I’ve sold a fair bit on PB and advertised on STW and BR etc. I was surprised by the number of dodgy contacts you get obviously fishing for further info. They usually start with a very firm offer for the item without asking any q’s or even trying to haggle. Then in subsequent contacts they usually tell you they are local/willing to collect. And will then insist on this in later contacts.
Some of these peeps may be genuine but I always avoid. Always put vague info in your profile, no names address etc and always make a fresh advert for your item rather than linking to another site that might hold more info on you(unless you have been just as circumspect with your details on the other website).
I rarely elect to have someone collect from home address either (have to be pretty certain they are legit) always say I will post or will meet at a neutral venue. Always take PayPal payment no BACS, cheque or cash.
It might take a wee but longer to shift stuff if you are fussy but I’d rather be safe.