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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • irelanst
    Free Member

    Ours gets at least an hour a day steady with the bike (either me or the wife) an hours lead walk and then with me running or biking for 1-2hrs. Same as above though, if she sees me putting my shoes on she gets her lead.

    Free Member

    BJ’s naturally and following tonights very painful tempo run 5 minute miles, ho hum.

    Free Member

    ^ I think Klopp would be a good choice, maybe bringing Lewandowski with him. Jose would be OK if he brought Ronaldo back!

    Free Member

    Van Persie will understand what he’ s saying but will anyone else?

    Klopt, although Klopp will hopefully be nearer to the mark

    Free Member

    Hayfever / Pet alergy?

    Free Member

    I think thats unfair on him Junkyard. Pre-PEDs they’d only won the title twice in almost a decade and the Champions league ONCE in almost 20yrs (Before him). He built/changed and put his stamp on the team – he didn’t walk in and could you argue that the team that he left at handover was because of him?


    Free Member

    Raouligan, I was just about to post this, so will anyway;

    Free Member

    Brilliant effort, and a time most would be proud of without fancy dress. I like the look of disbelief on the faces of the ‘serious’ runners that are behind you.

    Free Member

    It’s possible to make a basic single-shot gun out of a bit of pipe and a nail

    A lad at school did just that, 3 fingers Andy we called him when he eventually came back to school. He probably shouldn’t have used thin wall ali tube but “it was the only tube I had that a shotgun cartridge would fit in”!

    Free Member

    We have access to a family cottage on North Uist, so get there regularly. We usually do a few days fishing, some walking around the lochs with a bit of fishing, a few days on the beach with a bit of fishing and if we have any time left try and squeeze in a bit of fishing.

    For seafood just head to the docks and buy langoustine and lobster fresh off the boats for beer money, mussels and other shellfish can be collected easily from the shoreline, and I might not have mentioned it, but you could always catch and eat some fish!

    Free Member

    Just to add to the above: We never had a dog when we lived in England, we got one when we moved to Holland. We have taken her back with us a few times and to be honest the UK is pathetic when it comes to catering for dogs; hotels allowing dogs– no, restaurants – no, shops – no, dedicated free running trails – no, exercise areas – no, whingers–oh yes, plenty of them.

    If we move back to the UK I would really find it difficult to provide the necessary environment for our dog.

    Someone mentioned above “Either walk your dog or, if you have no time to look after it properly, get rid of it…” they frankly have no idea about the exercise requirements of a high energy breed, there is no way in this world that a ‘walk’ would be enough for my dog, she has to run, and she has to run for miles every day. I can manage a decent length run every other day but there is no way that I can run for the 10 miles plus a day that she needs (and certainly not at her speed)– she did 40km on Tuesday with me on the bike and by the time I got out of the shower she was sat there with a tennis ball for a game of fetch.

    Free Member

    EDIT: and also there aren’t any multi-million pound dog-walking facilities near me AFAIK

    I was being just a little sarcastic!

    Free Member

    must be a right dobber magnet of a place

    Blame the dog owners, why can’t they take their dogs to the myriad of tax payer funded multi million pound purpose made facilities for them and their dogs; or just down to the local park where there is an area set aside for them to safely exercise their dogs seperate from the childrens play area………….

    Free Member

    What do you make of 462W for an hour? Possible by a clean athlete?

    Absolutely, now name a range of bikes after that man!

    I’m assuming you mean Boardman, and I think he was clean, at his best he could beat anyone in a TT, so was capable of the output figures that the GC riders were, but he just couldn’t do it day in day out like the juicers could.

    Free Member

    Nothing like a nice bit of ‘whattaboutery’ though.

    I wasn’t debating that dogs carry the parasite, just that they aren’t the only carrier. The risk is still very low to a child playing in a park.

    More people lose their vision every year from pencil related injuries, but you see plenty of irresponsible parents leaving pencils lying around.

    Nothing like a bit of ‘scaremungery’ though :wink:

    Free Member

    How many parks are infected with Toxocara eggs?
    Random soil surveys have found that the majority of parks throughout the UK are infected with Toxocara eggs in various stages of development

    Of course dogs are the only carriers of Toxocara in the UK aren’t they? And I’m sure you have figures which show that the <100 cases of occular toxocariasis are attributable to dog poo in parks where children are supervised by adults as opposed to cat poo in gardens where children are often unsupervised?

    Free Member

    I want our society to be better at dealing with risk, like so many in Europe are.

    My daughter goes to a school in Europe (Belgium), and I have to say there are far fewer rules than back in the UK, the school has a forest and the kids climb trees and have stick fights during break times, just like I used to as a child and she loves it (except the getting hit with sticks bit).

    That said she did break her arm 3 times last year, twice at school in playground incidents (not involving tree climbing though).

    I wouldn’t say that they are better at dealing with risk, it’s just that people take more responsibility for their own actions. For example, they are digging up the cycle path I use on my commute to put some pipes in, there are no barriers around the hole, it’s a really big hole you can see it from 100s of yards away, if you fall into it then it’s your own fault. I can’t see that working in the UK or US.

    Free Member

    One year old springer spaniel. OK to take her round Thetford with the children, or not? Will probably go quite slowly and gently.

    Yeah or nay?

    On a lead? I would take it really easy, if it’s the pups first time running with a bike then 10mins at the most.

    18 months and older for extended exercise. You and your kids might be going slow, pup will not be.

    Our vet said 12months, she is barely trotting at kids bike pace.

    Free Member

    that’s editorial, not advertising

    I didn’t think the example through too well!

    Free Member

    You really don’t. Have you seen images in newspapers where celebs have been ‘papped’? Did they all give their permission for them to be sold to the newspaper and printed?

    Free Member

    Bloody nora seems like a vizsla would be less hard work

    I hope so, we have our names on a waiting list for a Vizsla pup!

    Free Member

    Our dog is a 1/2 Beagle 1/2 Cocker and pretty much has all of the traits mentioned above. She will eat anything, if we have to leave her alone in the house everything has to be out of the way – she ate a box of candles on Saturday.

    She loves to chase, rabbits mainly and we have to be very careful when shes off the lead or she will bolt if she thinks she can get to them.

    She is a great trail dog though, She loves to run after the bike (we trained her by trailing a rags on some fishing line behind me) and she’s good company on runs, she did 14miles with me yesterday and was sat waiting with a tennis ball for a game of fetch when I got out of the shower.

    Between me and the wife she gets 2.5-3hrs a day walking and running. Anything less than 2hrs and she’s a pain.

    Love her to bits though.

    Free Member

    We had one at our wedding, pretty much everyone danced all night and the general consensus was that it was the best wedding most people had ever been to, although I have a suspicion that it was in part due to me ‘misjudging’ how many bottles of wine to have put on each table.

    The best thing was that it’s very inclusive; we invited mainly couples but had the odd single person and found that people were quite happy to intermingle when dancing whereas they probably wouldn’t have danced together to ‘normal’ music.

    Free Member

    My missus is normally pretty discrete apart from her daily morning blow-off. I don’t think shes developed the skills needed to trump in her sleep so 2 to 3 mins after she gets up every morning she lets rip an almighty fart. I’ve trained myself for the little and often method throughout the day (and night), I think it’s healthier.

    Free Member

    In my case I think the torque comes from tt-ing and touring in flat old suffolk 20 years agowhere it was very efficient so my muscles developed that way and I was slow to adapt when I moved somewhere hillier.

    I think there’s a lot of truth in that, low gears/high cadence is great for changing pace but constant speed can be done efficiently at lower cadence. Since moving to Holland I have noticed that the fast lads are mashers rather than spinners and that rides are a constant effort rather more like a TT than a road/mtb race.

    Free Member

    One of my wifes friends came over the other day for dinner;
    Daughter (she’s 6) “where’s your husband”
    Friend “I’m not married”
    Daughter “do you have a boyfriend”
    Friend “no”
    Daughter “are you a lesbian?”
    Friend “no”

    No idea where she got that from.

    About 10 o’clock and the little ‘un comes downstairs;

    Her “what are you watching”
    Me “Grown up telly, go to bed”
    Her “can I watch it”
    Me “No, go to bed”
    Her “why?”
    Me “it has grown up words, now go to bed”
    Her “does it have the f-word in it dad?”
    Me “yes, go to bed now”
    Her “do you know the f-word dad?”
    Me “yes, go to bed now”
    Her “it’s f^&* isn’t it”
    Me “get up those stairs now young lady”

    It’s become apparent that there are some negatives to sending her to school on a bus containing kids up to the age of 18 and no adults!

    Slightly more twee;

    “Daddy, brains are like mummies aren’t they”
    “why do you think that”
    “they tell you things that you need to know and they keep you safe even if you don’t know it”

    Free Member

    two manky hookers and a racist dwarf!!! i think i’m heading home

    Don’t go on the train, they might catch you!

    Free Member

    Ha, I bought it in 96, receipt has long gone!

    I have a Dynatech roadbike, it’s one of the ones with titanium tubes glued into ali lugs. I bought it second hand and after a year when I went to replace the BB the steel sleeve in the BB shell came loose. Raleigh replaced the frame without any problems, despite not being the original owner or having a receipt – might be worth a try?

    Free Member

    Vlookup will maintain a link between the two spreadsheets, if you want the data imported into spreadsheet 1 so that it becomes independent of spreadsheet 2, then you need to add another step.

    Do the vlookup as mentioned above, then select the column with the vlookup values and “copy” then “paste special”>”values”.

    Free Member

    10 match ban seems harsh to me, didn’t even appear to be a mark on Ivan’s arm. Silly thing is that they should be consistent and look back at previous bans/fines

    They did, some Ajax player bit someone and got 7 games, that would teach them a lesson and they wouldn’t do it again in a hurry right?

    Free Member

    I think she has a valid concern TBF, she probably has French doors in her dining room most likely leading out onto the patio that the DH laid just after his last bike hating wife ‘left’.

    It’s only a matter of time before her DH comes home from a hard days graft to find her drowning herself in G&T because some big burglar has smashed her back doors in and then taken the bike.

    Free Member

    Fiscal Commission Working Group – who are independent

    Independent? they were assembled by Salmond, although that does seem to be within the SNPs definition of independence :wink:

    Free Member

    Doesn’t aggravated trespass require an intent to damage/disrupt? If damage/disruption is caused unintentionally then it can still be trespass?

    Aggravated trespass is something slightly different, it’s basically trespass but with the addition that you are trying to stop other people doing something which they have a right to do. Hunt saboteurs attempting to disrupt a pheasant shoot on private land can be charged with aggravated trespass for example.

    I guess the point is that as there is no punishment for trespass, then unless you cause damage, and are sued to recover those damages, then from a practical point of view, trespass doesn’t really exist as a punishable offence without damage.

    If you willfully damage anything during the trespass then you could be charged with criminal damage. In theory a landowner could attempt to sue you for cycling along a footpath even though you don’t perceive any damage – the very act of being there is having an effect on the surroundings, crushing his grass for example, I would suspect (and hope) that he would be laughed out of court though.

    Edit: a more likely course of action if you were a habitual trespasser would be that the landowner could apply for an injunction against you, if you disobeyed that then you could be found in contempt of court and in a whole world of trouble, I’ve never seen a footpath that’s that good!.

    Free Member

    I think it’s getting into a very specific area (and slightly off-topic), but my understanding is that as mentioned you may be able to prove higher rights for a particular section of footpath, but until those rights are proved then it remains a footpath and technically you do not have any rights of way and are trespassing. If those rights have been proven, then it’s no longer a footpath, so you have every right to be there.

    From wiki – for laziness;
    “”Interference” covers any physical entry to land, as well as the abuse of a right of entry”

    “It is not necessary to prove that harm was suffered to bring a claim”

    Free Member

    Cycling on a footpath is trespass though, you have no legal right to be there.

    Free Member

    I think your friend is right, it’s not a criminal activity, but it is illegal as in “Contrary to or forbidden by law”

    Free Member

    He who laughs last?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure a coffe shop table is an “effective runway for project take-off”. Which was a very effective phrase for me taking off from the seminar that I was in at the time I heard it.

    Free Member

    Trail rat… I guess my question is how to get back to the car? Could have been a five mile walk in the cold in TT kit. Would not have been good!

    I’ve never had a mechanical in a time-trial, I can’t think of having one on my road bike that’s not crash related – what could go so badly wrong that you can’t limp home?

    Free Member

    After doing some RAW – JPEG tests RAW was the clear winner in terms of sharpness and clarity.

    RAW is completely unsharpened and straight out of the camera is flat, boring and certainly not sharp. If you mean that you can sharpen a RAW file in such a way that it’s sharper (or rather, sharpened to look better) than a straight out of camera JPEG then of course that’s true, but then you can always do your JPEG sharpening out of the camera as well and unless you are viewing at massive sizes I would doubt there would be a “clear winner”.

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