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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • IanMunro
    Free Member

    Just looked at my power graph I can do 700 watts too!!
    For 12 seconds..
    Hope you like your toast lightly done.

    Free Member

    Good question though.

    Free Member

    I’m quite happy buying bike parts direct from China. I’d probably stay clear of an Ebay seller that appears to specialize in hair extensions though.

    Free Member

    What curvature says. Uncut zip ties – the tail pushes the cable against the inside of the tube.

    Free Member

    One near me called “The worst journey in the world”, the name doesn’t accurately some up the road it’s on, but I like the fact that the creator knew that Apsley Cherry-Garrard lived nearby.

    Free Member

    Are you talking about commuting everyday? If so irrespective of price it would be a bad choice imo. Once it’s festooned with mudguards, puncture proof tyres, lights, and all the other tat you need on an all year commuter it really won’t be that great for anything else.

    Free Member

    I thought the transit was nice, but Philip Glenister is a terrible presenter imo, and they’d have done better to focus a lot more on how they restored it rather than the painfully contrived banter between the presenters.
    Also, unless I missed it there was no mention of how much the restoration actually cost?

    Free Member

    Assuming that ST went to the effort of calculating a service cost, that still wouldn’t tell you anything about long term costs as you don’t know what the service interval needs to be. And for that you need string length metrics.

    Free Member

    A neighbour has a couple of light aircraft, that I’m guessing cost a bit.
    Haven’t seen him waxing them once.

    Free Member

    It’s a fact from the point of view of the type of 3D printing that is probably going to be used to make this. Esp if the component relies on flex to work.
    In my office we have a Stratasys 3D printer that cost £30Kish, which we use to knock up a variety of things. Strong components aren’t too much of a problem. Strong and flexible can be more problematic. You certainly have to pay attention to orientation with respect to the print layers. This doesn’t seem to be an issue if you are using a printer that uses selective laser sintering, such as shapeways use, but if you’re using an extruder printer then it’s a big issue.

    Free Member

    A 3D printed bracket that resembles the one in the picture will snap very quickly. The printing process means that although the layers can be strong the join between the layers can be quite weak – much like grain in wood.
    You’ve got the two flexi wings for holding the lamp and the two thin hooks that hold the rubber band at opposing planes, meaning one will always be weak if the other is strong.
    That’s not to say that a 3d printed bracket couldn’t be made for it – just not a replica of the original injection moulded item.

    Free Member

    Is his name surfmatt?

    Free Member

    Currently I have two pairs of those glasses sat on my desk for making something very similar to the first picture.
    Have you any idea how much triathletes will cough up if you can promise them a more aero position? :)

    Free Member

    Yup, I agree entirely.
    That said, prior to calibration and new firmware the Kickr was recording about 40w higher at typical levels, but since then they’ve tracked fairly closely. I guess a better test would be put the kickr in erg mode in some form of pyramid power over an hour and compare that to the stages output. Of course even if they still matched relatively closely it’s still just an arbitrary number.
    The kickr gets mostly used on zwift, so hopefully it’s an inflated arbitrary number. :)

    Free Member

    4iii have my crank at the moment, but took so long in the first place that I bought a stages. Then I bought a kickr. So soon I’ll have three power readings for comparison. The kickr and stages currently read within a few watts of each other. If the 4iii reports a higher value, then clearly the existing two are wrong :)

    Free Member

    Are they 650b boost compatible?

    Free Member

    They teach you to drive at 30 in 4th gear rather than 3rd in driving lessons to keep revs low. I can’t imagine you’d do a lot of speeding if you drove around at an indicated 30mph in 6th gear. With your foot to the boards you might get to 31mph in about a week, if it hadn’t stalled first. I’ll try it on the way home FOR SCIENCE.

    At the other end I hit the rev limit at about an indicated 33mph in 1st, so I’m guessing 30ish real. Plus it has the added safety feature that other people are more aware of your presence than normal.

    Free Member

    As long as you’ve got Demis Roussos on repeat, you’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    old age.

    Free Member

    Or LDWA for similar value.
    MTB events are expensive for a variety of reasons.
    They don’t have the club infrastructure of other sports, so no free volunteers to run them.
    They can’t make use of public land or subsidised facilities like other many other sports.
    They tend to be run for profit – nothing wrong with that – but it will cost.

    Free Member

    On a slight tangent, how much does an image have to look like the prophet for it to be offensive?
    I mean if I present this –
    and say it’s my abstraction of the prophet, will it cause offence?

    Free Member

    I was hoping for more spoons.

    Free Member

    The future of the country could be in the balance on it.

    Free Member

    Nice article.
    Probably got beaten by him at beastway too:)

    Free Member

    By her a cake, and tell her you love her.

    Free Member

    I doubt I would have stopped if I were driving. I’ve marshalled 100 marathon club events before, and witnessed an astounding amount of limping and hobbling even before the race had started. Unless you looked in serious distress, I’d have just assumed you were in the process of walking off an injury/cramp.

    Anyway you have my sympathies!!! I tore a calf muscle a couple of years back, followed by a 10 miles walk home, and a couple of months before I could run again.

    Free Member

    Wise words.

    Free Member

    Getting a few maintenance pages at the mo. I suspect they’re switching it off and on again.

    Free Member

    But when they go it’s usually around the 80-100,000 mile mark. Say on average you drive at 3,000 rpm. That’s 180,000 revs per hour. Average say 40 mph that’s 2,500 hours driving. That means its gone round approximately 450,000,000 times before it fails.
    That’s a fair old distance on a pushbike but as I have no idea on gearing I can’t say how much.
    OP, did yours fail at a similar kind of usage?

    Though to be fair, I’m not too sure what their lifespan is like in engines if there’s a steady stream of mud and road grit sloshing over them, maybe with a UV light under the bonnet too.

    Free Member

    My boss is very proud when he tells people how he had a bike fit done on his TT bike to get a really aggressive position.

    Have another conversation with him, and he says how his TT bike is really difficult to control, you can’t ride it on uneven roads, can’t ride in cross winds, can’t brake except in a dead straight line.

    Sounds like me (minus the bike fit bit)
    Spent the winter riding a tt bike on a turbo, getting use to the most lowest narrowest position possible.
    Tried it on an actual road last month – it’s a **** ing death trap :D
    Sticking to the road bike till I can get a valium prescription for the TT pig bike.

    Free Member

    This is why it’s best to drive to the conditions and not to an arbitrary number written on a sign. (If you do this, there will be times when you don’t get near the “Limit” and times when you will exceed it, but if you do this, you will be driving in the safest possible manner.)

    You do get that an individual concept of best speed for conditions is as arbitrary as a sign?

    All those people crashing every day. Most were under the impression they were driving in what they thought was an appropriate manner, right up to the point when they found out they weren’t.
    Now I’m not suggesting that a speed limit magically stops this, but suggest that things are much safer when people just drive how they feel is suitable is insane.

    Free Member

    We have some at work (along with an electric car hire pool) – but that’s partly due to a organisation responsible for installing them is based here :)
    If you’re based in the East of England*, try contacting this lot –

    *Given that it’s specifically for region, I imagine they might know of other regional organisations if you’re located elsewhere

    Free Member

    I’ve managed a couple successfully, but it’s definitely a bit of a lottery, esp when your hands and the gel are soaked in sweat.
    And when you do pull it off and leave the tab on, there’s a nanometric sized hole that you then have to try and such the contents out though.
    What irritates me is that a bit more design thought in the package design would have probably solved the problem without any extra manufacturing costs.

    Free Member

    I’m in the market for some laterally ridged yet vertically compliant speaker cable to make my speakers come alive.
    Anyone know where I can get some?

    Free Member

    First skylark of the year.

    Free Member

    If walkers would just get it through their thick heads that the sounding of a bell is just an indication of a cyclists presence, rather than a request to get out of the way as most of them seem to think it is, which then leads to them side-stepping and turning round, etc, then more of us would happily use bells.

    This is why walkers and cyclists should be taxed and have number plates.

    Free Member

    South downs way? Not exactly open moorland, but fairly panoramic views and a big wide trail. Train access at both ends and plenty of B&B options along the route.

    Free Member

    Just off to do a few hill reps and swallow some flies.
    I should point out that tomorrow’s sun is due solely to me taking the day off to take delivery of a new turbo trainer.

    Free Member

    someone must have done striding edge.

    I did Crib Goch once. It was my first time along it, but I reckoned it was doable cos I’d read about the Crane cousins doing it. Wouldn’t be in a hurry to repeat the experience.

    Free Member

    Have we done the simple average speed test yet? (cos that’s what the original question was)

    Gatsby 2015 -> 791 miles in 54:51 hours = 14.2mph avg.
    njee20 2015 -> 1,390 miles in 91:51 hours = 15.1 mph avg.

    We have a winner!! :)
    And just for reference me 2015 -> 579.2 miles in 33:48 hours = 16.9mph :D

    (Which shows the dangers of strava stats, cos in reality I’m an order of magnitude slower than njee20)

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