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  • Havok Bike Park 2.0 – Very Open For Business
  • jackthedog
    Free Member

    Available from 26th June apparently

    I thought they were here already. One was being ridden on the sheff FNR a fortnight ago.

    Free Member

    Uke Hunt.

    The site for you. Seriously…

    Home Page

    Free Member

    While on the subject of bizarre crashes, I once managed to get a bit of protruding but tough tree root wedged right in the leading edge of the cage on an old style DMR V12. I saw I was about to clip the root, knew something bad was going to happen, so got ready for an interface with the floor. What actually happened is the bike came to a complete standstill, upright, with me still on it, stood on the pedals in riding pose as if someone had just hit the pause button on the video of my life.

    Have you ever kicked a football at a fence and instead of bouncing back it gets wedged in between the bars and just stops dead? It was like that. Freaky, and very funny. My mate following me hit the floor shrieking with laughter.

    The next ride I broke a crank arm on the same section of trail.

    Free Member

    I had a small twig get flicked up into the front disc rotor. It stopped my front wheel dead and I went over the bars. But on here that probably counts as my fault, for being stupid enough to ride over a small twig.

    Free Member

    What brakes did it originally have? U brake BMX type thing?

    Free Member

    There's one of those working quite hard in Wharncliffe at the moment. Capable of making technical, dense singletrack a post apocolyptic wilderness in not very much time at all. Very impressive bits of kit, and judging by some of the tyre tracks, pretty indifferent to the terrain! I want a go.

    Free Member

    It'll be a van carrying an item of furniture, typical usage of a van and just the sort of thing insurance companies expect, don't worry about it.

    Free Member

    I love dry dusty trails, but some times in summer, I miss the cold, wet and general misery. Don't know why.

    Free Member

    I'm afraid to ask, but is there a bigger picture and more info about that Trek? I suppose it's like reading those "worst ever disaster/murders" books – it's grim but fascinating.

    I recall one of the team riders having his painted blue on one side, white on the other which caused a lot of confusion for the course marshals. As if it wasn't bad enough.

    I haven't looked at this thread all day and now I'm back I realise I'd forgotten just how truly, sick makingly aesthetically catastrophic that thing really is. Sweet bloody jesus.

    Free Member

    The appeal of Ti for me has always been the hard finish and resistance to corrosion. My steel commute bike is two years old and year-round use has seen the inside of the frame turn orange. Never ridden a Ti frame further than a quick spin round the bike shop car park, so can't comment on the riding characteristics or supposed feel, but the extra cost is hard to justify to myself.

    Having said that, if my main bike was a hardtail, I'd certainly consider looking into Ti. As it is I'm a fan of full suspension so it's kind of irrelevant.

    Free Member

    Clubber – I think that Marin was really nice. When built I'm sure the dated geometry makes it look a bit spoddy but I like it.

    Woody is winning so far, and by quite some margin IMO. That thing is so ugly it actually made me guffaw.

    EDIT: Ah, good, I'm not suffering alone then:

    I think Woodys Trek is so ugly people are afraid to discuss it and are going off topic a bit.

    Seriously people, that is the most appalling bike I have ever seen. We now need some sort of support group to help people who have seen the picture.

    Free Member

    my collection up until a month ago.

    Leave it out mate, I'm struggling not to go out and blow my life savings as it is. Had to resist scouring Orange Crush for the good of my bank account and now I get it here too…

    Free Member

    Deleted. Can't be arsed anymore.

    Free Member

    There's a chance I'd only have one foot now if I hadn't been airlifted from the woods. So of course I think they're vital.

    But as stated above, many of these organisations wish to remain autonomous of the government bureaucracy that comes with government funding. And seeing how the government seems to make an utter hash of every single thing it gets involved in, I'm inclined to agree.

    Free Member

    North. Norway, Finland. I'm drawn that way for some reason.

    Free Member

    As a rule I find most [whisperssoasnottoupsettheselfappointedforumvocabularypolice]
    [/whispersoasnottoupsettheselfappointedforumvocabularypolice] bikes to be much of a muchness, but that looks sweet.

    Free Member

    they can also use jaggers clough etc to get up onto win hill

    Oh, okay. All's well then.

    Free Member

    That looks lovely.

    Free Member

    That road is the only route for Mountain Rescue to get the Land Rover up onto Win Hill. Nice work.

    Free Member

    No real input but visiting the bike show at the Arena today reminded me how much I want a KTM 990 Adventure. Good god I love them things.

    Free Member

    Agreed. We need to enjoy them while we can!

    Free Member

    Compared to a push bike which manages 2.

    Also, each power stroke is accompanied by a bouncing human that comprises about 75-80% of the combined mass of the vehicle, who might have his weight right back or all the way forward, and can be in any gear combination, which changes the angle of power transmission. I've always assumed getting mountain bike suspension right is really quite a tricky job, considering the frequently shifting location of the weight, the varied terrains and speeds, lumpy power delivery, light weight, compact size and rider-detectable feedback.

    Often I get the impression that when the comparative simplicity of motorbike suspension is noted on STW, a lot of motorbike fans (of which I'm one) feel the need to jump to the defence of the hardcore nature of engined machines. I don't think it's a slur on the good name of motorcycle design to suggest that a mountain bike suspension design might have a harder job to do?

    Comparing them directly is a bit daft – 0.2bhp vs 160bhp, 15mph vs 150bhp – it doesn't really matter. I suspect there are a few more considerations dictating the design of bicycle suspension than motorcycle suspension. And a whole lot of marketing nonsense clouding the issue.

    Free Member

    I shall now retire for a cup of coffee and read the various put downs from those who know best.

    Lol. I've done defending the green oval on the net. It's always the same response – either:

    Yeah, but they're not even any good off road. Fact. I know this because I my brother in law saw one stuck once. You want a [insert japanese alternative here] instead.


    The [insert poor defenseless animal/age group here]! Won't someone think of the [insert poor defenseless animal/age group here]!

    Free Member

    so, he'd made a 4-bar, which worked like a single-pivot. it's very clever, but i'm not why he did it..

    Vertical axle path, I assumed.

    Nice example of how to do single speed on suspension with belt drive – wonder if that will trickle down to bikes

    That Lawwill rear end has been finding its way onto bikes since the Fisher RS1 in the early 90s right up to this years Rotec RL9. Not singlespeedable though.

    I'd sell a kidney to get my hands on a Lawwill Street Tracker. In fact I wouldn't turn my nose up at an RL9…

    Free Member

    A serious fault for getting stuck behind granny? Is it 'undue hesitation' or something? I know it's not great, but I didn't think it'd be a test failure. Harsh.

    Free Member

    cheesy beans on toast with a bit of branston pickle, loads of black pepper and a touch of rosemary laid on crusty white buttered bread will have to do for today then

    Beats the eggy bread I've just had for lunch.

    Free Member

    It's hard to say. Every injury is different, the only truly reliable information you will get on recovery times will be given to you by the ortho surgeon and the physio.

    DO NOT push yourself hard and try to rush your way back into things. You'll do far more damage in the long run, so just be a patient patient.

    EDIT: See what I mean? Some folk on this thread got straight back into things, whereas I'm still struggling with mine and having remedial surgery and physio 8 years on. No two injuries and no two bodies are the same. Listen to the guys that have poked around inside your leg, studied X rays or know the injury.

    Free Member

    rootes1 – Member

    re the 8Freight.

    wish i had one… had a ride on one and they ride really well

    Really? That head angle looks ridiculous. I'm sure Burrows knows what he's doing but blimey, it's almost a right angle.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Fully enjoyed that.

    Free Member

    deleted, ignore.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Noisier (rattly) and draftier I would have though. If there's a bulkhead between cab and rear it might not be so much an issue?

    Free Member

    I thought it was Bombers that were used for owning folk. Times change.

    Free Member

    And jtd – i put HORA in capitals in the first line so its blatantly aimed at him!

    The first paragraph was of course clearly aimed at Hora. The second paragraph focussed on the point raised by me, as far as the post read. Hence I brought it up. No insecurity, just a lack of clarity, s'all.

    Free Member

    As for it being rammed down your throat (never complained before about that i bet ) its not – its the national sport, followed by the majority of the country (%) so therefore gets a fair representation on mainstream tv. Get over it AND yourself and either play with your kid, speak to your missues, or ride your bike (badly)

    Although I think this was generally aimed in Hora's direction, I think it was me who brought up the 'rammed down the throat' subject. I didn't know it would open the way for me to (I assume derogatorily) be called homosexual;

    (never complained before about that i bet)

    to be told that I need to get over myself;

    Get over it AND yourself

    and that my bike skills are poor:

    or ride your bike (badly)

    That's some pretty aggressive and presumptuous insult throwing towards a person you've never met, who did nothing more than dare to offer, in an adult and considered fashion, an alternative viewpoint to the general consensus.

    Reading that, it's no wonder the local football clubs have to spend a fortune paying for mounted police to prevent their fans brawling in the street.

    Hora earlier, amusingly
    I'll stick to sports where I don't have to fear violence from fans or the homophobia.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Think I prefer my women a bit more woman shaped.

    Free Member

    And the problem with that is…?

    No problem. I don't understand it, but there's no problem. Just trying to offer an insight into why some folk might seem so vocally opposed to the WC. Enjoy your football, I'll enjoy the empty trails 🙂

    Free Member

    I don't see many football fans hoping England get knocked out of the Rugby WC early so they don't have to watch it or hear about it on the news. Or England and Wales to lose the ashes.

    Good point, you're right.

    The difference is I don't feel the ashes/six nations/even wimbledon or any other sport is rammed down the nation's collective throat in quite the same unstoppable, aggressive way. The world cup is truly inescapable, dominating the news channels, the papers, conversation, restaurants, pubs, supermarkets – it's everywhere you look. That's the problem for those of us who don't like football. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction – the more none-fans have something forced on them, the more they will object.

    So yes, I agree it is miserable to wish disappointment on the nation. But I can totally see why people do it. For some of us, the quicker it's over with, the better.

    The world cup is a bit like christmas. It sends the nation into a bizarre trance for a short while, and it's all anyone can talk about and then it's gone. The special offers, the newspaper pull outs, the novelty burgers, the flags – all gone. Hidden away in the loft until next time, just like the tinsel and the baubles.

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