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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • IHN
    Full Member

    whats the difference between duty and tax ?

    Duty is generally a fixed amount, whereas tax is generally a percentage.

    Full Member

    Genius. I love how access to a 4* hotel is seen as essential, who says cycling is middle-class…

    Full Member

    Just one thing to consider about riding in Skiathos, you need to take your drink and food with you. There are literally no villages in the hills, absolutely nothing once you leave the main road in the south until you reach a beach in the north.

    From what I remember of Skopelos, similar applies.

    Full Member

    A well kept best bitter, within the catchment of the local brewery is better than anything in a bottle or can imo.

    Amen brother. Increasingly harder to find though sadly, it’s all 8% IPAs that taste like Lilt these days…

    Full Member

    Is there a similar price version that would plug into my 1990s Marantz amp’s aux socket?

    Take your pick

    In fact, you can have the one I’m currently using if you want it, cos I don’t need it now the stereo’s died. PM me if you want it and I’ll stick it in the post.

    Full Member

    How is it possible to sell a 50w amplifier, with USB DAC, power supply, bluetooth and cables for £28 including delivery?

    Cos electronic stuff is made from inexpensive parts that can be put together inexpensively?

    Full Member

    They definitely exist, every light switch in my parent’s retirement flat has a backlight around it.

    Full Member

    I mean, I know I’m in a minority of one, but I’ve only seen it once and I was underwhelmed.

    Full Member

    MaxxDry FTW. Bit spendierer, but much betterer

    Full Member

    . Benji has acquired this Renogy dryer as it’s apparently a little bit less fragile and prone to failure compared to other similarly affordable dryers.

    Well, given Benji thinks there’s such a thing as a gravel specific shirt, maybe Benji is just an easy mark

    (And sorry Benji old chap, from experience, it’s just as fragile and prone to failure as the others)

    Full Member

    I get to move & stack them myself.

    Honestly, this doesn’t take as long as you might think. We get two builders dumpy bags of logs* delivered at a time (at £100 each FWIW, but we’re up north), I always think “ugh, I’ve got to shift all that” but half an hour later, done.

    *and I don’t know what they are – they’re wood, I store them under cover for at least a year so they’re dry, I stack them next to the stove for a while so they’re really dry, they burn.

    Full Member

    Just read your post FB-ATB. :-/


    half a dozen Cubs moving up

    You lucky get, we had twelve! Soooo many names…

    First week back last week, we cooked Indian food, it was great.

    I’m in hols now for a couple of weeks, when I get back I’ve got first aid stuff to organise.

    In happier ex-Scout news, over the summer one of our ex Scouts became the first non Tory MP for Macclesfield in, like, ever :-)

    Full Member

    IHN – never seen the signs? “do not climb on the log piles” IME they are all over forestry operations

    I have yes, but I’d assumed they were more along the lines of organisational arse covering fun policing (like the signs telling people not to swim in reservoirs), than actual likely danger.

    Well, clearly not. You might be able to, bit other peoples brains are wired differently and may not be able to tell. If you are not asking yourself the question ‘could this pile collapse’ many wouldn’t consider it. Why would they?

    Exactly. I’d look at it and think “see that big pile of massive logs that have settled into each other under their own massive weight, I doubt adding 40kg of child into the mix will make much difference to the overall stability”

    Full Member

    Well I’m fifty years old and didn’t know that climbing on log piles was dangerous, so maybe they didn’t either.

    Full Member

    It seems the type of wood I burn is reminiscent of asking for what tyres to use on here!!!

    Exactly, and, similarly, despite all the bollocks talked about it, it doesn’t really matter that much.

    Full Member

    I had no idea Boddingtons even existed any more. Who brews it?

    I assume we’re talking actual Boddingtons, not smoothflow horribleness.

    Full Member

    If you’re having the discussion because you’re interested in having the discussion, fair enough.

    However, If you’re having the discussion just to make some sort of point, you’re just being a bit of a dick.

    Full Member

    Whereas your post really advanced the discussion.

    Alright, fair enough.

    Having a discussion with a Jehovah about how you don’t believe the stuff they believe is the doorstep equivalent of your bugbear about people posting in threads to basically express their lack of interest in the topic of the thread. People do it because that person at that moment couldn’t give into the urge to be a bit of a smartarse.

    And no-one likes a smartarse.

    Full Member

    Yeah, we’ve been into Thrive a couple of times (if that the one, appropriately, across from the health food shop), it’s nice

    Full Member

    They started it?

    That is the argument of a five year old.

    Full Member

    IHN- I’m kind of that way, since being a kid I’ve always loved design, studied it at uni and got crap for being in the library forever when everyone else was getting stoned playing Tony Hawk, I read about design in my own time, read books on Zara Hadid or whatnot, genuinely passionate about developing good products, I kind of struggle to see it the other way, I couldnt deal with the clock watching of just doing ‘a job’

    I can kind of get that for things like design and, as MOAB has put, educational type stuff, things that are more kind of, I dunno, ‘vocational’ or that you’ve always been interested in. But for ‘marketing role in a global megacorp’ then, guh…

    And just because you put work behind when you leave work doesn’t mean you’re clock watching whilst you’re there. I don’t clock watch, I enjoy my job, but when I’m not at work I do not want to be thinking about work.

    Full Member

    Fully realising that this is one of those “I’m not interested in this, so here’s my opinion about it” type posts, I’m always slightly intrigued by people who view work as a thing to so interested and engaged in, to the point that they’ll be thinking, reading and listening to stuff about it in their own time.

    Full Member

    Bingo !!!

    Bugger, I only needed “passionate about customer outcomes” and I’d have had a line.

    Full Member

    Define “cheap”?

    This is key

    Giant FastRoad Advanced (or Advanced AR for biggerer tyres), there’s a few on eBay.

    I’ve just got the Advanced AR on C2W and it absolutely flippin’ flies.

    Full Member

    You know what I hate more than meetings? Review meetings.

    I’ve just had my half-year review, where we discussed my ‘performance against goals’ and how well I was doing against the ‘customer first behaviours’. I hate it, and it’s all so unnecessary. As a contractor you just told me what you wanted me to do, I did it, you paid me. So why, as a permie, do we need all this other nonsense…

    Full Member

    Many capsules are recyclable.

    And many aren’t. And of the ones that are, what proportion of those actually do get recycled? And what about the transport of pods vs the transport of loose coffee, as pods are clearly less space-efficient packaging wise.

    The comparison to filter coffee is likely a deliberate contrivance as it involves more paper use and is a less usual coffee brewing method. An Aeropress might be a closer coffee brewing comparison in quality and budget.

    Surely the valid comparison is ‘traditional’ espresso maker?

    Full Member

    Is there a catch?

    1) the inherent waste that comes with capsule coffee machines

    2) the cost of the pods compared to loose coffee

    Full Member

    Matt – have you seen this in the classifieds?

    Full Member

    MrsIHNs gravelly hybrid is now running 3×10 with the original 50/40/30 chainset up front and a 36t rear cassette (it was originally 25t), using the original circa 2009 Ultegra shifters/mechs.

    All I did was buy one these for a fiver and a new chain. I didn’t even have to fiddle with the indexing, it was ridiculously easy.

    Full Member

    All of our many and various chargers have come with something ‘proper’, usually a phone, so I think we’re alright there.

    Cables though, we’ve got quite a few eBay specials, is that a problem?

    Full Member

    MrsIHN is an actuary, marks the exam papers and gets involved with student recruitment,  so I’m sure would be more than happy to chat to your daughter about it if she’d be interested

    Full Member

    I bought my first proper mountain bike in 1994. In that time, they number of wives I’ve had is far, far greater than the number of times I’ve checked spoke tension.

    And I’ve had two wives.

    Full Member

    MCoG is one of the few kid’s shows both my wife and I remember and my kids have watched every episode.

    What, all six hundred and twelve bajintygillion of them? Fair play.

    The worrying thing reading this thread is how many of these I’d forgotten about, yet, it seems, can still remember the theme tune…

    Full Member

    If it’s practical, dropping you off at Famer Johns then they drive down to Etherow Country Park or Brabyns Park sounds like the best option. Once you’re done, it’s an easy whizz down hill to both for you to ride and meet them afterwards.

    Full Member

    VianettaFree Member
    From my experience, it’s common to see a flurry of interest early on, which can slow down… If you’re getting offers 10% below asking and the house needs modernization, it might be wise to negotiate with current offers rather than wait. But honestly, my recommendation is to reach out for specialists. It’s the best investment u can make. Click here if you’re looking for a suggestion.

    Spamedy spam spam spam!

    Full Member

    As I always say on these threads, I’ve got prescription (varifocal) sunnies and clear specs from Goggles4U, they cost about £30-£40 each. Quality is decent, not as good as my proper glasses from the opticians but then they cost ten times more (in fact more than ten times more). For riding they’re absolutely fine, and inexpensive enough to not worry too much about scratching/forgetting/dropping etc.

    Full Member

    Cricket dude turned car presenter guy who took a chunk of our cash from the BBC for hurting himself car presenting? No thanks.

    1) Stay classy

    2) A beautiful example of what UI think of as the Cougar Paradox (as it was he who has expressed his frustration with it so well in the past) – someone has taken the time to open a thread for the sole purpose of expressing their lack of interest in the content of said thread.

    Some people are just weird

    Full Member

    Good work, especially on a Raleigh Grifter ;-)

    Full Member

    An Oasis thread that includes two people pointlessly bickering, how very apt.

    Full Member

    We end up with rules and restrictions because people are arseholes.

    You know, I’d never thought of it that way, but you’re absolutely right.

    ‘Some’ people though, obvs

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