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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • IA
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    Well, you could sim that with something simple and 2D, wouldn’t even need a gui really, you could design “maps” in excel, write out a CSV then load that… simple grid world, class to handle movement and sensing.

    All depends the level of detail and what bit tickles you the most, e.g. if you go to one extreme, you have full 3D, robots running SLAM so they’ve got egocentric world maps you somehow need to match and merge and so on… or if you just care about path planning to enable some sort of implicit co-ordination then the above 2d gridworld example is fine.

    Multi-agent co-ordination/reasoning was my PhD, and I’ve worked in robotics about 15 years on and off, including multi-platform mapping, so you really did hit my specialist subject with your question ;-)

    My advice would be, decide what the interesting part of the problem is (to start) and sim only the bare minimum for that. You can always expand later.

    Anyway, we digress off-topic.To get back on topic, have a browse of:

    Find an arm (or robot) that’s cheap and has good ROS support – it’ll be easier* to get it up and running to do cool things. MoveIt is the ROS arm path planning library, widely used.

    *still requires a lot of computer geekery.

    Full Member

    Skoda Superb estate.  5 series size for 3 series money. Get over the badge they good cars. I have a 3 series touring BTW.

    Oh I’m over the badge. Thing is, I’m looking for Euro6 diesels (or petrol) and there are surprisingly few superbs about that fit the bill, and those that do aren’t saving me money over a 3 or 5. I might get a newer or less miles car, but that doesn’t bother me that much.

    Full Member

    Player stage is a bit inaccessible

    Player/stage and gazebo for 3D is probably the most widely used for that sort of thing, or roll your own with unity/unreal.

    What’s your background and what do you actually want to sim? Eg flight dynamics or coverage, or multi platform sensor fusion (and what sensors) etc…

    I’d echo the commments about robots being a lot about the software. Not entirely, but smarter software to enable simpler robots is the way of the world. If it wasn’t for the software comment I’d have suggested an intel real sense dev kit to play with rather than an arm. Arm control is hard, software wise, if you want any degree of autonomy, of course you may not! But sensors are the eyes of a robot, and nearly all robots only exist to move sensors through the world, hence the realsense suggestion – its a 3D camera (that’s a simplification but you get the idea)

    Full Member

    If you’ve noted the amount of 3 series, A4’s etc in event/trail centre car parks you should know you don’t have an issue.

    Problem is I have – and note they mostly have roof racks. I know A4 are ok for 26″ but not good for larger 29ers. I also note most people have bikes smaller than mine – only things I know longer are the longest geometron or a Pole

    HobNob’s conclusion sounds more like I’d expect – it’ll go but it’s a bit of a pain. I need to think about how much of a pain etc, it’s not just a car for bikes, but I do want to be able to go riding with me +1 at least without too much faff, and whilst it might be ok for others, I don’t like taking wheels off if I can avoid. Different strokes for different folks.

    Full Member

    much better with both wheels and pedals off though

    See comments like that worry me, in my mind, it doesn’t fit fine if you even think to try that…

    Anyone got a pic?

    krampus and spark – short forks, Bronson, small wheels. Makes me think it’s possible but right.

    A smuggler is close but a bit smaller than mine

    Full Member

    Can you imagine that happening at the side of the M1 or M25 etc?


    i was riding along a road beside the M5 two weeks ago, some shooting going on in neighbouring field, at one point some shot rained down around us. Bit further over it’d have been raining down on the M5….

    Full Member

    Ace bike transports. I’m 6’4” and can get me, two other and all three bikes in wheels on – just remove two seats and they wheel right in.

    Changing priorities mean I’m looking to swap for an estate soon. Not got around to advertising yet but maybe I should try on here when I do.

    Full Member

    What if I have 1000 photos in the folder?  Is that to big for a list?

    Good that you’re thinking of these sorts of things, but if you’re new to programming (rather than just python) TBH I’d start with getting it working, then think about how to make it better.

    That said, if you want the long answer…..

    ….1000 images? you’ll be fine. But for further reading: is the relevant reference for file system ops.

    You could use something like glob ( to restrict to just images (consider a folder might have other files).

    Or there’s os.walk() to get a generator you can just loop over, and not manage the list yourself, but that’s creating larger data structures and more file system queries in the large-no-of-files case (1000 isn’t large!) os.listdir() is better in this case, as it’s doing less per-file, generating smaller data structures as it goes.

    Speaking of generating, it can get fiddly if you need generators, in which case also look at

    Full Member

    Did you ever get a chance to try the rack in the boot?

    Full Member

    That Clio saloon…. words fail me.

    Full Member

    The exact combo of a superb estate plus towbar rack for long bikes intrigues me, as I’m car shopping. I was thinking ideally I’d leave the rack in the boot most of the time when not in use, so if it fits it’d be good to know.

    Full Member

    That e-bike ML up there, does it fit in the boot of your superb across it? Ie can you leave it in the boot when not in use?

    Full Member

    This got me thinking, I’ve never owned a saloon car. I’ve owned coupés, convertibles, estates, MPV’s and hatchbacks and SUV’s. Never a saloon.

    Why yo I started the thread, car shopping and wondered what the attraction was…

    Full Member

    More secure boot – I get that.

    Comments about saloon versions of hatches – amen.

    i don’t deny some saloons look good (fast early 90s E class anyone?) but then plenty hatches or estates do too.

    Full Member

    As above, the font has to go.

    With iPad on my lap, I can’t read it easily without zooming.

    Make it clearer you do stuff for money! I knew that from your post going in, but still had to hunt to see “commissions”. Even if it’s jusg something like “Making your bespoke…” rather than “specialising”.

    Full Member

    Thanks all, some good practical info here. bear-uk in particular, the pic is a great help.

    So basically it’s not happening in an estate, I thought that would be the case but the numbers seemed close on some so worth checking.

    FWIW I have a berlingo just now, 3 bikes and 3 people with wheels on all bikes. I know with something more car like it won’t be that easy, but was hoping for an “easy” 2 bike + 2, where easy means I can load/unload kit and bikes separate without piling stuff in the way/playing tetris, which is the usual issue with bikes lying down.

    Maybe I either need: a) another berlingo, b) some massive land barge (other half wouldn’t like that) or c) estate, and use a towbar rack when I need convenience and pack it internally for longer trips.

    People’s practical info from stuff they own is helpful though, some good data points above with specific examples.

    Full Member

    Edit – largest fram is a 17″ though, not a gate

    Yeah, I’m shifting farm equipment here ;-)

    need to be thinking more SUV size for that to work

    You say that, but typical estate boot floor to roof is 80cm, same in most SUVs. I’ve been looking at a fair few…

    My bike saddle dropped, front wheel off, high point is 94cm to saddle. 84cm fork dropout to bars.

    Full Member

    Get an IGN 25k (blue ones) map of the area, then get thee to the tourist info there and ask them for a FFC VTT map of the area. Combine knowledge from the two and crack on….

    FFC is the french cycling federation and VTT is mtb.

    Signs look like the below (but normally yellow)

    Full Member

    These suggestions are all good, some I’ve thought of, some I’ve not – which is the point of the thread.

    Bonus points for anyone with pics of how they get theirs in* if it’s particularly cunning**.


    **your bikes in your car! Wash your mind out with soap.

    Full Member

    The Yeti will fit 2 enduro bikes in upright with the rear seats out and just the front wheels off the bikes and droppers down.

    Just to give some idea of the scale of my bikes, for mine that needs a boot floor to ceiling height of 93cm (which just fits a yeti according to, great site) and a length of boot to back of front seats of 160cm, which I’d suspect is a bit too long? That’s the dimension that seems to kill me on a karoq.

    Full Member

    Yeti suggested above, they’re too small really. Need wheels off to fit bikes well and althoug there is headroom I find the seats narrow.

    Galaxy etc – too big really.

    Something where bikes fit vertical with front wheel out and dropper down might be the compromise. However my massive bikes are fighting me here (I’m 6’4” and have long enduro bikes, and XC bikes with 23” seat tubes etc).

    Had a look at a few cars today. Karoq is promising, Octavia is out as there’s not enough headroom for me, I fit a superb but they’re maybe too long for easy parking*, I like the seats in volvos but the exterior size to inside space ratio ain’t great.

    i think I need to measure my bikes now. Or get another small van :-/. Towbar rack might do, but a faff to store with no garage.

    *i know I’d park it fine, but the car’s not just for me.

    Full Member

    First decent overview of the new ones I’ve seen, they must have had a Euro press camp last week.

    Full Member

    Problem with fold flat in new Rifter etc is I need to turn bars to fit the length, but that then means the front of the bike is too tall and bars hit roof unless wheel drops into the footwell behind the front seats.

    now they have a XL that’s +30cm but not sure that’s enough for my massive bikes.

    Full Member

    Problem with sliding them in is it’s generally kit out, one bike in, sort out some padding, second in carefully and a bit of a faff. Currently I’m spoilt by wheeling one in, bungee it, then the next, done.

    i am vaguely tempted to try out some sort of luxury land barge such as the XC90, but fear Mrs IA would never drive it.

    Mostly round town we walk or cycle, just some errands need a vehicle.

    Full Member

    It’s not necessarily standing the bikes up, more wanting to ideally fit two in wheels on. Or in easily at least. The difference is bikes going in easy, without having to get all my kit out and play Tetris with bikes and kit.

    Seems like seats that come out maximise the chances of that in a smallish package.

    That said, hows the V70 for bikes? Front wheels off do they go upright? Or is it fronts off and pile carefully?

    Full Member

    A nice dinner somewhere expensive you’d not normally go cos it’s not “worth it”.

    Full Member

    They don’t topple over cos if you bungee from the big metal hoop that secures the top of the seats you’ve removed, you’re generally bungeeing around the top tube area.

    They don’t move, so they don’t rub. If they touch at all it’s either between cranks or on the stays by the dropout. In which case if you’re precious then jam a glove in there. Depending on bikes the grip of one bike might sit on the stem of the next or something – but that’s rubber on metal contact so no issue.

    I’ve had mine since ’09 and never had any lost paint/complaints from passengers getting their bikes carried.

    Helps a bit to have different sized bungees, and bungee each bike to the hoop as you put it in, then you don’t drop them on each other/yourself getting them in/out. And if you slide open the left door (behind the bikes) you have a massive space under the frames to jam kit.

    I’ll see if I’ve a loaded pic of it online anywhere…

    Full Member

    2 rear seats out, bikes longways down the left side, assembled, front wheels turned nearly 90 left and overlap them. 3 will go like this (and you have 3 seats).

    Secure bikes with bungees to the metal hoop that normally locates the seats, and I also loop the base of the rear wheels to the rearmost tie down point.

    3 bikes, 3 people, nothing’s rubbing and you can open and close both doors at will.

    Fits with my XL 29ers including silly long enduro nonsense, so anyone’s 3 bikes will fit like that.

    If you want to get more in, similar deal but take front wheels out, keep the bikes upright and “top and tail” them, 6 will go in easy with all rear seats out.

    If you’re going a long way with lots of luggage with 3+3, front wheels out and jam a couple big items of luggage under the forks and bikes in as usual, then wheels down the side.

    If you want to do 4+4 bikes: Both wheels off, one seat out. Bikes go upside down, across the boot. Then the extra width by the windows handles the extra length you need for dropouts etc. Then wheels go vertically inline racked in the space where you took a seat out. Simples.

    Full Member

    I’ve got one of the briefcase style Ortleib’s – it has a divider/insert for a laptop and mine happily lives in there with no other padding (and no damage). The QL3.1 mounting is particularly great IME, as it doesn’t rattle about as much as your standard rixen & kaul type hooks – the pannier is always in the same place:

    Full Member

    Good tips, thanks.

    anyone got some must see/visit spots?

    Full Member

    Planning to book ahead, hence asking for recommendations.

    Quite happy to just tool around a bit, going for wee wanders and enjoying the views etc, but thought a few planned activities/bad weather options might not go amiss. Though “sit and read a book somewhere dry” is always a backup option.

    Full Member

    Assuming you’re on EE? Otherwise it’s not even an option….

    Full Member

    Depending what you actually want to do with it, i’d be looking for something with ROS MoveIt support. Of course you could implement it yourself….

    Full Member

    My tip would be schedule some regular recurring time slot to review it, tidy up, file stuff to word docs or other storage and/or delete as appropriate.

    Full Member

    I’ve bought two lenses off them (on two occasions) as gifts, as described and I’d use them again. Obviously I bought once, then went back to them again – so no complaints here. If it’s “excellent” then it will be.

    Full Member

    It’s Called handoff, must be both devices signed into the same iCloud account? It’s opening the page from the phone.

    There’s a toggle in settings to turn it off (search bar at the top of settings will find itj

    Full Member

    Terrible news … you’ve dropped a peg ;-)

    Full Member

    The way the JPEG encoding/decoding works can be described as r…

    That more like a description of GIF. JPEG is frequency domain – better thought of as reducing “texture” information.

    Anyway, does it recompress? Short answer, yes (in most cases).

    Full Member

    Just done an order for similar (to the OP) with Diginate as they came recommended… i’ll try and remember to post back here when they arrive if i’m happy with them or not.

    Full Member

    A suggestion for something for you to try that might help you out:

    Do your regular commute, but force yourself to ride slow the whole way. Keep thinking about it.

    Check how much longer it took you.

    I’ll bet it’s not much, in any city situation. realising you can ease off a bit more than you think, take more care, and still get there on time helps. Helps you be more cautious, break the MTBer habit of “go go go”. Once you realise you can take it a bit easier and not really cost you any time, it’s easy to be safer with less effort.

    Feel free to ignore me, but it’s a positive thing you can try, which might help you feel you’re “doing something” about getting hit, and not let it put you off.

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