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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • IanW
    Free Member

    The Op should put his name down for one of These he’s obviously a cretin incompetent driver.

    Free Member

    Why do helmet advocates get so excited about people not wearing a helmet, whilst people who dont always wear a helmet generally couldnt care less about those who do?

    Free Member

    I dont like seeing kids wear helmets.
    Theyll hate wearing em think cycling is at best for goons, at worst dangerous, stop cycling at 13, get a Saxo at 17. Mow some poor sod over at 21 or at least get fat from inactivity and have wasted lives as big blobs of fat.

    Free Member

    Normally B&Q safety glasses which are effective and comfortable so much so that I often forget I’m wearing them and @ £5 not such a tragedy when I lose them. Alternatively BLOC bought from TKMax fro £12 ish.

    Free Member

    What you’ll need-

    Channel: CI
    Brand: Mitsubishi
    Item: Car
    The manufacturer is seeking commercial advantage by suggesting owning this car will avoid the need to pay road tax. Road tax hasn’t existed since 1937 so nobody pays it regardless of the car they drive.

    The term road tax also infers motorist who pay VED a tax on their cars emissions, are actually paying for and have some additional right to the road. This misconception fuels animosity between road users and increases the likelihood of harm to vulnerable road users.

    Free Member

    Agreed DD but the convinced are already convinced so all you’ll get on here is baiting from the Clarkson wannabes.

    Complain to the ASA

    Free Member

    I’m never sure about this supply crisis.
    Isn’t housing demand a calculation of “potential demand” and more a view of how many homes the market will support rather than actually need. If there was really a supply crisis we would have homeless people all over the place and we don’t.

    Does anyone have any actual data on vacant buildings, brown field sites and increase demand due to an ageing population(stripping out immigration and potential customers who may buy given easy finance but don’t really need to)?

    All sounds a bit like the “we need to build roads” argument, when do we have enough roads and when do we have enough houses?

    Free Member

    I don’t think the people who have voted UKIP here or NF in France give a hoot about Europe, the votes are protests at an open door immigration policies changing communities.

    Free Member

    Tony Blair, slippery weasel much loved around these parts definitely caused the end of the UK and possibly the EU who knows, he’s a ****.

    Free Member

    See the multitude of suppliment threads to stop the post ride biscuit barrel hoovering.

    Free Member

    Ton, I have some sympathy with you,.

    I’ve gone decimal so you’ll need to convert but went from 115kg to 85kg last year but then found myself back up to 95kg without feeling i had done anything different, with hindsight the absence of the daily weigh in, a bit more booze less miles through winter was probably what did it. Then because its harder to shift the last 10 kg than the first of 20kg motivation is more difficult.

    Personally though Im fairly relaxed, it took me four of five years to stop smoking properly and may take a few years to get my weight, fitness, diet consistent by which time I won’t give a toss and will be chasing nurses around a care home.

    Free Member

    You could be mistaken Jacob, 540’s are about 330g, 550’s 300g, 105’s 285g, Ultegra 270g you will need to go for Duraace 250 g to get your 45g saving and their £140.

    I’ve had the first ride on the 550’s now and the are better than the 540 by virtue of a wider platform and £32 online.

    Free Member

    Got a pair of 550’s in the post today, seem ok.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Because if you don’t the next sunny day you will get dropped by everyone who did put some effort in. If that doesn’t bother you stay in and do something else.

    Free Member

    It’s in Suffolk , when I first moved here I thought they must have escaped from a box of Bananas or something but we’re used to them now not common but seen most years. They don’t bite ( caveat that, they’ve never bitten me) and seem friendly apart from that sticky beetle thing which is unnerving.

    Close by we also see Lizards and more frequently Adders so much so that the kids don’t even bother that much. Not sure they’ll survive the 2000 houses being built at the end of that bike path though, Adders, Stags etc not the kids.

    Keeping on the insect theme though the scariest things are these great big Wasps(possibly a hornet?)I have a photo somewhere but can’t find it at the mo, wouldn’t like a sting from one of them.

    Free Member

    Can’t say I take much notice of policy promises, they’ll all back out of em if needed and what hits the streets is more likely to be fruits of experts, analysts etc and people who actually know wtf their doing regardless of the politicians in power.

    I do however like a general statement of intend and the greens are a bit more likely to leave a few fields unbuilt for my kids to run around in so get my vote.

    TBH though being popular on this forum (which they seem to be) is the kiss of death, it’ll be a UKIP landslide.

    Free Member

    You think those are bad flyers you see these bad boys.. They seem to come out once a year, fly around for 30 minutes crash and become instant cycle-path roadkill.

    Free Member


    Popped down in my German mile muncher and put a cross in the Green box.

    Free Member

    Didn’t know the Sycamore link, make sense periodically we get a swarm above a tree in the garden.

    Free Member

    52kph for a mile seems pretty exceptional to me, the nearest I can find for comparison is a fairly flat one near me(perhaps very slight uphill). 640 riders KOM 48kph my best is 45kph and that was with a tailwind, two other riders and a concerted effort.

    Free Member

    Presume all KOMs are achieved with storm force tailwind.

    Free Member

    Yes cheers got mine too, £14 to fit which I definitely don’t begrudge the dealer but Continental should be making it clear in the terms which they don’t. Also the tyres are not GP4000/4season standard but rather a made in China version with different rubber.
    Gonna pop them on the spare bike see how we get on.

    Free Member

    There are so many similarities to Fargo…. the hapless idiotic plotter Kevin, the canny and worldly-wise Police officer Cawood and the psychopathic Tommy Lee Royce.

    Exactly my thoughts watching last nights episode but Fargo seems to be losing its way, Happy Valley is what Fargo should have been. (IMO)

    Free Member

    You can hire towels for a couple of quid at a YHA or there free(or cheaper at least) if your a member. You will need your own soap though. I prefer old style soap as opposed to gels avoids the need to carry a bottle and unnecessary liquid.

    For me its not about speed but enjoying the riding, hence the minimal approach. This chap has some good ideas… ULtra light cycling .

    Free Member

    You don’t need spare Bibshorts, bibs go for ages without washing just air them. I recently used an 8ltr drypack with shorts, t shirt crocs, paramo gilet ( it was cold on an evening) toothpaste and brush, bum cream, very minimal tools. It all came in under a kilo(probably less than a bar bag on its own) and a few bits of powdered recovery food. Oh and a credit/debit card!

    (edit: plus normal bibs/jersey etc cycling wear. )

    Free Member

    As good as anything from HBO etc, superb drama.

    Free Member

    All this Alfa talk has got me looking at what’s about, there’s some lovely Spiders for not a lot of money.

    Free Member

    The toe touching test is genius.

    Get the Tarmac and hammer it everywhere.

    Free Member

    You can replace them with a big hammer and big screw driver to take them out and small hammer and smaller screw driver to put them back in. You’ll also need a pair of circlip pliers and plenty of grease.

    Depends on your appetite for bodge, mines well developed and saving £20 on the right tools feels like a small victory.

    As above you could probably put the old ones back in with new grease and stop the creaks but bearings are £4 each so you may as well change em or at least the drive side which is the only one that seems to sea on my bike.

    Check your pedals for creak too.

    Free Member

    I wish they didn’t look so green, I like a bit of power dressing especially in the 40% on the board. Still they’ll get my vote in the absence of anything vagely human.

    edit: oh and i don’t like growth,-there I’ve said it growth, growth, growth thats all the others bang on about looks to me like we could all do with growing a little less.

    Free Member

    “I don’t want to argue with anyone else, I’m arguing with you”. Brilliant!

    Free Member

    Didn’t “want” it to be anything just pointing that the actual story does not support the headline as is often the case with newspaper articles.

    Free Member

    Years ago I had a 2.5 petrol auto, I bought it entirely on looks to replace a v8 Beemer which I thought was a bit juicy at the time.

    Bad points: the engine was heavy and the suspension soft so handling took some getting used to, the front door shape was odd with a projecting frame that was easy to catch yourself on. However worst was a combination of 13mpg and a tiny tank meaning 200 miles between fill.

    Good points : it looked great, the body, the dash even the engine you could just look at it.

    If I were to buy another of that vintage it would be a smaller engine manual which I think would suit the cars character.

    Free Member

    Years ago I had a 2.5 petrol auto, I bought it entirely on looks to replace a v8 Beemer which I thought was a bit juicy at the time.

    Bad points: the engine was heavy and the suspension soft so handling took some getting used to, the front door shape was odd with a projecting frame that was easy to catch yourself on. However worst was a combination of 13mpg and a tiny tank meaning 200 miles between fill.

    Good points : it looked great, the body, the dash even the engine you could just look at it.

    If I were to buy another of that vintage it would be a smaller engine manual which I think would suit the cars character.

    Free Member

    That Telegraph article is classic media guff. Sensational headline steadily watered down until it’s someone says it’s actually not true but so far down the story it won’t get read.

    Free Member

    Tomatoes, even really good ones are just a couple of quid for half a dozen and probably the best food ever. Bananas, tasty loads of energy they come half way round the world and still cost les than a pound for a bunch.

    Free Member

    New cables, chain, cassete if needed fix up the seat post, maybe a bit of bar tape and tyres, ride it see if you like it. If you do spend a bit more on some wheels.

    I wouldn’t paint it , the name is 50% of the value.

    Free Member

    Nice bike , a friend had one sold it for more than he paid which is a benefit of that brand. It’s also a triple with a 28 which could come in handy in the Chilterns.

    Only downside if your commuting it’ll be race blades, I don’t mind them other disagree.

    Free Member

    As per the earlier thread I tried some up to help me through a series of big rides without much chance to get proper food in between, worked well and all the competitive cyclist to know seem to use some kind of recovery drink.

    You should have some carbs with it to help recovery though. The main benefit for me is stopping me eating everything else which is usually pies and biscuits and speedier recovery so none of that post ride sofa surfing.

    If you want look like that lady up there /\ I think you’ll need creatine too, I’m a bit pas that bit did try a pre ride boaster which gave me the emergency squits.

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