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  • JoGo Straw review: decent coffee on the move?
  • IanW
    Free Member

    Here you go, Scandal and a QR.

    I found the surly one better than the on one one.

    Free Member

    Ive been using a biologic for a year now, its still the best Ive seen. You will need a ipone 4+ to get worthwhile battery life and the bar/stem clamp is a bit crappy but otherwise recommended.

    Free Member

    Does the 500 have a clock? I was set on a 200 until I read in the STW review it doesnt tell you the time of day, seems a bit of a shortcoming.

    Free Member

    Smile and say hello, what does it matter if their walking,cycling or whatever.

    Free Member

    My comment was actually about the whip, seems it would be a better test of man and beast were the man not hitting the beast with a stick.

    An act which also seems at odds with their love for the animal?!

    Free Member

    Is there any other occasion its ok to whip an animal?

    Free Member

    As above, hairspray sprayed inside the grip , dlide em on leave for 12 hours or so.

    Free Member

    If you are married your property is jointly owned so registration doesnt matter and presuming your not 17 and shes 35 fronting isnt an issue either.

    Put theinsurance in your name one year hers the next to maintain / accrue ncd. Just take your bedt guess at main, named driver.

    Free Member

    Sony Bluray has been the choice for a year or two now. Plug in an ethernet and you have youtube, iplayer, 5od etc. They also have usb connections for playing video files.

    A recent update stops the software recognising avi or divx files but you can overcome this by renaming the extension mp4.

    Free Member

    The seatpost in this Hahanna was 26.8, the catalogues for Konas 1990 to present are all on line if you do a bit of searching.

    BTW the comparison to on ones is a good one, I went from the Hahanna to a Scandal they are very similar, On One slightly slacker.

    Free Member

    Watched it this afternoon and whilst I reserve the right to change my opinion completly, i couldnt grt into it, too slow, main charachter very annoying pauses.

    Free Member

    If someone sells you a can of coke (take away)for £1 they are taking the ****. Also afraid the volume thing doesnt stack up, bikes are mass produced components hung on degrees of mass produced frames.

    Globally Trek, Giant, etc have all the volume required to benefit from scale.

    Busineses do not like to leave any money on the table and in the UK there is still a lot of diposable income especially whilst MTB remains the new golf.

    Free Member

    125ml of bicycle dot 4 oil £5.99.
    125ml of car dot 4 oil £1.90

    Same stuff, same bottle, different sticker, different market.

    Free Member

    Tis the power of the web, upsets all sorts of people though, good.

    Free Member

    As the youngest getting third dibs on the weekly bath.

    Free Member

    14 years later looks like not much has changed except perhaps picture quality..

    With you on this one, The Gower, the Gap and Afan. Accomadation and food served up by the green lantern. Superb weekend also in August, so good its scheduled again for this year.

    Free Member

    Gobshite gets a slap, seems fair. Agree with ^ that, cameras are the devils work, remember that Scottish bloke always posting commuter incidents the camera had him looking fir them.

    Free Member

    Mmm sounds a bit extreme, better to just point and laugh.

    Free Member

    This thread needs pictures, having trouble imagining these abrasive cables.

    Free Member

    101kgs with a 27.2mm on HT scandal for a year or so, no problem.

    Free Member

    B&Q clear £4.95 yellow £5.95. Bought a couple of pairs of the bolles but prefer these.

    Free Member

    Fraid Im going to have to say crossmarks too, continous centre line has no grip when climbing out of the saddle. Also nominate nobby nics for being too fragile.

    Free Member

    After a recomendation from a friend I have now. been having a fruit smoothie for breakfast most mornings. I very simply use a hand blender and a tall bowl that came with it.
    Roughly cut some fruit an apple , pear banana etc inyo the bowl maybe chuck in a couple strawbs or grapes a small smount of juice or even water and squash then blend away and drink from the bowl which is pint glass shaped.

    Job done snd washed up in seconds .

    Free Member

    Run the data through the statistical analysis add on in excel and perhaps minitab if you want to get fancy, then make the answer say what ever your boss is looking for.

    Free Member

    /\ your in turn off the tinternet and get busy.

    In STW style will I die if I eat them on the sunday?

    Free Member

    Just realised this is not what your after, doh! Oh well its good anyway.

    Free Member

    I,ve been really impressed with Motion GPX is excellent interface, loads of mapping options and you can export tthe files in various formats.

    Its also easy on the battery, I reckon it would be good for 10 hours+ tracking.

    Free Member

    I have used a flat blade file that happensto fit between two splines. Works perfect, you can file stuff with it too.
    Anything that can turn it is fine.

    Free Member

    The strategy for companies using aggregators is to have low basic premium to position them at the top of search results but high additional services such instalments,amendments, cancelation fees etc thats how they offset the low initial price.
    Excess is the bit your choosing to self insure companies like you to have some, it reduces claim frequency.


    Free Member

    people who insure comp are seen as more conscientious than non comp.

    the garage thing just isnt reflected in loss ratios, pretty much the same regardless of storage.

    The vicar is another risk, could have been additional risk plus probably an admin fee which are rising to offset low initial premiums which is tactic to get companies to the top of aggregator sites.

    Free Member

    If only they were “plucked out of the air” in reality the best acturial brains in the country (and often from abroad as well) combine any and all data they can get to generate a premium that’ll better reflect your risk than the next company. If anything the Insurance business is a death match between the best maths and marketing types we can muster.

    So the premiums are based on a combination of risk factors, postcode, age, driving history, credit score, car, occupation, driving experience, the list goes on try combining 30 or so variables.

    The bigger the company and hence the more data they hold and quality of analysts they employ the better they rate your risk, that doesnt mean the better premium you see in fact often the opposite as they are less likely to under estimate what you should pay but equally are more likely to correctly identify a better risk.

    All this is secondary to your profitability which may be different from your risk so a safe prospect with some risk may not be as profitable as high risk priced correctly if you can attract enough of them to spread the load. This may also be subject to a pricing layer in the pricing model.

    So motor insurance has actually become that complicated I suspect(know) many companies have lost control of every outcome from every risk factor which is what has probably happened to the op.

    Soon (few years)we all have blackboxs fitted which may not sound too appealing at first but at least our premiums then will be based on individuals not a mathmatical guess at someone like you.


    Free Member

    Op, what company is it?

    Free Member

    The answers are easy once you forget your dogma, always have been.

    Free Member

    Yes, its not golf you know, get real.

    Free Member

    Trouble with singlespeed is that you do wear out the cogs quicker, recently Ive had gusset, surly and on one groove armada, all much the same. Groove armada at a pinch would get my vote.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member

    Lots of people are afraid of any implementation of islamic religious law, but the same people tend not to be bothered about the beth din.

    Cos they aint stoning women and cutting people heads off init.

    Free Member

    Cant mention them, doesnt everyone know that now.

    Free Member

    Twice for me now, not suprised you want to win one at 500 notes to buy. Nice marketing though.

    Free Member

    HR 2.35 60a folding is the one to have, i like idea of a larsen on the rear too. Super tacky only if youve got gravity on your side.

    Free Member

    As a punter I may be tempted by 10% off incuding fitting and back up should there be s problem. Thats s reasonable value for £30 to me. Someone else who is less comfortable fitting cutting hoses may find the full £60 value.

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