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  • Marine Cabirou Joins Monster Energy
  • iain1775
    Free Member

    look out up there, if your raising it 10mm I hope you dont suffer from vertigo

    Free Member

    would this not get a better response if it was in the classifieds?

    Free Member

    farmer giles – Member
    we are all normal here


    *picks up banjo with webbed hand*

    but what is not to LIKE about windows? You can see out of them and they keep warmth in
    They are not for LICKING though ;)

    Free Member

    move your fence two feet onto your neighbours plot and then roller over their crops and snap their hoe
    when it all kicks off point out that it was just symbolic of the Isreal-Palistine situation and hasnt really happened its all just in your head ;)

    Free Member

    because they're shit bikes and your a chav?


    Free Member

    2 bikes each valued at £2500 and £3000 covered in outbuilding/shed or car etc so long as not visable and locked costs me extra £60ish a year on my existing policy with Halifax

    Free Member

    iainc thanks mate, I might do that, will have to check on the lights situation, forgot to keep recharging them again all summer, battery probably knacked again now :(

    Free Member

    thats all I want, just an hour or so early evening to wind down after work (will have lots of meetings that may get quite heated and stressed!)

    Free Member

    when we built an extension recently it was no coincidence that I positioned the bathroom window directly above the front door :twisted:

    Free Member

    next time answer the door with a balaclava on your head and a pillowcase with 'Swag' written on it

    Free Member

    Im a Jew and Ive never stolen anyones carrots :?:

    Free Member

    this redefines Trolling
    Gardening related should it be 'Gnoming'?

    Free Member

    send kaersae / stormwind round to flog him some bearings
    He'll soon be dead (well one of them anyway) win win

    whats that Im too late it was all a troll?
    Oh well send him round anyway

    Free Member

    is paying someone to go for a ride in secret parts of the woods even legal? :lol:

    Free Member

    i had lots of old tree roots and stumps and digging holes deep enough for concreting in was tricky so I dug the deepest hole I could and used metal spikes and drove them through the roots, but I then concreted up the shallow hole as well.
    Solid as now
    Important with spikes to secure the post to the spike (coachbolts or something), dont just rely on a friction fit into the top

    Free Member

    its more fun on my HT but the benefit of the full suss is I get fitter hauling it round the switchback climbs and it gives me more confidence to head over Style Cop or on some of the 'off piste' stuff

    I actually find the HT quicker (and way more fun) down the 2 last sections of Monkey before the rail crossing though

    I will ride anywhere on whatever bike is more easily to hand / clean / has pedals attached etc at the time.
    Don't generally subscribe to this certain bike for a certain place mentality

    Free Member

    that perception that chocolate ones are thick stems from breed snobbery when the breed was introduced to these shores years ago (KC registered in 1903 but the first chocolate Lab not until 1930)

    We have a Choc lab, a few friends have yellow and black, I wouldnt say Ive seen any difference in behaviour. I would say ours can be batty at times (lots of built up energy) but she is very intelligent with it
    I think it depends more on the stock and upbringing of the individual dog than anything
    as far as I know the only difference is two genes (B and D locus) that determines the dogs colour and pigmentation, there is no other difference and these genes are unralated to any behaviour or intelligence traits

    Obviously Chocolate ones are the best though ;)

    Free Member

    _tom_ – Member

    iain, what bit of fire road is temporary? The long one on the way back up to where the Monkey rejoins FTD?

    No the bit 3/4 way along Monkey, bit of an up then up and down a kind of fireroad bombhole before turning left into a clearing and heading up the s/t climb to Lower Cliffe descent
    A new link is being constructed to take this bit out, has some shore on it and looks really good actually (there is already a great little cheeky shortcut to bypass some of the fireroad but I couldnt tell you about it, locals only ;))

    Free Member

    you could aways buy my only worn once and never on the bike pair off me and find out for yourself ;)

    Free Member

    Im not on any soapbox, Im also not a huge fan of Cannock (I like it for what it is yes, but its not the best by far), or of trail centres in general – they serve a purpose, a quick convienient fix. I do appreciate though what VOLUNTEERS have done there with very little to work with (elevation, ground conditions etc)
    I never said its better than GT, in fact I actually said the two where uncomparable, but I felt similar to you when I went to GT, probably in similar circumstances to you – I was working in the area and called in for a couple of hours, did one red route and that was it. I thought it was a long boring slog to the top followed by 15 minutes of good stuff, the tiny bit I rode certnally didnt for me live up to its hype I didnt however go slagging it off online, mainly because I understood there was much more there than I had ridden
    I also hate fireroad climbs, I find them a lazy way to gain elevation. I thought there was far too much fireroad to get up to the top of Spooky Wood, I also thought there was too much at Afan (Wall and Penhydd), all are good trails though, they just take a while to get going, I certinaly wouldnt complain about them though, the give me a quick fix and it works
    Cannock however is pretty much all singletrack, very little fireroad (one bit that is temporary whilst the final section of the Monkey is completed) and the fact the climbs are also interesting is too be commended given what they had to work with
    Personally I think it has elements of lots of different places, sections remind me a little bit of Llandegla, parts of the climbs remind me of the first climb at Whites Level at Afan and the last two sections of Monkey remind me of GT Spooky Wood just for the speed you can get and how easy it can be to get involuntary air, I wouldnt say its comparable to any of them or is the best though, far from it (Trailcentre wise I much prefer Mabie or Kirroughtree) but I don't think anyone would (or has) claimed that
    It certinally seems to be getting some well deserved thumbs up though

    To say you regard GT as the best riding in the country about sums you up for me. Its not all about driving hours to get to a trail cenre, there is plenty more out there, much of it probably accessible directly outside your front door
    What have you riden that isnt man made? Peaks, North York Moors, Quantocks, Lakes?
    Come on tell us what doesnt make you a 'trail centre tourist' and what makes you so qualified to judge a place because it 'doesnt have eough airtime'? (if I want jumps I would ride 10 minutes to the local BMX track and mix it up with the 8 year olds rather than drive 7 hours to a midlands forest)

    (steps off soapbox)

    Free Member

    neither – wait for the new Xar (or whatever its called)
    Looks much improved, I find my Xen a bit too hot and sweaty but the Hex is no better
    Worst case its too expensive or you dont like it but you 'should' then pick up a Xen or Hex that little bit cheaper

    Free Member

    as parent to a 4 month old that refuses to sleep at all during the day and by 7pm has got so tired she has crying fits yet still fights it and can go on until around 11 (when she then drops off and sleeps through to 6-8am, which is great) I sympathise alot, I am in a similar situation, get home from work, screaming baby, and its hard. Big differnce being she is my kid so I have that bond and I have some control over my situation and we have now learned how to manage her and stop her crying at least for half hour to hour periods until the 'tantrum' passes and she nods off
    There could be any number of reasons, colic (can be awful, we found Dr Browns anti colic bottles and a proper burping routine works great), teething (Ashton and Parsons powder), a deeper medical condition, to just needing attention. No one can really give you any advise as we have no idea on the child's or parents situation, are they the type that might just switch off and ignore their crying baby?
    We also dont know your relation with your neighbours? If your on pretty good speaking terms then maybe a passing concerned comment may help? Do you have kids yourself may they see you as someone that could maybe give some advice to them?
    Like you say there is a risk of stressing them out if you mention anything, but equally they could also be at their wits end themselves and desperate for any advise
    the only thing I can really say is that in my experience when it gets to that demented hoarse yelling stage it is something quite wrong, be it extreme tiredness, hunger or discomfort from colic / teathing or whatever, the baby isnt crying for a trivial reason

    Free Member

    what you doing riding your tupperware bike in the wet anyway? It could melt ;)

    Free Member

    Stu McGroo – Member

    johnnywhitesox – Apparently some gayers are riding it with suspension and gears FFS!

    and them funny clown wheels


    Free Member

    its red-ic-u-las
    Im out

    Free Member

    he acts like an arse
    he lets himself get drawn in to arguments he should probably back down from
    he is easily baited
    he talks a lot of sh*t
    he got an unfeasibly hard ride on here, including some very libelous and unfounded suggestions that he was dealing in stolen property and I actually ended up feeling sorry for him

    I actually had some correspondance with him and he seemed like a genuine person just out to try and make a business work
    He sent me some freebie bearings and they are still going strong 6 months later so no complaints from me
    (ok they where a different make to what he originally said he would send but some research on t'interweb showed them to be of equal quality and price)

    In summary – he can supply bearings, and cheaply,
    will they last any longer?
    dunno but they are certinally no worse
    do they live up to his hype?
    No, nothing would 'cause some of his claims where outragous and not based on any scientific fact
    would I actually buy from him?
    Possibly yes but possibly not whilst he has a sound business, and he was getting some severe goading I didnt like his 'attitude' (although a different person one 2 one), main reason though – I would go to a local bearing supplier and get them at a 'wholesale' price rather than an inflated bike shop price

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Arrogance, a fragrance by Ferrari.

    as worn by Hora :wink:

    Free Member

    Townfox – Member
    Took me 3.5 to get to Cannock and just felt a bit let down..

    Posted 13 hours ago

    didn't drive 7 hours just for Cannock i was staying in the area

    so what you moaning about then?
    If I went and stayed around a predominantly urban environment and popped out somewhere for a ride I wouldnt then come on here saying it was shit because it doesnt compare to the wide open spaces I have back home and I definately wouldnt say the locals arnt proper bikers because they are unfortunate enough not to live near a bunch of rocks

    Cannock serves a very large urban population. Its the best there is round these parts, but its a damn site better than other similar flatland forests like Sherwood or Thetford. I don't think anyone would compare it to GT or any of the other 7 staines

    You found the best trail centre there is locally whilst you where doing other things, you should rejoice that there where marked trails so you didnt spend all day lost circling round on fireroads – Cannock Chase covers over 70km2, you saw less than 16km of that, there is a whole lot more out there if you know where to look (15 years visiting the Chase I find new trails everytime I visit)

    As for week against weekend (LOL at Scruff) it stands to reason that with a third almost of the UK's population within an hour or so of the chase weekends get very busy and attract all sorts of clueless muppets, so mid week is quieter and you can ride round faster and unhindered by the Toys R Us and Asda bike brigade

    Oh and I look forward to next months "I went Afan and it was crap" thread
    Avoid The Wall if I was you, endless fireroad climbing, something you cant level at Cannock, at least the uphills are interesting
    (I thought similar about GT Red actually, alot of fireroad climb to get to a couple of really good sections) Whilst its not 'technical' I actually find Cannock more challenging, just because of the speed you can get up to on the last two descents combined with the loose marbled corners

    Free Member

    them idiots?
    your the one that drove 7 hours to ride a bike, passing some of the best bike riding terrain in the country in the process, regardless of how crap or good cannock is, that has to be viewed as an idiotic thing to do ;)

    besides you saw a fraction of what the Chase has to offer, and it sounds like you would have been better suited to Style Cop, maybe next time you should do some research of your own rather than listening to others and blindly following like a sheep?

    But thanks anyway for your valued and informed opinion, I hope you remembered to take your litter home and repaired your braking bumps and skids before leaving

    Free Member

    moan moan moan.
    i grin whenever chucking it down the black stuff at cannock

    what one short little rock garden? The rest is an (easy) red

    Big laugh at the OP though driving 3.5 hours to get to ANY trail centre let alone Cannock (which is my local and I really like), not to mention the fact that he will have drove past places such as the Peaks and Wharnecliffe to get there :) (oh and if you live within that close to those places you do know you have N York Moors etc and all the great riding there pretty much on your doorstep. Its not just about trail centres you know!)
    If you want jumps you should have cut across (from the seating area on Lower Cliffe on Monkey) to Style Cop downhill runs

    Free Member

    spokebloke just to say thanks for sorting out my return today and sorry for hassling you a bit
    top customer service

    Free Member

    my bike bag (dhb or whatever they are called from Wiggle) is huge and only just fits in my focus sized car
    to be honest its not worth the hassle for normal journeys
    the bag easily swallows the bike though, in fact Ive had mine and the other halfs hybrid (with mudguards) inside it together

    Free Member

    cheers I Ache, thats enough info to convince me to head that way and combine some exploring in the woods with some of the local bridleways

    I need somewhere different to usual to try and get some motivation back
    A bit sick of same old Cannock and Peaks trails

    Free Member

    Right I'm not a woman but I consider myself a bit of an expert in this field….

    It definitely means she wants you, very much like the way the cashier in Tesco Express said 'any fuel sir' and smiled at me this morning, she clearly wanted me too.

    I nearly fainted this morning when the 'late middle aged' cashier in Sainsburys asked if "I'd like to slip it in"
    Then I realised she meant for me to put by credit card in the machine :)

    As for the OP, text her and take it from there

    Free Member

    ah fair point, I only ever carry it when I nip over to southeast africa, and then only if Im there for a weekend or shorter ;)

    FFS you would be moaning even louder if paypal had just been hacked and taken all your money off you

    Now I hate paypal more than most but for once it sounds like they done good

    Free Member

    Nah…this will do:

    oh come on?!
    FFS look at the length of the 'stem' on that
    will never catch on, has to be 70mm or less these days

    Free Member

    could be something to do with the upcoming – AFP Exhibition (thats the same area it was held in last year) and unrelated to biking, Im sure the FC have a number of railway crossings on their land that heavy machinary has to cross

    Free Member

    oops sorry mate
    I have had to get a new computer and reinstall memory map. I have therefore lost all the route info I had on the old computer but will get something off to you over the weekend
    I have your email somewhere, tbh thought I had replyed to say if you fancied a blast out sometime…

    Free Member

    parents still on wirral, could pop over if enough notice
    rekindle some of the riding I did 18 years ago

    Free Member

    i have some griffin lead that converts the stereo plugs to USB, dunno how it works bought it for same reason but never got round to using it
    Im in Derby so close by
    email me if interested

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