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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • iffoverload
    Free Member

    check out this blog if you have not seen it already.

    Big Muff

    try the EMG’s set nice and low if you are using them i think it helps with the sustain and smooth sound, they are high output so no issues driving stuff

    Free Member

    The neverending search for sofware amp and pedal sims led me to these guys.
    not heard of them before and not seen them mentioned here.

    I have to say I think thier stuff sounds pretty good and I really like the simple interface.

    free demos versions available and a couple of freebies too.

    have fun

    Free Member

    Try not overtaking them then pulling in front of them so they have to overtake you..

    Free Member


    Free Member

    what free easy software win 10?


    …pick 2

    Free Member

    More tea vicar?

    Free Member

    Stop the world

    Free Member

    try a few guitars while in the shop, see what is comfortable.
    a stratocaster or a copy are good all rounders, they are popular for a reason!
    avoid cheapo whammy guitars, rarely stay in tune… which is pretty important ;)

    Free Member


    about learning to play :)

    Free Member

    May I suggest Hotel California and American Pie for your repetoire, most people are happy to sing along to save embarassment :)

    Also nice to grab 1 current pop song a month or so? tutorials galore on the tube and keeps things fresh, plus the majority are really basic chordwise.

    some blues or rockish backing tracks and just improvising with a few licks n riffs is fun and sets you free.

    and yes as long as you are having fun who cares!

    Free Member

    I don;t think they should be fined for lockdown breaches, it is the least of their sins…

    This. Down Whitehall onto Westminster Bridge and into the Thames.

    Along with his sponsors,cronies and the rest of the useless tossers.

    Free Member

    this is an excellent tool for recovering media

    Free Member

    Under the “Other Suggestions” category if win 10/11 is new to you the CTT youtube channel may be of interestas a general looksie into some settings and where to find them etc and tools to do changes that are otherwise annoyingly timewasting to do.

    Naturally have a backup, and check for version compatability and updates if you go ahead with any of the debloat stuff, used it several times and it does make a nice quiet system with the occasional compromise, eg disk indexing is a hog on drives but you loose some search functionality, ( but I know where stuff is mostly)

    none of this may be useful to you or make a lot of difference on a high spec machines performance

    Free Member

    If you have a smart meter fitted your tariif(s) will soon be live linked to wholesale energy prices and change more times in one day than forecourt fuel prices.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Indeed. Your nice probably isn’t mine. Which is why arguing about hi-fi is a waste of time. fact you are almost certainly correct, it’s more than quite probable…and who is having an argument here?

    if you love music and have and interest in how a performance or idea can be captured crafted and distributed, discussing the playback may or may not be a waste of time depending on your personal perspective.

    some people obsess others just like to subscribe to spotify, whatever dude.

    Free Member

    nicer as in pleasing to listen to, its very subjective.

    Free Member

    CD’s at 16 bit/44.1k are not that great 24 bit 192k is a world apart.

    analog recordings can sound superb, and a good pressing to vinyl often sounds nicer than a digitized versin, even though it goes through a whole mountain of of phase shifting eq etc.
    digitized analog signals are robust, but there is some dark art in music and recording I feel..

    at the end of the day its the music that moves you not the medium.

    regarding CD’s being able to store and replay the nuance of sound that humans are capable of discerning, no they are not.

    Free Member

    yes you are likely to notice a difference when removing an old worn AT and fitting a new unworn one especially if it is a higher end model…

    CD’s sometimes dont sound that great but have the advantage that playback equipment is less fussy and you can encode LF signals that are nearly impossible to cut onto vinyl even at 45rpm 12″, as well as perfect stereo separation.

    Free Member

    Thats a nice rig, I’m fan of Tim de Paravacini kit

    Free Member

    “that much better” is a bit hard to define, it will be more able to accurately track the groove, no doubt.

    but how much you get out of it over say a AT95E will depend hugely on achieving the best setup of mounting tracking angle weight etc, as you probably know that cam make a huge difference.

    for me and my fading hearing and the state of most of my collection it would not be worth it

    Free Member

    get a UTR from HMRC and invoice for his work, keep track of expenses. complete annual tax return on-line and pay NI

    get his mate to do the same and invoice him too perhaps?

    Free Member

    taxes? this on loop


    Free Member

    there is nothing I cannot do on my stupid phone,
    ifones are fine till you want to do something differently or it goes tits up and you have nothing.

    apples are not the only fruit.
    smug jailbroken control freak android user here

    Free Member

    must. not .click ..


    ^ beaten to it by seconds


    Free Member

    A watched pot…

    Tai-chi? lots of nice breathing exercises :)


    Free Member

    That was very enjoyable, thanks for posting.

    I prefer the smoother sound of Yamaha engines on my air guitar rig.

    Free Member

    Its all in the wrist.

    I found riding in wet conditions and using primarily engine braking helped me to develop smooth cornering technique, and speed.

    bit cheesy but still very practical

    Free Member

    Cheapo chino LFT kits giving unreliable results shocker!!

    lets order a few million more “free” kits with tax payers money!

    they look so cool in landfill sites too.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    F*** me.

    er, appreciate the offer but will respectfully decline as you have declined to respond sensibly to a logical argument or what you consider “mental gymnastics”* lol

    * Is that because you find it such an effort to think?

    Free Member

    @ poopscoop

    yeah would have to agree, the takeaway for me on that is the bottom line

    ” Scientists have said that more study is necessary. ”
    “that there is no peer-reviewed randomized control study that shows that ivermectin is the reason why cases are going down”

    this is not proof that it did not have a possibly beneficial effect, might be good reasons why further study is not being done though… IDK.

    Also very interesting was the “garbage data” angle, given the way people like to chuck around numbers here it is concerning that this “data” which is subject to multiple variables is taken as some form of conclusive proof of anything rather than a rough indicator, testing levels 0 = cases 0 and it is not really in doubt that every case is not reported for a variety of reasons. IMO the numbers are mostly misleading.

    edit @TiRed oh they have done trials, makes sense and thanks.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Freedom to infect is a pro ***t choice.

    Thing is that vaccination reduces transmition (probably,but varients..?) and encourages social activity.

    So the “Freedom” of the vaxport green pass scheme could be considered as giving people a false sense of security and actually encouraging and sanctioning transmission.

    Free Member


    thanks for the link, mostly way outside my field of understanding but the bits that meant something to me were helpful, it certainly is a very interesting and versatile technology that will be a game changer for many. The safety concerns of it’s use are acknowleged there but very breifly.

    re the ivermectin and the principals of Clinical Pharmacology, again I am not really qualified to comment but there does seem to be evidence it was useful in India when distributed.

    As per a report published in The Indian Express on May 12, 2021, the Uttar Pradesh government itself had conceded that the large-scale therapeutic use of Ivermectin helped to maintain a low Covid-19 positivity rate and a low fatality rate as compared to the other Indian States. Following the development of the first Covid-19 cluster in Agra, the State Health Department introduced Ivermectin and Doxycycline in August 2020 for both prophylaxis and treatment of the Wuhan Coronavirus.

    While speaking to The Indian Express, State Surveillance Officer Vikasendu Agrawal had said, “Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra, led by Dr Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus.”

    Free Member


    If that’s the best response you’ve got then I think I’m done talking with you, smiley face or no.

    play stupid games… win stupid prizes :)

    Free Member

    I don’t think Robert Muler claimed to simgle handedly develop anything in that interview, have you seen it? If you have not I guess asking for opinions on his views is pointless..

    Free Member

    @chevychase No I was asking about Dr Robert Muler


    Full Member
    I’ve no idea who this guy is and I don’t really care to find out.

    well he is one of the key people behind the development of the technology you are

    …. would do my graduate work at san diego and i’d been accepted into a program at ucsan diego that had two of the top gene therapy specialists I really wanted to do gene therapywith retroviruses that was what I thought was going to bemy life and so we moved down to san diego and I started working in the laboratory of indoor verma which is in the molecular biology and virology labs at the salk institute and this is a placewhere graduate students normally aren’t allowed to go it was there was seven nobel laureatesat the time plus Jonas a really intense competitive environment carved out a little niche that Iwas going to work on for my graduate work which was asking questions about how retrovirusRNA is packaged and from that I had to develop a series of technologies to manufacture RNAand structure it and eventually put it into cells and that through a cascade of events being at theright place the right time asking the right questions surrounded by geniuses led to the series of discoveries that now performs the basis of the RNA technology platform that gives rise to thesevaccines and 10 issued patents from they were all filed in ‘89. So, that’s kind of my origin storythat it relates to this virus and vaccine and this but since then went on finished my md did twofellowships at uc davis top pathology for years set up a gene therapy lab had many other discoveries came out to the east coast created the technology platform that is now the basis of the company called inovio we actually originally founded inovio in the United States this is uhpulsed electrical fields they have one of the DNA vaccines for Covid then the planes hit thetowers the investors pulled back and I went to work for a company called dynport vaccinecompany that had the prime systems contract as government speak for all the biodefenseproducts for the department of defense for advanced development which is to say clinical trialsthrough licensure and that’s my kind of transition from being an academic to focusing on actuallymaking things that work in people and the big epiphany there was that the world is full of theseacademic thought leaders that publish in big journals and stuff but that doesn’t really lead toproducts and I really wanted to make productsthat would help people and so since then for the last I guess about 20 years I’ve been focusedon actually doing stuff regulatory affairs, clinical development, getting necessary training, etc.completed a fellowship at harvard university medical school in uh global as a global clinicalscholar to round out my cv and I’ve uh run you know over 100 clinical trials mostly in the vaccinespace but also in drug repurposing I’ve been involved in every major outbreak since aids this iskind of what I do um I’ve won literally billions of dollars in federal grants and contracts I’m oftenbrought in by nih to serve as a study section chair for awarding you know 80 to 120 million dollar contracts in vaccines and biodefense I’ve spent countless hours at the CDC at the AC ACIPmeetings um I have multiple friends at the CDC I work closely with defense threat reductionagency which is a and it’s one of my favorite uh clients partners teaming partners and I workwith the chem biodefense group there’s other branches um including the other this is not thebranch that funded the wuhan labs that’s another branch of DTRA um I’ve got many friends inthe intelligence community so I’m I’m kind of a pretty deep insider in terms of the government Iknow Tony Fauci personally I’ve dealt with him my whole career and then and then we had thisparticular outbreak and um I was uh tip of the spear on bringing the ebola vaccine forward thatwe now call the merc ebola vaccine I’m the one that got Merk involved


    But I’m curious as to how “being silenced in mainstream media” works. Like, is that not just “not getting airtime because it’s not newsworthy”? By that logic, you’re being silenced on MSM too.

    No, it’s not. Are you stupid or just on your 4th beer tonight? :)

    Free Member

    Full Member

    what is his angle and why is he being silenced on MSM?

    He wrote a paper in the mid / late 90’s on the use mRNA vaccines..

    He claims to have done more than that, a lot more. Being misquoted is not a reason for his views to be censored is it? He also claims to have been targeted to have his medical licence revoked under some rather odd circumstances.

    Why is this guy getting singled out?

    Free Member

    Josh Rogan content. (sorry)

    this Dr Muler chap…

    seems to be qualified but has repeatedly been attacked, appears to raise some good points.

    what is his angle and why is he being silenced on MSM?

    Free Member

    I’d like to say something positive but thats really not what I feel.

    Sharing the road with vehicles is potentially lethal, you are right to be paranoid about it.
    Ride like everyone is out to kill you and position and plan your escape routes as you go.
    You can very much control nearly everything in front of you, this is good news.

    Traffic approaching from the rear and passing is pretty much out of your control, but a mirror is nice to have anyway.

    Country lanes are lovely but do watch (listen) out for white delivery van man and regular commuters on these…they “know” the roads and go too fast round blind bends.

    Have a (small) beer and ride it like you stole it. or not.

    Free Member

    Its strange how the stupidly rich have been flying around the world on private chartered jets throughout the pandemic and it literaly goes under the radar.

    Couple of private jet pilots I know have been flat out last 18 months.. no issues strangely.

    still, pick someone to nail to a cross and enjoy yourselves.

    Free Member

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