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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • idiotdogbrain
    Free Member

    XL Bird Aeris 145 and AM9 have an ETT of 680 and reach of 528/522 respectively.

    Free Member

    Gwin..! Oof..

    Free Member

    Was looking forward to seeing Katy Curd in the top ten – did she crash..?

    Free Member

    I end up in Melaka almost every year for work and I’d say its definitely worth a visit for the history and atmosphere. Get to the weekend Jonker Street Market if you can, always interesting..! I haven’t done any touristy stuff apart from that though, so can’t be of more help!

    Free Member

    We have the Atera (bought based on the pic above!) thanks to my Aeris and it’s 1260mm wheelbase. Its great..! 😁

    Free Member

    Liverpool: “We’re the comeback kings..!”
    Spurs: “Hold my beer..”

    Free Member

    Whereabouts are you that means you can’t try one? Worth asking Bird if they know anyone on the owner’s group near you who might have one you can sling a leg over?

    FWIW I’m a hair under 6′ with a positive ape index on a L Aeris 145 and it’s great. That said, I could ride an ML fine, and even my other half’s Small Zero AM doesn’t feel that small! Sorry, that doesn’t help, does it?

    Free Member

    Not really, mostly because they don’t subscribe to the model-year nonsense that almost everyone else does – they release new bikes as/when they’re ready rather than just changing the colours each year.

    Free Member

    Yup, all Birds fly the Nest set up tubeless 😊

    As for tyre pressures, on standard 2.3-2.4 stuff, I start with weight in stone x2 then add 2psi rear and subtract 1psi front.

    Free Member

    This has been my life on and off for about 20 years now. I have periods where I tread water, some where I even swim. And many where it is just too tempting to stop fighting against the thoughts and events I cannot control and let the waters close over my head, just to be free from battling against my own brain and its insistence that everything I am and will be is of no consequence to anyone.

    But I have (as the article describes) flotation devices that keep my head above water, so for the moment I carry on.

    I think in reality I don’t want to die, I just want the static and the noise and the anxiety and worry to stop. But that’s modern life, so on we go..

    Free Member

    This is making me want to dig my board out..

    Spent last night watching Public Domain.. Happy days..

    Free Member

    Nope, SRAM just has the barrel adjuster at the shifter.

    Free Member

    Anyone..? 😂

    Free Member

    I thought my Superstar Nano Evo were grippy til I tried the OH’s DMR Vaults. Ye gods they’re lethal!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    We’re just about to go Aviva Plus as you no longer have to name individual items, they’re all covered under the blanket total coverage, whether in house or garage I believe. Worth giving them a call.

    Free Member

    just because you think the rules are outdated doesn’t mean its right to blatantly ignore them

    What I am sayaing though, is that we should respect the laws/rules and regulations until such time as they are changed.
    It is wrong for groups to pick and choose which rules they want to obey and which ones they dont.

    Ever been drunk in a pub? Still technically a criminal offence.
    Ever carried a ladder or planks across pavement? Yup, technically illegal too.
    There are plenty of outdated laws in this country that millions fail to comply with on a daily basis because they are patently ridiculous, inapplicable to the way life has changed since they were introduced, and harming no one if they are ignored.
    I ride where I like, with courtesy and deference to slower and more vulnerable trail and countryside users, and causing as little impact to the environment as I can manage. Anyone who has a problem with me enjoying the countryside in such a manner can safely be ignored. Ymmv.

    Free Member

    OP has already said that they’re not struggling, that this is just “spare” money being used up. Also, has everyone missed that the daughter has a job to help pay costs, and is so committed that this is what she plans to do as a career? I can tell you first-hand that the bond you get with a horse you own and care for every single day is far in excess of that you get from just going to a riding school. It’s equivalent to the bond you get with your dog (I know, we have several of each) – they become your friend, your companion, and sometimes the reason you get up and keep going every day.

    You know what, if this were bikes that she were into nobody would bat an eyelid – driving up and down the country to races, costs of race entries, bike maintenance, and so on. It’s because it’s horses and all of the negative connotations that go along with it.

    In addition, the OP has stated that because of his historical involment with equestrianism he no longer wants anything to do with that world, nor does he want his daughter to. This isn’t about money at all, this is about his issue with it that he’s taking out on her.

    From what has been posted, the daughter seems completely level-headed, adult, responsible, committed, dedicated, hardworking, and the rest – surely these are things that should be fostered and encouraged? If this means not getting to go on a foreign holiday or overpaying the mortgage for a few years whilst supporting the child you chose to have in their desired live, then yeah, suck it up. The OP is acting like a spoiled child because the daughter loves something he doesn’t want her to, and can’t have his fancy holiday. Don’t like it? Don’t have kids.

    Free Member

    Stood at the drive side looking at the axles end on: both pedals undo anti-clockwise.
    Stood at the non-drive side looking at the axles end on: both pedals undo clockwise.
    Simple as.

    Free Member

    Do your bikes “pay their way”?

    It’s really sad how many selfish ****holes there are on here, and worrying that a good percentage are parents. I feel sorry for your kids.

    Free Member

    I’ve been around horses for 40+ years (rode till I was 15) – I know enough about them to know I want nothing to do with them anymore.

    I this is your main problem, not the cost, and something you probably need to deal with. Don’t make your daughter suffer over your own issues.

    Free Member

    I know people are talking about cheaper yards/livery, but if she’s on a good yard now with all the right facilities and (more importantly) good other liveries then I wouldn’t chance a move – it’s just not worth the hassle to save, what, £100 a month tops? Really good yards are tough to find, and a bad one is not worth any amount of money saved.

    Free Member

    I’ve re-read the OP and essentially what you’re saying is: “I want to stop spending money on something my daughter loves and spend it on what I want.”

    Have I got it correct there..?

    Free Member

    I’d like to point out here that were this a dog instead of a horse that was bringing your daughter (whom I presume you love and want to be happy?) so much happiness, I suspect the majority of the replies would be very different… And really, our horses (we have four) are just as much our pets as the dogs are – they have just as much personality, character and individuality, and are as much a part of the family.
    Whilst your daughter has her horse, she is being responsible, is out in the fresh air and learning the value of hard work and commitment.
    If it’s not putting you in debt and you’re not struggling, suck it up princess.. 😉

    Free Member

    Took your advice and just bought it – first run out will be on Saturday but seems very solid.

    Free Member

    Wheelbase capacity not enough, sadly..

    Free Member

    If it’s an uplift day where I’m in a full face then I’d dig them out but otherwise no. Only wear kneepads if I’m at a bike park or somewhere rocky as well, but then most of my riding is pretty tame XC.

    Free Member

    Ball of the foot over the innermost front pin for me – ball over spindle just feels like I’m standing on tiptoes now, and that’s after years riding clipped in.

    Free Member

    Someone’s bought them all to sell on eBay..

    Free Member

    4km each way on the road, 5km each way on a riverside path that’s too muddy in winter – both totally flat. Do it as often as I can, though not when it’s raining!

    Free Member

    If you’re fitting it to SRAM cranks I wouldn’t look any further than the SRAM Eagle steel rings tbh – the cost saving and lifetime increase is well worth the negligible additional weight.

    Free Member

    Seems fair to me too!

    Looking at the geo it looks like the ST frame is the same as the normal frame just with a different linkage/yoke (and fork) to reduce the travel – anyone able to confirm or deny this? Have asked Specialized but no reply as yet.

    Free Member

    Mine had that when new and now has loads, plus fore/aft play. Out of warranty though, so going to fit the £15 service kit and see if that fixes it.

    Free Member

    Hah, that’s random Mick – I think it’s you that I messaged about it on FB!

    Just in the process of buying our first house so umming and ahhing over whether we can find the money for it..

    Free Member

    99% of my rides are sub-2hr and from home, so I dress according to the worst weather expected in that time, single 600ml bottle in cage plus a small frame pack with mini-pump, multitool, quick link, tubeless repair, cable ties and keys in, then phone in shorts pocket.

    Always used to ride with a pack and I didn’t think it bothered me til I started riding without it. Now I hate having to wear it.

    Free Member

    If you like cemeteries then you have to go to the Necropolis in Glasgow. In fact, if you do one of the cities, make it Glasgow not Edinburgh.. ;-)

    Free Member

    Shimano GR900?

    Free Member

    Twizy F1
    Twizy F1 anyone..?

    Free Member

    If the thing you didn’t like about your Aeris was the lack of bottle bosses then I’d also say an Aeris 120LT with a 140mm fork – would seem to be the obvious choice!

    Free Member

    Bought a replacement battery for my work laptop from as they were close enough that I could pick it up in person. Really nice guy, and the battery he supplied has a longer life than the factory one, so I’m happy!

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