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  • UK Trails Project Launches ‘Right Trails, Right Places’
  • iffoverload
    Free Member

    I could not drive that distance without a few hours of sleep, I have done it with a lunch stop with a decent nap and then a couple more breaks through the night.
    But it is much nicer to do a stop somewhere on the way.

    San Sebastian is nice and reachable in a day then on through Zaragoza to Barca
    maybe not the quickest..

    Free Member

    Podium Girls – do they still have a place at races – what do you think ?

    Yeah why not? If they want to do that kind of work and look nice why should it bother anyone?

    Free Member

    dirtyrider – Member

    just sounds like a tragic accident,

    its not like the driver hasn’t shown remorse,

    its not a straight road, its not a flat road

    the driver may have been distracted

    highway code: Rule 126

    Stopping Distances. Drive at a speed that will allow you to stop well within the distance you can see to be clear.

    Your comments are retarded as a justification for the drivers total failure to conduct himself either legally of safely.

    At the very least he should have been sentanced to provide some sort of community service maybe by going around and explaining to people like you that there is no excuse for driving without a licence, insurance and driving dangerously.

    accidents happen, but they can be avoided, they should never be accepted

    Free Member

    with the amazing rollover of a 29er why on earth did you stop?

    Free Member

    agree with reducing traffic in cities, everyone likes a quiet clean and safe place to live no?

    maybe something like the removal of non trade and thru traffic from many areas and pedestrianize others along with a proper reliable and affordable public transport network?

    many cities seem to have failed miserably in terms of transport management and pretend that it is not getting worse.

    oh, and enforcement of the existing traffic laws so all road users do not let their standards slip to the digraceful level I am sure we all witness and probably even exhibit ourselves daily 😳

    Free Member

    painkillers can slow down the healing process, so try and take as few as possible, I managed just take one to sleep once in a while.

    also some multivitamins, milk and sunshine.

    was nearly 12 weeks for me till mine stopped clcking and felt OK. and it was a pretty clean break.

    Free Member

    I would use a reinforced raft.

    Free Member

    hands free devices and voice to text etc are just as bad as using a handheld


    : We used a high-fidelity driving simulator to compare the performance of
    cell-phone drivers with drivers who were legally intoxicated from ethanol.

    When drivers were conversing on either a hand-held or hands-free cell-phone, their reactions were sluggish and they attempted to compensate by driving slower and increasing the following distance from the vehicle immediately in front of them.

    By contrast, when drivers were legally intoxicated they exhibited a more aggressive driving style, following closer to the vehicle immediately in front of them and applying more force while braking.

    When controlling for driving difficulty and time on task, cell-phone drivers exhibited greater impairment than intoxicated drivers.

    Free Member

    sorry… I didn’t bring any protection.

    Free Member

    1. get an action camera to help motivate you

    .. the time off and watching the summer roll by while recovering from injuries due to moviemaker inspired lunacy will make you appreciate all your rides, even slowly on fireroads much more 🙂


    2. focus on flow, keeps me entertained and out of trouble…..mostly.


    +1 on just enjoying/exploring the great outdoors and getting a bit lost etc.

    Free Member

    Mr Do!

    Free Member

    Or revolt! Smash the pillars of the party system and bring the roof of our pathetic democracy down!

    * I may not be serious * 😆

    Free Member

    It’s never been enough to change the result IIRC (from a radio 4 discussion).

    this may or may not be true, but it is no good to have such a low turnout either way. maybe many who abstain would vote for a ‘fringe’ candidate but feel there is no point as the media coverage hype etc makes it look like a 2 horse race?

    Free Member

    yes complain but it will probably make no difference, why not endorse the one you disagree least with? I agree it is far from ideal, but asking for a new system to be put in place by the people who are put in place by that system just seem a touch optimistic.

    Free Member

    if you do not vote, you still have the right to complain 🙂

    Free Member

    fair point but unlikely to change I think, so still worth using the choice we have and maybe one day get the choice you want,no?

    Free Member

    pretty daft to throw away your right vote IMO

    all it will do is give the hardcore brainwashed voters the power to decide for you who is going to carry on making a mess and screwing everything up next.

    the election is as much won on account of the people who choose not to vote as choose to vote.

    60% turnout decided last election, pretty sure none of the parties had 40% of that 60, think about it, the actual majority does not want any of them!! 😉

    vote. even if you think it is pointless, it is not 🙂

    Free Member

    so Liverpool is going to be invaded by american and japanese tourists looking for a cave full of beetles?

    Free Member

    the one with a dual flow rebound damper is the one to go for, the older rebound damper fork packed up on repeted big hits.

    Free Member

    I find they go perfectly with my 33t N/W ring

    Free Member

    Free Member

    some people develop a sensitivity to the chemicals given off by recently made items

    I find one manages to cope with the food halls at Harrods, but it is rather tiring on occasion…

    Free Member

    it does not rely on friction alone , the part that inserts into the steerer is also clamped by the lower stem pinch bolt.

    I rode it without the extension as well and the stem did not slip before I did this.

    Free Member

    Best to ask the local engineering company to make you one up 😉 piece of cake with the right kit and skill!

    I used a friction fit as mine was fine without the extension, this just made sure I could tighten the top clamp bolt correctly and not cause the stem to fracture by pinching the clamp till the gap closed.

    Machine screws are not a good solution, epoxy glue is fine but you need to do it properly with a small clearance for the glue layer and the surfaces must be prepared properly etc.

    If in doubt, dont.

    Free Member

    not sure what you mean?

    it is an extension to the steerer as it was a touch too short for a new frame. re the OP “steerer too short”

    you can do the same thing with a more depth and height and use a proper epoxy to bond it into the steerer as well, but you need to do that very carefully or obviously it is stupidly dangerous, especially on an off road bike.

    Free Member

    I turned a small piece of aluminium down to be a friction fit into the steerer and extend about 12mm above it effectively extending the steerer by about 1/2″

    the outside diameter of the top part is equal to that of the extenal steerer, and the lower a tight press fit into the internal part.

    the last photo shows the stem fitted and tightened, without the small extender the upper clam used to pinch shut before it was properly torqued to 8Nm

    not shown is the required 5mm spacer and top cap to preload the bearings.

    I prefer to set up the stem so that the steerer is always slightly above to reduce any chance of the stem trying to “walk” up the steerer and place stress on the preload bolt/starnut.

    Free Member

    I did this, friction fit, allowed me to tighten the top bolt without pinching it closed. worked a treat.

    Free Member

    havens 711 for 60 quid on crc clearout

    Free Member

    @ poly

    no, sorry I do not, they were just figures given at a SAC I attended. 😳
    But I think improved response times and medical care has made a significant
    difference to survival figures in accidents.

    I doubt they would expand the trials to other areas if they were proved to have no effect so far.

    One thing to bear in mind is just one vehicle observing the limit pretty much enforces the limit for the following ones. A little can go a long way in this instance.

    Free Member


    I think they identify high risk areas and warn a few people and then let them share their experiences,

    I do not know the area so am just guessing here, but you pinpoint a rural road near village, low sensation of speed/limit feels slow , unlikely driver anticipation of pedestrian/farm or cycle traffic, no pavement perhaps? , sounds like a fairly good place to setup some monitoring.

    If you are concerned about the traffic down your road, and it sounds like you have every reason to be, why not try to voice it to somebody that can take enforment forward? Maybe the local schools?

    Sounds like the spot has been identified already with the placement of a smiley face sign, (very fair really to give the regular drivers there a ‘heads up’ IMO) they are probably gathering data and that usually precedes a period of enforcement if deemed reasonable….

    ignore the limit at your peril, big brother is watching and will only have more eyes in the future.

    yes, it sucks to get caught, but you can try to see it as a possible positive that something is being done 🙂

    Free Member


    I already knew this, so what would I have gained from the course?


    The point of these courses is to point out and/or remind people…

    ….Advanced driving tuition is not what you should expect from a SAC…


    Free Member

    re: 35 in a 30 zone

    The point of these courses is to point out and/or remind people that just a few mph over the limit in pedestrain/urban areas makes a HUGE difference to the injuries sustained in the event of an accident and also increases the likelihood of it happening

    like a kid running out in front of you. (they do that kind of thing sometimes.)

    or an novice/wobbly/elderly/young/stupid cyclist in poor visibility conditions without good hi-viz in a vunerable position … etc etc…

    statistics show that the number of serious injuries have reduced quite significantly since the introduction of this scheme, this is much more useful than giving people points or fines and is also cheaper thant cleaning up the cost of accidents. a sensible use of revenue.

    If you did not understand at least this from attending one of these courses the instructors failed or you should not have a licence.

    If you do understand this and still use inappropriate speed I hope you have an enforced break from driving before something nasty happens.

    Advanced driving tuition is not what you should expect from a SAC, it is to remind you why there are speed limits and to help you avoid killing/maiming somebody in the case of an accident.

    that is all.

    and no, speeding in urban areas does nothing to reduce your journey time.

    Free Member

    It is not about time or money 😐

    …and if it is imagine how much you will potentially save by avoiding being involved in an accident 🙂

    Free Member

    yes, make the most of it, it will help you be a safer,better driver 🙂

    the people that speed like lunatics get a whole other deal BTW 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    got a pic?

    Free Member

    not Swinley unfortunately

    Free Member

    😯 not very socially acceptable, better to dig a hole and bury it!

    Free Member

    @leeroybrown, sorry, not Brighton 🙁

    Free Member

    It was designed with the bike shop in mind 😉

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