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  • Riding The Pink Elephant | Dirty Reiver 2021
  • iain1775
    Free Member

    haha I just had to interupt reading this thread to answer the phone
    guess who…..

    told them I was no longer an MBUK subscriber as I had cancelled and signed up in my wife’s name to take advantage of another free gift offer, didnt deter them they offered me What Mountain bike.
    Told them I can read 3 months worth of bike catalogue for free in WH Smiths and refered her to a thread on singletrackworld forum about Future cold calling 😉

    Free Member

    oversize clamp 711mm wand?

    Free Member

    On my way to work one day I found an articulated lorry that had tipped over taking a mini roundabout too fast. The trailer was open topped and had been full of tomatoes …

    The police had been chasing the lorry but couldnt ketchup

    …is taht my coat over there, pass it me will you

    Free Member

    driving along at 60mph on the inside lane of the M40 I once came across a…….
    an Audi
    AND a Mercedes

    I didnt expect that!!

    (it was during the petrol crisis, maybe why they where all sticking to 48mph)

    Free Member

    looks like the kind of place you couldgo in and ask “what tyres for….”

    Free Member

    OP I blame all the +1’s taking all the bandwidth
    either that or midlandstrailquestgraham 😆

    Free Member

    yep my Poobaas still going strong, little bit tight on my feet now and look like crap but still absolutely love them
    I must have had 16 or so years out of them, the original green ones

    Free Member

    probably unridable at the mo with mud and melted snow
    Not great anyway to be honest
    Im 30 mins away, wouldnt bother travelling there more than once or twice a year

    Free Member


    Free Member

    does this mean typing TJ could now be considered swear filter avoidance?
    Is fart classed as a swear word?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    +1 OP+5
    (or is that +1 5thP)
    anyway I want to say +1 MTG 😉

    Free Member

    mine are
    not recieved stuff posted mid November yet had a letter that was posted the day before

    Free Member

    is this thread trolling or just an Obvious P-take

    Free Member

    dont you just LOVE pretentious people that RANDOMLY CAPITALISE selected WORDS on the pretense that this GETS their point ACROSS better and makes them look SUPERIOR even though THEY completely MISSED the POINT of the original COMMENT

    Free Member

    no need to touch it use a scoop –

    £2, fits in your pocket, works great, avoids all contact with said poo

    Free Member

    Im not holding my breath
    No post at all now for 15 days
    …and we had very little snow in comparison to other areas

    Free Member

    yes they work fine
    You can get Avid ones for less than £40 though – £30 at Merlin or All terrian Cycles, and dont forget that does include some DOT fluid
    try these –
    They have the same tube lock off as the official Avid kits, in fact pretty much identical in every way and only £12-£15

    Free Member

    where did the convention that the chainrings are always on the RHS come from anyway?
    Serious question – is there any particular reason, or is it just one of those things that became the norm?
    I only ask as my natural thing when shouldering or pushing my bike is on my left hand side, which means the chainrings are more likely to hit my leg or dig into my shoulder. I try to have it to the right but it doesnt feel natural. A transmission on the opposite side would make more sense for me

    Free Member

    I love my little souped up Pug 205 T16 that leaves supercars for dead and goes round corners on rails 😉

    Free Member

    I imagine Cut Throat / Ladybower will be a little like this from last Jan – (skip straight to about 8mins)

    We had a similar amount of snow then

    Free Member

    can you read this??

    No, can’t be me then 😉

    Free Member

    just taken 1h25 to get from Edinburgh airport to Forth Bridge, normally 10 mins max
    coming south the queue is solid from roundabout near airport right up to about 5 milkes north of forth bridge
    currently doing 45mph max on A9 on way to Perth (Im not driving btw!!)

    Free Member

    Ive had no post since week last Friday – that was even before the snow hit
    centre of Derby it seems everything was suspended last Wednesday, been some ‘interetsing’ comments about it on the local rag website

    Free Member

    yes constantly
    plenty of hotels and cafes, but very expensive
    stay in a riad, other than that we got a good deal on the Sofitel
    we had no problems at all
    Yes definately, things also alot cheaper the further away you go from the main square / market area
    we just got a taxi, was cheap enough for 2 of us
    a bit, but my wife didnt get too bothered by it, so long as you dress sensibly and appreciate their culture and beliefs

    Free Member

    go and take a wizz outside and see if it freezes!

    took dog for a walk last night by time I had carryed bag of its doings to the bin (15 mins) it was frozen solid

    Was -14 in Derby this morning

    Free Member

    some lads working on a job up in Scottish Highlands for my company said it was -28 the other morning and every bit of plant we have up there is frozen solid or snowed in – and Im talking ex Swedish military Haaglund tracked vehicles here, those things can get anywhere

    Closer to home I had -10 at 8am this morning, -12 now and thats city centre of Derby

    Free Member

    missingfrontallobe – no its not, its just me and booked individually every time as days and flights vary

    Free Member

    to be fair Mark Antony are based in Buxton, which being in the Peak District (yeah, yeah before you start I know its technically outside the National Park) has had a fair amount of snow

    Ive never had problems with their delivery times the few times I used them for stuff I couldnt get elsewhere (TravelAgents for example) but I generally won’t use them on ebay or the web as I find they have totally unreasonable p&p charges

    I also found their attitude to questions on ebay was a bit off refering me to a Q&A section that was not relevant to my perfectly reasonable query

    Free Member

    Excellent, two things I don’t want to watch conveniently packaged in one easily avoidable show.



    Free Member

    will use for a bit then not bother with
    We tried to rejuvinate ours by buying some add-on from the summer food show at NEC last year that allowed you to use proper coffee in it rather than those coffee bag pod things
    Lasted another couple of weeks and again now sits redundant

    Reminds me – its free listing day on ebay today….

    Free Member

    what blankets for snow 😉

    Free Member

    I doubt you’d say that if you saw the snow in Derby last night, was pretty bad and very localised.

    Yes it was the worst Ive seen in Derby since I moved here in 1994 but it was hardly bad compared to North East England, Scotland etc
    5-6″ overnight, just unfortunate most of that fell in a short period before / during evening rush hour
    Was worse at my home in Littleover area than work (Raynesway)

    Free Member

    not had any post since Friday (snow started on Saturday)
    Im pretty sure that it not because there is no post for me just hasnt been any deliveries
    and Im in a city centre a mile from sorting office, roads and paths are easily passable

    Free Member

    whereabouts in Derby, do you know postcode / road I may be able to tell you best route to take?
    North of the city – Belper and upwards is bad, bad around M1 J26 and north of there, Mansfield looks like it got 12″
    Derby itself was bad yesterday evening rush hour due to no gritting on any roads but was clear on main roads and bus routes this morning – they gritted at 8pm and 4am apparently acording to local paper – I actually got into work quicker this morning by taking a nearly deserted ring road
    City centre had 5-6″ yesterday, its still snowing now but intermitantly, sky does look full of it though

    Free Member
    Free Member


    Free Member

    whole film, along with Dirt and several others are on Rob Warners YouTube page
    As well as some funny old clips of him being interviewed by Davina McCall

    Free Member

    So what tyres do gritting lorries have then?!

    Don’t you mean tires? 😉

    Free Member

    That has to be the best name for a band ever!

    smear silicone on your gusset if you so wish but don’t be posting any pictures please!

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