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  • Fresh Goods Friday 682 – The Gripping Tape Edition
  • iamtheresurrection
    Full Member

    Had a Trailgator, it was okay. Junior1 thought it was pretty much okay for a ride to the duck pond too.

    Bought a FollowMe after watching him at 25degrees off centre on a ride and not looking over comfy – he loved it immediately (at about 3 years old). Now on a FollowMe with Junior2, and he loves it too. We can do up to 12 miles or so along bridle ways/railway lines (me, 6 year old and 3 year old) and everybody is happy. Really happy.

    Can’t recommend a FollowMe highly enough. It’s too heavy to leave it on the the bike without a kid’s bike attached though…

    Full Member

    I like my Roadrat (new version), but it’s a bit flexy with a full pannier bag and downright noodle-y with a FollowMe tandem…

    Full Member

    I’d be wary of buying one privately, and would go to a main dealer with a proper warranty (BMWs own and Honda Happiness are good warranties).

    There’s been around ten recalls on them in total, make sure they’ve all been done for the model you buy. Fuel senders tend to pack in a lot, as does the electrics on active suspension and gearbox seals often leak.

    Engine covers corrode, general fasteners are made of cheese and they hate the salt. Check for corrosion around the spokes, especially at the hub end: on anything that’s not been cherised you’ll find a lot of corrosion under the paint there too. They seem to eat brake padS…

    They are great bikes, excellent balance and manouverability for such a big bike. Owners love them. Wouldn’t touch one outside of manufacturers warranty or good dealer warranty though.

    That said, I’d take a 990 Adventurer for offroad, or a Crosstourer on-road over the GS personally (not saying the KTM isn’t without problems either).

    Full Member

    Like many on the thread, I use both OSX and W10 and W7. I’ve never really understood why people think OSX is more intuitive, it’s just different. Daily irritations with OSX include:

    Windows in finder not remembering their size, position and layout
    Window snapping is awful (BetterSnapTool helps)
    Mac USB keyboard often doesn’t respond on wake up (sometimes two or three boots to resolve, known problem for years unfixed)
    USB drives randomly disconnecting
    Editing large formulas in Excel is almost impossible, as the cursor position in the formula isn’t accurate (I accept its not an OSX issue, but has been around for ages unfixed)
    It needs to be on an SSD, otherwise it’s beach-ball-tastic compared to W10

    I don’t really like the gamification (if that’s the right word) of the OS in W10. I could live without the live tiles and cute graphics but get that it makes more sense when you see these items on a mobile/touch device. Quite clever really. I prefer the simple UI of OSX in that regard, but frankly W10 is a lot more stable, for me at least.

    There’s not been anything to touch a MacBook Pro for build quality, if you like how something feels and appreciate the build. The new Surface Book and Surface Pro are really nice though, as is the new Dell XPS range.

    I have no idea why I wrote all that.

    Full Member

    The old forum user database had been compromised/delete and we had to register for new usernames and passwords. I had a Stone Roses album playing at the time, this track. I think it was Chrstmas time, so it felt topical.

    Only on reflection did I realise what an egotist I sound like if you don’t know link the song… 🙂

    Full Member

    So, who’s offering the merchant services to these terminals? I can’t believe the merchant account would be kept open for long with lots of contested contactless payments and no payments verified by chip and pin.

    The whole thing sounds very unlikely to me.

    Full Member

    Funnily enough, just discovered A Man Called Adam last night and thought about starting a similar thread.

    Full Member

    We really enjoyed JJ, David Tennant was brilliant in it. Never watched Doctor Who, can’t help but wonder if he was good in that (not sure it’s my kind of thing though).

    Just started Daredevel. We’re only on episode three but we’re enjoying that too.

    Full Member

    Pretty sure we’re safe with speaker cable and expensive digital interconnects…

    Full Member

    I’m sure the OPs title and post were partly tongue in cheek, as it were.

    My wife and I have joked together how bloody typical it is when a period starts right before a dirty weekend. No, it doesn’t stop us going away, or making each other happy when we get there, but it does limit the options somewhat…

    Is that not all unfitgeezer is saying, just with a few too many words? 🙂

    Full Member

    I’ve got a half decent PC, and a half decent Mac. The easiest and smoothest basic GoPro editing (at least at 1080p) is on my iPad Air…

    Full Member

    I’ll probably go dry for January and February to give my liver a break and help shift the Christmas weight gain, so I’ll be stocking up on sparkling water, teabags and a case of Coke for an occasional treat 🙂

    I don’t get a great of pleasure from the effects of alcohol, and I get a better nights sleep without a glass of wine in me, but I struggle to sit down with a juicy pork chop, risotto, chicken casserole or beef stew and not miss a glass of wine or beer to go with it…

    Full Member

    F this, F that… 😉

    I meant F30/31. Got confused because I’ve just ordered a 1er to replace the 330D. You can get the hateful Xdrive in a 1 now, the 120D has a choice.

    Full Member

    Echoing a few comments above, if it’s an F20/21 then I would stick with a rear wheel drive 330.

    I went for a 330D Xdrive and although it’s clearly a very nice car I’m thoroughly underwhelmed with it compared to my old E91. It feels very nose heavy and although it’s never put a foot wrong I get pretty much zero pleasure from driving it quickly. Apart from the fact it’s physically bigger, I think the standard suspension (I went adaptive too) is just much too soft compared to MSport…

    So based on all of that, I wouldn’t see the point in the 335. I would never want to drive it quickly.

    Full Member

    Well that saved me typing, cheers MH. 😉

    Here’s the Marquez link instead, admittedly he could probably ride a Cub offroad quicker than me…

    Full Member

    The KTM 990 Adventure is one of my all time, favourite bikes. I remember the first time I rode one thinking almost immediately it just felt ‘right’.

    The Africa Twin is actually a bit lighter than that, not heavier Charlie (by only 1kg, but still), despite conforming to later Euro specs (exhaust especially).

    Full Member

    I genuinely don’t think the dealers have been told anything on pricing, so everyone’s just speculating.

    The non-ABS bike will be legal until 2017 if they’ve got the bike released early enough (albeit just), but that’s probably why the UK won’t see any. If it’s appearing anywhere in Europe, I can only assume they are trying to hit a price point. A bit pointless doing that in my opinion.

    There’s a nice clip on YouTube of Marquez ragging around on one. I imagine his comes with a ladder…

    Full Member

    I still reckon about £11k is a decent shout, I’m sticking to it 😉

    It won’t be as much as a Crosstourer in my opinion, a parallel twin versus a V4 cannot be the same production costs (I’m not suggesting that’s the only factor, but the Crosstourer is a different bike all together price-wise).

    The Euro price suggested of around €9k is the basic, non-ABS and non-traction which I don’t think the UK will bring in. Whether that’s a good thing or not, I reckon the comic would (wrongly) deem a bike worthless if it’s released without the electronics. It’s a good guide to a likely price though.

    Full Member

    It’s still 4-5 months away so I don’t think it’s a surprise they haven’t finalised the price yet, there’s a lot can happen.

    I’m hoping for less that £11k, around £10,700 would be awesome. I want one too. 🙂

    Full Member

    Really nice lads who I wish all the best. I’ll pop in tomorrow with cake (leaving the credit card at home).

    Full Member

    I missed the aero bike bit. SKS Race Blade Long 2 are one of very few options; but they look crap.

    Full Member

    I’ve just ordered some PDW Full Metal Fenders City for my Roadrat, I think they are nice looking as they get (bamboo aside).

    Full Member

    Honestly hebdoncyclist, I’ve been wearing Lycra for 25 years on the bike and I still feel like a tit in it when I’m off it, especially when clacking around in road shoes. I’m fancying something all together more casual with touring shoes. Maybe I’m just becoming that age.

    My six year old really doesn’t want to have the conversation with his mates why his dad wears tights either 😉 I’ll have a look at Vulpine, haven’t come across them before. Thanks.

    Cheers kkf and otb too, I’ll have a look. Not quite old enough for Bikesters, Danti, but thanks 😉

    Full Member

    Cheers Craig. Those M&S trousers are worth a bash as a trouser for Autumn, although not sure how much abuse a non-re-enforced gusset will take. Not that it matters for a tenner!

    Just read a couple of decent reviews on the swerve for £110, I might give them a bash too.

    Full Member

    Have you tried anything from Swrve?


    Full Member

    Cheers Daffy, I’ll look at them. Have they been through the washing machine much yet, meaning, are they washing well?

    EDIT: Looks like they no longer make them…

    Full Member

    You might want to wait a week, they are likely announcing updated phones on the 9th September…

    Full Member

    Depends on your expectations I suppose. I’ve tried NowTV for football cast from an IPad, on an AppleTV, PS3 and from a NowTV box: I’d say the picture is about the same on all of them.

    I’m on an 80/30GB connection and the picture is just okay (it’s a big TV). Better than nothing though, and a lot better than forking out £40 a month for Sky Sports for one thing a month.

    Full Member

    I’ve only ever had success with Stans. Tempted to try Caffelatex, only heard good things.

    Full Member

    My wife has just reminded me that I whinged about discomfort for a good few months. She said six, but I think she’s wrong 🙂

    Full Member

    We’ve got 1, 3 and 5s. You’ll be surprised how good the 1 is (none of them are ‘hifi’ but they sound easily good enough).

    I’d not bother with the 5 again, a pair of 1s or a pair of 3s sound much, much better than a single 5 in my opinion.

    Full Member

    Yeah, been there too. I can’t remember how much more it swelled than the pictures below (taken on day three), but think it did go up a bit more…

    I came off on the ice riding fixed and didn’t get my foot out of the pedal. My photostream tells me I was walking the kids to nursery within three weeks, and back on the bike pulling a trailer in five weeks.

    I seem to remember thinking everything hurt for a two months or so though. I didn’t use any supports, just lots of ice and elevation.

    I managed to sit mostly at work for a couple of weeks straight afterwards too. Driving was a bit uncomfortable…

    No lasting effects, at all now.

    Ligaments 2011

    Ligaments 2

    Full Member

    I guess we just have a differing opinion Funky. I really liked the ride of my previous e91 which is why I wish I hadn’t gone for the xDrive (and the MSport suspension deletion)

    I guess the sports suspension makes a difference that the adaptive suspension can’t compensate for. If your 320 is MSport then you probably don’t realise how soft the standard suspension is. If it’s not MSport, then clearly I like a firmer ride than you… I never used to think of 3 series with rolling through corners, my F31 definitely does. A lot.

    I have two year old and five year old boys. A sports car will have to wait until I’m 60, when I can delude myself properly.

    Full Member

    I’ll look into that not Bob – thanks.

    Throttle response and ride is soft, really soft, in comfort. Plus, the only way I can get the throttle to feel nice is in Sport+ (there doesn’t seem to be a suspension difference between Sport and Sport+), but in Sport the suspension still feels pretty soft. If you configure the button to just affect chassis, throttle response is a bit muted.

    From the way Comfort rides, an xDrive without adaptive suspension must be very soft (again, plenty posts on Bimmer forums and the like confirming that). My old E91 was a much nicer drive for my taste, YMMV…

    Not sure what the reason for going xDrive was if I’m honest, I think it was just because I thought it would be less of a pain in the arse in the winter than swapping wheels. Of course, we had no snow last year in Newcastle once I bought it.

    Honestly, wish I could just get in it and drive with one suspension setting, one engine character and no buttons.

    Full Member

    Depends on how you like to drive. I’ve got a 330d xDrive and really, really wish I’d gone for the 2WD. The xDrive deletes the sports suspension and even with the adaptive suspension I added, its handling is really soft. Added to that, every time you get in the car it defaults to comfort.

    Cars have too many buttons these days…

    Full Member

    To be honest dmorts, it’s really just for the overall din. I suspect that to get it to a level I’d be really happy with for hifi would mean changing the wife too. If it just becomes a bit less ropey for the hifi then I’ll settle for that until I can reclaim the kid’s playroom for me…

    Everything seems to suggest stepping the panels off the wall as suggested above too. I will get away with 4 or 6 1x1m panels if I can do something custom printed on them, whack a couple of corner units in and see how it sounds.

    I’ll let you all know how I get on…

    Full Member

    You’ll need a CBT to get on a 125cc. You’ll need to pass an A2 test to get on a machine with 47hp, or an A test to get you on any machine.

    You can only do the A licence if you are over 24, in either case you’ll still need a CBT first (one day course).

    Both tests have two elements: off the road maneuvers (Mod 1) and then a road test (Mod 2). If you can ride a bike already, then a couple of hours to train for the Mod 1, and then a couple for the Mod 2 could do it.

    If you’ve never ridden before then allow around 12 hours tuition to pass both elements. You’ll also need the theory test, even if you have entitlement for a car already.

    Full Member

    Some more good reading there, thanks again. Lots of reading on the Gearsluts link.

    Interesting that the suggestion is the lower frequencies aren’t really absorbed by carpet, and that’s what I feel we’ve seen the biggest change in. I need to get it sorted though, before I had kids I spent a really decent amount on hifi, cheap Belden 10 guage speaker cable before somebody judges ;), and it’s pretty much unlistenable.

    I know you’re fishing, cbike, but what is it I’m kidding myself about? It’s not an aspirational thing if that’s what you’re getting at . We’ve got a 5 and 2 year old pair of boys. Pretty much every bodily fluid, food type, mud and oil has been on the carpet at some point already, and it’s only going to get worse. Frankly, I want a clean floor…

    Full Member

    Surely it depends on the A road? If it’s the A1, then you might want a different route?

    I cycled with my mates to Durham down the A690 one summer (can’t remember why we didn’t do the off-road route along the river to Fatfield and down). I’d been club riding for two years at that point, didn’t stop me being nearly wiped out by a trailer-wagon. That was over 20 years ago, roads are busier now.

    Again, depends on the A road. Which is it and where?

    Full Member

    I never thought of putting foam under tables and chairs – I’ll do that.

    I’d wondered that, dmorts, but the echo is so bad I think I’ll need something under it. I was thinking of spacing them off the wall somewhere between 50-100mm, depending on what I stuff inside…

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