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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 15: Altura Dirt Bag
  • j_me
    Free Member

    So fusion is a controlled explosion, but fission isn’t?

    Help me out here, I’m struggling.

    Free Member

    So fusion is a controlled explosion, but fission isn’t?

    Free Member

    What’s the difference between a gas explosion and a hob for cooking on?

    Uncontrolled / Controlled oxidation of ethane. Same process, differing levels of control.

    Free Member

    Which isn’t really how it works.

    Really ? I thought it was the exactly the same process. What’s the difference?

    Free Member

    What Cougar said – Rock Climbing. Or Bouldering if you don’t like the risks/heights.

    Free Member

    …..grim eh ?

    Yes very. Does that mean they knew all along that it was that bad but were withholding information, or does it mean that everything is out of control, or did they really not comprehend the gravity of the situation in the first place?

    One thing that struck me when reading some of the papers on Chernobyl was that they had 200,000 – 300,000 “liquidators” that went in to clean up the site. These poor chaps got some huge doses and significant increased cancer deaths. If Chernobyl happened any where other than the Soviet Union where would the liquidators come from ?

    Maybe all pro-nuke advocates should be registered so they can be press ganged into service in the unlikely event we need some liquidators.

    Free Member

    FFS !

    Free Member

    Excellent valve logo alignment.
    Plug those bars…..don’t want you doing a starship now do we.

    Free Member

    That’s what BBC iPlayer is for.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    There’s a link on that site “STUACC Does Wales”
    Better hope those photos don’t make the press before the wedding !

    Free Member

    Do you often praise numpties for their efforts?

    Particularly laughable 😀

    Free Member

    Buy one from a trusted source.
    Or set your own certificate as trusted.

    Free Member

    Go shoplift some Tesco’s wafer thin ham to cheer yourself up.

    Free Member

    I thought there were bigger salmon than that ?

    Free Member

    The whale I met was OK at addition, but multiplication was a no-no

    However their baleen logic is impeccable.

    Free Member

    250,000 is not “a small, identified group of people”. But yes they account for the majority (2,200) of the estimated deaths.

    There are still 1,800 deaths outside this group. Still a figure that confirms “the claim thousands killed by Chernobyl”.

    For reasons given above these estimates are likely to be conservative.

    Free Member

    J_me – and so far, the probability that someone (outside of a small, identified group of people) will die from a cause which is in any way attributable to radiation exposure from Chernobyl is infinitesimally small

    Eh ? I thought it was yourself that quoted the WHO report which estimated a total of up to 4000 deaths could eventually be attributed to the accident?

    Free Member

    There is no statistical proof

    Correct, there are only probabilities.

    Free Member

    I think there is a LOT of conjecture on the death toll.

    IAEA has a vested interest in the industry so there may be bias in their figures. And IIRC the WHO cannot publish any stats on Nukes etc without sign off from IAEA so I would expect the WHO’s stats to tie in with IAEA(I could be wrong though).

    From what I’ve read a total of 1000+ deaths from Chernobyl is at the more conservative end of the spectrum.

    Free Member

    Yes there are things outwith our control…..but isn’t the choice of what we use to generate our power from entirely within our control ?

    Free Member

    4) How to cope with fluctuations in demand using nukes?

    Nukes are probably the best choice of the non-renewables for bringing online at short notice to iron out fluctuations……doesn’t outweigh the disadvantages though IM(ill informed)O.

    Free Member

    Not your fault RD….he’s wearing the wrong jersey 😯

    Free Member

    ….thats his race over!

    Well it is now !

    Free Member

    j me – it doesn’t even support his view

    🙂 Well that’s beside the point….. 🙂

    Free Member

    Can I also point out that earlier in the thread Zulu-11 dismissed a UNSCEAR report that contradicted his view on the health risks of Radon as not being peer reviewed etc. However he appears to be more than happy to cite a non peer reviewed WHO report that supports his viewpoint on the Chernobyl death toll.

    Free Member

    Walked Ben Vorlich and Stuc A’Chroin and came back through Glen Ample a couple of months after the storm. It was a pretty impressive mess, I’ve not been up there recently though.

    Free Member

    No. I need all my mental faculties to get the rotation correct.

    Free Member

    Aye – AKA “A Dolph” guaranteed to floor you in one

    T3 you say, are you in the BMI lounge? Go for a Long Island Ice Tea then !

    Free Member

    The púca did it !

    Free Member

    A large white russian ?

    Free Member

    Edukator – In terms of climate change the hypothesis hasn’t changed in decades

    I’m well aware of that….but in your own words “Good science includes the philosophy of doubt, accepting that the current best fit hypothesis is there to be challenged and a recognition of the limits of statistical techniques”. So the answer to Zulu-11s question is Yes. There is still some level of doubt, no matter how small, and we must accept that (however unlikely) someone may come up with evidence that disproves this.

    Free Member

    Would that apply to anthropogenic climate change too?


    Does the scientific consensus mean nothing?


    Free Member

    Worth noting that it’s an anti-wind farm conservation organisation

    Bit harsh there, as far as I know JMT have only objected to a handful of proposals (5 or 6 at most). I don’t think they are anti windfarm so long as they are planned/scaled/sited “appropriately”.

    Free Member

    Fill your boots……

    Plenty in the reference section there for you to check out. A couple of journal articles do not make a fact !

    Free Member

    Zulu-11 – Are you sure ?

    Radon Linked to Cancer – UN Report

    Free Member

    Are there documented increases in cancers in airline staff..

    Yes I thought that was well known –
    Increase breast cancer risk in cabin crew

    Free Member

    What did he say about egg beaters ?

    Free Member

    Go for State of The Art as a starter. It’s a collection of short stories. Even if it is just for the line “first person singular obtaining colloquial orgasm within a Caledonian sandwich” 🙂

    Free Member

    D !

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