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  • International Adventure: Big Mountains, Small Details
  • IanW
    Free Member

    I have a north face one that’s incredibly versatile and gets used loads, only bad thing about it having north face written all over it.

    Free Member

    Read the article, its not about catching you knocking one out, it’s about what someone thinks you may do because you talk to people who have a chequered history.

    There’s a difference between being aware of something and worried by it that’s possibly beyond you.

    Free Member

    I appreciate that people are looking at what you do on the Internet.

    But if those people are legitimate companies rather than Nigerian Scammers, what are the issues ?

    Genuine question by the way.

    As well as the commercial data mining you may or may not find acceptable there is also a few companies developing “future crimes” software. Here’s an article in everyone’s fave the Guardian.

    Free Member

    So everyone who disagrees with the STW metro liberals is a daily mail reading fool who given the proper re-education (presumably you will set up camps come the revolution) would see their errors and conform.

    Free Member

    Separate issue, there are changes a foot to make super rich tax dodgers like say T Blair pay there share. That doesn’t detract from this bill being the right thing to do.

    It’s apparently the most popular proposal ever, wouldn’t expect it to go down well in some quarters of studentuniontrack world.

    Free Member

    I recently closed my FB and twitter accounts, sold my smartphone and bought a basic Nokia. Still look, post on sites like this but generally reduced time in the digital world.

    Not sure but I think this was brought about by feeling the web taking more than it gives FB definitely but the web in general , there are so many companies using everything posted with keyword association software and all that, your really just providing insight help fine tune sales pitches.

    That and tbh I have no interest in what people I vaguely know are having for tea or pictures of their hols.

    Free Member

    Specialized Tahoe ?

    I have an older version for commuting, occasionally forget I have em on and wear them through the day.

    Free Member

    Had mine done in my mid thirties, wish I had done it earlier, the op was no worse than the years of tonsils full of puss periodically bursting.

    edit: to reflect sympathy for the chap above, hope that works out.

    Free Member

    The instruction on box of tea bags I bought recently said do not re boil water. A bit of googling suggests its to do with reduced oxygen in the water.

    Free Member

    I have 52-39 on my Allez because thats what it came with including a 12-27 on the rear, even for a fairly unfit middle ager like me this seemed ok . Recently changed the cassette to 12-23 because they were on offer, regretting this set up now, I’ve done quite a few miles and survived but would have preferred some lower options.

    Free Member

    I wear them.

    Free Member

    We know incentivising or setting staff sales targets in financial services results in people taking risks and miselling, so the regulators restrict this practise.

    Truck drivers, multi drop van drivers , coach an bus drivers all have either expectations placed on them which if they don’t achieve will have consequences for their jobs or are incentivised to do more for reward. The result is there normal behaviour being influenced to detriment of other road users.

    Regulate those contracts = improved safety.

    Free Member

    No reply could say more than your own words.

    Free Member

    “It’s a bendy road but people do go at a great lick along it. It’s 60mph at the moment but the council are looking at changing it to 50 and hopefully this will make a difference.”

    ..from a recent tragic incident, that should end this thread for all but the bell ends.

    Free Member

    No booze seems to be doing it for me.

    Free Member

    Any one of them would have been better than a bike on today’s ride.

    Free Member

    You can access a map screen which shows the route travelled but it isn’t scalable and reverts back to a very small scale 300yds when moving.
    So you can only see the direction indicator on the whole map when stationary and when stationary the direction indicator is a bit unreliable in IME.


    Free Member

    I know its not a mapping device, thanks.

    Its a just a curious way to configure the feature, back to the start on all my previous gamins, which have admittedly been non bike specific meant a direction arrow to the start you then negotiated a route.

    Setting up the way they have would only make sense on an out and back ride as opposed to a loop which most people ride.

    Email sounds sensible but more satisfying to come on here and grumble. 🙂

    Free Member

    Aren’t most London incidents with construction vehicles tippers and the like, with the drivers on some bonus or target structure, everyone and his dog making a wedge out of building and minimal consequences for makin a “mistake” good luck with fixing that one.

    No one answer IMO, cyclist awareness part of all driving test, laws that make drivers responsible for other road users, vehicles fit for purpose, better road design to name a few.

    Free Member

    25 for everything, more likely to try wider than go back to 23.

    Free Member

    As the time and day of hospital appointments are outside your control we generally allow paid absence.

    Free Member

    MX player or BS player then files in mp4 , avi, mkv format.

    Free Member

    Lived out of a van for a while, it was very unpleasant.

    Free Member

    Not easy being a cyclist sometimes, these are commercial events though, perhaps there should be some inclusion of locals or something in it for them?

    Not sure what, my imagination is on a go slow.

    Free Member

    There is a fix for these problems…

    Free Member

    How authoritarian would you like your lefties to be, genuine question?

    Free Member

    Hasn’t the left been in power for the last 20 years? or are you talking the about the authoritarian left operating so well in NK?

    Free Member

    Tool board is a must.

    Free Member

    In fact the highway codes says exactly the opposite…

    Adapt your driving to the appropriate type and condition of road you are on. In particular

    do not treat speed limits as a target. It is often not appropriate or safe to drive at the maximum speed limit
    take the road and traffic conditions into account. Be prepared for unexpected or difficult situations, for example, the road being blocked beyond a blind bend. Be prepared to adjust your speed as a precaution
    where there are junctions, be prepared for road users emerging
    in side roads and country lanes look out for unmarked junctions where nobody has priority
    be prepared to stop at traffic control systems, road works, pedestrian crossings or traffic lights as necessary
    children, are looking the other way, they may step out into the road without seeing you.


    Take extra care on country roads and reduce your speed at approaches to bends, which can be sharper than they appear, and at junctions and turnings, which may be partially hidden. Be prepared for pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists, slow-moving farm vehicles or mud on the road surface. Make sure you can stop within the distance you can see to be clear. You should also reduce your speed where country roads enter villages.

    Free Member

    Does anyone have an official reference to this “making good progress” requirement to drive at the speed limit.

    New to me and would be dangerous on many NSL roads.

    Is it actually just a bad interpretation of the driving test tick box for hesitancy and progress?

    Free Member

    Taken the wife to work this morning, 30 mile round trip rural roads. Managed to get overtaken three times-

    – two into one bit of road, Im sat behind half a dozen cars, BMW goes past us all with no where to go , crosses hatched section into oncoming traffic, flashed by other cars who have to swerve.

    – Coming back on open road through fc land, Im doing 55ish, car behind makes consider and safe overtake.

    – Further down the same road the car that overtook me and half a dozen others are sat behind tracked farm vehicle wider than single lane. Road ahead clears and they begin to overtake. I look in my mirror to see a focus overtaking the three cars behind me and then me causing the car in front (the previous overtaker) to swerve and bring the whole presetion to a standstill.

    Eventually we all get past, curiosley though at the next town I pass the speedy car and the less speedy but safer drivers when they stopped roughly 5 seconds ahead of me.

    One morning, three overtakes, at least one illegal, two dangerous and none effective.

    Free Member

    Stand up, loose grip that’s gotta be a few inches of suspension?

    The forks on my bike properly lockout which is great but even on benign Suffolk XC I like some squish occasionally.

    Free Member

    ..and what I have written three times but predictably you don’t see. Is that I dont believe its was the crews or the managers whom were the same then as they are now just with different haircuts.

    The difference is the legislation, the playing field in which they operate.

    Free Member

    Re product- Doubt a 70s Austin Maxi was any worse design the equivalent Datsun. Re shop floor- made a career out of empowering the doers so thats not my point either.

    What I was saying and still don’t see any reason not to believe is that the labour disputes of the 70s and 80s and the subsequent changes to the legislature were part of a journey with out which Sunderland Nissan would not be possible.

    Free Member

    Much derided I know but some pretty good designs in BL, just poorly implemented and most alternatives were pretty bad as well.

    Free Member

    BB- Question is the Sunderland Nissan plant an example of what could have been with better management or the result changing the employee/employer relations?

    Since neither group has likely gone through some genetic change, I would argue its a result of employment terms more conducive to business (and hence individual) success.

    Free Member

    Off to do some work now. As above this debate has reminded me of 80’s when similar happened most evenings. It was in pubs then though not online.

    The outcome was she got voted back in.

    Free Member

    And you think my philpott post is in bad taste when others are wishing people dead!!

    Free Member

    So you are making the point made well by Grum, only doing it with a hint of insult and quoting the wrong post?

    Point is in the last election Labour was always going to loose power but that was seen as impossible on here.

    Free Member

    IanW – Member
    Coming from a fairly shit council estate in the north of England Maggie gave me opportunity, the unions told me how to get the most time of sick.

    Lifer-What was that about the election, sorry? Your powers of recall on that weren’t very reliable, and that was only 3 years ago!

    What am I supposed to read into this reply??? Stop blathering and make a point.

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