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  • Privateer Bikes finally launch Gen 2 range and pre-sales
  • iamtheresurrection
    Full Member

    My seven year old sat on the flat, warehouse-style trolley for a bit around Ikea last Sunday, funnily enough. He’d just done 23 miles with me off-road in the morning and was pretty knackered (and bored).

    Should I have put a sign on the trolley so you knew?

    Full Member

    I know nothing about politics really, but know as a voter there’s pretty much no party for me at the moment.

    I can easily imagine a new party like the More United lot (not necessarily them) gaining traction and disrupting the two parties if they can just secure a big name that we actually like…

    Full Member

    3. Voluntarily terminate your PCP deal, hand the car to the finance company and walk off. Note, you can do this any time after you have paid 50% or more of the amount t originally borrowed.

    I suspect this is probably what you meant, but for clarity you can hand it back once you’ve repaid 50% or more of the total amount payable under the agreement, includng interest and fees. It’s not 50% of the amount borrowed…

    Full Member

    I can’t believe this question needs to be asked. Has your mate ever ridden a bike before?

    🙂 Very much this.

    Full Member

    Too much saffron ruins pretty much anything it goes in, its flavour can easily over-power, but paella without it doesn’t taste like paella…

    The fact that it colours the rice is largely irrelevant.

    Full Member

    I’m 42, and I started noticing them when I was about 20 or so, often during sex (I’m married now, so that’s less of a problem).

    Mine really flared up about 5 or 6 years ago, tied to a really stressful time at work. After a 24 Holter test showed up 8,000 PAV/PVCs and long periods of bigeminy and trigeminy I was sent by my EP to get an echo and when that still didn’t put my mind at rest, I had an MRI too.

    I was in danger of them taking over my life and I was close to taking beta-blockers but didn’t want them to affect my cycling so I just tried to stop worrying about them, and then one day they stopped. They stayed stopped for about 2 or three years, but they are back again now.

    They’ve changed a bit, an ectopic beat can now trigger short runs of fast, regular beats for about 4 or five seconds which I hate even more than the ectopics, but the cardiologist isn’t concerned. I suspect I’m just stuck with them – they almost never appear during exercise though, mostly at rest or recovery.

    Caffeine and alcohol make them worse (I can’t quit either), but the worst trigger for me is stress.

    Full Member

    Just get out for 30 minutes on the bike, somewhere from your doorstep and ride to have fun with no expectation of average speeds or distances.

    I’m in okay shape at the moment, but ran out of time yesterday and could only manage 30 minutes after the reading the kids stories – about 9pm before I got out. It genuinely was one of my favourite rides of the year, just messing about for half an hour on local tracks.

    Do this a few times a week for half an hour each time, and after a few weeks you’ll be feeling so much better.

    Full Member

    ^ The boys supplied the understanding of the need, my wife the cash… 🙂

    Full Member

    My boys have just walked in with one as my Father’s Day pressie… Dead chuffed. 🙂

    Full Member

    I’ve got a few bikes, and some don’t get used too often. They’ve all got Stans in, and can stand for way more than a month. I don’t think it makes any difference.

    Full Member

    A wireless keyboard with numeric keypad – finally.

    £129 online and available now. Very expensive, but I’ll still pick one up on Thursday…

    Full Member

    This sort of proves my point with TKD. The lower belts should be pretty straightforward and yellow belt can be achieved in 6 months.

    But when they are too young the theory and the detail can overwhelm them and they end up stagnating on a belt for months or years – then they get bored and quit.

    I agree. Yellow was the first belt that was a bit of a challenge for him, in that, we did a bit of work leading up to it to give him what he needed to pass. We didn’t have to on previous belts and I don’t think he’d have got through the grading without it.

    He only does it for an hour once per week, I think he was quite lucky to get yellow and it’s pretty clear that if he wants to go further he’s going to have to practice more at home and go at least twice a week. Not sure he wants to (he’s more interested in bikes, running and football) and I’m not going to push it – he can do whatever he wants.

    That said, if he wants to sit on yellow for a year or more then I really don’t care, as long as he’s enjoying going.

    Full Member

    My eldest started TKD at about 5 1/2. He’s seven now and just done his yellow belt.

    The grading was pretty tough on a (just turned) seven year old, he looked nervous and didn’t look like he was enjoying it at all and I was convinced he’d tell me he didn’t want to go back.

    Some of the kids in his class really struggle to focus, some are well into it. I’d say it’ll depend on the character of the child, and the encouragement from the teacher. Pull out if it feels wrong (said the etc etc).

    Full Member

    Just stuck a Hope Enduro wheel in mine yesterday so I could use the Stache with a Followme Tandem.

    Took it for a ride last night uncoupled for 20 miles or so fitted with a 29×2 Mud X. I left the Chupacabra on the front but liked the ride on the rear enough to order a front wheel tonight. I’m fully rigid on a Stache 5, I reckon it’ll be a nice bike on a pair of normal 29s, and great for when the winter comes back.

    Clearance on a 29×2 tire is crazy, it’ll be perfect in the mud.

    Full Member

    I don’t spend hours awake thinking about it, but I don’t like that our combo boiler is in the kitchen, directly beneath our bed upstairs. Totally irrational.

    Full Member

    Storage is so cheap it’s worth buying a few and rotating them.

    One of my back up drives is always at work, so if the house goes up in smoke or it’s cleaned out, I haven’t lost everything. It’s probably rotated every week or two (when I remember) so not totally up to date but close enough not to care…

    Time Machine copes with multiple drives as easily as you’d expect it to.

    Full Member

    Lexham can be competitive too, especially where there’s little experience or NCD.

    Full Member

    I realise that front line telephone IT support is the most life-sapping job in the world, and BT are most likely often talking with people like my mum who doesn’t know a router from a toaster, but they really have no way of changing gear.

    I have a HomeHub5, constantly dropping wifi too. Channels were separate, different SSID, I’d swept the local wifi channels from neighbours and tried choosing unused channels and so on. Broadband totally stable, Ethernet devices stable but wifi kept dropping on both 2.4 and 5ghz, including when one channel was turned off.

    I called explaining all of this, and the guy on the other end says he’ll start by checking my line. No need I say. He says there is, and puts me on hold. Comes back online to say he’s checked my line and reset the connection to the exchange and he’s fixed my wifi. I offer that’s an insane suggestion and explain that won’t make any difference, that I think the router is borked, he insists otherwise. It was a strange conversation, I screenshot it for prosperity.

    Ten phone calls later, I was sent a new HomeHubThree and then five more calls later a new HHFive. No dropped wifi since.

    Full Member

    on and on – Member
    Ok, pet peeve. People get custom bike frames made and still use a stack of stem spacers.
    Jeeeeeeeseus, if its custom it should fit and no spacers should be need.

    Is it not just personal opinion? If somebody wants a higher position on the front, I reckon the frame looks wrong with a long headtube for a given size, regardless of whether they move the top tube up with a bigger slope or just leave a big extension of the headtube above the top tube.

    I reckon it looks a lot, lot better with normal frame dimensions and a couple of headset spacers to achieve a position.

    Full Member

    Just a thought, but if you’re running 23c at a presure that gives frequent pinch flats, then you might find the same pressure on a 23c tubeless set up burps the tyre of the rim on the same potholes…

    Full Member

    I use ZohoMDM, it’s free for up to 25 devices and from memory not extortionate for more.

    It’s not my day job, but I found it reasonably easy to set up through its portal and Apple Configurator, no experience of Android. It’ll do most of what you want, although I wasn’t interested in call logs or messages, more just the ability to control apps installed, reset passwords and wipe the device remotely.

    Support is sketchy, but I think you could say the say of all non-enterprise level software for small businesses…

    Full Member

    I imagine most managers would breathe a sigh of relief reading that, and then move on to something more important… Sorry.

    Full Member


    It’s funny, I was asking my wife about this thread earlier. I asked her if she’d be concerned if a bloke was taking pictures of our kids at the fair, she said she would. She’s not interested in photography at all, and just considers it an odd thing to want to capture and would be suspicious.

    I asked her if she’d still be concerned if either

    1. He had his own kids with him
    2. He was alone, but using a tripod wearing a hi-viz jacket

    She laughed, saying that in either case it would probably mean she wouldn’t bat at eyelid. We live in a paranoid world now, and some people dont need much excuse to shout and scream their disapproval.

    Full Member

    There’s a hand little calculator here

    Full Member

    I’m on a 39t front with a 11-32 rear cassette. I mostly commute, mixed surface – although it has done a few bigger rides too.

    A few big hills to get up but it’s plenty low enough, and fast enough on the flats for what I need…

    Full Member

    I agree it sounds a lot like Amazon, probably without their horrendous 15% sale fees…

    From a bike shop point of view, unless your listing is the cheapest within the list of any given product, why would the consumer buy off you? Would it not just create a race to the bottom on any given product, further hurting the LBS who wasn’t the cheapest?

    Full Member

    I’m all for not being sensible but that’s a 25 year old bike, and wasn’t particularly nice back then either.

    800 or so miles a month would be more than enough to rub away the novelty after a month or two at most in my opinion. Like others, the NC750/700X is a great proper bike, but the free revving nature of the CB500X would probably get my vote: it’s just a bit lighter and a bit more fun.

    £3,500 won’t have you far away from a CBR650F that was re-released in 2014. 4 cyclinders, a bit more power, decent fairing…

    Versys 650 are good too. Engine is a bit buzzy, but it’s a great bike.

    Full Member

    I start a thread asking whether NEW ROADIES are a bit miserable, and now you think I care about all cycling etiquette.

    My second post said: Quite happy to not do it to be fair, but such a notable contrast in a couple of years.

    Quite the leap you made there, bringing in etiquette, mountain biking, pedestrians and cars. Top effort.

    Full Member

    People posting on threads that they have nothing to contribute to other than saying it’s a pointless thread is why I hate this forum… Knacker. 😀

    I know the craic. I searched for post titles from the last 12 months using three different search term roadies, miserable roadies and road cyclists: didn’t see a single thread. You want to enlighten me what I did wrong in the search?

    Full Member

    That really doesn’t narrow it down, finbar…

    Full Member

    finbar – Member
    nowhere near as fit or hardy as I should be
    Sounds like you’re too fat – maybe no-one realises you’re actually a cyclist?

    😀 That’s pretty bang on, to be fair. Do I know you?

    Full Member

    backinireland – Member
    The Ulster and nw200 are quite sanitized these days compared to the smaller races

    You sir, must have bollocks the size of pineapples. It still looks pretty hard racing to me.

    Full Member

    Don’t worry, only had the hump temporarily: MotoGP and a bottle of Black Sheep has brought me round and stopped it from ruining my weekend 😉

    Full Member

    ^ JoB, no need for a cartoon – the picture in my head is disturbingly graphic 🙂

    Full Member

    Like many on here, mid-forties approaching and been riding on the road for nearly 30 years (nowhere near as fit or hardy as I should be given those numbers)…

    I’ve never been on a ride where every single person failed to acknowledge a little nod or similar. Quite happy to not do it to be fair, but such a notable contrast in a couple of years.

    EDIT: It was perma-drizzle earlier, maybe everyone was just fed up.

    Full Member

    Sorry Gee, I’ll go away into a corner and read all of the posts I’ve clearly missed… 🙄

    Newcastle/Mitford/Belsay loop.

    Full Member

    bedmaker – Member

    Plus it looks gopping. Ugly seat, long stem, bar ends. That head angle and the big tyres don’t tie in with the skinny tubing.

    LOL it looks even uglier with me sat on top of it you bellend

    If I wanted pretty I’d have bought a Ti bride not a Ti bike.

    That’s one of the best forum replies for ages (still think you need to consider that gumshield).


    Full Member

    ^ Klunk

    He’s been sacked, they are looking into improving standards and they have told everybody about it. At what point do you cut the guy who owns the business a bit of slack for the (appalling) actions of one of his employees driving one of his vehicles?

    Would it be so hard to take the time to commend him for the action he has taken, rather than the choice of words on a social post?

    Full Member

    Did the downtube and top tube not get a MASSIVE pair of gussets? I’d be riding with a gum shield…

    Full Member

    Klunk – Member
    Poor choice of phrase in my opinion.
    Trivializing spin more like. We’ve all have “near misses” every time we ride, how often has someone deliberately side swiped you ?

    Are you suggesting that’s not a brilliant response from what is, ultimately, a small builders firm? I’m seriously impressed with that, given the context.

    Whilst I’m sure the professionally offended will still want to pick holes with it, I can’t see how you could ask for a better response and any further/deeper action is for the police to handle.

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 1,240 total)