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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • IanMunro
    Free Member

    Apologies now for any sounding ignorant here, I only get to see the news and newspapers, and fortunately/unfortunately depending on how you look at it don;t have colleauges who want to talk about it.

    You won’t sound ignorant by asking questions.
    It’s people offering solutions you need to be wary of.

    Free Member

    Put a stick across their doorstep each morning.

    Free Member

    Now – would it stand up at an inquiry to argue that if it is impossible to access a Public Bridleway without using footpaths that higher rights must exist over at least one of those paths? Otherwise, how did it ever come to be a BW used by the public?

    You need to contact the local British Horse Society rep.
    Firstly, they probably know what the real situation is.
    Secondly, IIRC as a cyclist you can’t challenge an existing FP status, though evidence you provide can be used in conjunction with a horse riders claim.

    Free Member

    Steminism and Jeremy Corbyn. Discuss.

    Free Member

    I don’t know about the pain thing, but I haven’t been attacked by a single werewolf since wearing one.
    Just saying.

    Free Member

    5 speed 24″ wheel racer…

    Me too.
    Did it also have “racer mudguards”? Those 6″ in long things that apparently made it road legal according to the blurb in my mum’s catalogue.

    Free Member

    The price quote is probably about right. The printer at work uses spools that cost ~175 quid for 688 cubic cm of material. Your design takes up a volume of 375cm, so on plastic costs alone it’s going to be ~95 pounds.

    Free Member

    Out of interest if she had said nothing at all and refused to answer any questions would you interpret that as

    1) Proof she was innocent

    2) suspicious

    3) I probably wouldn’t have interpreted it as anything.

    I wasn’t aware that she was being implicated until she produced a 1700 word press release saying that she’s innocent.
    Then saying ‘I don’t really care what committee thinks’, when clearly she does.

    If there’s three abnormal readings that can be explained away quite reasonably, then get an expert to publish their explanation, don’t just say I could, but I don’t have to because I’m innocent. Put up or shut up.

    It would never of crossed my mind that she doped before that press release, but she appears to be digging a massive hole for herself imo.

    Free Member

    So denying that you cheated is proof of cheating?

    Nope, but it struck me as an odd thing to deny if you haven’t been accused in the first place.

    Free Member

    When I take my morning 20 or so minutes out to empty my bowels I get chance to flick through the news feed on my phone.

    Free Member

    Mind you, I do love the mental image of diverting a 120 strong pro peleton with support vehicles and camera crews down a 2 metre wide shared use Sustrans path with gates on it

    Did see the first stage of the Vuelta? :D

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You could set them to private.
    Or just not use strava.

    Free Member

    Won’t be as good as the Eiger Sanction.

    Free Member

    One thing that I always thought whenever people knocked the iNewton for not measuring power directly was, why is that a problem?

    Mostly practicality I guess. I’d assume most of the people buying such things are also going to spend a fair time on the turbo doing structured workouts, so they’d either then need another power meter. They could use a smart trainer with a built in power meter, or a turbo with a known power curve, but they still then need to come up with a method of transposing the different watts from the two different systems.

    Free Member

    That would be very cool if you could somehow work it out from power, speed over ground and air speed.

    Should be fairly doable.
    Have a google of chung method cda
    The ability already exists to get wind tunnel resolution of CdA from road rides, but it comes with some caveats and is not particularly accessible without quite a bit of user effort, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t ultimately become some form of phone app.

    Free Member

    Well if I were designing it, I’d have it measure your pedalling via the accelerometer on the basis that you can’t pedal perfectly smoothly so a low frequency regular wave would indicate pedalling.

    If I were designing it, I wouldn’t design it :)
    It’s pointless, it’s inaccurate – can only be used in a very limited set of circumstances and is at price point that you might as well get a proper power meter.

    They would be better off re-factoring the guts of it into a CdA measurement device in conjunction with a power meter, then at least they have a potential to tap into a less exploited market sector.

    Free Member

    I guess it also depends a lot on why you ride a bike in the first place.
    Have you thought about say just skipping trail centres for a year and just doing general natural riding and bimbling, and enjoying the fresh air. Taking the pressure off yourself so you’re not in an environment where you feel pressured to always be taking the optimum line though a corner, might help with relaxation and confidence.

    Free Member

    The leaderboard shows it was part of a 34 mile ride between Huddersfield and Leeds. Strange route for a night ride home, must of got lost too as he seemed to go round Dewsbury both ways.

    Clicking on his name it looks like his regular commute.
    He also did it from pretty much a standing start, so whatever the rights or wrongs, the blokes got some watts.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Lets check the rest of what people are asking this afternoon:

    My Octavia Aircon
    My Neighbours
    My Holiday
    My Martial Arts
    My potential new diesel car
    My first day back at work

    Not just me asking questions for myself, is it.

    Honestly, with the amount of slagging that goes on here its becoming much harder to post a semi humerous/interesting thread.

    How’s the whole not getting wound up thing going? :D

    Free Member

    Typical Sagittarius.

    Free Member

    For example, its easy to tell yourself not to be so wound up, but if your a Type A you are easily wound up

    I’m pretty much type C, but if there’s one thing that at work that makes me snap, it’s a wound up type A :)

    Free Member

    DH speed – 22 / 20
    Climbing ability – 22 /20
    Fitness – 22 /20
    Cross country speed – 22 / 20
    Technical ability – 22 / 20

    Total score (out of 100)
    110 / 100

    110% of the time I perform at 110%
    Done strava twice now.

    Free Member

    like this?

    yup, but in theory better as it will use location based information from the phone to choose the power level. The proshift is using a preset power range, but for best speed for a given power budget you want something which selects different power levels for different gradients.
    In theory you should be able to uploaded a power plan from say onto onedrive, and the phone will then just follow it.

    Free Member

    From a totally geeky perspective – this is very cool. Please share more info – how, etc?

    Fairly easy. I’ve looked at the actual Di2 comms protocol in the past and decided it was too complicated to reverse engineer, so instead took the guts out of a DI2 satellite shifter and connected it to this
    which has been programmed to emulate the buttons being pressed over a bluetooth low energy connection. The biggest problem was getting the thing to drop down to a low enough current consumption when not in use that it wouldn’t drain the battery – so there’s also a movement sensor in the box to solve that.

    Free Member

    I dare you, no, I DOUBLE dare you, to set things up so that it tweets your location whenever you change into the granny ring.

    Love the idea!!

    Free Member

    Are you able to change someone else’s gears from your phone?

    Only if I throw the phone at their gear shifters or discretely plug the unit in when they’re not looking :),

    Free Member

    Everyone needs an app to change gears :)
    It’s part of a bigger plan where the phone app also reads power from a stages power meter, compares the output of the meter with a target power and then select a higher or lower gear to try and match that.
    The idea being during say intervals or best power profile over a route, you just pedal at the cadence you want, the phone makes sure you’re putting out the appropriate power.

    Free Member

    It depends I guess on what you’re trying to put threads on.
    Carbon steel is ok for softer metals or occasional use, but HSS ones are a better investment. I tend to end up buying fairly obscure sizes and get them from either or
    That said, I’ve got a bog standard set of metric taps and dies from Clarke and they are fine, the die holder comes with screws made of cheese, but they’re perfectly use-able.

    Free Member

    Ideal for walking, climbing, the office, and making new friends.

    Free Member

    Sad really, but it’s generally best to simply ignore them.

    Or respond in such a way that they think twice about raising the subject in the future.

    Free Member

    But fair enough, here’s a picture of Aylan in happier times with his older brother Galip who also drowned.

    I don’t know if it’s the point hels was making, but there appears to be different levels of respect being shown because they are random foreigners.
    If those were pictures of a friend’s son, people wouldn’t be posting pictures of their dead offspring being picked up off the beach all over facebook. What makes it acceptable when you don’t know them?

    Free Member

    Never argue with an idiot. The best possible outcome is you win against an idiot.

    Quite. That doesn’t preclude you laughing at them though.

    Free Member

    Pre-race picolax. Remove all that dead weight from your system.

    Free Member

    I survived a low speed sitdown in the kitchen a few minutes back.
    Thankfully this was protected my bottom at the time.

    Can you imagine what state my arse would have been in without it?

    Free Member

    I see wireless rear mechs aren’t part of their grand vision :D

    Free Member

    I dont think its a navigational challenge is it? So wouldnt worry about that overly

    Never done it, but as I understand from friend who have yes, it is. In so much that the course isn’t marked. No special navigation skills required, but plenty go off course. Knowing the course off heart, can help a fair bit.
    On the other hand you lose the excuse to stop and check the map :)

    Free Member

    and they didn’t exist…

    Not entirely true.
    I remember that nothing was needed for cycling, but if I wanted to use a skateboard then my mum insisted on a helmet and kneepads. In hindsight they could also been used for cycling, but I guess they weren’t because I could ride for more than 10 seconds without falling off.

    Free Member

    I’m close to hitting the buy button too on a diverge, but from what I’ve read so far the plug n play guards that are meant to fit are rubbish. This is the internet though so people with problems are bound to be more vocal.
    Still, it’s no good for me without guards

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