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  • Pinarello Dogma XC Now Available To Buy If You Are A Hardcore XC Racer
  • IanB
    Free Member

    Tiger – bring it on Saturday please. I don’t expect I’ll use it on the weekend, but it’ll save on postage. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Tiger – I’ll take the regular hunka off you for 20 notes – cheers.

    Teeto – sure thing. I’ll get this weekend out of the way first 😉

    Free Member

    We used to get 28-30mpg from our 2.5l diesel. Never lower than 24mpg on trips through hilly Wales. We sold ours when fuel was £1.30/litre a while back. Couldn’t really afford to run it – it was costing 20p/mile to go anywhere. I do miss it though – it was a lovely thing to have for races, days out and rides away anywhere.

    Free Member

    I think flaps is ok but **** is a no no.

    That was a lot funnier when I read the uncensored version earlier 😆

    Free Member

    Whilst I quite like my home made gear, I couldn’t be bothered to make myself and stove and bought one of these instead:

    As the jets go upwards rather than outwards as on a whitebox or coke-can stove, I can use a smaller diameter pan more effectively. Weighs a bit more that a homemade one, but has the kudos of being titanium 8)

    Free Member

    Got my Rab jacket in the post today so sorted – bring it on

    In searching for the weather for Devils Bridge, I accidentally went to the weather for Devil’s Lake (North Dakota). As you’ll see, things could be worse here:

    valleydaddy: In the event that you find yourself too warm, I’d be happy to “hold” your jacket for you 😉

    Tiger6791: you’ll have to give me a clue. Which direction were you facing when you took the photo?

    Free Member

    Brecon Beacons this afternoon. Was out for a bit over 2 hours at a temp of -7… It had “warmed up” to -5 by the time I got back.

    P1030358[/url] by ianbarrington[/url], on Flickr

    P1030348[/url] by ianbarrington[/url], on Flickr

    Got my clothing right and wasn’t cold anywhere on the ride except for my hands on the final descent back into Brecon.

    Free Member

    @valleydaddy – the thought of practising in the garden had crossed my mind, even just to see how low my double bag combo will go… but then it was minus 13 here last night…

    Free Member

    minus 9 in Brecon according the thermometer in the back garden.

    Free Member

    good news then IanB

    Scratch that – forecast is back to minus 3 now for next week.

    Could be worse, it’s minus 9 in Brecon at the moment (actual reading from my garden…) 😯

    Free Member

    We might be OK yet, Stu. The weather link I posted on the last page is now showing a barmy +2 degrees and rain. Lovely.

    Free Member

    flatfish – Member
    There’s no escutcheon over the key hole.

    Trust you to spot that 😉

    Nice bike btw. Always fancied a 26″ Argon, but that looks nice.
    Good job the wheelbase isn’t any longer, or you wouldn’t have got it in that gap.

    Free Member

    Probably sledging tomorrow with the little one, but hoping to take a trip over the Gap with my new mate Larry on Sunday

    Free Member

    Nice vid ssstu. Was great fun coming down that at the weekend with the Larry up front 🙂

    Stu – how much snow in Pennant?
    We’ve supposedly got trees coming next week for the piece on the top…

    Possibly a good inch in Brecon so far. Not looking like stopping either.

    Free Member

    Go for it!
    Not got a road bike, but have on Middleburn RS8’s on two MTB’s and RS7’s on the other. Can’t beat them, and they look gorgeous I reckon. With a UN53 BB, they spin by far more freely than either ISIS or external BB’s do.


    p.s. If you’re looking for a black ATB (110mm BCD) spider, I’ve got one available second hand…

    Free Member

    More riding that you can shake a stick at.

    Suggested good long route from Rhayader, the bridleway over Gro Hill is good. Continue along the track around Claerwen Res, ancient road over Monks Trod. Little bit of tarmac to Craig Coch dam, then take a good track over the Roman Camp until it joins the Cwmystwyth mtn road. From there, there’s a BOAT that goes over PenRhiw Wen. Known locally as the Golf Links – first class trail takes you straight back to Rhayader.
    Lots of other stuff to be had too, but that’s a good one to start 🙂

    Free Member

    Nice bag IanB… I need to get me one of them..

    Thanks. We’ll be taking orders in the New Year 8)

    Weather forecast is looking somewhat chilly:

    I’m now looking at putting my Rab Quantum 200 inside my Alpine 300…

    Free Member

    Its a dog, they eat their own puke and other dogs poo…

    I picked the wrong thread to read while I had a quick sandwich then… 🙁

    Free Member

    Didn’t need it as I was staying in a bothy 🙂
    They’ll both get their first outing on 4th December.

    Free Member

    Wow, page 12… You’ve all been busy.

    Those with a belief in any particular religion seek spiritual guidance from the ancient texts that were written thousands of years ago. Some of these might seem somewhat outdated now with an advancement of science, but other parts are still quite relevant. Interpreting the bible in our modern world is clearly one of the challenges. Exploring one’s faith may of course result in discovering a complete lack of it, but MrNutt is not wrong for wanting try. It’s a personal challenge to him, for which he has my admiration. Whether you agree/approve/accept of MrNutt’s desire to challenge himself in a more spiritual way is up to you, but the desire to want to make some improvement to the way you live your life is commendable in my opinion.


    Free Member

    I know mine has about half a bottle of Stans in

    Is that inside the inner tube?

    I’ll take lots of pics if I manage to remember my camera 🙂
    Couple of better pics now extracted off my phone:

    Rolling Fat[/url] by ianbarrington[/url], on Flickr

    Half-fat Pegasus[/url] by ianbarrington[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Ambrose, bow saw was there but didn’t need to use it. We left a small bag of coal there Sunday am, so might still be there this weekend. The maintenace crew were there too, so might have left something.

    Sstu, the wheel weighs enough as it is, I’m not filling it with wine as well! 😉


    Free Member

    Well I had an overnight in Nant Rhys Bothy at the weekend to check over a few bits of kit. Think I’ve decided on which tyres I’ll be using 😀

    T’is Ardbeg in the hipflask on the table.

    Free Member

    Brecon Beacons – New Year’s Day 2010:

    Free Member is a good weather website. Based in Norway, but good coverage for the UK – presumably using different data (albeit of the same weather systems) to the UK’s met office.

    Free Member

    crikey – a good reply, that.

    For me, faith was something of a gradual thing – or at least something that sort of grew. I suppose there was an initial so called “leap of faith”, but that must have been born out of some sort of desire to believe in God in the first place.

    Free Member

    If there is no evidence for a belief, then it would appear rational to question that belief, no?

    If there was evidence for a belief it would be called a fact, no?

    Would you not agree that having belief or faith in something is the only mechanism we have for things we can’t comprehend? If you can come to terms with this concept, you might find believing in God is a rewarding experience.

    Free Member

    Um, a basic understanding of the concept? Like, for example, the idea that infinity isn’t just the biggest number you can count to?

    Sure, I accept that it’s more than just numbers, but that’s not my point as you’re probably aware. We accept all sorts of things without hard evidence. For reasons I don’t understand, people that don’t believe in God are at odds with the thought of other people believing in God, and the reasons they most often point to, in my experience, is lack of evidence.

    Free Member

    I was actually referring to a Horizon programme earlier in the year on the subject. That is what I recall. It struck me a the time that the existence of infinity was akin to a belief system.

    Free Member

    Discussions like this usually come back to those with a “scientific” mind to have some form of tangible evidence of God before they believe He exists. Whether they would accept he exists even in the face of hard evidence is another matter. Whilst I have a scientific understanding of a variety of things, I don’t dismiss the possibility of there being a God.

    Here’s and interesting point – take a sample of leading mathematicians and ask them if infinity exists or not. Some say yes, they BELIEVE it does and others say not. Neither side can prove it one way or the other. To me, I see no problem with the concept of counting indefinitely. What we lack (besides time) is the language to describe such large numbers. Similarly, we lack the language to describe (or even comprehend) God.

    This is where belief and faith come in. If we accept the possibility that God does exist, other aspects of our lives might have different meaning. In the same way, if we accept that infinity exists, it opens up avenues to other areas of science that don’t stack up if infinity doesn’t exist.

    Science and religion operate on different levels. While science depends on evidence, religion revolves around faith in something.


    Free Member

    MrNutt – reading the bible on it’s own can be hard work sometimes.

    I’d recommend these two books as being very good reads:

    The Bloke’s Bible by Dave Hopwood


    The Shack by Wm Paul Young


    Free Member

    Take your pick:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Most Chryslers I’ve seen lately are fairly gopping, but this one “wins” for me:

    Not sure what they were think with this one:

    Have we had one of these yet:


    Free Member

    Not sure merge/ centre does what you need, or I’ve not understood your question as other have.
    Try Window > Split. Or, you can duplicate your current window by going to Window > New window, then Window > Arrange… Tile vertically. In Office 2007 there’s synchronous scrolling feature too.

    Free Member

    …, back on topic then:

    Which tyres for a wet/ rocky mid-Wales bivvy trip? 😆

    And while we’re at it, a quick straw poll:

    What whisky do you have in your hipflask?

    Free Member

    I’ll be in a tent. Provided we don’t stop somewhere exceptionally rocky, it’ll be just fine*

    *famous last words…

    Free Member

    I just about managed 32:20 for the Welsh Ride Thing, though the extra weight of the gear on the bike made more of a difference than I thought it would.

    Free Member

    Is that ‘production’ as in profit?

    Production as in for someone else other than me 🙂

    tollah – not entirely sure yet – still getting a handle on such things…

    There’s likely to be two bags of our bags out on the 4th/5th, so you’re welcome to have a good look then.

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