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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • j4mie
    Free Member

    With the rallying I never ever had a problem, 100mph along a forest road with trees close on each side, sideways, jumps, the lot, completely fine.
    Then I sat in a car that I couldn’t see over the dashboard. Big mistake.
    Was recommended Kwells after that which completely sort me out, but if I don’t take them I’m always car sick. Infuriating!!

    Might just be getting old or something too, though.

    Free Member

    The same thread could be started at most big companies. It’s not just EE trying to sell people stuff they don’t need.

    Free Member

    I’d do a land registry check then a check for any TPOs and go from there. Have you checked your deeds etc to see if your fence is in the right place?

    Free Member

    Anyone saying it’ll “just be a bit warmer like a proper summer” is a complete cretin.

    I massively struggled with living in my room oven last week when it was about 30C. I’ve been looking at the forecast for days wondering how I’ll cope. Being in the office is fine (too cold, even) but don’t think I’d cope with the 39C forecast. Luckily I’m heading to my parents in Fife where it’ll be 27C max on Tuesday. My manager had already rejected working from home on Monday (core day when everyone has to be in) and I had already decided to go before upper management told everyone to do what you have to do to cope. Bit of common sense at last.

    Free Member

    I got stuck near Ypres several years ago when a friend’s week old new (used) car decided to part company with the timing belt. No European cover 🤦🏻‍♂️ meant he was looking around and getting quotes of £1k+ to get the car back home.

    Obviously it wasn’t worth the hassle of buying an AA single trip European recovery policy and waiting the 24h until he could claim – not that anyone would advise such a move anyway I’m sure.

    Free Member

    Went to Kenya the week before last and all ok, bit of a queue at security and didn’t have time to do anything but get through and get to gate just in time for final call.
    Would take fast track option if available – wasn’t when I looked but was a few folk doing it while I stood in the que for ages. Would save a lot of time.

    Coming back was really quick, 5 mins at passport control, 15 mins waiting on bags (with folk standing in the road so one bag had an extra lap…), but was a long wait for bus to jetpark.

    Actual security checks ok, they see it every day so shouldn’t be any issue.


    Free Member

    I fly from Manchester at 14.05 on Friday to Nairobbery via Dubai. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it. Car park booked for 8am whereas would usually be 11am, just can’t afford (time wise) to get to Nairobi late🙈

    Free Member

    Feeder at the Caird Hall in Dundee in October 2002 I think. My flat was only 200m away at the time. Thought it was ok but not really a concert person.

    Free Member

    Check with gas/water whether there’s any plans to replace the pipework as having that done on a new drive is… annoying.

    Free Member

    Other than Americans who does? I may have to apologise to those in NI for referring to the UK as Britain occasionally but other than for rugby and football England in place of UK isn’t used to anywhere I socialise or read

    I walked into a Leeds sandwich shop at lunchtime to be met with the bloke behind the counter saying “England’s going to war in Ukraine”. So it does happen.

    He didn’t take kindly to my suggestion that even if that was the case, no doubt Scotland may be dragged into it against our will.

    Free Member

    When I started uni in Dundee, there was a price war on vodka & coke, which gradually went down (over a few weeks) to 19p.

    Can’t go near the stuff now and haven’t for 20 years.

    Free Member

    It’s a sad story but can’t imagine the pump would’ve done that itself, these headlines are making a lot of people very worried. I think he’d only had it a couple of days and while I’m not a betting man I’d put my house on him doing something wrong (although maybe not aware he was doing so). Let’s wait until there’s an official response before jumping to conclusions. It doesn’t help anyone.

    Free Member

    I’ve used Memory Map for years and find it excellent for drawing tracks for events I’m doing, plus buy the maps every few years towards the end of the year when there’s a sale on. Much prefer it to the OS app.

    Free Member

    I was lucky to get to Italy for a few days when it was just LFT that was needed both ways. Hopefully after the winter covid surge falls away then it’ll go back to that.

    Free Member

    Having been stuck in the middle of a forest with a shredded tyre, miles away from a public road and with nobody around, and no phone signal, I’d never go anywhere without a spare. Same reason I always carry a jump starter pack in case of flat battery.

    Free Member

    When visiting my family for Christmas I have to share a room with my brother. After a week I still haven’t stabbed him to death for snoring like an absolute train on steroids. But very, very tempted.

    Free Member

    Only sensible drivers reverse park everywhere. In short supply these days as shown by several posts above. Prioritising getting shopping into boot over general safety and awareness of others? Not at all selfish.

    Free Member

    Having had an apprentice at work killed the week before his 18th birthday as a result of drink driving, I don’t think there should be any excuse whatsoever. The limit in England should be reduced to match Scotland.

    I’ve been driving for 20 years, and only ever been breathalysed once which was visiting an event in Finland. Guaranteed that if I was to ever take a chance I’d be stopped before the end of my street though.

    Free Member

    Let’s face it, it wasn’t ‘planned’ or ‘deliberately decided’ for Max to beat Lewis. Masi made a mistake under an immense – IMMENSE – amount of pressure by deciding about 30s too late, and panicked and tried to recover it. As I can sometimes do in my day job!
    The FIA can’t exactly say “Max is champion but not really as we cocked up, sorry Lewis”, they’re trying to be professional about the whole thing.

    Fed up of reading all the BS about it online.

    Free Member

    They don’t sequence all the pcr results, as far as I know.

    Free Member

    I think David Croft summed it up perfectly. A mistake was made but it wasn’t a fix or manipulated.
    Masi had too much happening and too many decisions to make so his role needs to be restructured to have a (pair of?) assistants/deputes who also know the rules inside out and can come to a correct decision within 30 seconds.
    Also a new rule of no safety car within say 5? laps of the finish and instead have a red flag and restart.

    Personally I’d say the way out of it would’ve been to radio the lapped cars to say they have to immediately let Max past before turn 1 but obv that can raise other issues.

    Masi shouldn’t be sacked, the rules confirm it’s his call. Lots of armchair experts trying to say otherwise.

    Free Member

    So, having read the relevant articles in the regs, I cannot for the life of me see anything in there that states, implies, or even leaves room for interpretation that 48.13 overrides 48.12. The latter permits the clerk of the course to leave the SC out longer than the lap after the last lapped car passes the leader, but makes no provision for bringing it in sooner.

    Nor does it make any sense whatsoever to interpret “any cars” in 48.12 as anything other than “all cars”.

    The protest decision explains this though – 48.13 states that the safety car goes in at the end of *this current* lap and the decision can’t be changed, so over rules 48.12 that says about the following lap. 48.12 also says it only applies after the message “all lapped cars to overtake” is issued (which it wasn’t).

    I can’t see anything in the rules which says that they can’t decide to get lapped cars out of the way to save them from interfering in the race result. It was pretty much clear that none of the other drivers wanted to get in the way of the championship fight.

    At the end of the day, Max still had to pass Lewis who left the door wide open and could’ve made it far more difficult. It was still a fight for most of the lap. Red bull threw the dice, took chances and came up double six. Sometimes happens in F1.

    Fairest result would be to do it as a lap before, but to ask Lewis to drop behind Max to make up for the dodgy overtake on lap 1, or give a 5s penalty. Surely couldn’t be any complaints 😂 But I think the stewards got it spot on.

    PS – completely not on for Toto to be calling for the safety car to not be deployed.
    PPS – I see George Russell has already turned into a Merc lapdog…

    Free Member

    Good, the race report officially finds Max a cheat, correct result.

    No it doesn’t.

    Max went too far today. He needs to learn and get that extra maturity that sometimes it’s better to finish second and bank the points and he could’ve already been champion by now. And maybe without looking like an idiot.

    Free Member

    Both Hamilton and Verstappen have been summoned to the stewards for causing a collision. Hamilton isn’t just in there for a chat.

    After a similar road accident in July that is still waiting to be resolved, I am going to call AXA in the morning to ask for their opinion of the incident.

    Free Member

    I’m looking out at cold, frosted, snowy Sweden and a brisk -15C and half dreaming of a working from home place in Portugal. I could probably justify it, but GF can’t work from home and I’m not travelling for the moment.

    But, Portugal…. Warm, sunny, tapas.

    Yes, exactly this….

    Free Member

    Since the start of covid and ending up working from home, I’ve often thought that I could get an Airbnb, small apartment or something in Italy or somewhere else and head over there for a month – take a long weekend to travel out but then work from there and chill out/do the tourist stuff at evenings and weekends. Obviously somewhere in Europe an hour or two ahead would help me massively start on time in the morning!! I’d go myself so no distractions other than normal around here.

    More investigation needed I think……

    Free Member

    But surely if those that aren’t counted in the poll are unlikely to vote, that’s why they can forget about them?
    Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a poll “if it were to be held tomorrow”, but rather “maybe not tomorrow but at some random point in the future where you still think you are unlikely to vote?”.

    Free Member

    I used to have a 1.2 Fiat Panda and fitted a set of Pirelli winter tyres and they were quite simply superb. The extra grip is amazing and worth the little extra it cost me as I had a spare set of steel wheels and a shed to keep the other ones in for 6 months of the year.

    The first snow that hit I must’ve overtaken 50 cars – who were all doing about 5mph – on a half mile straight on my way to work.
    A few weeks later I drove about three miles into a forest to watch a rally and there was at least a foot of snow and didn’t cause a problem at all, no other cars came in behind me.

    Converted. Should be mandatory but stupid people that would moan…

    Free Member

    The RAC Rally running in Kielder yesterday ended up with lots of crews stuck due to downed trees, most have slept in their rally cars overnight and some still stuck now. Today’s running in Scotland has been cancelled.

    Free Member

    If you call the gas emergency number then they will be able to check for obvious leaks, and check the mains pressure is correct (at the ECV at least). Dont suppose you know if any neighbours have had any issues as well?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t be at all confident about £37 tyres being able to get round a roundabout in the wet.

    Free Member

    I’ve had the first version for about 2 years and it has been life changing for me, my diabetes management is better than it has ever been – and I’ve had diabetes for 30 years! Every other diabetic I know who’s tried/been given them has reported the same.
    I keep meaning to call the hospital to get upgraded to the new version but never quite got around to it. Can only be another advantage.

    Good luck with it!

    Free Member

    if you get it now having had a vaccine, it is effectively a booster. But I’m not going out my way to try and catch it.

    Free Member

    I went to Specsavers and for last few years went in and basically told them “I need varifocals as I’m having to take my glasses off to read stuff close up” but they were, in fact, brainless robots trained to sell cheap stuff quickly and I was obviously too much hassle.

    Went into an independent place in Leeds last November and was so pleased with the service I paid for top of the range (in fact so top of the range they didn’t even have them on their list of options) and they have been absolutely amazing. Great quality, I wear them all the time, absolutely no complaints at all, worth the £700 or whatever they were.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t expect to be going anywhere abroad this summer, unless you like Heathrow’s Premier Inn or Travelodge for a £1700, 10 day stay on your return!

    That’s only red list countries though. So if you do visit a red list country then you can presumably get a cheaper/better hotel for 10 days before flying home.

    I need to go to Kenya in November so not in a major rush, but would like to go somewhere at least.

    Free Member

    Has anyone else had covid after having had a vaccine?
    Had first vaccine 7 weeks ago and have always been really careful if I go to the supermarket, not been out anywhere else!
    Feeling shocking today. Got a test booked for tomorrow morning but wouldn’t surprise me if it turns out to be that….

    Free Member

    One thing I have picked up on is that you used to be able to renew 6 months early and the validity would continue to the end of this and add the 10 years.

    Beware – if this has been done then your passport is only now valid for 10 years from the date of issue and the ‘extension’ won’t be recognised in the EU. I think this was picked up on and no early renewals get the extension, but there will be people out there that renewed years ago that maybe don’t realise they could have an issue in the future.

    Or it’s something like that anyway.

    I renewed just before first Brexit date, must be amongst the last to have EU on it.

    Free Member

    Travel allowed from Monday 29th so reckon you’re fine.
    I’m planning to go out for the day so just hope the traffic isn’t completely mental. Haven’t been more than 2 miles from my house since October.

    Free Member

    Messaged you!

    Free Member

    I still think the worst I’ve seen was Titanic 2.

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