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  • 10 Bikes of the Highland Trail 550
  • iain1775
    Free Member

    once asked a question on multiple item postage on one of their (activesportskit) ebay auctions, got a very blunt reply back saying it was in the listing. Checked, it wasnt. Thought they where a bit off customer service wise so ordered it elsewhere only to discover that activesportskit was the ebay name for Mark Antony!
    I had actually ordered from the same place, just direct instead of ebay – doh!
    Still postage was cheaper direct
    Used them once since. They where shit, took weeks
    Wanted some cable stops last week – at £4.50 they where £1 cheaper than anywhere else until I checked out and they whacked on £6 for postage!! – £10 minimum order
    Robbing bastards
    Never again
    – though they do seem to stock more obsure items like Problem Solvers brake pulleys etc

    Free Member

    I bet they charge you to re-new your licence with a new pic!!!!!! con masters.

    Yup its £20 just sent mine off to have all points removed and figured I may as well just pay once so sent off a new photo too – current one expires in 2011

    Free Member

    the 2008 quake (biggest in 25 yrs) was 5.2 not 8
    thats alot more than I would have thought in last month
    (although all only a similar intensity to my wife having a good fart!)
    The average recurrence the UK may expect can be described as follows:
    an earthquake of 3.7 or larger every 1 year
    an earthquake of 4.7 or larger every 10 years
    an earthquake of 5.6 or larger every 100 years.

    Free Member

    why Kael?
    You thinking of putting some of your special grease in the faultline to make the plates slide over each other easier? :evil: :D

    (sorry couldnt resist getting in there before someone else did!)

    Free Member

    i might have a pair of those first ones (Formula MC) ones going spare later this week when new brakes turn up
    no idea if they work with Saint though

    Free Member

    on similar note is a V2 lever interchangable with an x2 caliper?

    Free Member

    I just got these from this ebay seller

    was cheapest I could find. They are identical to the KCNC ones, even same bearings (I checked)
    Took while to arrive as he was out of stock but his communication was excellent (even apologised if they where delayed due to the volcano in 'Ireland' :) )
    Would definatel;y use him again
    Jockeys have been running great one in bottom of my XTR one in bottom of my Sram x0 for a few rides now

    Free Member

    sorry to highjack a bit but im after a wingnut pack if anyone has one to sell or knows where they are in stock

    Free Member

    Kaesae sent me some bearings free the other week
    Fitted half of them, just the main pivot ones to go
    They actually seem okay to be honest
    plan on running them into the ground see how long they last

    (stands back and gets ready to be shot down in flames!)

    EZO brand though not SKF (but they where free so who cares ;)), same as in a number of branded hubs etc (Token / Superstar)

    Yep he has come across as a complete … on posts on here but whats to be expected the shit that gets fired at him. Seemed okay in emails to me, almost a different person

    Free Member

    Yes, you could use the drive management tool in Vista and delete E: and then tell it to increase the size of C: to fill up the whole drive. I'd make sure you have a back up of your data before doing this.

    I have a similar problem, any instructions on how to do this?

    Free Member

    must be able to traverse a moat
    doesnt matter what they cost, cause their not paying for them

    Free Member

    you missed triple compound

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member
    Man that's not your money. You should contact the bank and try to give it back. Technically keeping it and spending it on a bike is theft.

    some people have no sense of humour!

    Free Member

    does she know you have posted this here and are discussing it with complete strangers?

    Would it be a good or bad idea for her to read this?

    Seems there are strong points made for each side of the debate and quite a balanced view. She may get something from it even if it is just a sense of how strongly you feel and how messed up your mind is at the moment.
    On other hand she may take offence at your personal issues being dragged round the internet

    For me the fact that you have opened up your feelings on here so much speaks volumes about what a mess you are in at the moment

    Free Member

    what with ebay fees alot of the time just giving stuff away on freecycle works out cheaper ;)

    Free Member

    I opted out of the car scheme and took the cash
    Went from a fully specced BM and bought a 9 month old 8.5k mile ex garage demo Hyundai i30
    £11k top of range (was originally still ony about £18k)
    better spec than the BM (full leather etc), feels better built, drives almost as well, is nice and solid,
    5 year unlimited milage warranty means only pay for wear and tear, things go wrong, not my wallet that gets hit
    Now circa £300 a month better off in tax, the car costs me bugger all a month so I have money left from my allowance after I pay the loan back, the loan is over 2.5yrs and I will keep the car for 4 so soon I will have all the allowance money to save for the next car so the higher depreciation shouldnt be too big an issue
    Costs me about 15p a mile all in to run (excl insurance & tax) and I have just whacked a claim into HMRC for the difference upto 40p a mile from my company fuel allowance (11p a mile) so thats more cash in my pocket eventually

    Im quids in, still have a nice car all be it without the fancy badge and I now have my own insurance history

    I did the sums and company cars didnt work for me anymore the tax was just too crippling

    Free Member

    you could always get them resoled with stealth rubber – think details where in this months magazine (or may have been MBUK)

    Free Member

    I thought sellers couldnt give buyers negative feedback anymore?
    Didnt this change about 4-6 months ago?

    Leaving you with no effective way of alerting other people about non payers

    Another reason to add to the long list (feedback issues, high fees, compulsory paypal, lots of idiots and freeloaders on there now etc) as to why I now completely avoid selling stuff on ebay

    Free Member

    No BMWs or Audi as I'm not paying top wack for a badge and basic spec

    shame that as they have some of the lowest co2 emmisions and therefore company car tax, and my old BM had top spec for not much more than the Mondeo equivalent
    My company has just switched exclusively to 'premium' brands from Ford, Vauxhaul for company cars for this very reason
    ..although I opted out and am now about £280 better off a month in tax

    Free Member

    3 months to get me some basic Hope Mono Mini brakes
    Bear in mind how good Hope usually are I couldnt understand the delay esp as they where in stock everywhere else
    Turned out they had been sat in their warehouse for 2 months but basic confusion over an IS and post mount and they didnt think to open the box and check
    Wouldnt use them again

    Free Member

    'm a mum although they are now adults. The way I see it is that the man's life stays the same, it's the woman who's life completely changes

    what an outdated feminist attitude!
    I may still have to go to work but I take as much involvement with my baby as I possibly can and my life has most definately changed (for the better)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    im now typing this one handed with a baby in other arm that has been screaming colicy wails for the last 2 hours and wont settle. my ear drums are exploding and my head banging but i stand by my earlier advice, this is the most personal and amazing experience of my entire life
    you both need 110% commitment 110% of the time though so if that doesnt exist…..

    Free Member

    There are a lot of people don't agree with this but they are simply wrong as you are.

    Its her body and her right to choose – 100% Morally . legally and ethically.

    Men have tried to get court injunctions to prevent their partners having terminations and failed every time.

    she does not need your consent to have the termination.

    that may be the case but I suspect with that attitude / approach the relationship wont last!
    Whilst it may be all her body, relationship is still about the 2 (3) people involved and they all have thoughts opinions and entitlements

    Free Member

    WackoAK – Member
    iain1775 – the op asked for thoughts, not personal insults to be aimed at those people offering advice.

    I think if you read you wil find I did offer advise. In a far more constructive and detailed manner and taking into account the OP's particular situation and my own experience of a very similar situation than the people here who are just turning the thread around to be about them and how they personally are too selfish to have kids. Because they clearly have little or no experience of what this person is going througgh and the gravity of the actual problem
    Either way, whatever desision is made this is likely to be if not the end of an 11 year relationship then a very defining moment in how that relationship develops and it will emotionally change two people probably beyond their current comprehension
    Throwaway comments about selfishness and too many kids in the world already, its her body end of dont really add much to help do they?

    Free Member

    Gnarman – its not We are pregnant – its she is.

    TJ I find it usually takes two to tango, but being 50, childless and off backpacking (on your own I guess) this weekend perhaps you just need a strong wrist…

    do you actually have anything constructive and helpful to add to the debate?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Me – No kids. Nearly 50 now

    TFFT there won't be another one quite like TJ ;)

    gnarman – how recently did you find out?
    sounds to me she might need a couple of weeks to get used to the idea. If you have time, support her but don't let her rush into any sudden desision
    I have friends that had abortions years ago (it was right for them at the time no question). I would say the experience changed them, and that is just what I saw from the outside as a good friend with little emotional connections

    Free Member

    not good mate, feel for you
    As a recent father (4 weeks today) who initially felt probably similar to your wife (not ready and could only see the negatives) all I can say is it is the most amazing yet tiring experience ever

    1st time my wife had a miscarriage. TBH I wasnt prepared for having a baby at the time so it was in a way a bit of a relief to me. But when we had it officially confirmed that the baby was gone the feeling of grief and emotion was something I never imagined I could feel and I will never forget the baby that never was, so I can understand your feelings totally

    Taking her excuses (sorry reasons) one by one –

    1 – money, if you wait until you think you can afford it then you will never start a family. Seriously though its not really expensive. Nursery furniture is most expensive thing, rest its unbelivable how many freebies you get and presents etc. We havent had to buy any clothes / nappies etc yet she has a wardrobe full, more than she could ever wear
    Obviously its ongoing and the expense never lets up but you adapt your lifestyle and budgets to cope, you have to Im sure my future isnt going to be easy, and it will be financially strained, but Im sure we will manage. We always do, somehow. because thats life

    2 – Just Vanity I'm afraid, its a temporary situation and besides pregnancy isnt 'fat' there is something beautiful and glowing about a pregnant woman. Always thought that a bit cheesy but it was true, my wife never looked halthier tan the last 9 months, clear skin good complexion etc, probably due to the hormonal changes etc she was going through

    3 – What is so hell about the 9 months? okay some discomfort sleeping, some morning sickness etc but my wife survived it. It is nothing the female body isnt designed to do. Again just an irrational but perfectly natural fear. Unfortunately this is a hard one to argue as 'men dont experience the pain'

    4 – 20 years of pain. Yes but think of all the good things. The bond between you, the laughs, funny moments, the firsts, the proud achievemnents. Personally I cant wait to teach her how to ride a bike etc already at 4 weeks the first signs of simple recognition just make me feel so proud and important in that little things life

    5 – Life over / change
    That is somethig you have to accept, yes its a big change but its no means over. I still get out on the bike or have a beer, the wife is returning to swimming and netball etc very soon. There are two of us to be there so there is time for each one to take turns looking after whilst the other continues 'life'
    We still see our friends etc
    Ok expensive foriegn holidays are out for a few years, we never got to tour India etc but there is plenty of time later in life for that now, We now have other priorities
    Personally I feel like my life has just started not finished. I have a new and important purpose to my life and its the best feeling I have ever experienced

    Its a tough one but you need to discuss it at length, I would imagine though you are probably right about it putting a serious strain on your future relationship and that is something you have to also discuss, you cant afford to hide your feelings from her

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Shark Bait, how have you done that? One coax feed from the Sky box going into the roof and into a sender (booster/splitter I presume?) and then feeds going into each room?

    Thats what I have
    Only prob is depending on the splitter / booster your magic eye probably wont work
    Seems to work better too if the coax from sky to splitter is a s short as poss and good quality connections

    Was thinking of multiroom (or main TV is now in the back extension and its HD) does anyone know if they will install without a phone connection to the box, its not possible to run a phone cable due to wooden floors, fireplaces and not wanting to mess up decor?
    Sky website says both must be connected to a phone line, obviously once its in I would poss disconnect it anyway but would they even install without?

    Free Member

    Plus I don't like taking chances with aftermarket products when shimano makes something designed precisely for the purpose

    dont quite understand that statement when KMC make some of the best chains out there and use a tool free link
    Likewise Sram and pretty much everyone else other than Shimano
    A Powerlink is hardly aftermarket or designd for something other than the purpose of joining a chain?

    Still need a chain tool though as a chain can snap at any link not just the powerlink, and then you may need to be able to split and remove half a link to use a powerlink to rejoin if you know what I mean

    Free Member

    +1 for Crank Bros 19

    Free Member

    im the same – HD is still just Corrie but with spottier Mancs and I have no interest in paying Sky an extra tenner a month for something I cant really notice much difference with

    Blu-ray player in my PS3 however – yes I can notice a big difference, more so it seems with Animated films
    Guess it depends on price difference of the player and how much you value it

    Free Member

    molgrips –
    I said in 1st post –
    "Running Windows XP SP3 with Kapersky protection"
    and later –
    "I found Kapersky to be much less intrusive and didnt slow things down nearly as much as Norton etc"

    After using Norton for a year I would never touch it again!

    Free Member

    Get SIW from here

    Run it and go down to the hardware/memory section, it will then show you what is currently installed in each slot, what speed it is and what speeds are supported.

    that looks like an expansion to cover everything where the Crucial app did for the memory element – that recognised the motherboard model and the RAM that was in there at the moment, the speed and the supported speeds and made recommendations, which is what I bought. Hopefully they will be compatible.
    Guess I will find out when it arrives!

    Free Member

    ok cheers
    I downloaded some checker software from Crucial that scanned the present system and seemed to indicate that different speeds would be supported etc
    but no harm in experimenting
    Is there a way of checking from the circuit boards what speed they all run at etc?

    anjs – yes above did that too (I hope ;))

    Free Member

    Remove everything [ especially Windows ]format & re-install

    Don't think I have the original Windows discs anymore though, will need to check, it wasnt pre-installed as the computer was originally bought without an OS

    I'd guess a scheduled virus scan, Windows Defender or an indexing process causing the problem at midday.

    Its at midnight not midday and there is nothing scheduled that I can see but again will check, virus protection runs out in 9 days so will be removing and putting something else on, any free software recomendations would be welcome. I found Kapersky to be much less intrusive and didnt slow things down nearly as much as Norton etc

    I would recommend lobbing the old ram and just sticking the new 2G in. You could have all sorts of issues with leaving the old stuff in.

    Can do but why? What issues? I appreciate it should ideally be 'matched' but it has had a 512mb and a 256mb in fine for years (or has this been the issue all along)?

    Free Member

    I'd like to say I have only had good experiences buying and selling on STW and I think your generally all wonderful
    Much better than that lot over on ebay anyway ;)

    Free Member

    but will it melt my carbon bars before or after dissolving my retinas?

    Free Member

    where you on your weay to football training with those shinpads?

    Free Member

    seems a decent spec for the price (better than the one I listed aboev from novatech) and was always impressed with Mesh

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