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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • irelanst
    Free Member

    Today my Quads hurt and on both sides of my spine it also has that lactic acid feel running up my back (possible?!).

    I think you’d be better served doing some core work tonight rather than another run.

    Free Member

    I didn’t see a huge amount wrong with the van driving until after the box junction TBH. He left the cyclist a decent amount of room and stayed about the same distance from the kerb as he slowed at the junction, the only reason the cyclist was squeezed there was because of the rubbish lorry blocking his path. After the junction, white van mans behavior is inexcusable.

    Free Member

    The Belgian race was superb – It was on Sporza live so you may find it on their website (might be restricted to Benelux?), but I would assume someone has stuck it up on youtube by now.

    Free Member

    In many countries carrying Id with you is a legal requirement

    I’m not 100% certain these chaps are concerned about the law, what with murdering innocent people and all.

    Free Member

    we are far too prudish in this country IMO

    It’s not just the British, Americans are way more reserved in my experience. My girl is 8 and we often go swimming with friends, Dutch friends (girls, boys and dads) have zero problems getting naked in the open plan changing rooms but the American ones always disappear into the toilets to change in the cubicles (even some of the dads and boys). The only thing that has ever caused a few raised eyebrows was when one of my girls friends came with us and insisted on getting changed with us but also kicked up a fuss that her mum had to come too, the mum wasn’t the least bothered, so I just went along with it.

    I think the time to cover up is when they start to, my girl is perfectly happy lounging around naked at the moment, so doesn’t seem to have any issues. Once she starts to get conscious of her own body then I’ll be more aware.

    Free Member

    A feeling of losing focus in the middle is fairy natural I think and isn’t necessarily a problem. You are focused at the start to get position and in the middle of the race you are at a pace that feels comfortable (or you’ll blow up) often the last lap push is really just fatigue setting in, you’re maintaining the pace you’ve been at all race but having to work harder to maintain it (this is more obvious when running where pace is more consistant, you can see your HR increase gradually over the course of a marathon for the same pace). On the occasions that I’ve been at the sharp end in races there’s usually a fair bit of chatting going on between riders after the initial charge of the line, It goes quiet when someone puts a dig in though.

    Of course if you are slowing down in the middle then the only answer is focus more! Splitting laps into sections and riding to splits can help, or focusing on consistent gear selection for a particular climb. Having someone to chase helps me massively, out of sight out of mind is a huge factor for me.

    Free Member

    In my experience a Polar strap lasts about a year, around that time they start to get a bit unreliable. I think the problem is the press studs, the plating wears and they oxidise leading to an intermittent connection. Giving them a good clean with a pan scrubber to remove the oxide and a coating of contact grease can give a bit more life but it’s a signal to buy a new strap. Obviously washing the strap in warm water to get rid of the sweat after each use helps. If it failed after 10 rides I’d take it back.

    For gel on the contact pads I only use spit, or if really cold a smear of the gel they use when doing ultrasounds (I begged a few tubes when my wife was pregnant)

    Free Member

    Ibuprofen and pro-plus dissolve better in coke than in water for that last lap bottle as well, can also do double duty as a hangover cure.

    Free Member

    I just don’t think it would matter as much due to a myriad of other aspects of the game..

    Given that all the other aspects are equal a doped player will be better than a non-doped player, e.g Messi without his growth hormone treatment wouldn’t be the player he is.

    Free Member

    The same team Sky that have a sponsorship deal with CNP?

    Free Member

    You’re Cardiff area AFAIK? There was (probably 6 or 7 years ago now) a place out Rumney way that sold metal in smaller quantities (for cash naturally!) and would cut and fold simple shapes. I think it was Rycon steel from a quick Google map search, but I can remember for certain.

    Free Member

    I found the Sky remote that had been missing for months when I was cleaning out a car, it was in the glove compartment.

    Also, on the morning of his wedding I found my best mates missing contact lens, the bad news for him was that it was in the toilet and I was already mid stream when I spotted it.

    Another ring related one, I found my wifes eternity ring which had been missing inside an apple pie, the bizarre thing is that I made the pie.

    Free Member

    What exactly do you want to know, I assume how hot will the frame get and what metallurgical effect there will be?

    There are still an awful lot of unknowns for people to even attempt to give an answer, I’m not a metallurgist, but I did spend 15yrs designing furnaces so know a bit about heat transfer. So I may be able to help on that part of the problem given some more information;

    What are the dimensions and construction of the kiln? What is the configuration of the heating elements? Where will the frame be positioned inside it? What will be supporting the frame? Surface area of the frame? You would need this to calculate the form factor to determine the radiant and conductive (from any supports) heat transfer.

    What is the control strategy, zoned? cascade control? Both have a huge influence on how the kiln responds to a cold load being introduced.

    What is the coating you’re putting on? What’s its SHC, its emissivity, its latent heat of vapourisation?

    Is the kiln purged with an inert atmosphere? If so Argon or Nitrogen based? What flow rate?

    What’s the frame material, you mention 853 is it all 853? What are its properties, SHC, Thermal conductivity, density?

    Free Member

    Assuming it’s in the oven long enough to reach 800°C then what is the oxidation rate going to be? Those thin wall sections in the middle are going to be wafer thin in no time at all.

    Free Member

    One of the things that helped us that hasn’t been mentioned is Dr. Browns bottles.

    And something that changed our world, Nutramigen, because we finally found out the puking screaming hell child was allergic cows milk (and was bottle fed).

    Free Member

    We have a big single oven

    Pros: it’s great for Sunday lunch, you can fit the meat, roasties and yorkshires etc. in no problem.

    Cons: for every other day it takes twice as long to heat up as a normal oven.

    It also a rotisserie which seemed like a good idea and it probably was for the 2 times we used it before getting fed up of the faff fitting the thing. I wouldn’t get a single oven again.

    Ours has 4 normal burners and a long thin one in the middle, we hardly ever use that, another round burner would be more useful.

    Free Member

    I had a few thoughts last night, if they fish catch an kill places then maybe a smoker;

    Or if they like tea then maybe a Kelly kettle;

    Free Member

    £50 is not enough to get a “Beginners kit” for fly tying.

    +1 for that, the kits you can buy are garbage and 90% of the materials will be unusable. For £50 I don’t think you could put together the basics either. Also the type of fishing they do will have a big impact on the materials they need, a reservoir fly selection will look very different to one for small streams for example.

    If they are interested in starting tying then maybe a nice tool kit;

    Other than that it is better to stick to consumables IMO, so boring things like tippet, gink etc.

    Of course if you really loved them you’d get them a LAW vice!

    Free Member

    The seller was trying to avoid Ebay fees and it’s backfired – take the deal you got.

    Free Member

    He shouldn’t have gone up the inside of the Jag in the first place;

    If the area is marked with chevrons and bordered by solid white lines you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency.
    Laws MT(E&W)R regs 5, 9, 10 & 16, MT(S)R regs 4, 8, 9 & 14, RTA sect 36 & TSRGD 10(1)

    Free Member

    Always used to be boiled then quickly fried with bacon and some roast chestnuts but roasted with sherry and thyme is our new way. We had them like that last Saturday and they were really nice with the added bonus that I think they gained me a few extra places at cross country the next day!

    Free Member

    The guy who’s wrong seems to be assuming that the wheels are clamped to stop them from rotating

    Which is a reasonable assumption given the article states;

    leaving the brake pads frozen in the minus 52C temperature……there was an additional problem in that the wheels were stuck with frozen grease

    Free Member

    I think it depends on your definition of “interval” if you mean tempo type intervals where you push for a km then ease off for a km etc. then maybe it will help improve faster, but if you mean 200m HIIT type repeats then I think you need a solid base to work from.

    Free Member

    Fag packet calculation;
    Reaction force at nose wheel = 33kN, coefficient of friction =0.6 so slipping load for nose wheel = 20kN

    Assume that thrust of engines wasn’t quite enough to break the friction of the bearings, and that all bearings are equally stuck, so breakout force per wheel = 14kN, giving a nose wheel breakout force =28kN and main gear breakout force = 56kN

    So a linear push would need 28+56+56 = 140kN to release the stuck bearings
    If you pushed on the top of the tires 14+28+28 = 70kN

    Assuming pushing force on one wingtip and taking moments about one of the main gear wheels;
    20*push force = (56*10)+(28*5)+(20*18)
    Push force = 53kN

    (Wingspan = 30m, Distance between main gear wheel = 10m, Distance to nose wheel = 18m)

    Free Member

    It’s like pushing a car to bump start it – doesn’t matter if you push from the middle or a corner, it’s still the same force required.

    Unless you’re applying the force along a vector in line with the CoG then some of the push is being wasted, pushing at the corner will result in a moment about the CoG; this moment is reacted by side forces in the tyres.

    In the plane example, I think that the plane would rotate around the wheels (around the Z-axis), unless the CM and ACM moments created by people pushing on each wing were in absolute equilibrium then it has to; if you consider the 3 points of the undercarriage as being fixed with a variable release force. Then as the force is applied to the wing then one of the points will break free first (due to variations in the applied moment and the friction in the wheels) so the plane will rotate; then as the pushers compensate the other wheels will break free. It’s like when you have to ‘walk’ a washing machine into place under a worktop, it always skews off at an angle to start with.

    Free Member

    For a double whammy of crapness ‘integrate’ SAP with Teamcenter.

    Free Member

    Leffe bruin options; most of the breweries do a ‘dubbel’ . Rochefort 6 is nice above that things get dangerous! Westmalle would be one of my choices especially if you can put a crate in the garage for a while to settle, Hertog Jan grand prestige is currently my beer of choice though. Erdinger Dunkel is also a nice alternative to Leffe Bruin drinking one now actually from a crate bought in Germany for 14 euros!

    Free Member

    I have a similar frame that I bought to race and have since used as a daily commuter from new (so ~20yrs). The only area which I would check before buying is the bottom bracket; the lug is Ali but it’s sleeved with a steel liner. I had a bottom bracket seize to the sleeve and the bond break to the lug which is a pain to fix. It needs a new sleeve bonded in place which is OK if you have a lathe but probably a job for a frame builder if you don’t.

    Free Member

    Would be interesting to know more about the types and lengths of bike commutes. I’m guessing not many of those in the video have ridden 20+ miles through drizzly conditions on country lanes to get to where they are going.

    I would estimate that it’s about the same proportion of people commuting 20+ miles as in the UK, only ‘sports’ cyclist would be doing those sort of distances. A straw pole of my (Dutch) office and of the 8 people only one rides more than 10miles into work and he has an electric bike but everyone does cycle in to work (mostly <5miles), nobody gets lycra’d up, nobody wears a helmet.

    In countries I’ve lived where cycle infrastructure is meant to be good, there’s no getting around that you are often crossing many many driveway entrances and you’re very close to them which puts you at risk of low visibility

    I which case you ride at a speed which is appropriate for that section of cycle path, if you want to rip your legs off in a chaingang then get on the road and mix it up with the cars.

    There is even a cyclist moaning about road bikes and going fast, I mean FFS, if we can’t all be ‘cyclists’ together rather than pigeonholing every convcievable type of cycling there is, there is no hope.

    There’s a marked difference here in Sweden between attitudes towards the kinds of cyclists you see in the Utrecht video and the people, probably like us here on the forum, who self-identify as ‘cyclists’.

    You get that in Holland too! The Dutch have two words which make an interesting distinction between two distinct ‘bands’ of cyclist; a fietser (joe public who is riding a bike to get from A to B) and a wielrenner (lycra clad strava monkey). Motorists and fietsers often complain about wielrenners for exactly the same reason as people do in the UK; jumping lights, going too fast, dodgy filtering, riding two-abreast etc. the only saving grace is that everyone hates mopeds more!

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, I was really pleased with my result;

    It is great to put a lot of effort into something and get a reward at the end of it. Even if we know that others can achieve that with seemingly little effort

    I think that’s one of the biggest advantages of endurance events like the marathon and 12hr bike events etc. I’m so far off the front that I can’t even consider ‘racing’ and just aim for my own goals e.g. yesterday when Regassa was crossing the finishing line I was back at the 30km point!

    I’m jealous that your pace for a marathon is quicker than mine is for a 10k!

    My 10km pace isn’t much faster TBH, my PB is 39:14 although I don’t run many 10k races.

    Was going to try next year but it’s looking like cycling will be the priority, maybe do an Ironman.

    I’ve sacrificed biking for running this year, I was planning on running Rotterdam in the spring but had an off on the bike and broke ribs and my wrist just before so this time I decided it wasn’t worth the risk. I’m considering an ironman or maybe an ultra (my swimming is pants).

    I was quite pleased with my sub 4hr at York yesterday.

    So you should be, it’s a purely personal goal out our level

    Free Member

    Solid Edge also do a free 2D package, it is very easy to use.

    You have to register here though

    Free Member

    I’ve just finished speaking to my wifes niece, she’s 13 years old, born in in Sheffield, Irish mother, Scottish father living in the highlands. She made the heinous mistake of posting on Facebook that she was glad that ‘No’ won, and has suffered a landslide of abuse from the ‘45’ lot. She seems to be genuinely terrified, she knows full well what division can cause (some of her other uncles are Sinn Fein supporters) . I urge anyone who is banging on about this 45% militant shite to reject it, and stop it now. We are all fully aware of what happened in Ireland and I don’t think anyone wants that again.

    Free Member

    Well done Scotland.

    Aberdeenshire 60% no, that’s got to sting a bit.

    Free Member

    NS has been having a relaxed few days because…

    That was only added as part of your back-pedal though, it wasn’t in the original statement that you made.

    Free Member

    I’m hearing stories that SNP internal polls are indicating xx%

    Implies polls performed internally by the SNP.

    when people are asking at the polling stations

    Implies the polls were held at the polling stations, which seems to fit well within the category of “any forecast as to the result of the referendum which is (or might reasonably be taken to be) based on information so given”

    TBH what I think you meant was that if voters asked the SNP people at the polling station how they thought it was going, then the SNP people are referring to their own poll data (which may have been from weeks ago). Unless they make it implicitly clear that this is old data and not based on the actual ballot, then I think they’re being very silly.

    Free Member

    No idea how the SNP conduct their polls tbh. I’ll try and enquire tonight when I ask the question for myself about the polls. it’s only hearsay I’m repeating from other forums

    SNP are leaking poll information? They’re not trying to influence the ballot are they?

    Free Member

    How heavy is a flat roof going to be?

    Quite heavy when it has 18″ of snow/ice on it!

    Couldn’t you just have the whole of the front open and put some bi-fold doors in?

    Free Member

    Pages and pages of stuff available for you guys, but in the cycling heaven of Holland;

    Cycling Stuff

    I did get some gloves ‘cos I’m down to 2 pairs and gloves is one of my favourite Dutch words, it translates directly as “hand shoes”. Either the arm warmers are an unusual shape or I am!

    Free Member

    On the subject of fishing rights, if there is a yes vote most of the fish stocks that were in UK waters would now be in Scottish waters (~95% of UK total of pelagic fish landed in Scotland). That means that the UK suddenly becomes disadvantaged due to a change in its geography, luckily UNCLOS also has a section on that;

    1. Geographically disadvantaged States shall have the right to participate, on an equitable basis, in the exploitation of an appropriate part of the surplus of the living resources of the exclusive economic zones of coastal States of the same subregion or region, taking into account the relevant economic and geographical circumstances of all the States concerned and in conformity with the provisions of this article and of articles 61 and 62.
    2. For the purposes of this Part, “geographically disadvantaged States” means coastal States, including States bordering enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, whose geographical situation makes them dependent upon the exploitation of the living resources of the exclusive economic zones of other States in the subregion or region for adequate supplies of fish for the nutritional purposes of their populations or parts thereof, and coastal States which can claim no exclusive economic zones of their own.

    Free Member


    But what happens to the contract if there’s a split; the contract is with the UK, but now the oil is in Scotlands EEZ so will the contract continue with the UK and the fee split by some means or will it be cancelled and re-negotiated as new with the Scottish government?

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