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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • IanW
    Free Member

    beanum – Member
    I have some Aksiums but I still have the stickers on… Will I die?


    Eventually yes,

    Free Member

    I opted for the CDF(actually the croix de fer with the 20g lighter but same in every other way frame for the pedants) after a test ride. It’s a bit over budget and mines going to cost a bit more to go to 105 and a few other changes but worth the extra in my opinion for a bike I like the look of. A friend who already has one ( shod with 35 mm marathons) seems quite happy to drop club groups on carbon, suggesting a bit of frame weight may not be the end of the world.

    Free Member

    I now have three sets of Maviic Aksiums one being six yrs old, once you’ve taken the stickers off there excellent reliable wheels for the money.

    Free Member

    A perfectly arranged washing line.

    Free Member

    Which ever one comes with a pot of degreaser and an Anorak.

    Free Member

    I’m going big on Spinach this year, It grew well last year and just taking a few leaves at a time means you get plenty from them.
    Carrots are in too but there a first for me, plan to get some lettuce going and tomatoes at the weekend. Oh and will be putting some of the sticky bands on the fruit trees, seem to be feeding several ant colonies last year.

    Free Member

    The news story reminded me to ring a previous employer and track down an almost forgotten pension fund, the company wasn’t making any effort to contact me so not sure what would happened had I not rung them.

    Turns out there’s enough for a Bongo and a bit leftover for a tank of fuel.

    Overall I’m pleased to have the opportunity to mismanage my own money rather than paying someone else to do it.

    Free Member

    Charge Spoon
    Ergon grips
    Fizik Bar Tape
    Hope brakes
    High Rollers
    Gp4 seasons
    Most Shimano stuff
    Ortlieb panniers
    Easton carbon
    Fox forks ( I know your not supposed to but they appear to be ok)

    Free Member

    It’s this or the Tele.

    Free Member

    Somekind of Lorus, I have one thats slimline(doesnt protrude from your wrist)and as is less likely catch on rucksacks or tree branches as per my last one whilst having massive numbers which is good for viewing whilst riding.

    Its also super reliable and accuarate so I use it to set my “good” watches when they stop.

    Free Member

    Merlin has been very quick in my experience, Wiggle used to be a few recent orders have taken quite a while.

    I only ever use those two.

    Free Member

    “Free Kashmir” spray painted on a wall had wife #1 expecting a bargain.

    Free Member

    Because they can.

    Free Member

    Speed limits are not discretionary.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Thanks Ian, but not sure I should be taking advise on my driving ability from someone who posts on a cycling forum about ‘Strictly’

    I can recommend help for that kind of obsessive behaviour.

    You could argue though that often speeding is a conscious choice made by an otherwise competent and fully aware driver. Answering a phone call, whilst certainly a distraction, does not mean that the driver is fundamentally unskilled or ignorant.

    No, but speeding and distraction (unlike not moving to the left quickly) are major causes of death and serious injury on UK roads, there not just words on a forum by the way, its your Mum or Daughter or whoever you care about splattered across the road and someone else’s every day because a driver just like you thinks their good enough to drive and talk on the phone or a speed limit is optional.

    But – people who have so little awareness that they are not even sure which lane to be in, or are completely oblivious to a car directly behind them trying to pass – well that’s a whole new level of danger in my book.

    But only in “your book” which is an complete load of bollocks developed from watching too much Clarkson, reading the Mail and listening to your mate Dave down the Dog and Duck who say we’re all been overrun by them foreigners who drive on the wrong side of the road.
    Show me the numbers that support your arguments please, were is this link between not moving left and some consequence worse than we know is caused by the actions you think are ok?

    Free Member

    As before..on a scale of things you can do wrong in a car not being in the right lane doesn’t register in the top ten, which is probably why there’s no specific law and no one evers gets prosecuted. If it vexes you sufficiently to post on a cycling forum perhaps operating a car is not something you should be doing.

    Free Member

    Agent 007, I refer you to the part of my post you didn’t quote for context on the part you did.
    Look on the bright side this is only a problem in the UK and whilst your study shows it’s getting worse the consequence is your “progress” was marginally slowed which is no big deal is it?

    Free Member

    Why not just get past them and forget about it?
    I’m mean I agree people shouldn’t do it, but it’s not the worst thing that you’ll see drivers do everyday, speeding, talking on phones, texting, parking on pavements, generally being dickwads etc the list could go on all worse than failing to move left as quickly as they should.

    Free Member

    I ride a road bike, MTB, drive a car and occasionally walk. Sometimes I forget which prejudice to have.

    Free Member

    Is your Dad going to be with the car?

    Most insurers say you have to be resident in the UK at least 9 months out of the year, hence 3 months frequently being the max foriegn use.

    I believe its as much to do with teritorial limits for selling insurance as it is the users travel arrangments.

    Free Member

    I use something similar to those pencil cases. There re enforced (sort of cross cross string within the plastic) zipped pouches. You can get them for a couple of quid from Rymans or the TheRange type places.
    I’ve got a co2, lever, couple of hex keys, patches, aspirin and a chain link and tool in a pack about the size of a packet of fags.
    Having said that I’ve carried it and a tube for 12 months and several thousand miles without using it. Quality tyres and a well maintained bike is the secret IMO.

    Free Member

    Some have zips, some don’t, stuff usually stays put in either.

    You’ll probably want to put your phone in a bag of sorts,(food bag or maybe a little zipper case) and put a fiver/tenner/card in there as well.

    Free Member

    spooky_b329 – Member
    Problem with those apps is in a loaded van you can rag the wheels off it whilst in a zippy hatchback you have to drive like a nun to get the same score

    Which one have you used before?

    Most use accelerometers with the emphasis on braking, acceleration and cornering, so smooth driving is rewarded.

    Free Member

    Get the App DrivePlus you’ll need a couple of hundred miles to get a reflective score, which would take me six months so I haven’t actually used it.

    I have a couple of go karting trophies from years ago suggesting my handling skills are ok and now when I do drive (or do anything tbh) I don’t rush which in my experience increases the likelihood of mistakes happening.

    Free Member

    Put it through the pedal, you don’t need to lose that energy just channel it.

    Free Member

    Wrangler Texas Stretch, probably the best cycling jeans ever. Currently 20% off in debs)

    Free Member

    One of my favourites rides, just the right amount of distance v difficulty and a couple of pubs at the start/finsh.

    Highlights for me are the Glacial valley view and long decent just after the gap itself.

    Free Member

    This thread has reminded me I want to change mine before the summer, does anyone know the bearing number 68..something ..something so i can order before taking it apart? .

    OP if your at all inclined to diying this sort of thing they are actually very easy to change yourself.

    SKF bearings c£10 each and took about and hour including a cup of tea some standing and staring.

    (I avoid water on all my bikes, may occasionally hose one off straight after a ride but if at all possibe prefer to let em dry then brush off the dirt and clean with mr sheen.)

    Free Member

    Home inkjets are the work of the devil.

    Free Member

    Putin doesn’t need any PR advice, especially not from a money grabbing degenerate like Blair. He (Putin) consistently proves to be the cleverest national leader of our time, the fact he’s also an authoritarian bully is overshadowed by his repeated out manoeuvring of our half wit leaders and general largeness of gonads.

    He may be a **** but he’s also a very clever one.

    Free Member

    I tried the method your proposing, it worked to a fashion but was bloody hard work and I still had to shave the posts to fit.

    This year Ive done half a dozen by breaking the concrete, as an otherwise office dwelling slacker I found it strangely theraputic.

    Free Member

    I find it difficult to get road bars I really like.

    I have some 44cm alu which are ok but I think they achieved the overall width by reducing the drop and a ome 42cm that came with another bike are pretty much perfect but really flexy.

    Bike shops should have them all lined up on stands to try out.

    Free Member

    SRAM paid £13 quid ish bit like speed link pliers, seems like a lot( the other makers are in lala land) until you have one.

    Free Member

    For me I’m not convinced the advantages of discs brakes outweigh the compatibility benefits of having rim brakes when I have other rim brake bikes. Also as I get older my problem is increasingly making a bike move not making it stop and tbh I find discs a bit jarring aesthetically.
    More aggressive riders may priorities absolute performance and require the discs of a straggler/Cdf type bike.

    No teeth- that’s my concern I would like the extra head tube on the 56, can’t imagine a bike so popular can be so difficult to fit

    Free Member

    Turn the dial a bit in favour of form over function, it’s the future.

    Free Member

    Adherence to laws involving cars is discretionary.

    Free Member

    Paramo something, mines a medium and I’m normally XL so they should do one to fit you.

    Free Member

    bring back the penalty free kick, this games never been then the same since Ray Reardon left.

    Free Member

    Because playing out requires safety equipment and being in is so dull we eat ourselves to death.

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