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  • Podcast: DMBinS and the Scottish Mountain Biking Strategy
  • IanW
    Free Member

    [quoteJust so long as when UK limits cars to 70 (probably the lowest maximum speed limit in Europe?), they allow it to disable when you get off the ferry in Calais (or set itself accordingly to the country your in).[/quote]

    Easy to achieve, my car has an electronic speed limit function it can be set to anything, it also has a sat nav that tells it the speed limit of road we are on, simple to combine the two.

    If thats a bit techie, then just apply a Europe wide limit of say 90 or 100mph, the details not important, there are no insurmountable obstacles.
    Its that theres no will to do it which I find strange, why bother have a limit then neither enforce it and happily allow the sale of the devices based on their ability to driven illegally.

    As posted elsewhere 20/30 years we will look back in amazement that people were allowed to drive cars, itll be like smoking in a restaurant.

    Free Member

    I keep trying to spend more but always seem to come back the spoon.

    Free Member

    New cables that are single sided.

    I watched a friend nose dive down a pit when his canti cable broke and the remainder grabbed the front tyre. Personally wouldn’t ride a bike with that set up.

    The newer single sided design means this couldn’t happen.

    Free Member

    Got some PI elites after destroying two pairs of Enduras in extra quick time.

    So far so good.

    Free Member

    Gp 4 seasons

    Free Member

    The UK is in great place to leda the way.

    Free Member

    Find it, lose it, find it again, whoops there it goes again…that’s the way it rolls.


    Free Member

    Can’t believe either has a budget to reduce climate change, maybe some tax breaks you could add up as x y or z depending on who’s calculator your using.

    Free Member

    Not sure why we should have cars or bikes that can do over 70 mph,isn’t that the legal limit?

    Does appear breaking motoring law is ok for most of us. I have never understood why drink driving is bad, but speeding, talking on a phone, texting etc is ok.

    Free Member

    I unfortunately have first hand experience of most of the possible outcomes and there’s very few winning scenarios for the cyclist.

    Go to the law and win: it’ll take months, you will be put of at every opportunity and the punishment will be derisory if anything.
    Have a scrap and lose: ouch.
    Have a scrap and win: mental ouch. ( although a likely result as most aggressive car drivers are fat ba***ds).
    Get run over: big ouch.

    Better off letting the little stuff at least go if you can and stay calm if conflict is unavoidable, it’s not personal, there just morons.

    Free Member

    Seven billion people in this world maybe 10% are twunts.

    That’s 700 million idiots out there, most of whom want to drive a car.

    You are going to bump into a few of them now and again.

    Free Member

    Full and proper Lycra or Blue Harbour casual, anything in between is just a compromise.

    Neither will look good though unless you are a) fit as a fiddle. b) inherently cool.

    * I am extremly poorly qualified to give this advice, take it or leave it * .

    Free Member

    Isn’t this linked to the more recent story on cybercrime? Suspect its actually the banks lobbying government to do something about credit card fraud.

    Why should the banks pay to fix it when they can just get the tax payer to do it and control the web at the same time, win, win.

    Free Member

    I’ve made a few changes to my diet in the last few months which I think along with riding more has much improved my recovery time.

    No expert in fact I am following advice from here or web articles, mostly vastly reduced high GI foods, (now@17 kg weight loss) less alcohol and often riding without food to burn fat.

    Keep the fuel topped up but not excessively on 2/3 hour plus rides and I will try to have some carbs and protein within 30 minutes of reasonably intense rides although the need to do that seems to be decreasing. At the moment I’m of the opinion it’s easy to focus on eating and end up consuming more than is actually needed.

    And I read somewhere- drink fluids when your thirsty, drink when your not thirsty and drink when your not sure if your thirsty or not, just water and minerals(not talking alcohol here).

    Previously would be fairly wiped out after a 5/6 ride or maybe get tired towards the end of a week of commuting. Almost never feel it now.

    Good basic diet before exercise seems to be key, lots of hydration and less of the highs and lows of sugar stuff.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Exotics + 1 why pay more?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cyclist here- my favourite is usually whatever I rode last, given just one it would probably be road, bicycles just work better on a smooth surface.

    I am very lucky to have mile after mile of deserted b roads on my doorstep though.

    edit- just read the points above about technical challenge, there are plenty of tech challenges to mastering a road bike handling.

    Free Member

    Only a cock would suggest theres an excuse for running people over, thats what your saying?

    Free Member

    Excusing him from running into and over other peoples sons and daughters?

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth, I had to rush home yesterday (friday) evening as my 4 month son was having a severe allergic reaction, which meant he was hospitalised.

    If a bunch of people, be it on bikes, cars, or foot, deliberately held me up, I wouldn’t like to say what would of happened.

    Noahs fine now


    Free Member

    Antagonistic pricks on bikes encounter antagonistic pricks in cars

    Doesnt means one not right and the others wrong.

    ala everyones fave.

    Free Member

    Anyone who is so inconsiderate that they delay someone (like me) from getting to a hospital to see a critically ill close relative before its too late does not get my vote.

    Does this apply to the cars, buses and lorries that delay me everyday?

    Free Member

    OP- looking for “the one” may cause you a lot of heartache, sometimes it works that way sometimes not. Enjoy what(and who) life brings your way more the merrier could be just as nice a life.

    Free Member

    Calling all STW Clarksons…

    Free Member

    Gower peninsula is one of my fave XC routes, a bit of googling will get you the directions. Recommended .

    Free Member

    Because it looks nice and doesn’t bend when I go up hills

    Free Member

    You will die, sell it now and get back on your kids mountain bike.

    Free Member

    Not sure if it was on here or road.c.c but someone said the cps have been given new guidelines increasing the likely hood they press for dangerous rather than careless driving.

    Free Member

    Nobody is reading this thread.

    Free Member

    Sonos works well with the iMac, then iPads, phones as controllers.

    Really can’t recommend enough, I listen to loads more music since I got it.

    Free Member

    All the canyons look great value, I especially like the CF with chorus @1700 but it looks like everyone else does too.

    Comparing Campag to Shimano, I would say the campag looks nicer made at any given price point.

    Fit just isnt the dark art made out by some(LBS) people, theres only a few different frame sizes, the rest is stem and seat position, just not that hard top get right. Your likely to fit two or three of them exact choice is down to your preference for set up style.

    Although I would say if you have to have a gate or a kids bike get a different hobby cos they hurt my eyes.

    Free Member

    Actually I do have a view- Isn’t Road just a natural progression from MTB in the cyclists career?

    As such they are better off together.

    Free Member

    Thought this thread was about road riding, disappointed and out of here.

    Free Member

    Wear one when riding vigorously(road or mtb), not when pootling, so far so good.

    I do have a friend though that makes her whole family dress up with hi viz and crappy helmets badly fitted for trip down the local cycle path.

    The kids hate cycling and cant wait to get saxo’s.

    Free Member

    I owe exposure a massive recommendation for fixing my Diablo which is of unknown vintage under warranty and in double quick time.

    Must be a tough market for a UK company, IME they provide great service.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Moved south 15 yrs ago, only regret is that I didn’t go further.

    Free Member

    Bb30 road bike , three months , three thou k , drive side done.

    May try to just replace that side.

    Free Member

    You get rid of it all from my house, porn, this forum, defo that Facebook crap. I would like the weather and the music and recipes that’s ok, all the rest can go.

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