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  • DMBinW: Developing Mountain Biking In Wales – Be Part Of It!
  • IanB
    Free Member

    It is indeed. That one was a prototype with some fancy VX21 fabric. The first official “production” bag is currently in production as I type…

    Free Member

    flatfish – Member
    Me, Me, Me.

    Me too 😀

    Good opportunity to try out my new frame bag[/url]

    Free Member

    In column C this formula will give you the ID’s that match 1,5 or 17


    Copy that down you data and filter from that column to hid blanks. It’s a start, and there’s probably a way of consolidating the list of ID’s (which I figure will contain duplicates which I haven’t thought of yet…

    Free Member

    When you say “in isolation”, are you also implying “not duplicated”?

    I can’t quite picture what you’re trying to achieve, but have you looked at Pivot tables?

    Free Member

    I see the blue has got a bit darker since this morning – easier to read, but still not sure it goes with the green at the top.

    If you look at the front page, you’ve got dark green text on bright green background for the main menu, then dark blue text over light blue/grey for the content and forum. Doesn’t look quite right to my eye.

    Like lots of the other improvements tho’

    Free Member

    Much mis-representation here from what I’ve read. The woods most likely to be sold are those of lesser cultural, social or ecological value. It probably wouldn’t include ancient woodland or areas of high public access, though in the case of the latter any FC land sold usually carries with it access provision under CRoW dedication.

    Free Member

    I care what my bike rides like and looks like. I look at it to clean it, fix it, tinker with it etc and if I thought it was totally gopping it would detract somewhat from the pleasures of ownership IMO.

    I’ve got an Orange 5, does that answer your question?

    Don’t forget the Patriot too.
    And the Prius in the driveway.

    Ah… 😉

    Free Member

    Sam sent some oil with my Pegasus that brings the frame up a real treat. I use normal soap and water to get off the usual grime, let it dry and then wipe over with cloth dabbed in the oil, then polish off with a clean rag. No idea what oil it is as it’s in an unmarked bottle. Don’t know what I’ll do when I run out, but then you don’t need much so will last me a while I expect 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks thomthumb – 2.37″ = 60mm, so gonna be quite tight I think…
    ssstu – rim is a Stans 355, so “normal” width I suppose.

    Free Member

    Perhaps add a splash of Soy Sauce or Worcester Sauce to spice it up a bit?

    Free Member

    In fact, I refuse to believe it exists.

    Free Member

    How can Worcester Sauce not be sauce? It’s got sauce in the name!

    And I keep it in the spices cupboard next to the salt, pepper and vinegar for putting out on the table to have on chips, cheese on toast, in beans, stews or whatever.

    I think Mr Lee and Mr Perrins would take issue with your reclassification of their product not being sauce.

    Free Member

    Fish fingers are best with tartar sauce, or if non to hand, mayo.

    Don’t see Worcester Sauce on your list either, for use with anything 😉

    Free Member

    The Golf Links is a great piece of track.

    Mustn’t forget Doethie Valley of course.

    Free Member

    Notes in my wallet have to be in order (£20’s at the back, £5’s at the front) with the queens head facing forward.
    Car stereo volume has to be even numbers or multiples of 5

    Not just me then 😉 🙄

    Free Member

    The wheel on the left, currently in transit from previous owner:
    Jones 3D; JJ test;geared;[/url] by philip.pryor[/url], on Flickr

    And a pair of these forks currently in transit from alaska, courtesy of Greg at Speedway:

    Free Member

    Yes it is 8)

    I’d not ridden there for ages though, so it made a nice change.

    Free Member

    Did a great ride in the Black Mountains at the weekend – lots of good fun rocky trails. Nice and quiet, great views etc. Different end of the spectrum to the trail centres obviously, but much fun all the same.

    Free Member

    Because it is very fast growing due to long daylight hours in summer it is less dense thant eh same tree grown where summer daylight is shorter

    Tree provenance (origin of the tree seed) has an important effect on the quality of timber grown in the UK. By and large, UK spruce timber is of good quality and will stress grade to C24 for use in structural applications, just as European or North American timber does.

    Anyhoo, the petition does gloss of many of the facts and drivers for FC disposing of forests. Private sector forestry doesn’t have a particularly good image, clearly, but it is still regulated by the Forestry Commission under their Grants and Licences division. The Foresty Act 1967, the Broadleaved Woodland Act 1984, Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, CRoW Act 2001, The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 etc etc all influence what goes on in a forest. On top of that, there the various other incentives for good management such as timber certification and so on.

    Seriously, forestry is a very heavily regulated industry. Peripheral FC woodland disposals should be seen as a good thing IMO. FC no longer consider timber production as their principal objective and such areas are not going to be managed to achieve their maximum potential – good silviculture has many other benefits towards ecology and biodiversity, besides timber construction.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Mark at Coombes. He’s a first class wheel builder and they’re a Hope Pro shop too. There’s undoubtedly more stuff in Climb On, but if you want proper friendly service, Coombes is the place to go.

    Free Member

    Of course, the upside is you only needed to hit one bolt with a rock…

    A 5mm allen key used as a lever between the front and middle parts of the clamp is a better than using a rock on the end of the bolts.

    It’s the most fiddly clamp I’ve encountered, but does work once it’s all tightened up.


    Free Member

    Thanks kamina – that looks perfect. Means I haven’t got to swap headsets if I want to swap forks back 😀

    ahwiles – yes, that’s the plan – hence the original question 😉

    Free Member

    wwaswas & warpcow – thanks. On-one is cheaper, so might go for that.

    ahwiles – bar height isn’t the concern. Just trying to preserve a similar head angle when going from 475mm fork to a 460mm. Will probably try without first anyway, but assessing options in advance.


    Free Member

    You can cut a fair amount of road off the black route listed here by going up through Mynydd Ddu forest and exiting at the southern corner onto a nice bridleway SO260231. Turn right on the road and head up the valley until the track turns into a bridleway again. At SO204286 don’t follow the bridleway south as per the route, instead descend the bridleway called Rhiw Trumau – top drawer descent IMO.


    Free Member

    is anyone els having problems trying to get hold of hmrc at the mo?

    I got straight through earlier today. Picked option 5 and connected immediately to a very pleasant lady on the other end. Can’t complain really 😕

    Free Member

    What?! What’ve I impusle bought lately?

    I wasn’t thinking recently, more historically – not for me to judge though, really. Is MrsGrips about 😉

    I didn’t read the road bit either – don’t have a road bike, so would need the off road equivalent.

    Free Member

    I thought you’d got the hang of impulse buying by now? 😉

    // need some new winter boots myself – my W102’s are cream crackered now. Wasn’t that impressed with how fast they wore out.

    Free Member

    Eric Morcombe to Andre Previn:
    “I’m playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order”

    Free Member

    No Monty Python yet?

    From Life of Brian:

    Man: I think it was, “Blessed are the cheesemakers”!
    Gregory’s wife: What’s so special about the cheesemakers?
    Gregory: Well, obviously it’s not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.

    Cracks me up everytime 😀

    Free Member

    You could try raising the head of the cot by a couple of inches so he sleeps on a slight slope.

    Our little one had colic – infacol didn’t work as well for us as colief[/url] did. It was more expensive, but easier to administer and relieved the trapped wind.

    +1 for the bike legs too. Gets them used to a pedalling motion nice and early 😉

    Free Member

    On Sunday night going up through Talybont Forest I tried to imagine I was doing the Tour Divide and that I’d been riding for over 100 miles and was looking for somewhere to camp out whilst not getting eaten by bears.

    When I popped out of the forest, I could see zillons of stars so I turned my lights off and stood in awe of the scale of the universe. That sort of stuff also makes me think about God, but we’ve done that on another thread…

    Climbing over the Gap my mind was blank while I concentrated on my riding line. On the decent I thought about how long the mountain rescue helicopter would take to get to me if I binned it, assuming I wasn’t unconscious and had a phone signal.

    And before I knew it I was at the bottom and thinking about what I’d eat when I got back home.


    Free Member

    I did the Llanberis path earlier in the year – about 80% rideable I think. The piece after Clogwyn Station is too steep to ride for anyone I reckon. The bit up to the summit now entails a series of big granite steps.

    Free Member

    Peds/ bikes free on the old Severn bridge only, but if it’s shut it’s a blooming long way round via Gloucester…

    Seriously though, I agree with your point about the authority not meeting it’s responsibilities. But, on the up-side, though, 8 miles extra each day will keep you nice and fit 😉

    Free Member

    Went down Snowdon Ranger earlier in the year. Great fun, if a quite rocky in places:

    P1020510[/url] by ianbarrington[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    @OCB – that’s a neat looking case. Where from – army surplus?

    Free Member

    Goats will clearly do anything for a bit salt 😯

    Free Member

    For all time view:
    DSC_4851[/url] by ianbarrington[/url], on Flickr

    From the Brecon Beast last month. 211 views.

    For interestingness (is that even a word, or did they make it up?):
    P1020067[/url] by ianbarrington[/url], on Flickr


    Free Member

    A long time ago when I was about 10 I was given homeopathic medicine to cure travel sickness. I took one tiny pill and told if I ever felt travel sick again I should take one more only. After one pill I was fine for car travel, but on a particularly rough ferry crossing to France I was ill and took the other pill. I’ve never been travel sick since in the 20 odd years since taking the second pill.

    Do I believe homeopathic medicines work? Actually, no
    Did it have the desired result? Yes
    Was it the placebo effect? Probably


    Free Member

    So, you’ve no complaints, then? Earthquakes, poisonous insects, necrotic fasciitis?

    Not sure what sort of answer you’re looking for, but from my personal experiences of a few years ago when I went through a difficult time, I found Job 36:15 really helpful in getting through it: “But God teaches people through suffering and uses distress to open their eyes”

    …I don’t believe that faiths like Islam have quite so much wiggle room.

    No, and I for one have much respect for their devotion to their beliefs, i.e. the portion of their day (everyday) spent in prayer or worship.

    Can you give an example? I’m not sure what you mean.

    I see Western culture being dominated by materialism, politics and where secularism abounds. Not becoming distracted by the everyday of modern life is one of the challenges of maintaining Christian beliefs.

    1 Peter 3:8 says “Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.”

    Such a way of life is harder than you might think, but if everyone did it don’t you think that would be amazing?

    I think I’ve said as much as I can and want to say. I’m sure some of you could go on and on. I’ve tried to give you my views in as respectful and thoughtful manner as I can manage, and if it has made even a small difference to one person, I will be glad. I wish you all well.


    (Infradig – if you’re still reading, thanks for pointing me to 1 Peter)

    Free Member

    God was a busy chap. Check this out.

    Wow – that’s truly amazing. Thanks for sharing.

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