medium is said to be less than c, this should be read as the speed of energy propagation at the macroscopic level. At an atomic level, electromagnetic waves (light) always travel at c in the empty space between atoms.

    Whether you like it or not…it does, so there. 🙂

    Free Member

    I never said that the speed of light didn't vary, I said that the speed of the protons won't.

    Free Member

    I suggest you read up on the particle/wave duality of light and photons. I've already posted the stuff below once already today and really can't be arsed going through it all again.

    A photon – as you know – is an electromagnetic (EM) wave.Its energy is described by e = h. n in a quantum of energy. All EM waves travel in the vacuum with the speed of light. A photon is a form of energy and
    results from transformations of another forms of energy.

    When the photon appears it behaves like all EM waves.It does´t need to be accelerated. All bodies emit EM waves,even a peace of ice. The question concerns more on the frequency. If you see the light – visible light – it covers a range of wave length between 400 and 700 nanometers.
    frequency. If you see the light – visible light – it covers a range of wave length between 400 and 700 nanometers.

    Waves do not need to be accelerated or decellerated. Particles
    do, but we are talking about wave-photons, aren´t we ??And – besides of that – photons are generally regarded as particles with zero mass and no electric charge…

    Free Member

    The pirate keyboard makes me smile every I see it, sad but true 🙂

    Free Member

    "I am sure the speed of light does vary depending on the medium. The slowing down of light mentioned there is just that – slowing down. The light is not being absorbed and re-emitted. It's how refraction works afaik."

    Yes it does vary in a sense but the speed of the the protons contained within the light doesn't.Refraction simply changes the a to b route of the protons so that they seem to take longer to get there.This is exactly how refraction works, the refractive index of the material is a measure of how much it diverts the protons effectively,But protons will always move at the speed of light regardless of the medium

    So yes, light can seem to travel slower, but it actually is just being diverted and thus takes longer to reach it's destination.

    Free Member

    Ta 🙂

    Free Member

    Forbidden planet?

    Free Member

    S'ok 🙂 I love this stuff…….

    Free Member

    That's slowing the passage of light from a to b, not photons.When light enters a material, photons are absorbed by the atoms in that material, increasing the energy of the atom. The atom will then lose energy after some tiny fraction of time, emitting a photon in the process. This photon, which is identical to the first, travels at the speed of light until it is absorbed by another atom and the process repeats. The delay between the time that the atom absorbs the photon and the excited atom releases as photon causes it to appear that light is slowing down. in simple terms, the photons "bump" into the atoms and "bounce" off again so the light appears to travel slower, but the actual photons are not traveling any slower. They are just taking a more circuitous route from a to b

    Free Member

    The varying speed of light cosmology, mostly proposed by Jean Pierre Petit, has no substantial evidence for it as is regarded as merely a concept though.However….It would require a rewrite of much of modern physics, to replace the current system which dependent on the constant c. which has been functioning quite well for quite some time now 🙂

    A photon – as you know – is an electromagnetic (EM) wave.Its energy is described by e = h. n in a quantum of energy. All EM waves travel in the vacuum with the speed of light. A photon is a form of energy and
    results from transformations of another forms of energy.

    When the photon appears it behaves like all EM waves.It does´t need to be accelerated. All bodies emit EM waves,even a peace of ice. The question concerns more on the frequency. If you see the light – visible light – it covers a range of wave length between 400 and 700 nanometers.
    frequency. If you see the light – visible light – it covers a range of wave length between 400 and 700 nanometers.

    Waves do not need to be accelerated or decellerated. Particles
    do, but we are talking about wave-photons, aren´t we ??And – besides of that – photons are generally regarded as particles with zero mass and no electric charge…

    As physics stands currently, photons do not accelerate or decelerate no matter what wiki says.:) although they possibly and that's a really very big possibly in the future.

    Free Member

    Photons don't speed up or slow down, that's kind of what they do, tear arse around at the speed of light.

    Free Member

    You don't explode in a vacuum if your suit springs a leak/falls off etc.

    Nasa say "exposure to vacuum causes no immediate injury. You do not explode. Your blood does not boil. You do not freeze. You do not instantly lose consciousness.

    Various minor problems (sunburn, possibly "the bends", certainly some [mild, reversible, painless] swelling of skin and underlying tissue) start after ten seconds or so. At some point you lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. Injuries accumulate. After perhaps one or two minutes, you're dying. The limits are not really known.

    "You do not explode and your blood does not boil because of the containing effect of your skin and circulatory system. You do not instantly freeze because, although the space environment is typically very cold, heat does not transfer away from a body quickly. Loss of consciousness occurs only after the body has depleted the supply of oxygen in the blood. If your skin is exposed to direct sunlight without any protection from its intense ultraviolet radiation, you can get a very bad sunburn."

    A nasa guy had an accidental exposure in the mid 60's and passed out at about fifteen seconds and says the worst thing was feeling the water on his tongue beginning to boil.

    Free Member

    Steve Earle today.

    Free Member

    Dunno, that's the only mp I know of being caught with a Rasta….can't be that common can it?

    Seems unlikely R Cook would stick his head up over the parapet for that though……

    Free Member

    "I don't recall the story of the Tory MP and the Rasta on Hampstead Heath."

    Thats because it wasnt a Tory, Labour MP Ron Davies claimed he was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common,some claim whilst he was cruising for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in some


    action in a field off a motorway. "I was only looking for badgers" he said.

    Allegedly 🙂

    I suspect this may be what barelyincontrol was thinking of.

    Free Member

    Definitely not till you open the box and even then it might not be.

    Free Member

    "I cannot put into words barnsley mitch what I think of you promoting that pharmaceutical filth on this website,"

    OI! chlopromazine is ace, I live on it

    Free Member

    Ooooh and don't forget the pagodas at Orford Ness, they are very dramatic if you can book and get near enough


    Free Member

    Eddie Spaghetti "sleepy vampire"

    Free Member

    Simple Minds? Bloody hell, you really do need to get go now, run like the wind……

    Free Member

    I've been using Wilkinson Sword blades for thirty years and am perfectly happy with them, can get them everywhere as well.

    Free Member

    The Williamson tunnels under most of Edgehill (which is also the oldest operational railway station in the world ) and liverpool city centre, not particularly interesting technically, but interesting none the less for sheer bloody quirkiness.

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