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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • idiotdogbrain
    Free Member

    I’m in, thanks for this! Need some motivation finally..

    Free Member

    We had a 1st gen 4motion – it was competent enough, but fitting my L Aeris 145 in with only the front wheel off required angling the bike and/or pushing the passenger seat forwards. Swapped it for a Grand Cherokee as we needed a higher towing capacity, and wanted shot before the clutch issue reared its head.

    Free Member

    “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

    Seems simple enough to me.. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    Hey OP, hope you’re doing better than you were..

    Free Member

    Just fit CrossClimates all round and leave them on all year round. Perfect UK tyre really.

    Free Member

    Nature’s Menu Raw Complete for both of ours (7yo Staff X Boxer and 6mo Staff X Boxer X Lab). Both have seemingly endless energy but not manic with it IYSWIM. Well, the pup is, but he’s 6 months old so they’re all crazy at that age!

    Free Member

    Being able to admit that you’re struggling is really the first and most important step.

    Ask yourself what your ideal end scenario is – do you want to be a dog owner, with a companion who offers you possibly the purest, most unconditional love there is, and for whom you are their entire world? If so, then get professional help, both for you mentally and with turning the pup into that companion, and accept that it’ll take a while before things settle down and you may just have to work hard to get through it.

    My experience of owning dogs (I came to it unwillingly in my 30s having been afraid of dogs my whole life) is that it has been utterly worth every second of it.

    Free Member

    Can I ask – what is it about having a puppy that is stopping you being yourself?

    I’m guessing you had an idea of what you thought dog ownership would be like – is there a massive disconnect between that and the reality of it?

    Free Member

    I think you’ve realised that you both have some mental health issues regarding changes in your routine, and I think you maybe need to address those first without the responsibility of a puppy in the middle of it – especially a breed that are known for being tricky even for experienced owners!

    Dogs are fairly simple creatures really – they need love, and boundaries. We’ve been dog owners for 11 years, and our 6 month old pup is a handful even for us! For the first two months he was never left alone and he needed almost constant monitoring to establish the boundaries, keep on top of the toilet training, etc – and this was with our existing dog helping teach him!

    It’s an immense amount of work, but now at 6 months we’re beginning to see the results of that and he’s just a joy to be around. You need to be realistic about what’s involved, and whether you actually want to fix your issues long-term. It might help to actually write down what it was you hoped to get from owning a dog, what you thought it would be like, how the reality is different, and what about the change is making you anxious. You can then make a rational decision regarding whether the best option is to get help and work through it, or hand the dog back. I would advise doing it sooner rather than later so that the pup doesn’t get too bonded to you though – none of this is his fault.

    Free Member

    Mk1 TT, has to be. Genuine design classic. Get a good one and you won’t lose money. Not long bought a non-spoiler APX-engined ’98 225 Quattro in Denim Blue on its original dealer plates for £750. For the money I can’t think of anything I’d rather own.

    Free Member

    Just leave the thing be.

    It’s not in your house.
    It’s not dangerous.

    Use of poison inside where dead and dying things are fairly unlikely to be eaten by other stuff is a last resort, outside its thoroughly reprehensible.

    This. One of our family cats when I was younger nearly died and was left with epilepsy as a result of eating either poison that someone had left out, or a rat that had died from eating it, and it was heartbreaking.

    Free Member

    FPV RC planes? More immersive than RC cars, and the level of kit geekery is almost limitless..

    Free Member

    Surely the answer is a VW Caddy Maxi Life 4motion on CrossClimates?

    No bulkhead makes it feel bigger than the Mondeo, drives (almost) like a car, 4wd only when you really need it, and CrossClimates are M&S-marked in addition to being great in every other weather. Job done 😁

    Free Member

    It’s not whataboutery at all – if you criticise someone over a personal choice that they have made, that is contributing more environmental harm than the valid alternative – yet you yourself are unwilling to take an equally valid alternative to something you do in order to reduce your environmental harm, then that is hypocrisy.

    Do the best that you can, with what you are able, and don’t be a dick about it. Is that really so hard?

    Free Member

    I have a genuine question for those who are decrying SUV drivers: do you consume animal products?

    It has been shown by multiple studies and research bodies that meat and dairy contribute far more in terms of emissions than plant-based food sources. It is known that it is perfectly possible to survive on a 100% plant-based diet (as many plant-based foods are supplemented with B12, or you can personally supplement).

    If you are criticising anyone driving an SUV (in your opinion) unnecessarily, yet you consume meat and dairy (also unnecessarily), then you’re a hypocrite of the highest order.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    endoverend and chrismac are on the money.

    Have a read of this:

    Tl;dr – If you’re a middle class or above westerner, regardless of how green you think you are, it’s not enough, and all you’re doing is tinkering around the edges rather than making any meaningful difference.

    SUV or EV makes no meaningful difference – the answer is no car.
    Factory farmed meat or organic meat makes no meaningful difference – the answer is no meat.
    Big house with gas boiler or big house with heat pump and solar makes no meaningful difference – the answer is small house.
    Short haul flight holidays or long haul makes no meaningful difference – the answer is no flying.
    Having children that do all the wrong stuff or having children that do all the right stuff makes no meaningful difference – the answer is no children.

    Free Member

    I thought these tickets were great. If this idiot works in Aberfoyle, why doesn’t he live nearer instead of slap bang in the middle of Glasgow?

    How do you, or these knobbers, know that he didn’t used to work near where he lived, but had to take a different job further out and buying a big car and driving was cheaper than the cost and hassle of moving house? Or maybe it’s a temporary contract and he’s only got the car whilst on the contract? You don’t know, and neither do they. You and they are simply being self-righteous and deciding how big a car people should be allowed to drive (here’s a hint, they’ll never say that their own car is too big, no, only other people’s that are bigger than theirs – funny that).

    Idiotdogbrain- why do you have such a big car? Unless you’re a farmer or similar it’s extremely unlikely you need the size or the off road capability every day. You could rent something bigger as and when you need it.

    Because we wanted it, and there’s no law against it – beyond that, it is (strangely enough) none of your business, is it? We both eat a plant-based diet, don’t take overseas holidays, and don’t have kids – all of which reduce our carbon footprint more than the difference in emissions.

    Actually, we have it because we have horses, and have a trailer that needs a tow vehicle with a substantial towing weight, and the GC was the cheapest, most reliable we could get for the money. On several occasions we’ve needed to get one of the horses to the emergency vet hospital near us, and having the facility to do that could be the difference between them living or dying. If we needed to do that and some arsehole had let the tyres down because they had decided that we shouldn’t be allowed to drive it, then they’d be regretting it for the rest of their existence.

    You don’t know what reason someone has for having a particular mode of transport, nor do you know whether it might be needed in an emergency.

    Free Member

    We’ve got a Grand Cherokee on the drive – anyone fancy slinging some tired stereotypes my way, or coming round and letting the tyres down? Go on, come and find out what the consequences of that would be.

    They don’t know the reason those cars are owned. Bunch of pricks. Anyone thinks they have the right to mess with someone else’s property is mistaken, and all they’re going to do is turn people against them.

    You want people to stop driving big cars – lobby the government to enforce a mandatory upper emissions limit. Or, how about this – everyone gets an annual CO2 allowance, to be used how you feel. Cycle everywhere but eat emissions-heavy meat, or be vegan and drive a big car. Or cycle and be vegan, but fly abroad for holidays. Much better.

    Free Member

    From top of the league with guaranteed CL next year to relegation fodder and mid-table mediocrity at best… 🤷‍♂️ Just smarts a bit after all his talk of wanting to build a legacy and being happy and settled.

    Still, he’s not bigger than the club, so onwards and upwards. GvB looks like he could be a good option.

    Free Member

    Not ridden the FS since this time last year, and it’s been even more of a start contrast as last year was one of my best riding years ever! Did buy an On One Whippet earlier this year and did a few XC-biased rides from the door on it which I really enjoyed, but no real desire to have to drive to get to trails “worthy” of the big bike.

    Just been massively lacking in motivation for doing anything much this year, plus I tend to leapfrog between pastimes, get obsessed over one for a few months, then get bored, move to the next, ad infinitum.. 🤣

    If you don’t need the money, keep the bikes and just wait. Do something else that interests you in the meantime. I’ve rediscovered my love of golf..

    Free Member

    You have my sympathies too 😔 we lost our older lad at 11 in July – small growth appeared literally overnight one day, and three weeks to the day he was PTS as it was pressing on his throat so much he went into respiratory distress.

    I have a video of him from his last morning, and he was still running about daft, chasing toys, etc. Far better to let them go when they’re still themselves, even though it hurts us more. Give her a hug from us.

    Free Member

    Loving Sam up there^^^ what make of dog is he?

    He’s half Staffy, quarter Boxer, quarter Lab. So a Staffoxador, maybe!?

    I posted at the time about losing my first dog very suddenly in unexpected circumstances (which I’m still not fully over), and our other dog – a Boxer X Staff rescue – wasn’t coping very well as an only dog without his big brother. Now he gets to be big brother to Sam 😁

    Sorry for the thread hijack!

    Free Member

    Sam says hi!

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    Free Member

    Mk1 TT 225 Quattro; pushing the definition of not-a-2-seater a bit, but buy a good on and look after it and it won’t drop in value.

    Easy enough to mod the front suspension and replace the rear ARB to reduce the understeer to how it was originally intended to handle – just don’t lift off at 110mph+ on corners!

    1.8t engine decently frugal, parts cheap, and every VAG indie knows how to work on them. Bone fide design classic and starting to feel a bit of a modern classic now. Can you tell I love mine? 😁

    Free Member

    They don’t need to be quick fitting as it looks like I’ll have threaded mounts available, but I do prefer tool-free attachment and removal if I’m honest. The Veloflexx got a fairly decent review on <cough>

    Free Member

    Another vote for the Atera Strada Ebike ML here – use it with a Turbo Levo FSR (25kg) and a Large Bird Aeris 145 (1260 wheelbase).

    Free Member

    IIRC, from a Reddit AMA with someone who worked for a lottery company (albeit an American one), the answer to the question is the higher-priced scratchcards. You can check on the Lottery website to see which ones have the highest number of prizes remaining.

    Free Member

    Definitely not normal around Aldershot way now – Tesco, Morrisons, Farnham Sainsburys, Hog’s Back Services, Gulf, BP, Ash – all out. Went to the new services at the bottom of the A331 at half 7 this morning and they were closed but there was a tanker filling them up. Parked up, popped into the Starbucks for a coffee and sat and waited for an hour before they opened up. Managed to get both cars fuelled though, so hopefully should see us through til next weekend. OH is wfh and I try and cycle in if I can, but with the weather this week and needing to get to the horses with dogs in tow we’ve needed fuel more than usual.

    Free Member

    Yup – PG denotes standard Shimano freehub fitting (NX and SX), XG denotes XD (GX and above). Having a standard freehub at least means you can easily run SS if you want.

    Free Member

    I’d say so, yes – SX is very cheap-feeling whereas GX is two steps above and a lot more solid.

    Free Member

    The ones on the way into Aldershot from the A331 looked fine yesterday if that helps? Don’t know which side of Guildford your outskirts are 😁

    Free Member

    I think it’s a fine line to tread tbh, given that one of the replies opened with a ROFL emoji..

    I’m sure it wasn’t the intention, and yes, the world is quite rightly laughing at the UK’s actions at the moment!

    Free Member

    It might be just me, but this smacks a little of “Let’s all laugh at the funny way those foreign people speak”. 🤔

    Free Member

    Yeah, that’s as much as I paid for my TT!

    Have a look at the Pioneer SPH-10BT – it’s a single DIN that uses your phone as the screen so you can mount it wherever suits you, allows Google Maps nav, Spotify, etc. Plus it’s only £110..

    Free Member

    The Mk1 is a bona fide Bauhaus design classic, with 225hp and 4wd. What’s not to love!? Looks like you’ve got a good’un there 👍

    Free Member

    Looking forward to pictures! I’ve not long picked up my second after the first went pop last year – got a non-spoiler T-reg Denim Blue 225 😁

    Free Member

    I’m on my second – an early, non-spoiler 225. Had my large 29er in the back the other week, both wheels off, but it fitted!

    Just make sure the cambelt & waterpump have been done on schedule, and that the oil pickup has been replaced…

    Free Member

    How have Crosta & Mollica not been mentioned yet!? Bit too pretentious..? 🤣

    These have only two states in our house; unopened and empty. Normally buy extra packs purely for the drive home from the supermarket..

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