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  • Jackass123456789
    Free Member

    I had this quandry back along and settled on a £190 Trance frame from the bay, great fun..

    DSCF6597[/url] by Jackass123456789[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    People are random, get weird stuff like this round our way sometimes.

    Trouble with summer is all the weirdo’s like to come out as it’s too warm to stay indoors.

    Free Member

    It’s got an internal hub as the main pivot so it runs SS to the wheel with the gears being handle with a hub in the centre of the frame.

    Works well apparently.

    Free Member

    Dirt 3 – Good

    Portal 2 – Excellent game – one of the best

    Bioshock 2 – Not as good as the first

    Wipeout – Good for an old game

    LittleBigPlanet – Don’t get what all the fuss was about!

    Wanted to get the new Duke but it seems it didn’t get a good review so it went onto my lovefilm list!!

    Free Member

    lol, was it like this:

    That was number 8 for me 3 weeks ago!!

    I did a week in the sling, a week of out of the sling but I wore the sling at night and now week 3 I am back to work taking it easy, driving and doing normal day to day stuff.

    As you can see from the picture I have had a ‘bangkok’ leision op (about 14 years ago) and that actually is still doing its job. It used to come out forward so you could see the top of my arm in front of my collar bone but now when it comes out it goes inwards (down) into my arm pit.

    Consultant seems to think I have a chip in the bone that’s causing an exit point and I am awaiting a CT scan before op number 2.

    My Physio has recommended to me (we are all different) that I take it easy for 6 weeks and start swimming / strength building excercises after that. I am going to ride the road bike next week I think with maybe some MTB come August.

    I would totally recommend private physio, NHS physio in my experience are good but offer little ‘hands’ on help. My private physio (Not NHS ‘Private’ but standalone ‘Sports’ physio who was an ex pro rugby team physio) did swimming pool sessions with me and lots of good work whereas the NHS was a 15 min session of what I can and can’t do, a few movements and sent on my way with excercises to do. Not saying NHS physio’s are bad, they just don’t have the time to spend on little cases like me and my shoulder.

    Heal quickly and take it easy. I hope it doesn’t cause you the 18 years of 8 dislocations, 4 different countries, 4 generals and 1 going into 2 ops that it has me 😀

    Free Member

    After dislocating my shoulder for the 8th time 2 weekends ago I am giving up my sling today (well night time as only been wearing it in bed) and hopefully going for a drive.

    Free Member

    ‘Caution: May become invisible when riden on the road’

    Free Member

    That picture though and LoCo’s video doesn’t show the true picture. In the video it looks as if the fork lowers just drop off the uppers (not done up properly) and the in picture a whole host of things COULD have happened to the forks. They could even had visable cracks and the rider thought ‘ah they’ll be alright’ and had not consolted the engineering experts on STW!!

    Free Member

    ‘Power rangers to the rescue’

    Free Member

    Hairy, please don’t mistake me (Lee Andrews) as any link to Lee Anderson!!

    Free Member

    Nice hut, I will say I don’t really like that but I can’t really tell you why and I should like it (and I normally love all bikes).

    I think it’s the chain guard, it doesn’t seem to match the tone of the bike.

    Free Member

    The frame although you will heat the bearing as well. The aim is to get more heat into the frame as that will expand quicker than the steel bearing race.

    Jusy heat for a while, either intensly with a low heat or lightly with a high heat and then just try knocking the race out. If it doesn’t work heat a little more and try again.

    Free Member

    I took a blow torch to my Reign after the same happened to mine. Screwed the paint but that was the reason they need to come out (new paint job) so it didn’t matter.

    Once heated they came out so easy it made me wonder what the hell I had been doing for the last hour or so trying to drift it out.

    Free Member

    I thought it was only the roadie 10spd cassettes that needed a spacer on the inside

    Correct, it is a 105 11-28 running with a SRAM Rival road rear mech and X7 10 spd shifter

    Free Member

    It came with the cassette and the instructions showed that you do install it first, there is a very slight recess in the back on the spider for the largest cogs so it doesn’t do a huge amount.

    Free Member

    I recon that is a crack, however I would do 2 things:

    1) Drop the forks out and double check severity inside the frame

    2) Contact Wiggle about getting it resolved, sending them pictures showing as much details as possible and organising a suitable resolvement.

    However, I would also continue riding the bike until point 2 has been resolved, just checking regulary. This could have been like this since the last time you cleaned it and you’ve been happily riding it. It isn’t going to explode causing impending doom. It might split and make the lower bearing a bit loose. Also you are not putting more than everyday use / strain on the bike so its not like it will suddenly fail when you land heavily after a back flip superman seat grab.

    Free Member

    I have just fitted the SuperStar Plasma chain guide and I must admit I have been very please with the quality. As with all chain devices there is a way to get them to fit best and once I had worked this out with my frame it is as good as any E13, MRP, Blackspire I have used in the past.

    I recon the 16 quid SuperStar one would be as good as the rest and you will certainly save yourself some serious money!!

    Free Member

    A friend of mine had one of these and had a crazy build on his for a while. He ran Marz 66s (yes 66s!!), a newer Van R shock (pushed) and ran a home made bodged rear disc mount. He hammered it and loved it doing some good DH on it. Classic bikes.

    All standard parts if I recall and he had no issues building it up other than making a rear disc mount for it.

    Oh and a £100 doesn’t seem to bad for a classic

    Free Member

    Just showed my wife and her response was ‘WTF are those?!? are they for people who never learnt to ride a bike?’

    Summed it up quite nicely I thought!

    Free Member

    Have not ridden for more than 50 miles

    Recently spent £120 on a service/tuning of front forks


    Fitted with a stupid mud guard that makes me go ‘brmmmmmmmmm’ every time I ride it

    Free Member

    For me, as an example of where MTB is trying to go I would take back a Scott Genius LT 10, the top of the range components mixed with a lightweight frame that has adjustable suspension (that beats all the old stuff) and seems to be a bike you can ride almost anywhere. Oh and has an uppy downy post!
    Not that I have ridden one it just seems to tick all the marketing boxes they like to sell us at the moment.
    It also represents an ‘off the shelf’ full bike package that would cost more than a family car 15 years back.

    Free Member

    I had a similar but slightly different issue my self. On my flat bar road bike I tried some ‘fixie’ narrow flat bars and the next day after a 25 mile commute I couldn’t move my neck. I put it down to the window being open whilst I was asleep and a possible draft. Then the next time I rode that bike to work, again the next day I have the same neck pain this time however the window was not open so I put 2 and 2 together and realised it was the bars.
    I changed the bars back and was fine, window open while I sleep or not!!

    Free Member

    About 4 months, he was strapped into his car seat which was then strapped into the trailer so he was perfectly supported and comfy.

    I must admit, after I got my trailer I did look at this and think that was a feasable option and wished I got the trailer earlier!!

    Free Member

    A lot of it all really boils down to how safe you feel with them on behind in the trailer. I took my daughter out in a front chest mounted carrier when she was young (3/4 months) (along the sea front so no traffic but not ‘off’ road) which was fine. We then got the trailer, I guess it was around the 9/10 month mark when she could sit up right and hold her head. We put a cusion in ours that she sat on to help with the bumps and lift her slightly so the straps worked better. However now at 2 years and a bit, we took her out a few weeks back for the first ride this season and her head is close to the ‘do not cross this line’ mark – although this is quite some way down from the top roll bar.

    I would start using it as soon as possible to get them used to it and you’ll have great fun!!

    Free Member

    I am running Pro II with the bolt up hub. Deffo stiffer, can’t say I am overly worried by the weight of the 2 bolts but Ti I guess would save a few grams.

    I have been pleased with the setup but if I was to say anything negative about it is that the 10mm bolts can be tight in certain drop outs and (due to a cheap mech hanger) I had to completely undo the bolt on one side to get the wheel in and out.

    However, I have since changed the mech hanger and all is OK now (did this only last night).

    Free Member

    A friend of mine used a very worn rear tyre with minimal grip and learnt on a steep wide corner (on a hardtail), very cool when he got it down and looked ace, to do it on a bouncy bike with tacky tyres you need speed and committment.

    Free Member

    So the road rear mech works fine with the mtb shifter?

    Yep as it’s a SRAM Mech and shifter.

    Shimano road and Shimano MTB in 10 Spd is a no no apparently.

    Shimano and SRAM won’t work, 1:1 and 2:1 cable pull.

    SRAM and SRAM works fine, even some of their bumpf says you can mix X7, X9, X0, XX with the road stuff (for flat bar commuters).

    Free Member

    Dare I say it but I bought a Sevylor inflatable Kayak which is a sit on top about 2 seasons ago. For me, purely as a ‘play’ thing it is great fun in the surf and keeping myself entertained at the beach for an hour max (at one go). It is hard work going any distance on it but with a bit of wave it is great fun going out and back in over the surf. I am looking into fishing off the side of it to make it a bit more interesting when there is no surf. Also my in-laws live by the sea most weekends so we end up spending a lot of time at the beach and it gives me an excuse for some piece and quiet!!

    It packs down into the size of a large suitcase plus the pump and paddles (mine join in the middle).

    You can get some great starter packs that include a lot of the extras that are often missed when buying your first.

    Free Member

    I had a Giant Reign of the same year before and loved that so hoping this will be a smaller (travel) version of that.

    Free Member

    29’rs will become more main stream than niche, a wider range of 29rs available with the ‘big’ brands supporting them.

    The 29r Anthem already is picking up some serious interest / lust.

    Free Member

    just the ones that will be busy at peak times, then early morning or late evening they are free


    My local tracks are in and around a country park so best avoided on a sunny weekend during 11 – 4 however 8am on a sunday morning and other than the keen dog walker it is peaceful.

    We have a lovely downhill path that is owned by the National Trust that has a ‘No Cycling’ sign at the start and finish but you can join it past these points so thats the normal excuse! However it’s fast and often busy with walkers so this is normally a no no at even quiet times.

    Free Member

    We have a 1.1 ‘Active’ Panda and absolutly love it!!

    Not the same as the 100 in terms of performance but my 1.1 will do 70 on the duel carridge ways (takes a while to get there) and is great around town and on minor roads.

    It was great in the snow too, we got up a hill by our house that the radio moments after doing so claimed it was ‘unpassable’ and the guys digging snow at the very top did stop and look in amazement as the little blue toy car drove happpily up the hill!!

    We have recently gone down to 1 car and the Panda is our only car (wife and 1 child) and we get by. Some careful packing and it’s surprising what you can get in there.

    For a 1.1 we did think it would be better on fuel than what is is, about 250 out of a tank for £37 quid.

    We paid £2500 for a 55 plate with 50k on the clock in good condition.

    Free Member

    I live near a country park and there a quite a few deer up there at the moment. One sunday I went for a quick ride on my own and dropped down from the park to the fields below and was following a hedge / tree line seperating 2 fields. At the end there is an opening and the track goes through a break in the hedge / tree line. As I turned, staring at me was a stag, lovely creature but **** me big and quite scary up close. I froze, didn’t know what to do and for a second he dipped his head and showed me his antlers / horns (?) and then bolted. One of those moments when seconds feel like minutes.

    Don’t want to meet him on one of the faster descents down the hill!!

    Free Member

    no bombers involved

    These might have been early Bombers!!

    Free Member

    I like the push the bike at the attacker and punch them in the face move!

    Why don’t we get self defence lessons like this now – because the attacker will take you to court for damages lost from a broken jaw or black eye!!

    Free Member

    I had this during a descent on one of our local tracks, however I caught it and started to overtake, very strange being side by side going flat out with a deer. suddenly though I did think ‘what happens if it decides to go cross the hill and cut me up’ so I eased off and seconds later it did exactly that, just missing me.

    On another evening one jumped out of the hedge and into my mates front wheel, bouncing of him and whilst I let off a girly scream (it was dark and happened quickly 😳 )it ran into my hand, bounced off and ran down the track, luckily we were going uphill of it all happened at slow speeds.

    Free Member

    I’ve decided to go 11-28 with a 32 up front.

    Coming from a SS setup where I rode most things 32/18 or 32/16 I wanted a tight setup with a super short mech and felt 32/28 was going to feel massive!

    Just in the process of setting it up so will see how I get on.

    Free Member

    I am doing the same, wanted the extra security of not dropping the chain so was looking for a top and bottom device (rather than just a top one).

    For £35 I didn’t think I could beat the Superstar plasma one so I got one before they went up to full price.

    Haven’t fitted it yet as my second hand frame needs a bit of a tidy and the BB could do with a face but looking at it and having used other devices in the past from E13, Blackspire etc. it looks fine for the money.

    Free Member

    I tried both in the end and TBH my hips / legs / ankles don’t twist well enough to use the 17 degree setting. 13 seems plenty.

    I went for the Roc Atac’s as I had some one sided ones and struggled to clip in quickly and my route to work involves one very busy roundabout and I could get the speed away if I end up uncliping.

    I always liked my Crank Bro’s ones I used to run on my MTB but didn’t like the build quality. So I thought why not get the Atac’s, then when I want to run them on my MTB as well I can.

    Thanks for the comments.

    Free Member

    I have recently acquired a dishwasher.
    I washed a three year old very well

    I normally bath my three year old but maybe a short stint in the dishwasher is a better idea! Did you use Johnson’s no more tears or just stick with the dishwasher salts??

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