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  • WTF: £999 Balance Bike
  • IanMunro
    Free Member

    I liked it. Obviously a bit too jerky in places, but at least it shows a nice bit of creativity rather than the normal tedious helmet cam footage.

    Free Member

    Freezer will be fine for about 24 hours providing it’s kept shut.
    Certainly the 3 power cuts of 14 hours last year I had didn’t cause any problems with food. Might be different in the height of summer though.

    Free Member

    Right, I’m late to this thread and can’t be bothered to read through the posts. So could someone precis for me. Ideally I’d like the name of the most argumentive souls (in the secular sense) on both sides of the argument so that I can start trolling.
    Have we covered wars and gays yet?

    Free Member

    Currency futures is where it’s at.
    Personally I’m investing in pebbles and sea shells.

    Free Member

    Bank shares are always a safe bet.

    Free Member

    Nice bit of humus and lentils.
    Death would be a release.

    Free Member

    I see dead people. Sorry, students.

    Free Member

    Crikey. How many idiots can work for one company?

    Free Member

    I was with you until you said listening to Jeremy Vine.

    Free Member

    I always ask from some distance back if it’s ok to pass. That way the horse knows that the thing creeping up behind is a human rather than a predator. Not that I’m too sure what predates horses..

    Free Member

    Have you switched it off and on again?
    Three times?

    Free Member

    I liked the fact highlighted this morning that Ken has spent more years as an MP than little george has spent on the planet.

    Free Member

    Set was the one that i’ve always heard though i suspect **** and all it’s variations could be a close second.

    Free Member

    For an insurance valuation do I add up the sum of the parts to buy new and use that as the value?
    Though if it’s been nicked and you are making a claim, then you probably need to go to your LBS and get them to do a valuation on their headed paper.

    Free Member

    From the OED
    1. trans. To decorate or honour with a medal; to confer a medal upon as a mark of distinction. Usu. in pass.

    1822 BYRON Let. 4 May (1979) IX. 154 He was medalled. 1860 THACKERAY Nil nisi Bonum in Roundabout Papers (1899) 174 Irving went home medalled by the King. 1900 Nation (N.Y.) 4 Oct. 269/2 It would have been much more to the point, anyway, had he [sc. Herr Menzel] exhibited and been medalled [at the Paris Exhibition] as illustrator. 1973 L. M. BOSTON Memory in House ix. 120 Outside it I was introduced to the young illustrator who was also being medalled. 1985 New Yorker 18 Mar. 125/1 He was eulogized..and was renowned and medalled for his war record.
    2. intr. U.S. Sport. To win a medal (i.e., to come first, second, or third in a sporting event or competition).

    1966 Valley News (Van Nuys, Calif.) 9 June 34 Divers from the Rita Curtis..Club gold-medaled in all of the events but three… In the boys competition the following RCVAC divers medaled:..Phil Loyola, 2nd; [etc.]. 1979 Washington Post 19 June D6/2 Our women are coming along beautifullythey’ve medaled well recently. 1984 Marathon & Distance Runner Oct. 18/1 Gabriella Dorio made her break too early, otherwise she could have medalled. 1994 Coloradoan (Fort Collins) 6 Feb. E1/1 U.S. bobsledders haven’t medaled since 1956.

    Free Member

    I also hate the people who do conform to my narrow views. They’re just obsequious gits trying to get on my good side :)

    Free Member

    People who say "I am loving that". I want to punch them in the face and see if they love that too. And people who say "I’m chilling’, or worse ‘chillax’ – spackers. In fact anyone who doesn’t conform to my narrow views on what is right or wrong in the world :)

    Free Member

    I’ve been working for the same organisation 22ish years now.
    Any other lifers out there?

    Free Member

    …but a sportsperson cannot give 110% effort, 100% is the most you can give.

    I’m sure the most winningest ones can :)

    Free Member

    The most ultimate etc etc… "giving 110%" does as well, its not possible.

    The 110% isn’t sementically incorrect though. Your assuming that 100% is the maximum possible value under any circustance, whereas it could represent a maximum based on some other metric.

    Free Member

    ‘if’ they hit anybody, and the accident was the cyclist fault, they wouldn’t be carrying insurance.

    But that wouldn’t prevent the driver (or the driver’s insurance company) claiming for damages off the cyclist.

    Free Member

    Was it a Norwegian blue?

    Free Member

    They should have lobbed one in a deep fat fryer just to add the final dash of elan.

    Free Member

    dare i say it,
    have you tried walking up snowdon via crib gogh

    I’ve ridden it. Well bits. Not in under 2 hours though :)

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say it’s horrendously dangerous (apart from the dual carriageway bit round M.K with bike killing slip roads), but it would be pretty unpleasant if you were planning a regular basis.

    Free Member

    I’m sure shimano will do it to xtr within the next 3 years. A nice auto adjusting front mech will be great. Hideously expensive though :)

    Free Member

    Need – A poo.
    Want – Tasmin Grieg

    Free Member

    Take whatever bike you have and don’t worry. Remember people have been going up a down snowdon on bicycles way before suspension existed and absolutely loved it.

    Free Member

    I can’t help but think that this current fad for everyone having dsylexia is part of some general western maliase where we’ve dealt with most of the really crippling day-to-day problems of survival and are now labelling and applying undue significance to more and more trivial things. Hence everyone now having dyslexia, food intolerances, alergies etc. There won’t be a label free functioning human in the country at this rate.

    Free Member

    Does anyone make kitchen knives out proper Shefield steel anymore?
    Would be nice to buy British in these times rather than help out Johnny Foreigner.

    Free Member

    Well if you want free mapping check here. Slightly out of date, but the hills are the same :)

    If you’ve got a website you can display current os maps using the os openspace api.

    Free Member

    Horrid stuff. You might as well go and scrape bitumen off the road and stick it on your toast.

    Free Member

    Forget about the Sturmey Archer 8 speed – it’s a lump of junk. I bought one before getting an Alfine.

    Free Member

    1) Steeds
    2) Rigs
    3) Rides

    Free Member

    I see his step dad’s entered the fray now as it turns out he calls one of his Asian polo pals ‘sooty’. No info yet as to if Sooty calls Charles ‘Big ears’.

    Free Member

    I am not a number!

    Free Member

    Dunno, about creepy. Looks more like my granny there though.
    She’s been dead 5 year mind.

    Free Member

    only cowards kick dogs. probably the sort of knobs that hit their wives.

    Oh I don’t know. You’d have to be pretty brave or insane to kick the pub’s Rottie :)

    Free Member

    IanMunro, only if your standard allen key is 1m long…..
    That would generate 60Nm

    Free Member

    It feels like 6 bags of sugar tied to the end of a standard 8mm allen key.

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