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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day 10
  • IanW
    Free Member

    Actually I would tax people who wear poorly fitting helmets, Hi Viz vests and grimace with effort when cycling to work.

    They give cycling a bad image and should be taxed of the earth.

    Free Member

    Compulsory cycle insurance would cost more to administer than could ever practically be charged.

    Free Member

    The contract, as opposed to the terminology used by your solicitor will be “agreed to be more likely than not succesful”.

    Free Member

    Reasonable prospects = 50%

    Nope it isnt.

    Free Member

    Because you may need legal help to determined liability and no win no fee will only help you if its pretty much 100% nailed on dead cert win for you

    Suggest you read the small print, its the same with policies link to motor insurance.

    Free Member

    I have been paying for the road infrastructure through tax for the last 30 years, a fact lost on e 18yr old girl who tried to kill me then shouted “I pay tax ” out her window as she drove away.

    So NO, I should actually be getting a reimbursement for not mowing down my proportion of citizens, not poisoning them , not making outside a no go area and not being a fat c***

    Free Member

    yup, they have the 1.9TDI, not the 2.0 TDI

    Is the 2.0 worse? asking because Im half looking for another myself.

    Free Member

    There is a reason you see more r,s t etc reg A4’s knocking about than you do other brands.

    The turbo went on mine 170k but I had got a little lazy with the oil changes so it possibly could have lasted longer and wasnt that big a job to fix.

    Always strikes me with these cars how similar they are regardless of year, theyve just been refining an old design which in my mind is good thing.

    Go for it, as good a bet as any 100k car.

    Free Member

    Usually just the ducks getting out of the pond etc round here, so the journo spiffs have to make up some drama “Fat kids are taking over the word” type stuff.

    Distracts everyone from their own grimness.

    Free Member

    Nice note from the CPS and the guidelines are improved.

    The injustices are daily though, maybe its just me/us because we read them but every day there seems to be some new tragedy.

    You do wonder at what point more direct action is justified? This is people lifes 2k per year and ten of thousands more seriously injured.

    Not all cyclist but all victims of road traffic.

    Free Member

    A poorly set up road bike will feel crap next to a basic but tight singlespeed/ fixie. There’s more to go wrong, more to be a bit loose, more to be a bit worn out.

    It needs to all be working optimally, brakes, gears, hubs, bearings, tyres etc then it’ll feel right. That’s why your fixie is so good, pump up the tyres and pedal. Geometry’s neither here nor there.

    Free Member

    It’s a blessing, get a £10 phone and a life. Edit too late .

    Free Member

    There is one on my commute, often think what a great idea. The guy keeps the camper part on stilts in his drive, uses the pick up daily.

    Free Member

    This week I am mostly applying Endura cream to my arse and Lanacane anti chaf to my nipples. If things get unpleasant I resort to Savlon.

    Free Member

    My friends and I recently turned forty and seem to collectively groan as we sit down or stand up.I’ve never really noticed it before, is it a forty onwards thing? Have we always done it?

    This and having to sit down to put my socks on were the motivation to shed a pound or two. 😉

    Free Member

    Why not, maybe honeys worth a go too, its all just sugar including the gels.

    Personally I’m on dates at the moment, bit slower getting started but do the job if you plan ahead and there easier to carry/store than a gel.

    Coca cola is also fine if you need a quick hit, easier to drink if its flat though.

    Free Member

    Depends how your measuring “good”.

    Loosing weight will make you a faster climber or make the climbs easier at the same speed.

    Free Member

    We must have made them angry….. my buddy was stung in the mouth today, 2 minutes later I was stung on top of my head.

    It is like having a headache.

    Why dont helmets have mesh in em?

    Free Member

    …or your actually about the right weight for your age.

    Whilst we would all like to be 10% body fat, maybe that’s not really realistic for middle aged blokes. You have a similar diet to me, I’ve lost ~17kg now 104 to 87 ish and the loss has slowed right down, I’m still bmi of 25 which borderline overweight and there’s evidence of fat by the “if it jiggles, its fat ” method but I’m not sweating about it.

    You have a good diet and I bet are more active than 90% of men of a similar age, it’ll work out as good as it can. Better to reach your ideal weight slowly than lose weight quickly just to put it back on.

    Free Member

    Men who made us thin was a good program, I would recommend to anyone looking to loose weight, catch it on iplayer.

    Summary was diets don’t work, all the experts know diets don’t work in fact the chances are anything you loose short term you will put back on and more long term.

    Some interesting sub points: weight watchers business model only works because dieters yo-yo coming back for more help periodically. Any wacky diet will work short term , the wackier the better. Bmi figures are manipulated to make people of a normal weight overweight increasing the market for “diet products”. The manufacturers of diet products are the same people who make all the sugary stuff that makes us fat in the first place.

    Personally I have lost some weight recently, I would accredit it to hours on a road bike and eating when I was hungry rather than just for fun or because taste nice.

    Free Member

    Me again…

    I have probably recomended a smartphone on threads like this in the past, that’s before I got a garmin. Since then I’ve actually got rid of the fancy phones altogether, replacing it with a small, light weight, long lasting(cheap) Nokia which is much better at being a phone. ( another thread but people wandering around looking at their phone really annoys me)

    The Garmin is better for training in several ways: its in front of you all the time saying your present and average speed, using doesn’t it consume the battery of your phone which you may need for phoning someone, you can create routes in garmin connect upload to your phone and follow them.

    A smartphone in your pack with a downloaded map is maybe better for off road route finding but on roads the garmins are great especially suited to long B road routes, quick glance down to see a left/right turn ahead works very well no stopping required.

    Try handtec for a deal.

    Free Member

    When you plug it into a pc/mac, yes and the 500 is the best choice imo at the moment. Be prepared to become obsessed, get much fitter and loose a lot of weight!

    Free Member

    In the recent hot weather I can easily do in 5/6 bottles in a 80/90 miler and still be dehydrated as measures by my post ride weight.

    I go by the Sky advice, drink when your thirsty, drink when your not thirsty and drink when your not sure if your thirsty or not.

    On my own I would use a poundland lock perhaps but usually only stop in a rural general store type places which don’t present much of a theft risk or better still ride in a group.

    Free Member

    Many people are thick c**ts, thats all.

    It’ll continue to happen until they start getting prosecuted, all but the very thickest can usually figure thats not a good thing.

    Free Member

    Clean in the kitchen, dirty in the bedroom?

    Free Member

    The teachers car park at my kids school is a mix of Audi TT’s from those who have buried their hubby’s and push bikes from those who never had one.

    Don’t imagine any are going hungry though.

    Life in the UK is still what it was described to me as a youngster as ” winning the lottery” although it was it was actually winning the pools then. Either way it doesn’t get much better than here.

    Free Member

    Loved them Dolomite sprints.

    Free Member

    The owner of my nearest and prefered sandwich shop says I am begining to look to thin and I should eat more.

    Free Member

    Live in the bag never get touched:
    Tyre lever
    Emergency lights
    packed windproof.

    Actually get used:
    Spinach and tomato salad usually with a little chicken or fish as extra protein and maybe a few home made croutons.
    Reading glasses
    Ipad mini

    If its bad weather or looks like I may need survival equipment I take the bus.

    Oh and the lock has now lived on the bike rack for two years, next to the old one that I lost the key for.

    Free Member

    Which is why I have gone back to an old stylee phone, tinternets ok for news, perhaps a bit of shopping, occasional twaddle talk like this and one of research, best place to eat in Girona etc.

    The rest is face book gossip and general poo.

    Ps. Best edit.

    Free Member

    Not going to sell many of them then.

    Free Member

    My view exactly, wheel size should just go up with frame size. All bikes should look like a medium but just be bigger smaller chain stays, top tubes and wheels as required.

    Free Member

    Went mac with the first Intels 2006? Never had a problem with software, couple of ps issues on he first machine but the next two have been faultless on permanently and used daily.

    Free Member

    Does it have a bb30 crank?

    Free Member

    So did she actually hit anyone?

    Doesnt matter anymore, page four bickering now.

    Free Member

    Have we got an injured cyclist yet?

    Free Member

    Lets just get rid of them and it will all be ok then.

    Free Member

    Having just removed the BB30 bearings (6806 by another name) from my new carbon Bianchi with a hammer and a screw driver and used the same tools to reinstall the new bearings.

    Same method as with cars and machinery etc. tiny taps….

    No need for a seatpost that’s just faff.

    Free Member

    Boardmans, the red one, it has fixings for a rack and guards.

    Free Member

    Drivers doing below 30 in a 30 or 70 in a 70 are the exception, dishing out a few tickets does not mean the laws are enforced. My point remains the same uk speed limits (whatever they are and that’s a different discussion) are not treated as real laws.

    You wouldn’t publicly burgle a house or beat a child, whys it ok to speed? And if we are all agreed that speeding is bad why not stop making cars that can surpass the limit by sp much?

    I suppose its an industry that relies on people using cars to define themselves to sell cars, credit and all the rest of it and that’s worth more than the human injury it causes.

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