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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • iffoverload
    Free Member

    if you are worried about the sound more than the looks, go for some cable with a low capacitance, especially if you are going to use a longish lead.

    a decent bit of guitar cable will also have some layers of insulators to stop it being to microphonic. Mogami or Klotz are good brands

    Free Member

    I put a coil on a Nicolai CC which has a regressive linkage.

    Nice and firm and tracked the chatter with non of that nasty air spring stichion you can get and no wallowing around.
    Used full travel and made the BO bumper work when needed with none of that nasty buckaroo action you can get with air springs, you could preload and pop without getting sent into a front flip…

    It did require a few spring changes to find the sweet spot and it ended up lowering the BB and slaking it out a wee bit because sag was something something probably more than whatever but I never stuck a measure on it…. sweet setup and not much heavier than a decent air shock with a ti spring.

    Free Member

    haha cats!

    fish in a jar is a winner, will check out the Aldi brand again and brave AS*A and try the jumbo tins, though a regular tin is just about the right size for a couple of sarnies or a salad.

    I do the mackrel and sardine thing too, I don’t mind the smell 🙂

    thanks guys

    Free Member

    you cannot really do this, you are in effect connecting one output to another if you just use some cables or an adaptor-splitter. the results are usually terrible

    there are wee mixers that are not too spendy

    Free Member

    nice find!

    that should come with Analog Lab software, great synths 🙂
    much knob twiddling fun to be had with those together.


    Free Member

    I’ve been struggling to get anywhere with Logic and a Midi Keyboard. It’s a real goal of mine to produce something I’d be happy with and others might want to listen.

    Was thinking of a production course at Toolroom or Point Blank later in the year.

    Anyone any tips??

    learing to play tunes you like is the standard way musos been at it.

    this youtube has some nice deconstructions.

    Free Member

    Had this with a moth that managed to sneak in and hide, took a while to get him out.

    Free Member

    lol purrfect thread to end the day, thanks

    introducing Rambo, he takes his work very seriously


    Free Member

    Entitled pricks are entitled…

    Free Member

    Its probably no so much lack of power but overheating, the energy has to go somewhere.

    heavier disks will take longer to heat up but also longer to cool down…. once the grease melts out of your wheel bearings you are done for.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately you will just have to cut down the cheese..

    or alternatively stop and make some raclette halfway down to cool them off. 🙂

    Formula R0’s are nice, but I still managed to cook them on long n steep plus they did let out a massive fart once after being driven up from the valley to the peak, the decent was “interesting”

    Free Member

    My opinion is never buy a guitar you have not had a chance to hold and play, what it looks like is of no concern to me.

    if you are not shure what you want go to a shop and spend the day checking stuff out,
    if they have a problem with that, find another shop.

    Gibsons are alright but they are heavy uncomfortable and often a bit unbalanced IMO

    Free Member

    Air pollution kills and affects lots of people in first world countries, but very little will be done about it.

    Not the kind of rights I was refering to really, agree with you, nobody has the right to live a life that leaves a mess for somebody else to live with

    Free Member

    No. people are willing to throw away their freedom and rights because of a nasty bug. But there is no way they would do the same to avoid irreversible global destruction or extinction.

    Free Member

    systm needsd mor grbage pumpd intoit,

    anilize ayway… 😉

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    Free Member

    sell everything, buy a nomad, have fun and get it out of your system.


    Free Member

    Samsung EVO SSD is good kit, is it really not worth cheaping out on a HDD

    Free Member


    1. tighten the claw on the springs so the bridge is tight against the body

    2. use the trem arm to lift the bridge to the correct height and slip athe appropriate number of bussiness cards/post its/etc under.

    3. tune to pitch

    4. loosen screws on claw really slowly and evenly till cards fall out.

    5. do bridge/intonation when you get new strings

    works like a charm to give correct float and stop the running round in circles with the tuning changing the float changing the tuning changing the float…..

    Free Member

    the Leigh woods side, parking £2 for a couple of hours
    same at Ashton Court side, but a nice easy flat start and little swoopy descent if you go down to the mini railway direction from the car park

    option would be to park at top of quarry run off beggars bush lane for free if you find a space and straight into a nice run down

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Thought I would drop in and troll for a while

    must try harder…

    Free Member

    WOW, its just like the zoom/enhance in Bladerunner.


    Free Member

    RegaP3 or marantz CD/RotelPre /Dr Thomas and a pair of Advents

    in the box its PTHD 192/Audient iD Quad 240 on some Tannoy System 8’s and Dynaudio BM15A’s

    all probably belongs in the retro hifi thread…..

    Free Member

    Lots of variables, I find it most apparent on piano and strings, maybe because they produse tones rich in harmonics etc. try a few of your faves with those instruments, Oscar Peterson- Motions and Emotions or a bit of Tori Amos, are easy listening 😉

    Free Member

    What do you mean? If you are implying that it is not audible to you at the maximum data rates, fair enough.

    It manifests mainly as added extra noise oddly related to the input signal and can sound a bit “phasey reverby or echoy” (if those terms exixt!) for want of a better way to describe it.

    If you believe that it is the last word in high fidelity, so be it.

    Some material loses a lot in conversion to compressed formats to my ears.
    Some is such crap to start off with that it does not really matter 😉

    Free Member

    Love tech, nothing wrong there.

    Hate how its used and sold.

    Free Member

    prefer push ons, no annoying metalwork, thicker rubber more comfy and lasts longer.

    a bit of IPA to slide on, and a squirt to get off ( lift edge spray in and leave for a minute to creep in)

    generally prefer patterns that do not have big ridges

    Free Member

    mp3 artefacts can be heard easily on piano and bowed string instruments i find, there are a lot of codecs some are less obvious than others.

    Free Member

    IMO an accurate system gets closer to reproducing that than a typical artificially warm hi-fi.

    shure, but a “nice sounding” setup can make listening to recordings (which have obvious limitations,and some which are less than perfect) more enjoyable IME

    Free Member

    ….It is highly subjective. Hence why some prefer vinyl over digital or valves over solid state. If you prefer the sound of something that’s the one you think is right, even if it’s highly inaccurate (which it often is).

    This is what makes playing around with a home setup so interesting. Its about enjoying the music.

    Accurate monitoring setups are tools for the audio industry, they don’t sound bad, but they can be a bit boring to listen to.

    Free Member

    If you are trying to get an accurate monitoring system using NS10’s you are going to have a bad time.

    They are common in studios because everybody knows what to expect from them and its not because they are accurate, quite the opposite.

    Most audio apps will have a tone generator plugin, a 20-20khz sweep will probably surprise you in how certain frequencises will seem to vanish and others boom out when in your sweet spot.

    Also interesting to set a few spot frequencies and rotate your head around or lean forwards/back. Then take a walk around the room as well.

    Not shure of what kind of compression will be on the audio over web type tools, but using a test tone that has been through any type of data compression is probably worse than useless.

    Free Member

    While being sat comfortably is crucially important, monitoring using a chair with a big headrest type design is going to really affect what you are hearing.

    nice tidy setup BTW 🙂

    and there is plenty happening in music above 13khz

    Free Member

    factor a full rebuild and tune into the price and you are fine as long as you make shure no expensive components need replacing for wear or damage.

    will be better than a crappy factory build

    Free Member

    cable pobably needed to be “run -in” 😉

    Free Member

    chunky cable for speakers, bigger is better
    and if you are not bi amping – bi wiring still does make a difference IMO though not many domestic speaker have the option and would require some fettling

    and +1 to room layout, in general speakers sound better firing along the long axis of the room, some are actually designed to be used agains a wall or in corners or may have a switch to adjust the LF response to suit placement.

    stands are nice and its easy to make your own.

    Free Member

    have fun with the new kit!

    these are some of the nicest (virtual) knobs to twiddle and have the advantage that its much harder to drop hotrocks onto them as well as staying in tune 🙂

    V collection

    Free Member

    Bottle of your favourite tipple, a notepad and pen and maybe a guitar..?

    Free Member

    try boot into the BIOS setup, its usually one of these F1, F2, F3

    or stick an OS disk or linux live disk into it and try the C key

    if it starts up and does not see your newish HD in the boot order that is probably the issue

    Free Member

    Servers will usually use Registered DIMMs , regular PC will use Unregistered DIMMs
    you cannot mix the two types together as they will have timing errors.

    ECC is something else

    Free Member

    AutoCAD should be using your VRAM on the GPU if its calling data from RAM it is going to perform poorly however much you install.

    Check you are using the ACAD drivers not the gaming ones.

    Your GPU’s specs are not great TBH even compared to the much older fx-5600

    more RAM never hurts W10 will use it, but doubt it will do a lot.

    SSD will reduce loading times but not really improve other aspects of performance

    Free Member

    not shure if it would help but I have one of these kicking around

    its older than your card but was a giant in its day for workstations

    it might be heat related as well, a good dusting and refreshing thermal paste might have some positive effect.

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