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  • IanW
    Free Member

    I have either read or thought I read that the most commonly quote regret of people about to expire is not enough sex and or active relationships.
    This may also have been part of some dodgy chat up, it’s a sometimes a blur.

    Personally I would go with quiet, which is a vanishing commodity.

    Free Member


    Whilst I understand the balance your suggesting.

    I can assure you if Im at the back of my group this weekend and generally getting mullered on every hill, little else will be more important.

    Thats what makes it a nice escape from reality.

    Free Member

    Re sparkling water-

    Yep so they say but I have better insurance for dental treatment than I do for being a fat guy who drinks too much beer so it’s presently a small price to pay.

    When my goals are achieved I may swap to still water, saving the badoit for lunch.

    Free Member

    There does seem to be a lot of different views on this mostly surrounding carb intake. Normally reliable sources (nhs)suggest fill up on carbs via rice pasta and spuds others with the alternative that grains will be the death of us all.

    Thinking about it I have reduced my intake of starchy carbs a lot, unintentionally although a guy I work with is evagelical about this and it may rubbed off.

    One view from the links above was that doing so may just be depleting glycogen stores and the associated water wich is easy but pointless weight loss. Not sure this is true as my waist has shrunk considerably.

    It’s been interesting reading and I’m probably going continue as I am ( Im still 5 kg over target weight so unlikely to feint) perhaps just carrying a gel for the latter stages of a ride and making sure I have either a milkshake or recovery drink post ride .


    Free Member

    There does seem to be a lot of different views on this mostly surrounding carb intake. Normally reliable sources (nhs)suggest fill up on carbs via rice pasta and spuds others with the alternative that grains will be the death of us all.

    Thinking about it I have reduced my intake of starchy carbs a lot, unintentionally although a guy I work with is evagelical about this and it may rubbed off.

    One view from the links above was that doing so may just be depleting glycogen stores and the associated water wich is easy but pointless weight loss. Not sure this is true as my waist has shrunk considerably.

    It’s been interesting reading and I’m probably going continue as I am ( Im still 5 kg over target weight so unlikely to feint) perhaps just carrying a gel for the latter stages of a ride and making sure I have either a milkshake or recovery drink post ride .


    Free Member

    Ta chaps, I’ll pick the good stuff out of that.

    Free Member

    Took a test ride recently and didnt find the 56 I rode that heavy. Sure its not a carbon race bike but its definetly not an anchor and like most bikes I bet you could change the wheels and save a kilo..ish.

    Free Member

    Like above read all the specs etc then go and buy something in a nice colour.

    Free Member

    100k on the roads of Suffolk , excellent bit sunburnt though.

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member
    LOL @ the elitists suggesting that university somehow makes your vote worth more…..
    Intelligence isn’t the sole preserve of the well-off university going, bank of mum and dad raiding middle class you know.

    Ha ha, this /\.

    Great summery of the stw usuals conceted view on just about anything.

    Free Member

    I am now on week four of changing my eating habits and have lost in the region of 4.5/5kg (sorry gone metric but you can work that out).

    At 103/4kg and 180cm the motivation to change was twofold, improve my road fitness and feel less lardy in general.

    With absolutely no scientific insight I have done the following-

    Bought some digital scales, weighed myself morning and night and record the results.
    Reduced alcohol to a couple of glasses of red on a Friday night, none through the week.
    Cycled to and from work everyday, 6 miles,ish.
    Done my regular week night and weekend rides.
    Drink loads of that posh sparkling water,

    Eaten a mix of-
    Salad leaves various types inc spinach.
    Salad croutons
    Boiled egg
    couscous(dont even know what that is)
    roast chicken(in the salad)
    smoked mackeral(in the salad)

    toast with butter and lashings of marmite. (on a morning usually when i get to work).
    Couple of cups of nice coffee no sugar in the morning.

    Bananas as snacks on rides or late afternoon.

    Theres also been a couple of occasions I have had piece of pizza or a rib at a BBQ and maybe the occasional biscuit with a cup of tea in the afternoon.

    The outcome of this so far is I,m down to 97kg this morning and that’ll probably be nearer 98kg this evening.

    My jeans are all feeling pretty slack and the difference is notable even according to my hard to impress GF.

    Lastly and of course most importantly last night on a short local road ride I set 10 personal records for the segments(thats all of them) which included 2 top 3’s.

    So no science but it seems to work and no energy problems so far.

    Free Member

    Not really surprised they won’t accept it, you are obviously trying it on. If you do make a big enough noise and get a payout it will be in everyone else’s premiums next year.

    Free Member

    Easton EC70 Carbon Seatpost 2 bolt design much better than their old ones. Merlin half RRP and to my suprise 2013 spec and arrived 18 hours after ordering.

    Nice one Merlin.

    Free Member

    I have a run a combo of crossmarks and high rollers for a year or so. Usually the medium(60) rubber which I really like, imo much better than schwalbe which I find fragile.

    The only downside of the crossmarks(due to the solid centre tread) in particular are they require a slightly different technique when negotiating technical climbing to avoid spinning the back wheel and throwing yourself over the bars.

    Free Member

    Most are in for drug related stuff, they could get an education and a basic wage job or they could sell drugs to your kids for 2k a day. The dimmest one getting caught (repeatedly) cos they is a little bit thick?

    Having said that, the prisoners car park near me has a much better quality of car than the staff one, so maybe their not so daft.

    Free Member

    Direct Line

    Unlimited in the home, garage etc.

    £1k free away from home.(£2k max though)

    Free Member

    Devils work, avoid if at all possible.

    Free Member

    Suspect them being a cyclist is largely as relavant as them being a black, socialist muslim lesbian on benefits, namely not at all.
    They get angry because like some drivers and some pedestrians a percentage are thick, ignorant, unhappy whatever to takes to make you rude.

    Not sure if the physical effort required in cycling brings it a little closer to the surface though., possibly?

    Free Member

    Meagre oven fish and chips here, may have to start again with sausage and egg.

    Free Member

    Cricket bat, tennis balls, football, frisbees ant thing else to keep the kids entertained( there’s no tv in the jungle y’know).

    O and proper fold out beds are nice too, try millets for the vango ones.

    Free Member

    £1k voucher for a bike. 🙂

    Free Member

    This is England- havent seen the pitch for this movie but judging by the clip its a historical drama with an agenda?

    Gran Torino- brilliant film by a exceptional film maker, not sure he’s properly recognised yet , maybe he’ll have to peg it first.

    Free Member

    O the drama…

    Free Member

    Not sure if its the picky or the vino but LOL

    Free Member

    C U next Tuesday, the haircuts a dead give away.

    Free Member

    Dont think I would overtake a slowing car near a right hand junction whatever I was driving/riding.

    Having said that when the mistake happened, him not indicating and you being a plum, the correct next step would have been a rye apology from each of you at a lesson learn’t and continued on your merry way.

    Had you been walking thats what would have happened, still not sure what it is about the psychology of roads that makes these situations escalate so easily.

    Free Member

    PDF – that overtaking then turning left was the start of an incident for me, similar outcome bruised hip etc although I’ did also manage to get a cut knee and all without I clipping.

    I think it would be my message of the week printed on my jersey ” please don’t overtake then make a left turn” wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference I know.

    Free Member

    I think it’s ok legally but I rarely do it. As above if there’s a lot of stationary traffic then I use the right. If its just a brief stop at lights say with a few vehicles in front I will just wait my turn in the queue.

    Free Member

    I subsbcribe to it but would have take up arms against Hitler

    Perhaps worth pointing out Hitler founded the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, better known as the Nazi Party.

    Socialists and workers, very intolerant bunch.

    Free Member

    What patriotpro said.

    Free Member

    Given the amount of chat on this subject and my own recent altercation I thought I would look for any research in the area. Not sure how credible this piece is. Its just a google search but some of it seems to make sense.

    The anatomy of road rage.

    •Immobility – we’re stuck sitting behind the steering wheel and can’t physically relieve tension.
    •Constriction – because we must drive on roads, our options are limited, often giving us the feeling of being boxed in.
    •Lack of control – although we maintain control of our own vehicle, many other variables like traffic, lane closures, and the behavior of other drivers, are completely outside of our influence.
    •Territoriality – like many animals, human beings react negatively when we feel our space is threatened by someone else.
    •Denial and loss of objectivity – we tend to overlook our own faults and place blame on others.
    •Unpredictability – we all know that every time we drive there are going to be unexpected events, such as someone pulling out into traffic ahead of you without warning — this makes driving more stressful.
    •Ambiguity – because there’s no culturally agreed-upon way to signal an apology to another driver, it’s easy to misinterpret someone’s actions as a sign of aggression or insult.

    and how it manifests

    •Impatience and inattentiveness – these can be categorized by behaviors like driving through red lights, rolling through stop signs, blocking intersections, speeding and not using signals when turning or changing lanes. Drivers who engage in these behaviors often say that their schedules are very busy, that they’ve run out of time or that their mind was on something else. This is the lowest level of aggressive driving — behaviors that are annoying and could trigger road rage in another, but are less risky than other negative behaviors.
    •Power struggles – these are more serious, and they include preventing someone from moving over into your lane, using gestures or obscene language to humiliate or threaten other drivers, tailgating and cutting off another driver or braking without warning as an act of retaliation. These behaviors stem from an unhealthy mentality in which drivers feel as if they’re the target of malicious acts. Many people feel a sense of entitlement and self-righteousness when behind the wheel of a car — it’s common for them to feel that someone who makes a mistake needs to be punished. Most of us have wished for another driver to feel guilt or shame for an action we’ve deemed stupid or dangerous — according to Dr. James, that’s the first step to entering into a power struggle.
    •Recklessness and road rage — the most serious incidents include behaviors like entering into a duel with another car, racing at dangerous speeds and committing assault with a weapon or your vehicle. In these cases, aggressive driving gives way to outright violence. While road rage isn’t exactly a worldwide epidemic, studies have shown that incidents have increased each year. Skeptics point out that this could be due to an increase in reporting incidents, however, and may not actually indicate an increase in cases

    Full article here, worth reading to rationalise

    Road Rage Article

    Free Member

    What is about not liking Facebook that annoys people who do?

    Free Member

    Another sparkling water convert here.

    I have reduced my alcohol intake to a couple glasses on a Friday, just got fed up of the hangovers there’s not enough hours in a life to spend them like that.

    Started drinking sparkling water now drink a bottle a day at work and a couple of glasses on an evening much nicer and the weight seems to be coming of without trying. Try Badoit.

    Free Member

    Did this last year for the first time, immediately became a favourite. I rode with a group of mixed age and ability one of out number, a fifty five year old occasional rider used a single speed langster. I couldn’t keep up with him most of the time.

    Worst thing about this ride is it goes past my house @ 100 miles which makes the last 20 a challenge. Second what was said earlier get yourself back to Ipswich for a train there’s a pub and beach in Dunwich.

    Free Member

    I had an altercation with a motorist recently and the police were very good.

    I was knocked off my bike and the driver got out and punched me, I hit him back and he came of worst from the event. Police were involved it was recorded as incident with the other guy as the offender. I decided not to press charges but the option was offered.

    When I was giving my statement couldn’t help noticing pictures of the copper time trialling 🙂

    Free Member

    He is 19 and not a born killer, his religion was the killer not the boy.

    Free Member

    No need for anything new- Time as prescribed by the participant in degrees required by the project.

    Free Member

    Was it two little boys?

    Free Member

    Really clear picture of the guy with the no3 polo baseball hat in the reddit link from bwaarp.

    Wheres Wally

    Free Member

    Mini is a classic in the making IMO.

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