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  • What Sort Of Van Lifer Are You?
  • iffoverload
    Free Member

    supported, thanks!

    Free Member

    Er, the streets of london do not smell good, in fact they are poisonous and inefficient.

    yay for technological solutions.. I think I would rather smell horseshit than have to listen to it.

    Free Member

    Just because an almost majority of voters are stupid enough to vote for something it does not make it a good thing.

    indeed, **** em

    Free Member

    Well, if you can make up rules that stop that happening without going all “North Korea” you can sell it to governments throughout the world and fix the problem for good.

    not that hard shirley?

    Free Member

    Most of the largest U.K. headquartered PLCs derive the majority of their revenue (and hence profit) overseas.

    that is fine and they can pay tax on the % of their overseas profits wherever they make them.

    but it seems unfair that it is possible to benefit from the infrastructure and market of a given country and then export those profits outside of its borders to pay a lower rate of tax to a goverment that has little if anything to do with the creation of that profit.

    Free Member

    Precisely, is Avoidance the correct term?

    the rules need to change to not allow tax to be paid in low tax havens for big companies trading in other countries.

    Free Member

    no idea if these are accurate, maybe someone with better gewgleidge skills can confirm/deny?

    The Four Big Myths of UK Rail Privatisation

    “The cost of running the railway has more than doubled in real terms since privatisation from £2.4bn per year (1990–91 to 1994–95) to approximately £5.4bn per year (2005–06 to 2009–10).
    Official figures show that all but one of the private train operators in the UK receive more in subsidies than they return in the form of franchise payments to the government. In 2013–14, the government contributed £3.8bn to the UK rail industry.
    The top five recipients of public subsidy alone received almost £3bn in taxpayer support between 2007 and 2011. This allowed them to make operating profits of £504m – over 90 per cent (£466m) of which was paid to shareholders.”

    Free Member

    Obviously you buy shoes… for the kids of shareholders of some seriously massive firms… 😉

    and tax evading big companies can take their business with them when they go, I am shure someone else will take up the business they leave behind.

    Free Member

    Yeah all my Jewish friends are really “anxious” living about living in a Labour run UK

    In fact they are really looking forward to The Great Utopian Brexit Liberation and Tolerance of Minority Religions that is to come once we have taken back control.

    Free Member

    So the long term political future of a country affecting the entire population..
    possibly for decades to come..
    can be swayed by the hate of a relatively small minority of religious zealots..
    their anger directed at a particular figure to satisfy their spite..
    facilitating the empowerment of a basically far right extremist party..
    with seemingly no social conscience..

    ..the phrase cutting off your nose to spite your face pops up.

    to vote in this election based on anything other than the long term effects
    of the changes proposed is nothing short of idiocy or gullability of a high order

    Free Member

    All great balls ups start by falling backwards too.

    Like instigating leaving the EU?

    Johnson will tell a Tory audience in the West Midlands. “Uncertainty ended, investment unlocked, a nation moving forward once again,”

    by which our great leader basicly confirms that:
    Uncertainty has been created, investment has been frozen and a nation is in limbo.

    makes sense.

    Free Member



    So Labour are going to fix yet another Tory managed cockup?

    Not the way they are going, they aren’t

    ah well…. but still, all journeys start with a step in the right direction 😉

    Free Member




    So Labour are going to fix yet another Tory managed cockup?

    shame on them!

    Free Member

    Man makes Plans. God laughs.

    Free Member

    further reading.. free

    Free Member

    No, CaptainMeathead is totally on the ball.

    Free Member

    yay, middle class wankery to the rescue! 😆

    what the lib dems got to do with it?

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t it be fun if millions of people made a protest vote for the green party.

    Free Member

    Had a bit of a habbit of making enormous paper planes from newspaper and launching from tall buildings if I found myself in one.

    Free Member

    We could learn so much from Brexit

    Lets just “get it done”

    So buy a bigger car drive it around needlessly leave the lights and heating on with the windows open and go on as many forrin holidays as possible.

    We don’t deserve this jewel of a planet and the sooner it kills us the better.

    Free Member

    Had one with metal casing which had a couple of rivets holding it together. That came apart easy enough with some careful drilling. You might have a brown shaft in there Which may not be salvageable but worth a look.

    Free Member

    There may also be issues if the leccie to recharge is from those French EDF plants and distributed by Hong Kong owned networks, probably no chance of our China owned windfarms being tarrif free either…

    Free Member

    ^needs a string vest and a can of wifebeater..

    Free Member

    running a pair of 27.5 mattocks on same frame, no issues with handling feels great. ( using a 26 front atm)

    Free Member

    Toyota hiace?

    Free Member

    I’m pretty crap at wheelies, have good days and not so good.

    I have noticed that the post ride pint wheelies are usually a bit cooler though.

    Try and relax, once you are up you need to do next to nothing, a bit like riding with no hands.

    Free Member

    The world population is growing so according to my crystal ball this is the earth’s way to reduce them slowly …

    Would be fine in a way. if that were the case

    But it seems to be destructive to all life and systems to support any that may remain.

    Free Member

    Lots of valid discussion here about Brexit stuff,
    with all the focus on economies,trade,finannce and across the world countries in political trmoil,civil unrest and war.. it all seem unsolvable which migh be a clue to the fact it is time for something completely different and probably of much more importance

    Lets move onto other stuff?

    It is heartening to see that there is some action taking place which is beyond the petty
    squabling about national identity and money.

    Why ClientEarth

    Free Member

    True. Like a nice holiday, maybe.

    ha! fair cop, my car pool biking buddies let me down, hopefully an empty seat taken on a plane will be less CO2 than driving there solo as according to the online clacs

    doubt I will ever do it again, hate airports and flying.

    Free Member

    More people doing things like Extinction Rebellion.

    unfortunately civil disobedience seems to be the last resort now that everything else is seemingly under the “control” of institutions who worship profit and have no respect for truth and justice and seek to escape the law.

    But the law of physics or nature cannot be changed by people.

    Free Member

    Yes we all are

    Free Member

    regarding the twisted view of economy, it really is not some imaginary beast that must be fed and grow without end

    [ ih-kon-uh-mee ]
    thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc.

    an act or means of thrifty saving; a saving: He achieved a small economy by walking to work instead of taking a bus.

    the management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.

    Free Member

    here’ll be no money to fix any problems.

    money might just be the principal cause of the problems

    Free Member

    I think many people have had quite enough of driving and flying and are looking for something else in our very short lifespans.

    Free Member

    for an “economy” to exist there has to be a stable society, without food and water society will be in chaos.

    No point in trying to fix an “economy” when it is not sustainable

    Free Member

    Meeting with native French speaker fluent in English but with a strong accent…they made several referenced to “the fact sheet” which came out sounding a lot like “the fakked shiit”

    Somehow it seemed appropriate

    Free Member

    Don’t have a link but live chat fellow said l+w+h must not exceed 275cm

    Free Member

    The shallows in saltford, handily between the bird in hand and the Riverside pubs,and the marina ground the corner by the jolly sailor. Or Dundas aqueduct on the a36/brassknocker hill junc.

    Free Member

    Sketchbook is great

    perhaps LibreCAD for technical drawings

    also check out Mischief as a ideas sketching platform

    Free Member

    if by “sky” you mean nearly everything

    and when you say “different” you mean shit

    then yes

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