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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • IanW
    Free Member

    Turkey seems to be a bit of a love it or hate it sort of place.

    I have been a few times and won’t be going again, got some friends though who dream of living there.

    Free Member

    Two abreast when you’re just holding up traffic for giggles is nobbish.

    What if I’m having a chat, is that ok with you?

    Free Member

    aa – barely a ride passes when I don’t see our group getting ” punishment passes” for riding two abreast.

    A public information ad on that alone would I bet save countless incidents.

    Free Member

    If the Police,CPS and Judiciary did the job their paid to the problem would end.

    Free Member

    Surly cross check/straggler 42mm, Genesis Cdf 35mm, Kona Sutra 42mm, some of the disc road bikes look like they also have massive clearance but I’m not sure the standard spec wheels would take big tyres.

    It does seem like the resurgence in cycling has resulted in people buying road “race” bikes and findin there not what you really need for getting about most of the time.

    In the absence of any modern versions of the 1950-80 Raleigh design ( which is still the best for general purpose use) the Kona Sutra seems to tick most boxes I need.

    And they make cool adverts

    Free Member

    Which version is this?

    Mines simple, press twice, it’s on , press again to change power, press and hold to turn off.

    Free Member

    It’s a local paper that’s pushed my buttons with a recent story about a “lunatic cyclist” which is blantently inflammatory and intended to appeal to the Clarkson esgue indignant motorist readership.

    A complete non story that will just risk increasing road conflict.

    But you see it everywhere, the Independent is pretty blatant, I don’t read the Mail but can imagine they do it. Could the paid newspapers (Times for instance ) be less likely to do it as they rely less on adverts?

    If not are there any publications which don’t overtly do it or so just that every story is judged by clicks?

    Free Member

    Rather poor shadow rabbit?

    Free Member

    Very much enjoying 1984 at the moment, in my version all the party members are wearing Rapha Jerseys.

    Free Member

    Wrangler Texas Stretch best cycling jeans available.

    Free Member

    I once had a LBS mechanic try to charge me for bashing a biopace chainring round. Poor knowledge in the bike industry is not exclusive to Halfords.

    Free Member

    I have the Wiggle pads on my commuter and Sunday best, honestly can’t tell the difference between them and the shimanos they replaced.

    There perfect in the dry and no more crap than others in he wet.

    Free Member

    Near me in Suffolk the sea walls have been breached in quite a few places, it’s a bit worse this year than usual but hasn’t caused significant problems.

    I have no qualifications on the subject but Suffolk seems to fair pretty well despite being barely above sea level. Possibly something to do with a lot of forestry, relatively little development and being on the east there’s quite a bit less rainfall than the west coast.

    Suffolk is basically a desert with a thin layer of soil on top.

    Free Member

    Wiggle lifeline and give the money you save to the out of work marketeers charity.

    Free Member

    The more trees theory was covered in last weeks Countryfile, there’s a pilot scheme running which was presented as working.

    Free Member

    The outlaw Josey Wales, High Plains Drifter, The Unforgiven, True Grit?

    Most westerns probably.

    Free Member

    Watching the PapuaNewGuinea episode now, strong stuff and he fronts it well.

    Free Member

    Watch this pair run out on bright sunny day at Elland rd, I don’t even like football but this picture made me feel old.

    Free Member

    Skating on the Leeds Liverpool Canal.
    Getting the Cane at school.
    Being absolutely made up with a set of Every Ready bike lights for christmas .
    Playing Football in the road.

    Free Member

    What a good letter from the MP’s.

    If I had tried to write that it would have been garbled rant.

    Free Member

    woop woop, well done everyone who’s made a noise and the asa for listening.

    Free Member

    Those life adventure ones linked on the previous page are the DB’s maybe not for driverists but everyone else yes.

    Free Member

    Agree with Jameso regards the civvies, its another reason I rarely wear the prescribed safety wear garb(treads carefully to avoid the usual) as it seperates you out as different from car drivers.

    Theres also a lot in the press recently and the media industry seems to be about trolling up inflamatory stories.

    I could recount loads of incident and over the years Ive reacted in everyway imaginable from dispair to anger and lots in between.

    I was thinking on this mornings commute about my father who campaigned for years to get the speed reduced on the road through our village. It never happened and one day his car was struck by a speeding truck pushing him into a wall and the pitch fork he used to tend the cricket club through his back.
    I expect in some twist of fate to make a lot of noise about road safety and suffer a similar comeupance.

    So now I just try to get were am going without getting killed, much of human race is a bit thick, some of them are **** and some are both.

    Free Member

    I was in it recently and thought the aircon was sounding a little noisy, which doesnt bode well given the above post.

    Free Member

    Mines on 188,000 now.

    Clutch@50,000 (under warranty dealer).
    Cambelt@120,000(£500 local garage)
    Turbo@160,000(£700 did it myself)
    Discs and wheel bearings@170,000(£150 did em myself)
    Its also had a few steering arms here and there. Im the second owner picked with a full dealer history.

    The car is now being driven by almost ex missus, still wont die or do less than 50mpg.

    Free Member

    Mmmm… so maybe £50 a month plus the £500 initial investment.

    Considering the moneys already spent on the hardware is there likely to be any return from the actual mining, odds etc.

    Free Member

    Took a day in the south downs recently and found it a tad too busy (with cars) for my liking. Certainly busier than my normal haunt of Suffolk.

    I have had some nice days in the Chilterns both on and off road, but swap either of these places for a trip to Northern France given the chance and good deal on the crossing.

    Free Member


    Its a 750w PSU (I saw that arrive from ebuyer), presuming its not running at full tilt say 500w that would be 7p per hour at our tariff?

    It this bitcoin mining a long term task requiring the machine to run for several hours?

    I suppose three hours a day if the above calculations are correct would be roughly £1.50 a week which could live with, especially if I turn the heating off in that part of the house 🙂

    Free Member

    Alpin- not sure if we’ve spoke before on here but I’m week 6 ish post a similar incident and have bump just like yours. I was advised to wait until this stage then start physio, then if the lump bothered me look at surgery. TBH I’m viewing it like a scar and whilst not many chicks get to look at my body these days I understand they like that sort of thing.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Andyl- hope you make a speedy recovery.

    I’m reading between the lines but it sounds like the other party has admitted fault but your insurer is covering the costs until they are recovered? In those circumstances you will be seen as an increased risk as you’ve cost yor insurer money. This will change when the other persons insurer pays out for loss of your car. Unfortunately it will be pro rata so if it drags on and you will be paying increased premiums on a new car until that point.

    The bodily injury claim will not effect your premiums as it will go directly to the other insurer. I always think the “at fault” term doesn’t help here, what’s important is who’s cost who money.

    Once settled and in the absence of other incidents( insurance pricing is algorithms of several factors) one non fault accident without cost to your insurer will often not increase premiums. If you can prove it is being used as a rating factor and proportion to which it alone is increasing your premium would make a complaint worth pursuing.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    My son has just built an AMD graphics card machine and intends to use it as you describe, how much should I charge him for electricity?

    Free Member

    People v Authoratarion state and not that far away, seems worth caring about.

    Free Member

    Its an intresting question and claims costs being the subject of an investigation perhaps worth pursueing.

    andyl- Its not quite clear in your Op but did your or the other parties insurance pay for the repairs to your car?

    Sometimes a first non fault claim doesnt load a premium, depending on the insurer and the rest of your driving history.

    Presuming its the only incident in the last few years and the other persons insurance covered the costs, perhaps you could argue that legal cover(if you have it) should assist recover this non insured expense.

    They will only act if theres a good chance of winning and may have a explanation why not, even if they dont help.

    Free Member

    “I’m not listening to a word anyone says, because it’s easier to just imagine an alternative conversation in which everyone but me is a moron” is what this sounds like to me.

    Unless someone’s come up with a reason not posted in the dozen previous threads on this subject the assumption your all morons is reasonable.

    Free Member

    Speedings OK,
    I know when it’s dangerous or not; my car can easily do 60 mph on most 30 limit areas no problem.

    It’s a bit like drink driving sometime I drive so smashed I can hardly walk, it’s not a problem I’m still a good driver.
    That’s what you lot sound like to me.

    Free Member

    Mahoosive jar of Vaseline from the poundshop, apply liberally and frequently.

    Free Member

    Thank you Luffy, I hope a full explanation will be included when you send your kids out begging for their holiday money?

    Free Member

    Semi appealing, but a multifunction tool does away with the need to buy several pointless but nice to have tools.

    Free Member

    Sorry please mind my manners, 🙂

    Free Member

    Remind me again why anyone else should pay for some middle class wannabes kids to go on a jolly to Japan?

    Why not just put it on the credit card?

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