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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • IA
    Full Member

    Download the support and recovery agent and have it sort out outlook for you:

    Full Member

    As a practical tip mentioned above, note things down, and crucially review.

    E.g. when you start to worry about something write it down, then try to stop thinking. You won’t of course, at first. Then every day (maybe when you get to work or just before) review the list and start a new blank one.

    The act of reviewing let’s your brain give itself permission to forget about the anxiety once noted.

    Full Member

    Perhaps(?) daft question, but what install media are you trying, and created how? (os version and method).

    I.e. do you know your media are good, and supported by the mac in question? (newer OS may not be). And do you know they’re complete install media, and not network installers looking for the internet?

    Full Member

    To weigh in with actual similar experience.

    Wife was hit by another car in hers, their fault and had their details though. Anyway, she’s named on my insurance, so I let them know too. They record it, but didn’t make a difference.

    Full Member

    Oh and my revisiting the topic of my photo storage is driven by the fact I use lightroom 6 and looks like Catalina will break it. So stay on an old OS or change my photo management…

    Full Member

    I’ve a similar issue, tho not quite the same.

    Anyway, the answer to this might be changing. IPadOS (iOS 13 for iPads) changes how you can use external storage, including network shares. So working on an iPad, with larger external/network storage, rather than cloud, becomes possible (depending on app support). And e.g. the 2 bay desktop synology devices have SD slots and can import directly, easy to auto backup offsite to cloud providers etc.

    So I don’t have an answer, but the options are changing. I’ll watch this thread with interest and maybe post back later.

    Full Member

    The answer here is a laptop/whatever wired to your network running iperf then use iperf on client devices on wifi to measure actual bandwidth to the server.

    E.g. for ios you can get a client for free:

    And for various OS

    This is how you get good measurements, point to point, up or down, or both etc.

    Full Member

    Patent it, or watch the first person you talk to walk off with it.

    You can’t patent software in the uk/Europe. You can patent things with a software component though. Also till the point that the patent application is published you’re looking at about 12mo and about 5-10k in lawyer’s fees etc depending. And even then it doesn’t necessarily give you protection sufficient to prosecute any infringement (you’d need to be able to prove they infringed and afford to prosecute).

    If someone else having the idea alone is enough to kill the business – well they’ll have it as soon as you start trying to sell.

    Full Member

    Oh and you said O&G so look into OGTC’s TechX incubator (and as a funding source in general).

    Full Member

    Most of the points are covered above, but also consider marketing. Even if you clicked your fingers and the thing appeared tomorrow, ready to sell – how will you make people buy it? What will that cost in time, money etc. per sale? If you’re selling software, how will you support it, what will that cost?

    Basically ideas are all well and good but a business is execution not ideas. So work on the execution.

    Your main hurdle seems to be you can’t make the thing yourself. So you need someone that can, or money to get them. Either way you need a solid biz plan (to entice them to help or to raise investment/loan/grant – which often needs match funding). Broadly you need to know cost to make the thing, to support it, to sell it, what the market it worth (ideally lots) and what %age you can sell too (ideally lots) and % will need to buy to make a profit (ideally little). A biz plan that relies on capturing an entire market probably isn’t fundable. But to some extent that depends on scale, and regardless you’ll need the above numbers.

    Full Member

    If you like Fjallraven bags, just get one. Yes, spendy, but they are good (I have one, but looks like a model they don’t make any more).

    It’s nice, waterproof, lasting well and the fact the closures aren’t velcro or zips is great for me. I can fish stuff in/out in meetings/talks/quiet places without drawing attention or disturbing people.

    Full Member

    Just weighing in with a +1 on synology. Got 4 or 5 disk stations and a rack station at work, all great.

    That said, if this is for work stuff, surely you can justify the small extra outlay for a 2nd drive vs cost of lost data/time?

    Also bear in mind you say you don’t use iCloud as you don’t want stuff on the web – if you’re using the file sync features etc of a NAS you are making it internet accessible in some way. Do you trust yourself to keep a device up to date, patched and secure more than the big cloud providers?

    Full Member

    As above, if you want a stovetop get the Bialetti, cheap copies not worth it.

    OTOH if you want a single nice cup of coffee, with a bit of flexibility as to style (long/short etc) and minimal faff – aeropress all day long.

    (i have both, they make different sorts of coffee.)

    Alternatively, a better grinder for use with your cafetière. A nice coarse grind with a burr grinder leaves few small particles to get through. Still won’t match an aeropress for a clean cup mind.

    Full Member

    Shorts wise, the endura mt500 with the waterproof gooch are both ace and a nice close fit. Tho admittedly I’m a fair bit bigger than you.

    Top wise, wear whatever you want. Short sleeve Lycra is normal for me, tho if I’m wearing pads up top (unusual) sometimes slim fitting loose layer over the top, or a thin wind proof like a featherlite.

    Full Member

    I’ve a mega.

    Bottle mount attached under TT but yes you need to flip the shock so the piggyback is out the way. Why don’t you want to do this?

    I’ve had it like this 2 years now, no issues.

    Full Member

    In that case then, assuming you’re budget sensitive and not in a “use it or lose it” situation, the high clock speed 6 or 8 core i7/i9s give a nice balance of raw CPU speed for your money, and can still host a reasonable amount of RAM.

    E.g. i’ve a “cheap” 8700k based machine beside me, 6 cores up to 4.7gig. a 9700k gets you 8 cores. Still “consumer” parts, so limited to 128gb (or 64 depending on machine) but pretty cheap and cheerful. £1500 would easily get you something decent without a GPU, based on a 9700k + 64Gb, but space to take GPUs in the future. So if a fast 8 core, plus “some” ram will do, if it were me I’d phone up Scan and ask them to quote you for a 9700k, 64/128gb ram, decent boot SSD, win10pro (or whatever you use), data HDD, and ask them to spec the rest of the machine.

    If you need more RAM/CPU than that, price jump to Xeon workstations.

    Full Member

    Key things:

    – It’s pretty unusual to be doing ML without GPU these days. Spare slots isn’t the only consideration, cooling and power are too.
    — if it’s just old-skool NN and no deep learning, or inference only, it could just be CPU.
    – Double check the assumption on GPU use. If they are, then memory size is important. E.g. if your model needs 12Gb to train, smaller GPUs won’t cut it.
    – Scan are a good supplier for this sort of custom workstation thing. Speak to them on the phone.
    – OS is important, most modern ML is under linux, so you need good support.
    – If it’s NOT deep learning, memory size might be important, in which case Xeons. Which xeons and which sockets depend on requirements. If you need large memory, then you need 2 sockets to go beyond 1.5Tb but that’s way out your budget.
    – Just say no to AMD kids. There’ve been some issues in linux in the past.

    An obvious starting point – which EC2 instances do they use just now? Spec similar?

    Full Member

    I’ve run alu rims till they wear through and burst.. the bang is normally from the tube going, and both times I avoided being killed to death, but it was a bit buttock-clenching. Completed the ride both times too, tho had to disconnect the relevant brake.

    I dunno if carbon ones would go the same way, or worse though. I think the risk that it might be worse would have me replacing it. And TBH I’d rather avoid it happening again on alu rims too. You’d think i’d have learnt my lesson the first time…

    Full Member

    Do you need a medical certificate or will a race license do instead? I’ve done events in the past where this was the case, so I bought a BC membership and license (you get a provisional license with some grades or pay more for a UCI one, depending).

    Figured the docs would charge anyway so may as well bung the money at BC and get other benefits too.

    Full Member

    Rules look similar to the UK?

    Full Member

    Somewhere on Hadrian’s wall for a wander?

    Lakes as suggested above is also an obvious candidate, or perhaps Yorkshire Dales/moors?

    Full Member

    I’ve looked for this before for a 365 org, didn’t seem to be any way other than PS scripts to force it. Would also be interested in a solution though.

    Full Member

    was reading someone in the business saying that at the absolute top end, it’s not all that ridiculous on price. A fully specced out HP equivalent can run to $70,000+ apparently (!!)

    That isn’t even high end. Cost or spec.

    An Nvidia Deep learning workstation is ~130k. A spec’d out Dell 7920 can easily hit £150k+ and I reckon I could spec a 200k build.

    Mac pro maxes out at 1 CPU and 1.5TB ram, you can double that on high end PC kit. Similarly a pair of twin GPU boards is the max there for mac pro.

    Also someone suggested a better way to think about the stand would’ve been “we know you pro users don’t need the stand so you can save 1k without it”

    Full Member

    What sort of trek? Full sus can be fast, if it’s a fast one!

    As people say you’re on a fast summer combo….for an enduro bike. You don’t say, but I assume single ply both ends?

    A fast combo would be ikon front crossmark rear say. HR/Ardent is like riding through treacle in comparison, but then I’d not run this combo on a big bike.

    Full Member

    I use Dropbox at home and at work, it automatically syncs everything to the cloud without me doing anything

    Can I be in first with sync is not backup? Backup should be one-way (except restore process obvs), automatic, offsite.

    Anyway, I like backblaze for fairly cheap and easy cloud backup if that’s you’re thing. Initial backup can take a while obviously but after that it’s incremental.

    Full Member

    A relevant point made on the news coverage I read is that astronauts bodies can change significantly in the micro-gravity of the ISS, so the suit that fitted them well in training on Earth may not be such a good fit in the reality of space.

    Indeed, the astronaut in question had trained in both M and L suits and was able to wear both equally well, so they planned for her to be in a L (so the u/s M spare wasn’t needed) but then due to changes the M was better but not available.

    Full Member

    Another +1 for the HG stuff. I pick it up in B&Q.

    Full Member

    34” dell here. Love it.

    You do need to know how to use windows though, and not just full screen everything. Even 50/50 snap is too big, but depending on OS/window manager you don’t need to.

    Relevant Gary Bernhardt tweet/screenshot

    Full Member

    E.g. that dell 2419 is 20V/3.25A, 15V/3A, 9V/3A, 5V/3A. So that can’t do as much wattage as a 15” MBP charger, not sure what the minimum to charge one is, you can google that yourself.

    Full Member

    That It seems I can charge the Mac

    Check what Usb-pd standard the monitor supports, and which mac it is. Different kit needs/supports different wattages.

    Full Member

    I “had” a 1.8 for a month, nice car but…

    had an electrical gremlin with the parking sensors, and the dealer bullsh**ed us about it,

    Only the gremlin was the GPS. Dealer BS also, ended up threatening them with court action and I rejected it and got all my money back. Nice car though, and I don’t think it’s endemic to the model, just issues with the particular dealer and to some extent Seat UK’s mandated “repair” procedures.

    Full Member

    Not gonna side one way or the other, but do understand and choose between sub modules and sub trees if going that way.

    Full Member

    Mk2 or mk3? (“new shape” mk 3 are 08 on, but they still sold mk2 for a while).

    I drove the 90bhp petrol and diesel back to back when I got my old berlingo (mk3) the diesel drove a lot nicer, for that sort of vehicle, often full of people or stuff, the torque really helps.

    Full Member

    Part of the role is defining a technology roadmap/strategy, and I am wondering if I visualise this on a hand out it would have more impact.

    I had this in a role, I took a spreadsheet on an iPad where I’d planned and costed out how I’d deliver my strategy. Was prepared to leave it in my bag, but it came up in interview so I was able to talk through my reasoning etc – got the job.

    Full Member

    As this thread is attracting Leon enthusiasts, how’s it for bikes in the back? Anyone loading up XL 29er enduro bikes with just front wheel off? How’s it for kids seats in the back?

    Full Member

    The trick with photographing shiny things is simple – don’t light the object, light the things it reflects. Embrace the reflections, you need to create them so you control them.

    so say you have a shiny thing on a table in the corner of a room – light the walls and ceiling, as that’s what you “see”, and you don’t get other reflections.

    Alternatively if you can diffuse the light lots do something like:

    Full Member

    I had this issue with phone contract, problem was an old address of mine was down wrong in the credit agency’s address database so they couldn’t check my history. Bit of a faff to convince them their postcode lookup was wrong, but when I did it got sorted.

    Full Member

    Oh yeah, I’ve no interest in roof racks. Towbar rack if I’m going to use one at all.

    Problem I have is not many will take the wheelbase of bike I need, and those that do won’t fit easily in the boot. Mud in the back of the car I’m not worried about, I can line it/get a hatchbag.

    Full Member

    Ah, F series that I’m looking at. Planning to try drive a 5 too, see how it compares. Obviously a lot better on space but want to see if it feels a total barge or not.

    Full Member

    2014 tourer here.

    Fits my xl geometron g13 with the front wheel off no problem.

    This is good info, cheers. I presume by your bike size and username you also are pretty tall so have seats fairly far back.

    Hmmm, and then the stinger is in the back half of the post… what would you get instead then?

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