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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • IanMunro
    Free Member

    For info the bike was in perfect order

    Apart from the brake cable that just fell to bits..

    Free Member

    Just caught the end.
    People have ran 100K 2 hours quicker than that last rider :D

    Free Member

    A 30 year clean licence would/should indicate to a normal person that I’m a careful. law abiding driver, no?

    Just as 30 years of not being convicted of murder should indicate to a normal person that Harold Shipman was a careful, law abiding doctor :D

    Free Member

    I love mountain biking, but this I think is far duller to watch than the road race.

    Free Member

    Same reason as bicycles i’d imagine. Only about three people buy them.

    Free Member

    A caution seems appropriate to me. On the one hand, you don’t gain anything from throwing the book at someone who had a momentary lapse of concentration, people are human and make mistakes; on the other, having an official caution might encourage them to be more attentive and you’ve got a record if they do it again six months later.

    I’d have said a caution too, had the driver not said they’d hit the person because of their lack of high viz. But because of that, I’d throw the book at them for being a complete dick.

    Free Member

    I resisted the urge to say something along those lines! I see as of Tuesday they have 50 units ready to ship, although they’re now doing some testing on them

    The weekly Limits update on their facebook page is one of the most addictive soap operas out there :D

    Free Member

    Don’t know, but off the top of my head could it be strava counts zero in the averaging and others don’t?
    I.e. is it average power while moving vs. average power while pedalling?

    Free Member

    Start at the same time as the main group, run to the finish, turn round, run back till you reach the main group, walk the rest with them. You’ll welcome their pace by then :)

    Free Member

    There’s a whole google group devoted to this sort of stuff.!forum/ancestral-running

    It’s run by an overweight very slow runner who spends his life sat in front of a computer researching methods of eating which don’t involve eating a bit less, or running a bit harder. Because apparently eating a bit less and exercising a bit more definitely doesn’t work.
    He’s got a blog on it.

    He used to post on another group, but I understand he threw his toys out the pram, when it was suggested that his shape and speed meant he wasn’t the best advert for the benefits of a low carb, low exercise intensity lifestyle.

    Free Member

    Not sure if (or how many) cyclist casualties occurred along this stretch, but I’d be surprised if it was in single figures. As mentioned earlier, just because something’s legal doesn’t automatically make it sensible.

    Indeed. Though it would be nice if people, and this isn’t aimed at you, focused a little more on the illegal in the situation (i.e the cars breaking the speed limit), rather than the insensible – riding a bike on a road where people break the speed limit.

    I ride on a dual carriageway daily, but it’s only about 400m long and has a 30 limit, so I’m not counting it as the proper scary stuff :)

    Free Member

    Fit rear view mirrors to walkers.

    Free Member

    Playing devils advocate, isn’t the ultimate metric for how successfully you have navigated your bike over a segment of terrain is the time taken to do it? For which there is already a fairly successful product.
    Or put it another way someone bragging on social media that they have got the record for totally nailing a berm when they are 999th/1000 for the particular strava segment won’t really work.
    My gut feeling is that to sell it, you need to sell the dream that buying the product will make you faster, rather than the social competition side, as that market has players with far bigger resources.

    Free Member

    In my case it was the connector to the front mech wasn’t fully seated. Despite the electrical connection being fine, over a period of months it gained a bit of moisture in the connector that was draining the battery. Cleaning the connector, and making sure that it was fully plugged in solved it for me.

    Free Member

    Oh, and yeah and it is more dangerous than a normal bike, well when I’m riding it.
    One of the things that isn’t immediately obvious until you think about it, is taking a hand off the bars on the thing, is much like taking a hand of the bars on a bike whilst riding out the saddle – something that requires a bit of practice.
    Good fun though, I can piss off runners and cyclists in equal measure on it :)

    Free Member

    ^^ Ian, that looks interesting. There’s no info on their website, how much was it if you don’t mind me asking?

    I bought it second hand. They are just about to start shipping the next batch, so I think prices have only been sent to people on their waiting list.
    I think the prices are currently 1690 euros (inclusive of all taxes). Or 1925 US dollars (exclusive of duty, tax etc) if you want to important from the US.

    Free Member

    I own this, so am keeping out of the conversation :D

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I wonder when he started doping? :D

    Free Member

    We don’t know, but Henry doesn’t seem bright enough to realise that all the red stuff leaking out of Rob probably isn’t because he’s sleeping.

    Free Member

    Is this normal or do I need to WFU?

    I guess the problem is that there is no normal. The expectations of amazing life changing emotions are somewhat exaggerated. Not because they don’t happen, but people tend to write and talk about amazing experiences, rather than the neutral ones.
    If you enjoy it, do it, but don’t beat yourself up about not feeling the way that is expected of you.

    Free Member

    How come his trousers were dry when he got back to the hotel?


    Free Member

    Wonder what the situation will be with any fine and ban levied if she quits the sport?

    I never understood how the concept of a lifetime ban AND a fine was going to work anyway.
    I mean if you have a lifetime ban, why would you bother staying associated with the UCI? If you’re not associated why would you bother paying a fine?

    Free Member

    About 10 days is the longest in the last 30 years. Commuting helps :)

    Free Member

    Yet it consistently seems to “guesstimate” within the margin of error of DFPMs… If it puts out the right numbers does it matter how it gets them?

    It sort of matters when you use it on a turbo, or mountain bike :)

    Free Member

    Never crashed on my notebook, or the pc it’s currently running on. Zwift probably isn’t happy with your graphics chip – which doesn’t really help.
    I don’t really do intervals on it, but races and group rides can be very addictive.
    If I’ve just dropped in to ride, then I tend to ride against the traffic looking for a group going at the right pace.
    There’s a list of rides here-

    Free Member

    Can hold large selection of tartan travel rugs. Tick
    Compartment for Werther’s Originals. Tick.

    Free Member

    Another one called Cat, short for little bastard.

    Free Member

    Stop cutting out snacks?

    Free Member

    If I change the mode of the scales to ‘athlete’ I apparently lose loads of fat :)

    The scales work by checking the electrical impedance from one leg to another. If you’ve gained or lost a bit of a gut, then it won’t affect the readings as much as if you’ve gained or lost cankles.

    Free Member

    Peoples bottoms on zwift.

    Free Member

    I have just completed the 20′ TP test on a Watt Bike with a TP reading of 222W. Clearly this gives plenty of room for improvement but would be really interested in others folks experiences and readings.

    If this is your first test, you’ll soon see quite an improvement simply by getting better at doing the test.

    Free Member

    I’ve started reading up on Jainism recently as I have a Jain work colleague.
    As a belief system it seems quite nice. I particularly like the central tenant of non-absolutism.

    Nayav?da is the theory of partial standpoints or viewpoints.[27] Nayav?da is a compound of two Sanskrit words: naya (“partial viewpoint”) and vada (“school of thought or debate”). It is used to arrive at a certain inference from a point of view. Every object has infinite aspects, but when we describe one in practice, we speak only of relevant aspects and ignore the irrelevant.[27] Nayav?da holds that philosophical disputes arise out of confusion of standpoints, and the standpoints we adopt are “the outcome of purposes that we may pursue”— although we may not realize it. While operating within the limits of language and perceiving the complex nature of reality, M?hav?ra used the language of nayas. Naya, being a partial expression of truth, enables us to comprehend reality part by part.[28]

    Non-absolutism (an?k?ntav?da) is more formally stated by observing that objects are infinite in their qualities and modes of existence, so they cannot be completely grasped in all aspects and manifestations by finite human perception. Only Kevalins (omniscient beings) can comprehend objects in all aspects and manifestations; others are only capable of partial knowledge.[29] Accordingly, no single, specific, human view can claim to represent absolute truth.[21]

    Free Member

    I ask you again – what is truth?

    It’s a word.
    People ascribe different meanings to it.

    Or let me put it more mildly, do you believe there is such a thing as truth?

    Of course, but see a).

    Free Member

    Beech Staggerwing.
    Biplane pron.

    Free Member

    HO makes the rails come alive more than OO though.

    Free Member

    I’d buy a neo too apart from that problem :)
    Give it a year I reckon.

    Free Member

    Kickr isn’t quiet. My old Elite Crono Fluid ElastoGel was a lot quieter.
    The problem with the Kickr is you get a lot of noise from having to force air out from between the teeth on the belt drive when it meets the small pulley.
    You can make it fairly quiet in Erg mode by simply moving to a low gear, but then because the flywheel isn’t spinning so fast it doesn’t feel so good.

    The Tack neo is probably the only truly quiet turbo out there.

    Free Member

    You can physically ride up it, just.
    From the road south of it is free of gates.
    Legally? I don’t think anyone worries.
    It’s a foolhardy person who tries to ride the path down the west face though :)

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