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  • International Women’s Day is Every Day at SingletrackWorld
  • IanW
    Free Member

    Think about it

    Thought about it and your wrong; no one would be celebrating a cyclists doing something illegal then assaulting a person.

    Suggest you think about it..again.

    Free Member

    Ton- your wrong; even if I’m on my own in an ASL I will be in the middle, that’s the point of them to give cyclist an opportunity to being front of traffic.

    Free Member

    Kona Sutra 2014 is a Rove in touring form, not sure it will be any lighter, possibly put on a pound or so.

    Free Member

    Went down 10mm on mine, feels much better, less like bending a boat. I can see the hub too but soon forgot about it.

    Free Member

    Mate smashed his hip in 2 places and had a 4hour OP yesterday to pin him back together.


    A few yeas ago a rider in our mtb group went over on ice resulting in a four hour recovery form the middle of nowhere including the rider laying in the snow for 3 of those hours and being trolied half a mile down a forest road in the last hour.

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard a grown man scream so much for so long.

    He had broken the ball of his leg bone where it connects to the hip, a year of doing nothing and never really ridden with any intent since.

    Free Member

    Some with superhero cycling powers on here.

    Once there’s a risk of ice I don’t cycle on the road, off road, hard pack frozen ground is ok and snow is ok but if the snow compresses and freezes again you can be in similar trouble to black ice/frost glaze on the road.

    Free Member

    Me too using an IPad, it’s that scummy BillHill advert.

    Free Member

    Maybe they didnt like the OP or couldnt be arsed because they were having a good natter or perhaps it was the same reason all those car drivers dont get out of my way every morning, prefering to sit blocking the road whilst updating their facebook status.

    Free Member

    Can someone set out the offence committed?

    Ive read the thread but cant spot it.

    Free Member

    Orange segments with spinach leave and beetroot.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member
    Indeed, and it’s silver.

    Was really worth posting a quote and a picture to prove your a pedantic gobshite? Your life..I mean your actual life must be very dull.

    Free Member

    You knew what I meant.

    Free Member

    I should want a CDF but can’t help feeling its a bit sort of dull..sorry. Maybe if it came in a different colour than the commuter black or had a different group set I could get juiced about it but even with a custom build it could still do with more clearance.

    That said there isn’t too many alternatives. The Merida four cross looks better in the flesh than pics online would suggest, flat top tube, traditional external headset and cables, matched with good kit, 105, nova tech hubs etc seems pretty good.

    Free Member

    Homeserve did a great job for me sending a local engineer with a van full of parts on the 23rd December. This was provided through a home emergency benefit of an insurance policy.

    That said boilers seem simpler than is often thought and an occasional service(clean) from a local engineer will often put you on their books meaning you’ll get it fixed at a reasonable cost should it fail unexpectedly.

    Free Member

    For balance; my Bianchi came with a creaky BB30 from new, it was fixed by stripping them out greasing everything and refitting. After about 2000 miles it started again and on removal the drive side appeared worn so I replaced them with SKF which have been silent and smooth running since.

    Given a choice I would have them over HT2 which are a ridiculous design( in shimano form anyway). BB30 bearings are easy to get in and out, requiring only a hammer, makeshift drift and a modicum of care and are a standard size available anywhere.

    The cranks are also a better design with just the one large hex bolt.

    Free Member

    Read the terms of the policy , if you are confident there’s no grounds for a charge let them threaten all they want it won’t get anywhere.

    If you think their within the terms of the policy, pay them because you will lose and accrue additional costs should it go to court.

    As above sounds like a tor charge and/or cancelation fee in which case you owe it and should pay, only time you may get away with it is if it’s such a small amount they won’t chase.

    Free Member

    Aren’t Brasher Hillmasters the default choice?

    Mine are 5 or 6 yr old and perfect for the UK.

    Free Member

    Ring them up and ask them.

    I dont know of any UK fully comp policies without accidental damage so it is unlikely to be due to fault.

    Insurance is just a contract with terms you can read.

    Free Member

    Bring back evolution, that’s what I say.

    Free Member

    How muscular is your arse?

    Free Member

    Rich man Poor man

    Free Member

    Fizik Superlight Classic on all my bikes, the commuter bike is white and the bits that haven’t been scuffed of by **** in cars are still white after 18 months of regular use.

    Free Member

    Here you go….

    Free Member

    Had I not forgot the password for my photobucket account amongst the miriad of other passwords I’m supposed to remember I would post a picture of myself and a few mates on the same hill as clubber.

    It’s still spoken of as one of our best days out( and there’s been a few), Google gower peninsula MTB.

    Free Member

    This subject was done by page three ish.

    Free Member

    Has the canal path now been made a cycle path?

    I lived in Leeds up the age of 30 and spent many days as child cycling along that canal, often thought it would make a great route into town.

    Free Member

    If we want to resist obesity, then we need to resist the pull of mass marketing, we need to resist cultural homogenisation, and mass consumer culture. Start resisting these things, start looking for and posing alternatives to lining the pockets of big businesses who get rich from our misery and poor health. And I can tell you from the trenches, that is exactly how they get rich. And our governments allow them to do this whilst simultaneously blaming the individual for their every misfortune, whether that might be having the temerity to be unemployed or sick and need benefits, or getting too fat and being a drain on the NHS. This is the government of the scapegoat and witch hunt. This is the government that encourages us to hate each other, compete with each other, but trust and rely on the ruthless profiteers of big private enterprise. Co-operation is the enemy of this society. We are out for ourselves, pushing our lonely trolleys round the aisles in the supermarkets, filling ourselves with sugar and fat instead of love, companionship and social cohesion, we would rather hoard our bread than break it with our neighbours. No wonder we are all fat, miserable and lonely

    Quite nicely put I thought.

    Free Member

    Grum, I’ve got all the compassion in the world for people struck down with cancer,

    Is your sympathay reserved for people with cancers not caused by their lifestyles?

    Whilst there is an element of “choice” denying the influence of food marketing suggests there is billions being wasted on advertising and lobbying.

    Free Member

    Rusty Shackleford – Member
    IanW – Member
    Change came first with education; there’s sugar in fruit juice
    What the deuce?! You’ll be telling me there’s fat in butter next

    Obviously not common knowledge though is it, as well as being such a witty sage you must be smarter than the average dude.

    Free Member

    @ 183 and 85k I am no whippet but that’s an improvement on the 110k I was this time last year.

    Change came first with education; there’s sugar in yoghurt, fruit juice, and just about everything labeled as low fat. After a while sugar tastes quite bad. Every meal doesn’t need to include bread and potatoes and being a bit hungry is OK.

    As per earlier post I’m neither blaming individuals or their environment entirely, to eat when it’s there is a human condition preyed upon by companies and there shiny young marketeers.

    Similarly, taking the easy physical option in a human characteristic the world has evolved to satisfy, so much so that it actually make it difficult for those who do have the will power to move( hence the cyclist/motorist clash).

    Annoyingly for a forum spat, there’s no one thing to blame but the unlikeliness of changing the human condition suggests the best way to fix it would be regulate food manufactures and make getting around under your own steam/playing outside safe options.

    Free Member

    If you’re suggesting riding a horse is harder work than walking, it begs the question why did people ride them around all over the place for centuries?

    Because for similar effort you travel much further.

    Flippancy aside; the horse, the industrial revolution, industrialising food production, credit revolution, whatever point you want to blame we are victims of our own success.

    Every gain in child mortality or life expectancy has come at cost which we are now reaping.

    Free Member

    Adults have managed all the movement out of their livse, it started with the remote control
    No, it started with the domestication of the horse.

    You have obviously never ridden a horse.

    Free Member

    When your talking about costs to the NHS; proportionate incidence of some cancers and cardio vascular disease in countries which don’t have such an obesity problem(or are too poor to be lazy feckers) suggest you can put some of those costs at the door of the food, oil and transport industries.

    Free Member

    I hate the word exercise, who wants to exercise, nobody exercised in the 80’s, 70’s or anytime before that(apart from the usual fruitcakes).
    Adults have managed all the movement out of their livse, it started with the remote control and now any occasion that requires effort is seen as an opportunity for some bright spark to make life easier.

    Kids can’t play out because we surrounded by rivers of death, full of drivers who mistake the maximum speed they can drive with the speed limit.

    The food industry has work out it can make food really cheaply out of sugar, colouring a few other bits of goo put it in a colouful packet, spend what should have gone on the product on marketing and lobbying and make a fortune.

    Why wouldn’t the place be full of fatties.

    Free Member


    John Williams.

    I imagine its available digitally, I read the paper version which was excellent.

    Free Member

    Just don’t do it.

    Ice that is, snow like in the pictures above is ok if you like that sort of thing but ice is a different matter.

    Free Member

    If I was to move again, it would be Bristol or Cardiff, as much for the surrounding area as the cities.

    Free Member

    Pyjama day innit, not too keen myself but the ladies in the house love,em.

    Free Member

    I think you will find the difference in spec will matter not a jot when you are peffing out up hill at 70 miles, buy the one that looks the best.

    Free Member

    All the lbs near me will allow topping up. Some may even accept the voucher against an ex team bike or similar. A 1k voucher is basically 900 in readies.

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