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  • Midweek Mini Movies
  • IHN
    Full Member

    Fair enough. I can believe it about Menswe@r.

    I still really like Expecting to Fly, Bluetonic is an excellent song.

    Full Member

    I’d like to see the Muslim council being more vocal/unbiased

    They’re incredibly vocal, to the point where they are often criticised for sticking their noses in where they’re not wanted. As for being unbiased, you can’t really blame them for having a pro-Islamic stance can you, the clue’s kind of in the name.

    Full Member

    Junkyard – you did say that only a minority overreact, but you did imply that that they [sic] are all intolerant of any criticism, which is not the case.

    Full Member

    Not a lot of riding (off-road) in Ireland, all to do with the access laws IIRC.

    Full Member

    I do find it distasteful that under the auspices for a democratic and liberal society we allow the fairer of our sex to be covered from head to foot and to some degree kept under lock and key.

    Give your admissions about your sexual urges, they probably prefer it that way.

    Full Member

    and they (Muslims) are incredibly intolerant of any form of criticism (or indeed a picture of their prophet) of their beliefs.

    I get worried when people bandy around words like ‘they’, as if all Muslims (or whoever) are the same. That’s exactly what causes divisions. Some Muslims are incredibly intolerant. Some Christians, like this Dutch chap, are incredibly intolerant. Generally, some people are just incredibly intolerant, and they unfortunately tend to be the vocal minority of any given group. The best thing to do is just ignore them.

    Full Member

    Hora, what’s your point?

    Full Member

    Fair enough, my mistake

    Full Member

    Sleeper were excellent when I saw them at Sheffield Uni.

    Full Member

    They sound lovely.

    Full Member

    The Muslim Council of Britain said Mr Wilders was “an open and relentless preacher of hate”.

    if only they focused on getting rid of Islamic preachers of a similiar style.

    I think you’ll find that the MCGB are pretty vocal in their opposition of ‘Islamic preachers of a similiar style’, but you can’t actually ‘fire’ a preacher so there’s not that much that they can do.

    Full Member

    The Dutch have lost a lot of credibility recently where this is concerned from the kowtowing to Muslims over the cartoon affair

    Wasn’t that the Danes?

    Full Member

    Hora – dissent.

    Such as those chums that Ken Livingstone invited over to London? Abu Hamza and more….?

    Maybe the powers should have been used for them too then. I still think it’s right in this case.

    as long as they dont actually go around doing it, they can say whatever they like.

    That’s the whole point of incitement isn’t it? You aren’t going to do anything, you’re trying to get others to do it for you.

    Full Member

    No, it’s not. Why would it be?

    And, for what it’s worth, the same powers that are keeping the Dutch bigot out have been used to keep Islamic bigots out.

    Full Member

    Sorry, my karmic internet twin, but on this occasion I have to disagree.

    “Freedom of speech is our most precious freedom of all, because all the other freedoms depend on it. But there is a line to be drawn even with freedom of speech, and that is where it is likely to incite violence or hatred against someone or some group.”

    Chris Huhne. I agree.

    Full Member

    Republica – they really were awful. I bet she went like a train mind.

    Full Member

    My old manager was nearly in Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

    Full Member

    Ash and Elastica aren’t exactly britpop are they?

    Yes, they really are. Ash may have (somehow) clung on for a bit longer, but they both definatly surfed the Britpop wave.

    FWIW, I think the Elastica album is brilliant.

    Full Member

    Oh my:

    Full Member

    Ah, the lovely Ms Wener, the w@nk object of the Britpop generation

    Full Member

    and as a practicl Britpop best of:

    Actually, I think the Mrs might have taken that one with her…

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Oasis were very definitely Britpop.

    Full Member

    I think you mean Menswe@r. And yes, I own it…

    Full Member

    Sorry, yes, Echobelly.

    Dubstar anyone? Lush?

    Full Member

    We do, to cover the 3rd party liability in case she escapes and causes an accident.

    and, let’s be honest, with Solo that’s money well spent.:-)

    Full Member

    learnt the Christian parables when I was little and none of the sin stuff and basically they are about being kind to everyone even those who are different to you and thankful that you have a good life and to lead a simple life.

    I agree that the principles behind many of the parables are sound and should be taught to children (and, indeed, many adults), I don’t think you need a god to back them up though.

    FWIW, I, with my atheist tendencies, was most impressed at a christening service for a friend’s child by the vicar’s interpretation of the tale of the good samaritan. He looked at it in a couple of ways that I’d never though of, but, again, a god wasn’t necessary in that interpretation.

    Full Member

    Do you want any carpet? I’ve got loads.

    Full Member

    *goes off to get fit, and learn how to ride again*

    I shouldn’t worry about that, I don’t.

    Mboy – sorry fella, I think that now we have a date and a fair few people signed up we need to stick with it. I’m always up for trips down there though so we can arrange another time.

    Full Member

    which i pay when i get a 2nd letter off them

    I’d be interested to see your credit rating.

    Full Member

    Standing orders you control the amount and timings – Direct debit they do

    I disagree, I think you have control in both situations, it’s just that with DDs people don’t know their rights. Incidentally, a copy of the DDG is provided whenever you set up a DD, but then people don’t always read everything they’re given…

    Full Member

    Nettles – that’s not true. Refund has not appeared from BT. Out of the blue they started charging me for the line at my previous house!

    Yes it is.

    The Direct Debit Guarantee

    – If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change, the organisation collecting the payment will notify you normally 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed
    – If an error is made by the organisation or your bank or building society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your branch of the amount paid
    – You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by contacting your bank or building society. We also recommend you notify the organisation concerned.

    More Here[/url]

    Full Member

    For £1m I would spend a night trapped in a lift with SFB, RudeFred and Hora.

    But not a penny less.

    Full Member

    Having been charged for two telephone lines (I am not a high-flyer btw) by BT and being made to wait until they decide to credit me, I am beginning to see little advantage to direct debits.

    The terms of the Direct Debit Guarantee mean that if you are incorrectly debited, your bank will refund you. You do not have to wait for a refund from the company.

    I pay everything by DD. Having worked in a bank, there really are very few problems with it.

    Full Member

    I have a theory that the **** who drive with their rear fogs on all the time think that the button on the dash is for their rear lights, so they think that they have to turn the front lights on with the stalk/dial/whatever and then their ‘rear lights’ with the other button.

    Full Member

    If you like. Drop me a mail, I’ll keep you in the loop.

    Full Member

    Headlights are for seeing WITH, not primarily for being seen.

    I’d say usually it’s for both purposes, in equal measure. In fog, it’s for being seen.

    Full Member

    Smashing. YGM

    Full Member

    Hot drink and hot water bottle on stomach = big farts and/or burps = pain gone.

    Full Member

    I hope the criteria don’t include spelling..

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