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  • New UK MTB Trail Alliance Gives Trail Stewards A Voice
  • I_did_dab
    Free Member

    prosecution – “Was there a fox coming up, was there a badger coming up, was there a spaceship landing?”

    I like this lawyer!

    Free Member

    Ibis mojo HD3 – just works perfectly

    Free Member

    Chemistry safety hat on – you should arrange for it to be disposed of. How about phoning your local university chemistry department, they might take it off your hands.
    It really is too hazardous to leave in the family home, OKish stoppered but if spilt…

    Free Member

    sounds like “actual bodily harm”, Magistrates court, fine/suspended sentence, criminal record, bound over to keep the peace..hopefully

    Free Member

    1990 Organic Chemistry
    now a Reader in Medicinal Chemistry doing cancer drug discovery.

    Journal impact factors are a waste of time though.

    I agree, but try telling that to the REF panels and University Administrators…

    Free Member

    Who needs cloud based storage as back-up when the whole thing fits on a 3.5″ floppy

    ah yes, back in the day cloud back up meant posting a floppy to your Mum once a week.

    Basic problem is that each succesful academic probably trains ~10-20 phds over their career

    I’m at 30 co-supervised and counting, all gainfully employed 🙂

    Free Member

    Make sure you have multiple cloud-based backups. Now’s the time for a catastrophic HD failure. Finishing off can be hard, as others have said, take a short break, make a list of small tasks that need doing, and cross them off one by one.
    You’ll be reet!

    Free Member

    it’s supposed to be about the folly and disaster of War, isn’t it?

    Originally the poppy was started by mothers who’d lost sons in the Great War along with the Cenotaph campaigns (iirc) but was quickly overtaken by the military. Nowadays its a strange celebration of pointless deaths in combat, hiding behind a charity for those damaged by those conflicts. It should be the day we get together and say collectively “never again”…

    Free Member

    He did ask for long, HD3 is not

    Fair enough, I’ve only used a tape measure to measure the sag on the rear shock…

    Free Member

    Tanfield (Co Durham) and Alston (Cumbria) have steam railways as well. At 6 and 3 mine loved playing in the Roman sites along Hadrian’s Wall. Chesters Fort was the favorite as it has a Roman toilet…

    Free Member

    Have you considered the Ibis mojo HD3?
    It goes up as well as down…

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why you would shoot one

    You can’t eat them, therefore they are using up valuable space.
    Plus they eat meat so might murder someones daughter’s pet chickens or rabbit that they haven’t shut up properly, or eat the game birds bred for toffs to shoot.

    Lovely photo BTW.

    Free Member

    I’ve said it before – the true offence here is ‘failing to spot the police’

    Free Member

    A raincoat to protect you from the sun awesome

    sometimes the sun comes out after it rains – Mancunians need not apply 🙂

    Free Member

    there is only one offence that counts and that is “failing to spot the police” that can be expanded to include cameras.

    Free Member


    +1 this, having seen the mess from a dry powder extinguisher. CO2 will spread debris and possibly coals around so also avoid.
    Get the chimney swept once a year to avoid chimney fires, and the fire blanket is a good idea too.

    Free Member

    Rolo may come back to haunt you if your cocker shares the love of rolling in smeely stuff that ours did. One week old rotting salmon was one of her finest moments…

    Free Member

    not really done anything like that before

    this would seem to be the thing, or blame your tyre selection…

    Free Member

    Darwin must come into it. Men are basically expendable for the survival of the species and so generally better equipped physically and psychologically to do life-threatening activities.

    Free Member

    Non-bikey people do struggle with the cost of bikes. I have found it useful to offer an equivalent e.g. “would you lock you laptop up outside?”, or “if you borrow a car and smash a light/wing mirror you pay up”.
    You could offer to split the cost – half for the damage and half to teach the OP not to lend stuff to colleagues…

    Free Member

    Overheard is a bit weak from a Sky hack – no evidence it really happened, could be made up. The right wing press would never do that though would they…

    Free Member

    accedentally been caught on mic

    nobody gets “accidentally” caught on mike by Sky News – they don’t forget and leave radio mikes on, or accidentally wave sensitive boom mikes near private conversations. They have an agenda, and smearing Corbyn will be a big part of their lives for the next few years. All in the name of democracy, you understand…

    Free Member

    GPS, plus paper map and compass, plus spare batteries for not getting lost duties. Of course if you don’t know how to use a map and compass it’s not much help. AT least the GPS can tell you where you are and where you intended to be. Phones are fine until you lose signal.

    Free Member

    My son has a Garmin Dakota. You get a colour touchscreen map. It takes AA batteries so its easy to keep spares on hand. Easy to use. GPS compass, good for geocaching/navigating when stopped. Free open source maps are available to download.

    Free Member

    I saw two Westies enjoying the ride in a Burley trailer. It wasn’t what I was expecting in Newcastle station but it made me smile…

    Free Member

    globalti +1
    don’t believe in karma, do believe in honesty and integrity (even if they are rare things)
    you’d be mad if it was the other way round and your mistake, and over the moon to find you were dealing with an honest person who gave you your money back

    Free Member

    You can legally cut them back as long as you offer the owner the offcuts

    +1 for this
    My stepdad did this, the neighbor was quite upset for a while until one of the untrimmed branches fell and crushed my stepdad’s shed. They reached an understanding after that about why crack willow has that name…

    Free Member

    I’m sure ny dog understands every word I say, but still ignores me… 🙁

    Free Member

    To which you reply “You’ll not be expecting any Christmas presents then…?” 8)

    Free Member

    It looked like Froome was riding hard enough to limit his losses and win but not so hard as to risk blowing (staring at power meter). I suspect he’s not 100% well.

    Free Member

    I told my lad a while ago that the fastest way down the mountain for Froome was to follow Nibali… 8)

    Free Member

    the problem with cross breeds is that you don’t really know which bits of each breed you’re getting. Will it have a spaniel or poodle brain? If you like poodles for the lack of shedding why not get a miniature poodle…?

    Free Member

    no real evidence that 9 pints of beer a week is safe


    Free Member

    I helped out with my daughters year 3 bike ride. A ~2 mile pootle, including some mildly technical rooty single track and a couple of tunnels under the railway bridge and by the river. There was the usual selection of bikes from bling Islabikes and Specialiseds, BMXs, to supermarket specials. Everyone had a good time in the rain apart from one lad on a “stunt bike”. His supermarket BSO had twitchy steering and wouldn’t go in a straight line, had lousy brakes, and plastic tyres. The poor lad fell a couple of times (once into nettles) and nearly ended up in the river. Sorry for the ramble, but…nice bikes are nice (we know that), heavy framed bikes are OK if the steering and brakes work, and beware of anything with “stunt” written on it.

    Free Member

    Remind me again why I’m supposed to dislike Froome? He’s quiet, polite, gives credit to his team, and seems genuinely pleased to be winning in a race he loves…

    Free Member

    A) continue with the bad atmosphere in the house, but make him realise that he needs to look after stuff and understand the effort required to earn a pound

    B) life is too short. Give him a cuddle and move on …

    Right now it’s is A…

    There is a middle way. You can explain how upset you are that the iPad got broken, that you work hard for the money used to pay for it, and that you expect him to pay for the home insurance excess (if it is covered) from his own money, and that if he doesn’t have any money he’d better start earning it. And then give him a cuddle and move on…
    Life is short as you say and accidents do happen.

    Free Member

    That’s a fantastic post which pretty much sums up the internet these days.

    Why thank you! 8)

    Free Member

    My stepdad read Froome’s autobiography. His verdict as a lifelong sports fan but not a cycling expert by any means was that he is “a bit of a headbanger”, I think that it was meant in a good way. He just loves bike racing and riding.

    Free Member

    Free Member


    sorry a bit oblique…the point —>
    electronic music is not new and hasn’t been since Mr Moog stepped up with his soldering iron*. Loud electronic music with flashy light shows has been popular since it was possible.

    *and others

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