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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • J0N
    Free Member

    This thread has much to share with the ‘wrong way’ and ‘new (directional) signage’ threads.
    Signage is all you can reasonably expect. Then sue the PArk the GCC and the pedestrian when you hit them* :-).

    *I am against ruthless suing of people for minor incidents BTW.

    Free Member

    Just how much of a secret are the hidden routes?
    I have done the old DH, Secret and Lies and the natural route from before Ewok and some other wee bits here and there.
    No idea where/what is Ho chi minh.

    Free Member

    ….as this has now been registered as an issue with you, in the event of a serious accident Culture & Sport Glasgow and Glasgow City Council could be held liable as they neglected to act when they were forewarned about the potential dangers and failed to take an appropriate course of action to mitigate the risk.

    [cynical] well that will be the end it all. GCC will remove all traces of mtb trails. alternatively maybe they are ‘all use’ for the cross country parkour fraternity. [/cynical]

    Nice letter though and I fully agree.

    Free Member

    We do the bitch every time, and rarely do the red. Cant really remember it TBH so maybe its just nostalgia :-), and you can carry on straight out of double X without the ‘break’ of the fire road. I didn’t say it wasn’t good. shoosssh…..secrets and lies is better than the bitch.

    Free Member

    IMHO all the black is good, except for that silly steep climb (Tower Ride) about a mile into the trail. From there its all good to home. Lombard Street (red) is better than The Bitch (black). you should include the Pie Run as well, its just a wee bit past Magic Mushroom.

    Free Member

    Fox-it PDF writer. I think that allows you to add videos. you may have to purchase a full PDF programme for features such as video. This may also be the case for links opening in new windows however I thought that most people would know that holding ctrl while click does this in most browsers.

    Not that a experienced user oh publisher myself, just a few thoughts.
    Good luck.

    Free Member

    [geek mode]did the MF not do ‘point 5 past light speed’? that would only be 3 years [/geek mode] 🙂

    Free Member

    If you can do the QR up tight enough so that it doesn’t move then should be fine but if your pedal stroke can pull the wheel to the side then it could present a problem.
    You could pack your drop out somehow so that the seated axed is snug in the drop out. This could prove fiddly.

    Free Member

    How big are your drop outs? surely the axel shouldn’t be able to move (other than out) once in the drop outs.

    Free Member

    pics required:
    Hub – wheel in place.
    Hub – wheel out of frame,

    Free Member

    The bikes carbon. Does carbon bend and stay (no pun intended) bent?
    Do you have adjustable dropouts. More pics needed.

    Free Member

    Maybe just 5mm. Strange to think that just 20mm between 2 wheels being on and off. 😕

    Free Member

    Didn’t think of that. That would be some damage. 🙁

    Free Member

    Not sure if adjusting the cones will help. You should have about 8mm of axel showing on either side of your hub. If this is balanced then the wheel may be dished incorrectly. Self adjust or £10 down you LBS.

    Free Member

    IS this a buckle or is the wheel true and continuously almost rubbing on the stay?

    Free Member

    Are trail way markings law? As in you can ride the ‘wrong’ way but on-coming riders have right of way and if you are involved in an accident you are automatically in the wrong.
    Last time I was at GT there were two blokes coming down on of the climbs. They had stopped at the side and other people had gone past without saying anything so I kept my mouth shut.

    Riding up a known descent is just dangerous. However descending a known climb should be quite safe as you should be prepared to stop at short notice. I’ve never really had the urge to descend any waymarked climbs as they seem quite dull.

    Free Member

    Snapped a few SRAM & Shimano, most likely from lack of maintenance.
    Powerlinks never snap on me – now on my third chain with same powerlink.
    Powerlink seems far better than joining pin, less to go wrong.

    Free Member

    Yep. Took my 12 year old brother who hasn’t got a lot of mtb experience and he rode it all, granted he walked the Kelpies but I reckon he could have ridden it on a better day. I’ve seen younger on the trails and like others have said seen hybrids and al types of non-mtb bikes coping admirably on the trails.
    My pet hate of CV was I reckon it was one of the wettest places in the country, a total rain snare 😆

    I’ll just say I admire the amount of work that CVDG put into the place. Shame it was cut short.

    Free Member

    Interesting, I’ve never seen that doc. and if taking there description as law then I see there point in giving the red grade. However at the time other reds at other centres were far more technical.

    Free Member

    IIRC it was the original Kelpies staircase that gave it the red grade. The fact that small doubles/camelbacks were included in the runway may have been a factor as well. I was very excited about CV when it began and helped out on and off for about 6 months (not long I know) when they were working on the original downhill route – Now that was a muddy route and those bridges were heavy. 🙂
    Am I correct in thinking that Glasgow is now the furtherest town or city away from any purpose built trails. Other than CV all centres are over 1 hours drive away. Am I missing any? I think this is a disgraceful state of affiars.

    Free Member

    I actually spend most of my time just outside Mugdock. Less walkers and those you do meet are more open minded and less miserable or complaining about your presence.
    I would never change what’s there already. I hate that too. I’ll just looking to add links and new bits.

    Free Member

    I was gutted the carbeth trails had gone. Digger tracks are good fun if not full of water :-). Time to do some building up at Mugdock me thinks.

    Free Member

    Fiddly? All you do is plug them in and they go on. New batteries have a on off button. Thats luxury.

    Free Member

    Much better stuff in Mugdock and beyond or Lennox Forest. No built Doubles though.

    Free Member

    Lost opportunity! Thats what its was/is.

    Free Member

    WOW! just checked out fenix’s new torch.
    Bit pricey though compared to similar on Deal Extreme.

    Free Member

    ditto torch(s) of some kind.
    Ayup over joystick.
    Ayup = £140 min. ~400lms
    torch = £20. ~ 200lms
    I have Ayups, they are great but not worth the money over the newer Fenix (£40).
    Ultimately though you should probably wait till next winter before spending big as LEDs are being rumoured to be brighter again.

    Free Member

    In nearly every argument that has been for Helmet use the biggest reason for wearing one is in the event that your are hit or knocked off by someone else. On that basis and seeing the pic of the “improperly attired cyclist” above surely Hi-Vis jackets are better protection and should these be made compulsary, as your more likely to be seen. How many every-time helmet wearers wear Hi-Vis?

    Free Member

    You don’t need and invite anymore, and their music has more than double since there little glitch of some artists removing there permission.

    Free Member

    Debussy last night – inspired from Oceans 11 soundtrack
    Today – Herbaliser, The Script and now KT Tunstall

    I’m all over the place today.

    Free Member

    I was under the impression that stretching was pointless and even risking injury if done before warming up. A warm up should consist of low impact and exertion for at least 10 mins. So a flat or slight incline before icreasing to full riding speed.
    Think of it like a car engine warning up before using the full range of revs. Stretching should be done after exercising and before you fully cool down.

    Free Member

    The eurban web site says this project is finished but all it shows is two large portacabins on site. 😉

    Free Member

    I once had a great race with a guy on the commute. Busy traffic and high speeds we were actually getting quite dangerous with him on the outside of two lanes of cars and me down the middle. Middle proved faster due to on coming cars but when they opened up we were switching positions for a couple of miles. As we neared some traffic light at the top of a hill we had just sprinted up. we stopped for a chat. He congratulated me saying that he was in training for a Triathlon at the weekend and I had provided him some challenging entertainment. I was knackered!lol. Friendly races are fun.

    My commute isn’t long enough and has too many traffic lights to care about drafters but I can imagine getting a bit p’d off on a longer ride.

    Free Member

    I thought this thread was on another subject completely along the same lines as Fat Roadies. Dissapointed. Not that I’m in to fat clubbers. I be going then.
    Good on those weight loosers….wish I had the will power to lose the excess lbs.

    Free Member

    OMG. the forks cost more than my Whole bike. Hope they perform justifiably (cynical comment made through jealousy)
    Nice bike.

    Free Member

    Stating the obvious: I think the blog is form the point of view of sedately riding along a segregated path. I’m sure even Copenhagenize man would wear a helmet for MTB or trials.

    Helmet off road definitely but none on road for me.

    Free Member

    Why electric blinds? manual ones are a fraction of the cost and quicker!!!

    Free Member

    I think we are all agreeing that the house wasn’t exceptional in architectural standards but it might be very comfortable to live in.
    I also think its the cost that most of us are dissapointed with.
    So. Question: would the house have been better recieved if it was half the cost or less.

    Also, towards the end there was more talk of teenagers. Did they have kids that I assumed didn’t want to appear on TV?

    Free Member

    Architecturally significant? Who knows what that will be in 50 years.
    There is myriad more building products available these days and with technology moving so fast that it has been near impossible to establish an architectural language for residential scale housing in the late 20th and early 21st century. Unfortunately the most significant language is that of the mass builders of souless estates.

    Free Member

    All the talk of the smooth curve of the barn being symapthetic to the land was utter tosh, it was a big box with a curved roof. It wasn’t in any way related to the land and could have been pick up and plopped down anywhere and still looked as relevant. I liked the materiality but the two clients were just so full of crap.
    Ditto the stair behind the only bit of solid wall on that facade.
    And the cost of it all was ridiculous. Good for them in sourcing local work but it looked about double of what it could have cost. The wood was shipped from Scandinavia anyway, they could have probably got the beams produced there as well for cheaper [speculation] and shipped.

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