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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • jackthedog
    Free Member

    What is it that stops us from just telling unreasonable relatives how they’re behaving?

    If somebody is that bad, surely it’s worth us just falling out with them? Yet we put up with shit like that all our lives. I’ve never really understood what it is that makes us tolerate the intolerable.

    Free Member

    That asks more questions than it answers.

    Free Member

    24″ its the future

    They make a lot of sense for playing around at the smoother trail centres, something a great many do these days. If I had one on the doorstep (and not the rock, root and mud fest that is Wharncliffe or the Peak district) I’d definitely build a 24er back up again.

    Free Member

    Though both are valid points of view, listen to

    died within 2 years. Sorry to be morbid, but it is very dangerous stuff and you can not know for years whether you’ve got problems from exposure.

    rather than

    I chopped and sanded some of those when I was about 15 for a DIY project and I’m still alive at 57. I expect Alzheimer’s will get me before my lungs give out.

    I have an asbestos support organisation on my client list – they spend all day every day dealing with the consequences of asbestos related diseases. It’s grim work, and it is believed that the full extent of the problem is yet to surface.

    Free Member

    I’m (hopefully) going to be building up a Retrovelo Otto in the new year, and v much looking forward to it!

    Ah, a man of fine taste. VERY jealous! Been lusting after those for a while.

    I’ve run a 24er jump /play bike in the past. Great fun. Due to make a comeback any time soon, no doubt.

    Free Member

    I came into the thread to say

    A Land Rover…

    But the I saw the £40 budget. Sorry, you’d need at least twice that. Maybe even three times.

    Free Member

    I think three is acceptable, four is too many.

    I usually have about eight.

    Free Member

    I guess the steerer (and probably crown) will just be an off the shelf component, so cut to the same massive length steerers always are. Just looks even more massive than usual because of the miniature forks.

    Free Member

    Curry here too.

    Free Member

    its bloody tedious though when you actualy do it though.

    I think a lot of ‘dream jobs’ are like that. While I was a video game developer, a lot of folk asked if I could get them a job as a tester. I never felt my replies did justice to just how bloody hard, repetitive and thankless a job that actually is.

    Free Member

    That’s a very impotent petition.

    There are already some quarters that think that the manufacturing licence for the Defender will be sold on to a specialist concern that is small enough to work around the legislation and profit issues killing the Defender. With their existing ties to Land Rover, Bowler is the main suspect.

    I can’t see it myself, but then again I didn’t think the Rover V8 line would be sold lock, stock and barrel, and I also doubt those at JLR really want to see the Defender die. Land Rover has hung onto an (apparently) unprofitable, increasingly irrelevant model for as long as it has because they know for all its many, many faults, it has always been the foundation upon which their entire brand image is hinged.

    For a company as entirely reliant on marketing and image as Land Rover, they’re about to lose their key USP. So while the accountants might be happy they’re finally seeing the back of the old dinosaur, I bet there’s been less celebration among the marketing team. Their jobs just got a lot harder.

    Free Member

    Are you in the UK though?

    Yes, in the UK.

    is there a european mechanic working in your LBS?

    They’ve always sounded pretty local to me.

    Free Member

    I quite like that we do it the way we do simply because it puts the front brake in the same place as on motorbikes. Nice bit of consistency to those who ride both.

    LBS always, without fail, sets brakes up ‘Euro’ style. Even if you take a bike in for servicing that’s set up UK style, when it comes back out it’ll be cabled the other way round. No idea why they’re so insistent.

    Free Member

    Never heard a good word said about the Reynolds Boughton. I wonder if the MOD regretted selecting it over Land Rover’s proposed alternative, the Llama.

    Free Member

    I’m in the “seems like a shame but I never actually used it” camp.

    Free Member

    Test it with another chain?

    Free Member

    Picture above is great, but the sight of the collar goes through me.

    Mate nearly learnt the hard way, came very close to carrying a dead sprocker back home after his almost strangled itself to death getting the collar caught up on a branch then twisting and thrashing trying to escape.

    She was wrapped so tight the plastic buckle wouldn’t click open, and by the time he’d managed to lift her up, swing her round to loosen the collar and untangle her she’d passed out.

    Happy ending that time because as soon as her brain got a bit of oxygen again she immediately sprung back into action and carried on charging around as if nothing happened. Because spaniel. But it was only luck that he got to her in time. Slip leads only now.

    Free Member

    Best explanation I heard of this:

    Holding the record for keepy-uppys doesn’t make you the best footballer.

    Free Member

    The local bike recycle charity.

    Free Member

    Bust my ankle quite badly over a decade ago at age 20. It hurts today.

    I have a fusion forecast sometime in the future. First, second and third opinions all said the same – it’ll happen when the pain keeps me awake at night. However long that will be nobody can say.

    Knowing the road we’re going down with NHS privatisation it’s unlikely I’ll be able to afford the surgery when the time comes, or afford any insurance premium that covers it as a pre-existing condition.

    So now I face a dilemma.

    Do I try and get the fusion done now on the NHS before I’m ready, and deal with the knock on effects of a fused joint, or do I wait until the right time then beg, borrow and steal to pay for the surgery?

    Free Member

    And not available in the UK.

    Though with the Defender on its way out, maybe that could change.

    Free Member

    I read that the NSA have made aluminium foil manufacturers change the way they make the stuff so that they can still access your data and mind even with extensive foil based shielding in place.

    I buy my tin foil from Russia Today though, so it’s okay.

    Free Member

    meh , just comp safari for those with too much money.

    Indeed. This sort of thing has been done for years, on much smaller and much larger budgets than that.

    Free Member

    You can do a loop like that in Wharncliffe, but nothing is consistently signposted, nor is anything maintained in any official capacity. If you’re expecting a trail centre you might find it a bit of a boggy disappointment.

    Free Member

    If they were going anywhere quickly, they wouldn’t be driving…

    Maybe the cuts have hit them too.

    Free Member

    [tannoy]Ben Cooper to the forum.[/tannoy]

    Free Member

    If I get the tube home, I don’t really feel like I’m home, on my own time, until I’m walking up the stairs to the flat, jangling my keys in my pocket. But on the bike, it’s as soon as I’m turning the pedals

    Ha, never thought of it like that but you’re bang on.

    Free Member

    I take it you’re all public sector workers?

    Free Member

    The chainstay paint.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A friend and I both “saw a ghost” when we were younger.

    Long and protracted explanation as to what it was and how it came about, but basically I saw something completely inexplicable, didn’t believe my eyes and felt it was too foolish to mention. A few days later my mate mentioned she’d seen something weird happen that night but felt too foolish to mention it at the time. I was able to complete her sentence – we’d seen the same thing.

    As we’re both relatively level headed human beings we’ve both shrugged it off as a thing that once happened that we have no explanation for. Boringly, for me “inexplicable” and “ghost” are not mutually inclusive. But the experience did make me sympathetic to people who claim to have seen a ghost.

    Free Member

    allthegear – Member
    Best way to understand, though, is to listen to comedy. Bethany Black did a really amazing set about her life and I learned more from that than I’ve ever learned from anyone, including all the medics…

    First three minutes of this recording are just crowd noise – you can skip that.

    I saw Bethany a while ago, though not doing this this material. Just listened, well worth it. Thanks for the link.

    Also as this is STW it’s worth noting that Picolax gets a mention around the 36 minute mark.

    Free Member

    I’m writing all these down now, cheers chaps.

    Free Member

    When I was younger I once asked an older acquaintance for advice on how one deals with the above-mentioned aftermath. His response?

    You just need a rag or something. Me and the wife have one. We call it the w***y hanky.

    Oh, and in… before the lock.

    Free Member

    Is that chainstay length a fucntion of the gearbox, or just someones preferance?

    As a 26er with no front mech cluttering up the picture, it looks spot on to me.

    I want a go.

    Free Member

    Hard to tell what your mechanic is saying without seeing a picture, but if the rotor skims the frame then I’m unsure how an adaptor is going to solve the problem?

    Free Member

    I emailed Hope to order a replacement bolt for one I managed to ham-fistedly overtighten during a frustrated and ill-advised trailside repair in the dark and pissing rain.

    They sent one free of charge and it arrived the next day.

    Great company.

    Free Member

    Town centre to Hope Valley is about under an hour’s ride, mostly off road.

    Free Member

    can’t work out why the rotting of the seals would push the pistons on to the rotors.

    I had this with my old Avids. Spoke to mechanic at LBS about it. Reason he gave?


    Helpful, thanks.

    Free Member

    I know of a 3D scan and print company in Sheffield, but it’s not really a service provided to the engineering industry; more computer game stuff.

    I’ve never had anything to do with that kind of work, but I suspect from the little I know that by the time you’d cleaned up the mesh it spits out sufficient to machine from, you might as well have built it from scratch.

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