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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Chris Hinds
  • IanW
    Free Member

    Currently liking the look of the Kona Rove , havent seen one in the flesh though.

    Free Member

    BR- That was the best price 9yrs ago when the model was relativly new, I sourced and bought them not the mechanic. Point is that you may get an occasional bigger than average expense.

    I do however bow to your magnificent car managment skills.

    Free Member

    I ran a 530 sport for a few years, bought it as a reward for stopping smoking then started again.

    Without doubt the most enjoyable car I have ever owned, utterly seamless acceleration with a auto gearbox and an all alloy V8 that was a work of art. (wasn’t the nikasil a mid 90’s problem)
    A month after buying it the catalytic convertors failed which were £800 for the parts alone, did wonder for a while if it was going to be worth it with that kind of repair bill and the 20mpg.

    However it turned out to be completely reliable for the next two years or so until I sold it and bought a V6 Alfa which was dreadful in comparison.

    If you can afford the juice I would say go for it, those big engines and auto boxes never get stressed and will run forever.

    Free Member

    A slightly more informed opinion..

    Met Office

    One possible outcome!

    Free Member

    Everyone I have met who is educated on this subject says the temperature is rising exceptionally due to our activities and the result will be more extremes of weather and rising sea levels.

    Looking good for Greenland land/property prices.

    Free Member

    Please someone just make me a nice cup of tea…

    Free Member

    I read the last few of these threads and decided it was time for some new music.

    Picked up…

    First Aid Kit-The Lions Roar, Ok
    Grimes-Vision, Good
    Bobby Womack-Greatest man in the World, V Good
    Radiohead-Kid A, Brilliant (not new I know)
    Jamey Johnson-Tribute to Hank Cochrane. V Good.
    Tame Impala- Lonerism, Dont get it yet.
    Micheal Buble- Christmas Songs, seems to be getting played a lot.
    Mark Knopfler-Privateering, I like the cover.
    Frank Ocean- channel Orange, Good.
    Alabama Shakes-Boys and Girls, another I cant get into.

    Probably only listened once or twice to any of these(sept MB)so they may grow on me.

    Free Member

    Ding, ding…

    Free Member

    Really should do the Kielder 100 again but Im unlikely to be fit enough and find paying to ride a bike increasingley less appealing. Dunwich Dynamo for sure, possibly some days out in the Brecons Beacons.

    Since realising sustrans route 1 runs past my house it and the connecting routes have provided quite a few big days. Might have to arrange a ride oop north on route 1 and perhaps the train back.

    Lastly I would still like to get over to Girona with a bike them hills look perfect and its a quick cheap flight from stanstead( this trip has been on the plan for two years and not hsppened yet). 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah..if this is an existing policy your asking the wrong people, try your insurer.

    Free Member

    What you insuring?

    Motor/Home will typically be a admin fee within the 14 days although there are brands that wont charge you if you are really determind to save the fee.

    Free Member

    Blue Sky….

    If I were setting up a bricks and mortar bike retailer, I would be focused on servicing not sales, maybe have a range of impulse buy products in stock and expect something from the brands who I gave showroom space for their products.

    T’internet is a game changer LBS is not a special case.

    Free Member

    I bought some exotics for my 26″ Scandal SS and enjoyed them. Nice and direct which I think works well with single speed due to increased out of the saddle pulling on the bars type riding.

    I dont use them now(there on my sons bike)as I bought some Fox forks with a lock out that properley locks out and gives that same direct feeling.


    Free Member

    How its made?

    Free Member

    Having a teenage son who for some reason is popular with other teenagers(Mmmm) , the garage always seems full of these bikes.

    I think the point is they are better than walking, its just a shame the MTB fashion had to turn them all into tanks or they may see the proper value cos non of them go off road.

    Free Member

    Not sure I agree about the pavement cycling bit, otherwise he makes some good points especially the ninja space warrior bellend look. Does more harm than RLJing IMO.

    Free Member

    Few thoughts on this one..

    I still cant quite see how you can open a drivers door into a bus lane? Was there parking to the left of the lane?

    Also having watched the fathers statement, I thought he should massive reserve and strength to so calmly summarise the case and the law.

    In my experience the police do not rush to prosecute drivers, in this case they thought he was guilty which is telling.

    Free Member

    Beers on the go whilst making a curry from scratch. Onion, ginger, garlic, o hang on it burning..

    Free Member

    Beers on the go whilst making a curry from scratch. Onion, ginger, garlic, o hang on it burning..

    Free Member

    edited because it will probably get me arrested.

    Free Member

    According to the latest census there was little chance any of them spoke English and even less they were here in the 80’s.

    Free Member

    Wrong tyres?

    Free Member

    Space Invaders
    Resident Evil
    Gran Turismo
    Metal Gear Solid
    Call of Duty

    Free Member

    I have a video of a mate on a conference call, all very serious discusion with a VERY well known financial services company.

    When the call ends he thanks everyone for there contribution and gets up from the table and spider phone. He is naked except for a random selection of tattoos.

    Absolutlely hilarious at the time, but we probably should have seen his breakdown coming.

    Free Member

    “I sometimes see people at night who are drunk and wearing hardly any clothes. There are a lot of drugs.” Norwich comes out well.

    Free Member

    Wool socks + overshoes + mtfu = problem solution.

    Free Member

    control + enter on a cell and then double clicking on the same cell auto populates all cells in the column with the same formula.

    Quite handy.

    Free Member

    Clean in the kitchen , dirty in the bedroom.

    Free Member

    Same as above… six years a customer had a problem, couldn’t get resolution they have no customer relation function so tweeted. Got the oh dear sorry to hear that style response but no additional help.

    Cancelled now going to BT who are probably just as bad.

    Free Member

    Not sure if mines the latest, its about 6 months old silver and very nice. Get one.

    Free Member

    BMW fit gps trackers as standard, Citroen possibly other in the PSA group do too. There are benefits for all road users with Telematics.

    For the insurance company which other than taking a normal business profit(if there lucky) does just pool the risk and distribute it by premiums to customers has an opportunity to reflect that premium to you as an individual not just someone like you based on age, gender, postcode, credit score.
    They also get early notification of an accident which helps manage accident cost and further reduce premiums.

    The motorist gets premiums that reflect their driving style, feedback on how to improve it (that’ll be popular) and all sorts of possibilities such as which roads are dangerous etc. And of course the premium will be based on them not people like them which must be good?

    There are still those who wont like the idea of being tracked but unless you manage the settings of your phone thats probably happening anyway, why not allow to your advantage.

    Lastly from the viewpoint of a road user who is not always a motorist if it may go someway to reduce the 3,000 deaths we have on UK roads each year and it will be a start until its linked to google maps and automated controls etc.

    Whats not to like ? (as long as they don’t invent a bicycle version)

    Free Member

    Had something wrong for about a year, last 4 months its been very bad. Pins and needles down my arms, neck locks up in the cold etc.
    Had an xray, all ok. Told to self refer by gp but also given Naposyn (guess at the name) which are my new wonder drug. Pain fee for the first time in 12 months.
    Sometimes the drugs do work.

    Free Member

    Recent viewing from tje latest back ..

    Walking Dead
    The Wire
    Breaking Bad
    Game of Thrones

    They were all good bit The Wire is the best TV series imo.

    Free Member

    “Look” not when it means look at something but when it means shut up, listen to me and dont dare question my opinion.

    Its a politicians favourite.

    Free Member

    Wont matter soon, telematics will individualise your premiums (for motor insurance).

    Free Member

    Love that English bike.

    Free Member

    Midlifecrashes and Crazylegs posts should have ended this thread.

    Free Member

    +1 for flat roofed pubs, this will from now on be rule no1 (although the damage may already done).

    Could I also offer “life’s a journey not a race” and “if its worth doing it worth doing right” and lastly “what goes around comes around” which I always take to have some Karma balancing type meaning that IME must be true.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Junkyard is a bloke!!

    Haha thats funny.

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