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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • IanMunro
    Free Member

    I quite like intervals.
    Worse feeling?
    6 miles into a 10 mile race and getting runner’s trots.

    Free Member

    Remember byways are unsurfaced roads. If there is an issue with damage then they need to be repaired and sanitised if need be.

    Or have a TRO slapped on them.

    Free Member

    I’d have probably gone through the barrier.
    It’s a race, and I’m not stopping if the bloke in front isn’t.
    I’m not claiming it’s right though.

    Free Member

    The local council have spent god knows how much money trying to improve the drainage of the brown lane opposite me because it gets constantly chewed up by plonkers in 4x4s ‘living the dream’. There’s more technical challenge driving up the pot-holed road to get to it,than can be had driving down it.
    If it’s the ‘thin end of the wedge’, then someone lend me a ****-off big hammer to smash it home.

    Free Member

    In Finland a world leader in education they attract teachers from the top 20% of graduates. In the UK its the bottom 20%.

    Money doesn’t appear to be the motivator either, as English and Finnish teachers appear to have pretty much identical salaries.

    Free Member

    This is what happens when you put a strava seg in a dumb place.

    Free Member

    How do you balance your competing demands?

    I think it’s going to depend a lot on what your goal times are and available time. Cycling is easier to ‘wing it’ in that you can draft people, freewheel etc. plenty of opportunities to save energy. With running there isn’t really any where to hide, and most mortals need to log up a lot of consistency in miles. So that would be what I would prioritise. The good thing though is that it’s possible to do a relatively hard running session one day followed by a long endurance bike ride the next.
    So the trick is to alternate sports and alternate hard easy.

    Free Member

    Can you tell exactly where a segment ends? I don’t use it at all, but id like to have a pop on one local climb. However the top of the climb is a busy T junction so you’d need to be slowing. But to go up fast you need to pull out right turn into traffic.
    I’m not on it but I think its called punch into wing

    There’s this one ‘Punch into wing’, which looks pretty iffy (though down rather than up).

    And ‘Punch into wing (safer)’

    Not withstanding the safety issue, both are pointless stupid as results for segments that short are just random noise due to location update rates and the strava timing algorithm.

    These are the ones if you want a pop :)

    Free Member

    It doesn’t have to be all about KOMs. The social side is nice too. I’ve met a few runners and riders that I wouldn’t have without it.

    Free Member

    Thanks allthepies.

    Free Member

    Can someone explain to me in simple, or complex terms, why trident needs replacing?
    I.e. What’s worn out on it from over use?

    /Actually scrap that. I assume the people are talking about the submarines rather than the missiles.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear about your experience glyncorrwgwalker.
    Would you describe the scrotes as young*, or old enough to know better.

    *I appreciate that yoot are also old enough to know better :)

    but you should have reported them to the Police, can you also link to a site for us cyclists to complain about the obnoxious dangerous and sometimes murdering behaviour of motorists, which is more prevelant than one walkerist being abused.

    Go and have a cup of tea project. Maybe some nice biscuits too.

    Free Member

    Not all zone 2s are made equal. If you go off max HR you can get some miserably low numbers. Go off your threshold HR and you get a more reasonable number imo.

    Also if you’re doing say three hours or less of riding a week (and no other exercise) zone 2 probably isn’t doing you much good. You’ve got plenty of time to recover, so go hard. Zone 2 only really makes sense if you’re doing a larger volume of exercise.

    Free Member

    It’s a sad state of affairs that slapdash research with a sexy angle plastered on is more highly ‘valued’ than careful, well-thought out studies that don’t have a sales pitch attached.

    Indeed. Or that negative results are not considered worth reporting. A work colleague suggested we should set up a journal of fail. Tried something? didn’t work?, publish it in fail.

    Free Member

    I bought a set of leki trigger sharks last year. They’re the SPD version of treking poles in that you clip into them with a mitt, and they fold up much smaller than most poles. Didn’t miss the adjustable length, just unclip and slide your hand down the pole on steep climbs. Plus you don’t have that faff of either your pole length changing because you haven’t twisted it tight enough, or untwisting failing to release the lock, that i’ve had with other poles. Plus you can just let go of them and they don’t fall off your wrist if you need to do something else.

    Free Member

    Cynically, I see it more that there is a pressure to deliver an attractive news angle to promote the journal or your university, perhaps to increase the profile of your team and secure funding. This sometimes overrides the author’s better judgement.

    That, or his wife ran off with a jogger.

    Free Member

    The worrying thing is that it highlights how much belief drives research reporting rather than results. The author believes that ‘strenuous jogging’ is bad for you and delivered headlines to give that impression, even though at some level he knew this belief wasn’t reflected in his data.

    Free Member

    I’ve currently got 170mm on the left and 175mm on the right. Both feel the same to me.

    Free Member

    I bin any CV over 2 pages – people who waffle.
    I bin any CV in 8 point or smaller – people who waffle and deceive.
    I bin 50% of the remaining CV’s at random – Don’t want to employ unlucky people.

    Free Member

    I think you’re confusing “engineering” with “manufacturing”. It wouldn’t take long to knock up a model of the cassette in CAD and find someone to make one for you.

    Nope engineering is manufacturing.
    What you’re describing is doodling on the screen aka designing. And you won’t be able to find someone who can knock up a working cassette using that pin construction from a cad drawing.

    Free Member

    Grinning after watching that :D

    Free Member

    Or maybe Bez

    Free Member

    Noel Gallagher

    Free Member

    Piers Morgan.

    Free Member

    Bugger :(
    His facebook status was saying him and the bike were fine earlier.

    Free Member

    I’ve clicked on it, stared at it, and have no idea what it is about. Though my eyes hurt from the images now.

    Free Member

    Mash used to be the best thing on telly, but I saw an old episode of Mash about a month back and had to switch off because the laughter track was doing my head in. Wondering if I picked the wrong episode or if the teenage version of me didn’t register canned laugher in the same way.

    Free Member

    All joggers wear them! you can Cleary see there iPhone strapped to there arm with wire going to ear.
    so if headphones are not for cyclists why would review a pair??

    With your level of understanding of both running and cycling, you should really think of taking up triathlons. For charity obviously.

    Free Member

    Sound’s to me like Hora was performing an act of public service.
    Whilst I’ve heard people complain about too many people on the summit, too many clouds on the summit, too much rain on the summit, too much wind on the summit and too much rubbish on the summit, I’ve never heard anyone complain that it was insufficiently stony.

    Free Member

    Did anyone hear Jim Naughtie grilling Alan Yentob about Clarkson on R4 yesterday evening? Ouch!

    Yup :) Sounded like Yentob was close to having a minor fracas by the end.

    Free Member

    Because no one of importance cares.

    Free Member

    In answer to your original question, chest strap HR monitors are very accurate*, optical wrist ones less so.

    The purple line is the HR and,as you can see, it appear to spend quite a lot of time over 150bpm over the earlier part of the ride.

    *although only accurate with good electrical connection to your chest. Abnormally high readings early on in a ride/run are a typical sign of a lack of good connection. Once you’ve built up some sweat (and electrical connection) the problem goes away. Plenty of spit on the chest strap and chest solve this, or buy some conductive gel off ebay. High voltage pylons can also screw up the readings, but it’s mostly just lack of moisture between the strap and your chest.

    If you see a high HR, ask yourself “Am I out of breath?”, if not, it’s just a garbage reading.

    Free Member

    I think it’s a difficult one to have a view on, as I understand the race organisers are claiming that there was a separate start an hour earlier for people who thought they won’t be fast, and that the runner in question knew this. If so, then i’ve no great sadness about someone being pulled out for being a selfish arse. Of course it might be possible that the organisers are just making this up to cover themselves. I don’t know either way so can’t comment.
    But I’ve no problems with race cut-offs per se, providing that everyone who enters knows about them.

    That said I did a lovely low key 16 mile trail race last weekend –
    The winner was doing something like 6 min mile pace, and the last was around 13 min mile. Pulling people off the course was never a consideration of the marshalls

    Free Member

    According to his online LinkedIn profile, Grant, who is still working as a solicitor, was educated at the Royal Newcastle Grammar School and Cambridge University. He has an interest in jazz.

    and magazines about it.

    Free Member

    The bridleway along the ridge taking in High Stile, Red Pike and High Crag, has got to worth a punt just for pure stupidity :)

    Free Member

    You don’t really have any options for protective shoes. Well, you have plenty of options for shoes, but any suggestion that any can protect knee joints is bollocks. Some may hinder things though.
    You may get better protection by building up muscle strength, and you may want to measure what your running cadence is and considering increasing it if it’s on the low side.

    Free Member

    Whilst I appreciate the paradox in the question (erasing your own existence), the question is more around whether Earth would be better without us.

    It would be different without us. ‘Better’ is a human concept, if we disappear so does the concept of better.

    Free Member

    I feel quite sorry for Jeremy Clarkson getting suspended; it’s total discrimination against talentless bellends.

    Free Member

    Or am I overreacting?


    Am I right?


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