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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • irelanst
    Free Member

    If you get the SE turn off wifi assist, my daughter was smashing through her data allowance before we realised what was happening (wifi wasn’t great in her bedroom)

    Free Member

    split England into 6-10 regions? Mercia, northumbria etc? or a senate elected PR on a UK wide list so no / less national influence?

    Or you could split the UK into 650 regions and have a representative from each of those regions have a single vote in a form of parliament. Maybe we need to look at the regions, a situation where 15000 votes elects a representative from the Western Isles whereas 70000 votes are needed on the Isle of Wight does seem to skew things in the favour of certain areas of the UK

    Why should England get 6-10 regions, 83% of the votes cast in the last election were in England.

    Free Member

    It would need some mechanism to prevent England population dominance dominating the whole thing and obviously and end to the house of lords and I would like to see PR.

    England has 49% of the seats in the senate scotland 25, wales 15, NI 11

    So you don’t want any sort of PR, you want over representation for Scotland, Wales and NI.

    Free Member

    I say you’ll easily do 10hrs

    I’ll try and remember that at 80km!

    I was told before running a marathon that “you have to wait for a marathon to come to you, don’t chase it” which at the time I thought it was hippy nonsense but it makes sense once you’ve run one, you spend the first 20 miles waiting to run, and the last 6 suffering, I guess ultras are the same philosophy taken to the extreme. 24hr race, no thanks!

    Kilo: Many thanks to your sister in law, I appreciate any advice I can get at the moment. I’ve been fretting about shoe choice already and was thinking road shoes would be the best, I’ve run on the Ridgeway quite a bit and unless it’s gopping road shoes have been fine for me so far but it’s nice to hear an experienced opinion.

    I’m working on nutrition and have been using real food on long runs so far and even trying to eat on my thursday 10 miler just to practice. Some of the baked egg recipes out of the feedzone portables book are favourites so far. I know I couldn’t handle gels for 10 hours.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies, I’ll try to answer a few of the points made.

    Cutting down the cycling; I’ve done that already, I was riding to work 5 days a week but it was getting tiring during the marathon training. I do take it really steady though and like to think of it as Surfer says as active rest.

    In terms of my level; my marathon PB is 2:50 so I’m not in the running to win the ultra, but will be aiming for a time rather than just get round, I’m thinking sub 10hrs should be possible? I ‘scale’ pretty well, my half PB is 83mins which is quite a bit slower than other 2:50 marathoners that I know and my 10k PB is embarrassing. However I’ve never run further than 50km so no idea how I’ll react after that.

    I foam roll a lot and am doing a lot of glute, core and flexor exercises at the moment to improve muscle balance (physio guided).

    Free Member

    So not biased just not as clever as he thinks? doesn’t invalidate the assessment of GERs tho does it?

    No, the fact that most of what he wrote in that article was nonsense invalidates his assessment of GERs

    Free Member

    You could use a formula in the next column, if you type 1130 in cell A1 then in B1 you would need;

    =Time(Left(A1,2),Right(A1,2)) And you need column A:A formatted as text.

    You would need to be careful about using 130 instead of 0130 though. You could put an IF loop in to check for that;


    Free Member

    Yeah, but the OP stated ” I want to be able to plot routes on my iPhone or IPad and load them onto my Garmin”.

    You can’t access the ‘New Files’ folder on the watch without a wired connection.

    Free Member

    I’m a PC / Chrome-googledocs user rather than Apple, but suspect you can do the same.

    Not AFAIK without a wired connection to the Garmin.

    I don’t have a docking cradle for my Fenix at work so if I want to plan a route it’s a bit of a faff.

    1) Use Ridewithgps to create a GPX
    2) Run that gpx through the tool at
    3) Import that GPX as an activity in Garmin Connect
    4) In Garmin connect save that activity as a course
    5) Sync watch with Garmin Connect

    Free Member

    what the hell do you eat on really long rides to stay fuelled?

    Baked eggs, frittatas, sweetcorn and feta fritters, granola, nuts, peanut butter wraps etc.

    Try and get a copy of feedzone portables – there’s loads of reduced carb snack ideas in there (and plenty of high carb ones too).

    Free Member

    Where’s best/cheapest for picking up soft bottles?

    I don’t think Decathlon do them yet. I’ve bought some from Wiggle in an emergency/moment of madness, they were silly expensive for what they are. Unless you really want soft flasks a standard ‘sports cap’ bottle from the supermarket is almost as good (until it splits and empties all down you).

    Free Member

    I use the decathlon trail bag for my run commute and long runs, as per most of Decathlon stuff it’s 25% of the cost of whatever they copied it from and pretty much as good. It’s 15L at maximum capacity and easily takes a change of clothes for a commute or a shell & warm top for a long run. Soft flasks fit in the front pockets if you can’t get on with a bladder or are going for the full on ‘ultra’ look.

    Free Member

    Some of the recipes from ‘feedzone portables’ make decent packed lunch food, 2 bite pies and the some of the baked eggs are favourites here. Just make them up in batches. It was sweetcorn and feta fritters today.

    Other than that, wraps or pitta stuffed with chicken etc. or made into quesadilla.

    Edit: That comes across proper poncy, she has sandwiches sometimes honest!

    Free Member

    I don’t have a huge amount of data but as a comparison; for my last marathon I burned ~22 calories per minute, Ryan Hall (US Olympian, I’m pretty sure his VO2 max is much higher than mine) burns ~20 calories per minute. I weigh about 8% more than him, so if the numbers are normalised for weight they will be fairly similar.

    Free Member

    Assuming an FTP around 200W…….250 kcal seems about right.

    So basically guessing then, but more than that what you are guessing is your cycling power output, you aren’t taking into account the other energy that the body is ‘using’ during the exercise – you get quite hot spinning, where does that heat come from? Average calorie burn for an adult male is ~2500 calories per day, assuming an even distribution that’s 100 an hour that isn’t included in your FTP based guess but would be included in the HR based calculation.

    So if my HRM says 160bpm, and Frooms say’s 160bpm, they’re going to come out with a similar calorie numer over an hour.

    Not necessarily, the algorithm uses more than just the HR value to calculate calories burned – if you have the same mass, max HR, min HR, VO2 max etc. then yes the 2 will be similar.

    Yet Froome will have pumped a lot more energy (and ridden far faster) than me, and thus burnt more calories.

    Again, you are just looking at the cycling output power – not the system as a whole.

    But if we both sat on a Wattbike and did 250W, within a percent or two we’d be burning the same calories per hour.

    I think Froome would burn a lot less. Think of it another way, I go out for a run with Mo Farah, we do an half an hour at 6min/miles, I’d be knackered but Mo would be barely out of breath – my calorie burn would be way higher than Mo’s because he is much more efficient than me and isn’t operating anywhere near his limit, whereas I’d be on mine for the whole time. If we both went out and ran at 95% of our max HR then I would expect our calorie burns to be similar but I wouldn’t see him after a few hundred metres.

    Free Member

    Nope, i might go to a spin class later, i’ll put my garmin in my back pocket if you like, want a sweepstake on how many calories I’ll burn in 30min? The reality is probably 250 or so, I bet it will read 500+.

    Does your Garmin use the Firstbeat algorithm? White papers (admittedly their own) claim 7-10% accuracy. What are you using to get the ‘reality? bearing in mind crank or hub based meters will measure energy expenditure through the bike only, not the whole body.

    Free Member

    Chris Froome rode next to me, with panniers filled with sand to match by weight and barely got above 100bpm. My HRM tells me I’ve burnt 200 calories, his says he’s burnt 3.

    The algorithm for Garmin HR to EE estimation has a max error of 10% so your ‘example’ is pretty meaningless IMO.

    Free Member

    Congrats, it can be hugely stressful, we had 3 cycles of ICSI before one stuck.

    Any tips on being a good dad?

    Just do what you think is right.

    Talk to them about something they did well, that you are proud of them and that you love them every day.

    When they get old enough to back chat, count to 10 before replying, and don’t get caught grinning if they do it to your wife!!!

    Free Member

    As most have said I’d try and up the mid week mileage a bit quicker. Maybe do a steady Parkrun on Saturday with a run there and a warm up taking you up to somewhere around 5miles?

    10 miles maximum is fine for Wednesday. Friday I would aim to do a bit more (maybe 6 miles) with some mile repeats, hills, or at least some strides in there.

    I wouldn’t do the 22miles @ race pace 3 weeks out, that will likely be one of your hardest weeks and putting in a run that hard could be a disaster at that stage, I would try and do race pace running as part of your Wednesday run once up to 8+ miles.

    Most important thing to bear in mind though is you’re better being at the start injury free and under-trained than injured and watching it on the telly.

    Edit: Start doing some strength work too, calf raises, glute bridges, pistol squats, lunges etc.

    Free Member

    And omg, supermarkets, where do I start? The amount of choice is ridiculous. Maybe I’m not normal but I rarely go into supermarkets. When I do, they are full of rubbish.

    Supermarkets also have fruit, veg, pulses etc. you don’t have to buy chicken twizzlers and microwave fries.

    These telly chefs have a lot to answer for. They never promote local shops.

    Most cookery programs I watch show chefs using raw ingredients, most recommend organic locally sourced produce.

    Free Member

    No contest, bitterballen, a Dutch snack like a mini croquette.

    Free Member

    Hubs are small really, you could manage fine on a 7*12 hobby lathe.

    Free Member

    the phone is just the remote control, the streaming is direct, not via phone, same as all streaming devices innit?

    I’m pretty sure that’s right, we sometimes cast from a desktop PC to Chromecast (audio and video) and the controls appear on my (Android) phone as if by magic.

    Free Member

    The laws are clear. Holding, pulling, tripping, kicking, etc. are all fouls.

    Attempting to trip or kick are fouls as well, which very few pundits seem aware of – “no contact” or “minimal contact” don’t necessarily mean it’s not a foul as long as the intent was to trip or kick, which is where it gets difficult for refs, how do you interpret or prove intent?

    Free Member

    It might be worth a day trawling around local jobbing shops, they often have an old manual lathe stuck in the corner which hasn’t been used for ages and might part company with for cash?

    I have a smaller Warco that I bought for a specific purpose and it is OK really, obviously can’t take heavy cuts in hard materials but for plastics and ali it’s fine. If you go Chinese I would say being handy with electrics (and electronics) would be a bonus, and I’d also strip it down and clean it up properly as a first project.

    Free Member

    Blatant dives are very rare, and always get a right slagging off pundits, commentators and fans alike.

    Only because Ashley Young isn’t playing much at the moment :lol:

    Don’t forget that the diving, shouting at the ref, seeing what you get away with is part of the entertainment that is football as well as fair play

    I think that’s the crux of it, a lot of the ‘problems’ in football could be solved easily with technology or retrospective action but there is little desire from the governing bodies to do it. The United-Palace game last night had some perfect examples – Pogba goal that shouldn’t have been, Rojo should have been off, the handball, United players surrounding the ref, Pardew waving imaginary cards about etc… If every decision was 100% correct what would everyone talk about after the game! This morning the Palace fans will be consoling themselves that United get all the decisions and they were robbed rather than the other view that they were beaten by a better team.

    Free Member

    I use the local towpath a lot, commute (running or on bike) walking the dog and fishing. I’ve witnessed selfish behaviour from all user groups but if I was pressed the most reckless incidents I have seen have all involved cyclists (mainly due to speed).
    Regarding fishing, I often see people with poles across the path (and do it myself). If someone is changing bait, or adjusting something then it will take a few seconds and they’ll ship back out again clearing the path, so I’ll just wait. If they have just left sections lying across the towpath I’ll ask them if it’s OK to step over them, 9 times out of 10 they’ll move them. I also try to avoid the canal if there’s a match on just because it’s so busy.

    Free Member

    You have disagreed and they just said what I said

    No, you claimed that people were previously stating that rUK would be a successor state, I’m not aware people were claiming that. It is my understanding that rUK would be a continuing state. Continuing, and successor states are two different things in terms of international law.

    It’s blindingly obvious that the UK leaving the EU changes whether there is a possibility of iS having successor state claim to the EU

    I’m not sure we are talking about the same thing. You seem to be referring to a Scotland taking the UKs place in the EU. I am questioning the claim that Scotland would become a successor state – as defined in international law.

    Free Member

    The argument previously was that if iS left then the rUK was the successor state – did i miss you getting outraged when this was pointed out in previous debates or did you understand it perfectly well then?

    I don’t think it was. The rUK will be the continuing state if Scotland leaves, brexit doesn’t change that.

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to get my head around the successor state ‘stuff’

    Back before the indy referendum the EU gave a reply to the Scottish government regarding staying in the EU which stated;

    “The Commission’s position on the issue that you raise has been stated on a number of occasions since 2004. The Treaties apply to the Member States. When part of the territory of a Member State ceases to be a part of that State, e.g. because that territory becomes an independent state, the treaties will no longer apply to that territory. In other words, a new independent region would, by the fact of its independence, become a third country with respect to the Union and the Treaties would, from the day of its independence, not apply anymore on its territory. “

    And the leave supporters jumped on the wording used insisting that it didn’t apply to Scotland because Scotland is a country, not “part of the territory” or a “region” of the UK.

    But now apparently according to the some “senior and influential EU politicians” Scotland will be a successor state;

    “a successor state is a totally new state. This is distinct from a continuing state, also known as a continuator, which despite change to its borders maintains the same legal personality and possess all its existing rights and obligations.”

    My bold for emphasis, so what I am struggling with is if Scotland is currently recognised as a country, then how can it become a new (successor) state? I appreciate that the UK, England, Scotland or Wales and NI (THM ;-) ) are not signatories to the The Vienna Convention on Succession of States, so to a certain extent are free to make thing up as they go along, but I just can’t see how this all adds up, I’m guessing the SNP must have some legal advice on the issue though :-)

    Free Member

    I was in the air cadets at school and each summer camp the best NCO got to have a ride in a fast jet, so I was a proper brown nose for the whole week and got to fly in most of the recent jets. Always puked, a pilot told me once they will chuck it about until you do anyway so not much point trying to hold it in.

    Free Member

    Would having the lugs anodised help?

    Yes, as long as the oxide layer (anodising) is intact and isn’t scratched during assembly.

    Free Member

    isn’t bonding alu to carbon a proper ball ache? something to do with alu oxidisation or something?

    Yes, you need to electrically isolate the carbon from the lug, a layer of glass cloth will work. Or use titanium lugs instead of ali, I mean do you really love your child or not?

    Free Member

    …. saw he was indicating ….

    It was a taxi driver btw …..

    You’re just making it up now

    Free Member

    Try emailing the Kuipke?

    Free Member

    Because thats the way the reciprocal arrangements work. a retired UK citizen in spain gets the same access to healthcare as locals. the cost to Spain is reimbursed by the UK government.

    Thanks TJ – I think I knew that but I was probably muddling myself because whilst living in Holland I wasn’t covered by the NHS and had to take out Dutch health insurance (and have a valid Dutch issued EHIC to get treatment from the NHS when back temporarily in the UK). The difference of course is that I was working and not claiming a UK pension.

    Free Member

    our emigrants are mainly retired with greater healthcare needs

    Why are we (via the NHS) paying for emigrants health care? The NHS is a residence based system so surely we should only be paying for people who are temporarily overseas (I appreciate the country of residency wouldn’t like that much though).

    Free Member

    We (Engineering) sit in a quiet corner of the office just out of earshot of the inane wittering of the commercial team. Occasionally one of the scientists will borrow a spare desk for some peace and quiet. A while ago she’d been sitting there for about an hour when she piped up,

    “I’ve heard hardened shaft, reaming, black COC which might be ‘things’ but there is no way there is a thing called a sex bolt, you’re just making that up”

    Free Member

    Mine did her first parkrun at 8. Although it wasn’t the full 5k non stop, we’d walk for a bit if she was “puffed out” and she’d chuck in a bit of skipping or a few cartwheels if she got bored.

    Free Member

    My daughter used to love it there and ‘Happy Italy’ which is also near the Cathedral.

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