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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • I_did_dab
    Free Member

    The thing is motorways were built for cars and other motorised vehicles, and so are restricted to them. Dual carriageways are for carriages which may or may not be motorised. In law a bike is a carriage, so you can ride on a dual carriageway legally. It has nothing to do with sensibleness or speed limit.

    Free Member

    regarding tolerance, I have always followed the advise that coeliacs should treat gluten in the same way they treat rat poison – i.e. a little bit might not kill you but it definitely isn’t good for you.
    Long term persistent inflammation is linked to a number of cancers so best avoided.

    Free Member

    How about this:

    and this:


    Free Member

    I was diagnosed about 20 years ago now. Back in the day you had to get Gluten free products on prescription as there were next to no staples in the shops. Now its much easier. Thanks to Coeliac UK (worth looking into) labeling in shops and restaurants is getting much better, and the product range in supermarkets is excellent.
    Loads of good advice above – so to add something new – holiday in Ireland. They have a very high diagnosis rate and so its the easiest place I’ve been to eat out.
    On the plus side its the only auto-immune disease with a known trigger, so this allows you to eliminate it from your diet and become completely well again.

    Free Member

    I would say use magnesis or attach a couple of octoballoons and waft it with a korok leaf.*

    *I have been off work and playing way too much Zelda: BOTW

    Free Member

    I’m not a radiographer, but I can confirm that that is definitely broken.
    I’m currently 8 weeks into my healing after a car left be with broken: collar bone, 2 neck vertebrae, and skull. I recommend codeine and paracetamol at night and just paracetamol during the day. I’d avoid surgery as (as others have experienced) it can get messy.
    Yours is broken pretty much the same place as Geraint Thomas’s, but remember – he gets paid to ride his bike.
    Get well soon.

    Free Member

    K-9, the crap metal dog, came back in the Sarah Jane Adventures on CBBC FWIW. So it is still battling to save the earth from alien scum…

    Free Member

    the skin glue Drs use is just regular superglue packaged for the medics. It stings a bit but works a treat

    Free Member

    I have found it fairly easy to find GF products in France in supermarkets, usually in the health-foody section. Not so easy in restaurants though, even with the correct translation.

    Free Member

    we had an English cocker and now have a Welsh springer. All the behaviours you are describing are perfectly normal for a dog of that age. You clearly have a high drive dog so you need to channel that so that he doesn’t make your life miserable. Lots of good advice above. I’d recommend clicker/treat training for indoors and scent training in an outdoors. For recall, hide and seek worked a well for us. It channels the natural hunting instinct into a useful reward based game. Our Welshie is prone to running off, the only thing that has worked has been me stopping calling her constantly so that she has to come looking for me (which she does eventually).
    Cockers can be very stubborn, and need gentle but firm and very consistent handling.

    Free Member

    In person: London 2012 Paralympics velodrome – including when Jamie Cundy lost it big time after his false start that wasn’t.
    There’s something humbling when you realise that you’d get royally beaten by an amputee.

    Free Member

    an architect would tell you that when half the office is complaining its too cold, and half its too hot then the temperature is exactly right.

    Free Member

    Here’s my take. She has made a vague request, you are interested, but you clearly are not getting along. So, I would recommend using a family mediation service, or another trusted third party to help you understand both your expectations and responsibilities. Once you have done this, get it all down on paper and signed by both parents. You could agree to review the agreement annually.
    Best of luck.

    Free Member

    At the risk of stating the obvious – your dream bike is your dream not anyone else’s. I would look at the bikes you already have and list the things you like and dislike about them. Then order your priorities. For my last bike e.g. I knew I wanted more travel, enduro-and XC capable, light enough for hike a bike, and not 29er.
    If the conclusion is that your love your current bikes, why not get the best, most saleable bike you can, then sell it and spend the money on something else?

    Free Member


    You see things at walking speeds you don’t notice on a bike

    scoping out new tracks and lines for example

    Take a pruning saw with you

    and a bad to pick up litter.
    I’m broken at the moment so walking is the best I can do.

    Free Member

    The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve on the exhaust failed on our ford 2.0 Tdci (one of many failures). not starting and white smoke was the symptom and one of the cheaper fixes.

    Free Member

    Here’s DUP leader Arlene Foster (centre) with convicted terrorist Adrian Bird (right) of the UDA which murdered over 200 civilians.

    front page of tomorrow’s Sun perhaps?

    Free Member

    so the DUP is/was to the UVF terrorists what Sinn Fein is/was to the IRA. Now who’s cosying up to (ex)terrorists. Oh the irony…

    Free Member

    is it the hike a bike, or the descent too technical for you to ride?

    there was a point on that route for me when the the thought occurred “have I just carried my bike up this hill to carry it down again!” mostly it was a great route.
    I now have a much lighter, longer travel bike though…

    Free Member

    our former cold war foes i.e. China and USSR now own huge swathes of the UK (mostly London) including our football teams. Our Universities are full of Chinese students. They wouldn’t invade – they’re doing just fine thanks.

    Free Member

    there’s a variety of blackberry that I’ve seen called ‘nature’s razorwire’. That would be a) legal, b) edible, and c) animal friendly, so triple win.

    Free Member

    My Mum was diagnosed with AML last November. She was too old/frail for aggressive induction chemo and bone marrow transplant (this is a rough option but can be curative). Instead, she went straight onto a Phase II trial of AraC (standard of care) plus an investigational drug, which is intended to be palliative. She didn’t get on with the new drug, but three cycles of AraC seem to have had some benefit (and some nasty side effects). She’s having regular platelet and whole blood transfusions and is still with us. So a big thanks to anyone in the Manchester area who’s a blood donor.

    Free Member

    Science shows that dogs bark because they are dogs. We too have a barky dog. We can’t leave her in the front room alone because of the barking. We can’t stop her barking at cats, people etc, but we do quiet her as quickly as possible. The command I use is “enough” and/or a finger on my lips. If we are not in the same room, we call her to us. If you can get your dog to bark to order (e.g. a “speak” command) it’s worth practicing both commands with treats.
    It can be useful… 😉

    Free Member

    I have the POC ones. They were the only ones that sized up correctly as I have big calves relative to the tops of my knees. I like them – even if I do have a bit of shin missing from just under where they fit 😳

    Free Member

    as we are “as sheep among wolves” we should be “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves”

    Free Member

    Planet X
    next question…

    Free Member

    choose a local firm.
    You want them to pay for windows and the work, not big ad campaigns, salespeople and new shiny vans.

    Free Member

    if we’re talking guitars etc
    I have one of these DM-3 still going strong and one of these RSii that needs a service

    Free Member

    Linn LP12

    better surely? I have a Linn Axis that’s as good as/better than CD. Yours might need a service 😉

    Free Member

    @dragon: my Marantz CD65SE is still going strong too. The drawer is a bit sticky but otherwise fine.

    Free Member

    I left school in 1984 – the year that Reagan nearly started a nuclear WWIII by accident (with operation Broken Arrow), acid rain was destroying Europe’s forests, the famine in sub-Saharan Africa was getting into full swing. We had the National Front in local elections…
    I’m sure my Mum worried about me as well

    Free Member

    There are some basic facts that are correct, but there are so many mistaken concepts or jumps of twisted logic e.g. protein transports thyroxin in the blood (true), eat more protein and so transport more thyroxin (bollocks).

    Free Member
    the info in this link is 90% complete bollocks #fakescience

    Free Member

    anyone with ageing parents should have a frank discussion about signing you on as Attorneys as soon as you can. There are forms online that help, or a solicitor will charge about £500 for the service.

    This is very true, if fact we all could set up a POA just in case. The £500 fee is an absolute rip off if you are able to fill in online forms with people’s names and addresses and get them signed and witnessed – it really is that easy. forms here

    Free Member

    somafunk> Eddie Redmayne has already done his Dr Who as Newt Scamander In Fantastic Beasts… for a much bigger fee I expect.

    Free Member

    endolfin – endorfin is my favourite. I pacifically say it on porpoise.
    I’m going to add that one to me list (and rocket surgery).

    Free Member

    @mcph no because a) it would be rude, b) because we asked why the cappuccino wasn’t very hot, and c) because it sounded like he knew what he was talking about.
    Why? Do you know him?

    Free Member

    The temperature of the milk affects the size of the bubbles as the milk proteins denature cooler for cappucino for a more open froth and hotter for silky closed froth on a latte and flat white… Or so the tattooed, pierced, styled hipster barista in Coffee Fix Gatley told me. Their coffee is very nice.
    Cups should be prewarmed on the machine.

    Free Member

    so it turns out that if you feed chickens extra vitamin D it ends up in the eggs sunshine eggs[/url]. In case you needed an excuse for a fry up.

    Free Member

    I would say don’t exercise if poorly/under the weather, sore/injured, or not feeling it – otherwise humans are a lot tougher than we have allowed ourselves to think we are.

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