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  • Crankbrothers BC18 SOS Bottle Cage Tool Kit review
  • I_did_dab
    Free Member

    But it’s still Christmas, Christmas Day for the Armenian Orthodox Church in fact…

    Free Member

    No love for an ibis mojo hd3 on here?

    I’ll second that – rides like an XC bike uphill, and is more than enough bike for me downhill.

    Free Member

    i try to restrict myself to a gentle shake of the head if the incident has passed. I’ll shout like a good one if someone is about to do something silly with me in the way.
    Last time I chased a car, I caught it up when it stopped, but I stayed behind it, calmed down, and felt a bit silly. It had a British Triathlon sticker and bike rack on it, go figure…

    Free Member

    OK I’ve shared this before but what the heck
    “Coeliac disease affects at least 1 in 100 people in the UK and in Europe; however, only about 24% of people with the condition are clinically diagnosed”
    from Coeliac UK. linky
    So if you feel better going gluten free you can a) reintroduce gluten and get tested or b) carry on gluten free and don’t worry about it.
    Route a) has the advantage that your GP will give you regular checks and you can get GF food on prescription (although many areas are stopping this).
    Route b) has the advantage that you don’t need to feel unwell again and you may be gluten/wheat intolerant rather than coeliac and get a negative test anyway.
    If you are coeliac and go on a gluten free diet it will take up to a month for you to feel properly well, and than you need to stick to the diet for life.

    Free Member

    My son has been studying this at school in history. My conclusion is that if the US government had not wanted a load of conspiracy theories to spring up they should have done things a lot differently. In particular, allow a full autopsy, don’t order the partial autopsy report to be destroyed, don’t take the main suspect out of the front door of court live on TV and unprotected allowing him to be killed, and finally don’t break standing orders and allow the President to travel in an open top car in the first place.

    Free Member

    well done, you definitely did the right thing. I’m sure there’s a lot of hard work to go to sort this out. You need to deal with your disappointment, but always remember that your daughter is ill. I’m not sure that telling her how you’re feeling at this stage will help.

    Free Member

    Those ibex reminded me of pro downhillers

    I though the same – Red Bull Rampage.
    Sadly, I also thought of the last scene in film Soylent Green – where Charlton Heston settles down to die watching nature programmes. It really might be the last time they can film some of these animals in the wild. Unless we do something.

    Free Member

    How about telling her you’re thinking of putting up some covert cameras because of the insurance claim. No threats or innuendo. Tell her they’ll only be protecting valuables and ask her if she has had anything go missing or any stuff that she’d like to protect. Put all valuable items and cash in a locked strong box in a designated cupboard. Cover it with two cameras – one she knows about and one she doesn’t.
    That way everything is above board and your trust in her declared (ish).
    Otherwise, have a separate chat about her finances etc and see if there is a problem that needs sorting out.

    Free Member

    Unless you have been diagnosed as coeliac

    Coeliac UK says “Coeliac disease affects at least 1 in 100 people in the UK and in Europe;* however, only about 24% of people with the condition are clinically diagnosed.”
    So some people’s ‘lifestyle choices’ will actually be self-diagnosis and treatment.
    * based on detection of anti-gluten antibodies in donated blood in a random screen

    Free Member

    add a third lock around both to prevent theft and provide your mobile number

    Free Member

    My colleagues had season tickets at Newcastle United in front of someone they called Mr Tourettes. He spends the entire 90 minutes of f-ing and blinding at everyone on the pitch (the away team, his team, the refs) it must be his weekly therapy by the sound of it. they regularly came out soaked with his spit. Lovely…

    Free Member

    if you have friends with dogs, maybe you could ‘borrow’ them for a day. We decided against a flat coat retriever when one came round to our old house and filled the front room with it’s enormous wagging tail.
    It’s a big decision to make so take your time.

    Free Member

    I would recommend reading How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk
    I found it helpful

    Free Member

    +1 for Yunki

    the most useful phrase I use with my kids (13 and 8) is “What’s the matter?”. It’s a great opener for them to tell you they are behaving badly because…

    Free Member

    “Better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world
    Than the pride that divides when a colourful rag is unfurled”

    Free Member

    can you put a story to the video to explain what the triangles are doing?

    If you can’t, you’re most likely on the Autistic spectrum. If you find it easy, you’re not.
    All the other stereotypes are irrelevant really.

    Free Member

    @postie – it had rained during the previous night so they were clean 🙂

    Free Member

    See ir-bandito – just look how good it is on a rocket – it must be an omen…

    Free Member

    Olympic TKD is as close to real world self defense as olympic fencing is to a knife fight – but that’s completely missing the point…

    Free Member

    not 100% sure it was blood from the photos – yikes

    Free Member

    I did TKD back in the day and did one competition, a mate was british champion for a while. I agree some of the fights so far have been awful with very little skill demonstrated other than front pushing kicks. The Jordanian that jumped off the mat to avoid defeat made me laugh, but he should have been DQed.

    Free Member

    I got Kudos from a friend for Strava-ing a rollercoaster. I didn’t even get the KoM.

    Free Member

    biking 40K and running 10K in wet shorts makes me feel sorry for him…

    Free Member

    Ellen isn’t racist, it isn’t personally insulting to Usain Bolt, but it is an image that resonates with historical images of whites being borne by their black slaves in a similar way – so it has a racist connotation. Anouther faux pas as she has past history of this sort of clumsiness with her GAP campaign.

    Free Member

    Never watched this type of cycling before, what a strange sport

    My theory is that they are all games you played on your bike as a kid. The Keirin is the chase the delivery scooter until it turns off and sprint to the next lamppost game, and the elimination race is the laps around the block – last one’s out game. Simple, that’s why they are great to watch.

    Free Member

    Let’s not forget the Revolution series that allows teenage club riders to experience a full size crowd in a proper velodrome at an early age. Those with a head for competition shine and get to mix with the GB team and the pros. I watched Adam Blythe do this ten years ago (for example).

    Free Member

    small Standard rocket, dismantle to remove the magnesium sparkly bit, compass to make hole in the cardboard, thread French banger fuse through hole, sellotape banger to rocket, short length of copper pipe to aim and you have artillery 8)

    Free Member

    suggested reading
    sounds like you need to update your reading list…

    Free Member

    High Street from Hartsop will be a bog fest.

    If you enjoy hike-a-biking up and then pushing your bike downhill through a bog, this is the route to choose. ‘Death bog slog’ sums it up from last summer.
    Nan Beild is the way to go.

    Free Member

    Not if you subsequently used the HW

    No it still doesn’t make sense for the overall CO2 output. It’s more efficient to use gas to heat water directly and export the electricity generated rather than using electricity to heat the water and gas to make the electricity that you didn’t export at a power station and transport it around the grid (which is inefficient).

    Free Member

    The Changes scared me shitless

    Oh yes, that and Dr Who and the green death…

    Free Member

    We have a 2kW array, it cost just under £4K fitted. I expect it will take about 10 years to pay for itself, but so far we have cut our electricity bill by 30% and exported 700 kWh this year (about 70% of what we generated). Just had an e-mail about a battery solution – that came in at £4K fitted. Getting the feed in tariff has been interesting, Scottish Electric have been very slow processing the forms and paying us. We have had to constantly nag, when my wife pointed out that they wouldn’t be so accommodating if we owed them money they finally paid us
    Sad that government policy took the legs out from under the solar industry, just as it was getting started. Mind you £18billion for nuclear in 2025 looks like a bargain in comparison.

    A much cheaper solution is to just dump excess leccy into an immersion heater.

    but this makes the least sense for the environment.

    Free Member

    My LBS closed a few years ago for a variety of reasons. The owner has reopened as workshop only – he carries almost no stock and doesn’t sell bikes. Anything needed for repairs is ordered from the internet, and he doesn’t take card payments. From the looks of things business is booming. It sounds like you have some breathing space to restructure your business – best wishes.

    Free Member

    Am I right in thinking that it is to Sky’s advantage to let a break from non-GC teams get away? That way GC-insignificant riders pick up the time bonuses and the GC is just down to time over the line. Plus Sky don’t get disliked (as much) for hoovering up all the wins.

    Free Member

    Liberals believe that given freedom of choice the masses (and markets) will choose the best option. Authoritarians believe that those that know best should make choices for the masses.
    You can be right or left wing politically and take either of the above positions.

    Free Member

    Sky have a team leader that the rest of the team clearly believes is a winner. He’s shown his will to win by running when his bike was smashed and by multiple attacks. If I was to put my ambitions on hold for another person to win, I would choose Chris Froome. Do any of the other GC teams have leaders that the team would bury themselves for day after day?

    Free Member

    they should consult the Labour Party NEC for a quick check of the rule book…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    twitter footage here

    Free Member

    we have to wait for the 1922 ctte to speak. SO the future leadership of the country is decided by a backroom committee, and all because we voted for more democracy. Oh the ironing…

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